Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

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42029 Publications

Assessments of the oxidation resistance of technical TiAl-alloys under the influence of fluorine and depending on the high temperature exposure technique

Pflumm, R.; Schütze, M.; Donchev, A.; Yankov, R.; Kolitsch, A.


TiAl-intermetallics show great potential for applications in high temperature-components due to their low density and excellent high-temperature strength. Their major drawback is the oxidation resistance at temperatures above 750°C. It has been shown that one way to improve this resistance by several orders of magnitude is the fluorination of the surface zone of the material. This fluorine treatment occurs at low temperatures and influences only the surface region of the components, so that the bulk properties are not affected. The fluorination changes the oxidation mechanism during subsequent oxidation exposure at temperatures higher than 750°C in such a way that the formation of a thick mixed oxide scale is replaced by the growth of a thin protective alumina scale. No additional coatings are necessary for the full protection of the substrate against further oxidation. One efficient and simple technique for bring the fluorine onto the TiAl surface is by using different liquid phases. This work focuses on the influence of liquid phase composition on the lifetime of the protective alumina layer. Possible beneficial synergistic effects between F and Si on the oxide nucleation behaviour are discussed in comparison to alternative fluorination methods such as plasma immersion ion implantation. Furthermore, the influence of the high temperature exposure needed for the initiation of the change in the oxidation mechanism of TiAl-alloys (i.e. conventional furnace exposure versus short-time laser treatment) on the stability of the protective character of alumina is examined.

Keywords: Oxidation resistance of TiAl alloys; high temperature oxidation

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    International Conference Intermetallics 2013, 30.09.-04.10.2013, Bad Staffelstein, Germany


Ion Implantation Based Surface Modification of TiAl Materials

Kolitsch, A.; Yankov, R.


Titanium aluminide (TiAl) alloys are attractive lightweight materials for medium-temperature (500°-750°C) structural applications including components such as jet engine and industrial gas turbine blades, turbocharger rotors and automotive engine valves. However, envisaged service temperatures for future advanced applications will have to be in the range of 750° to 1000°C, over which these alloys suffer from both oxidation and oxygen embrittlement. Therefore, development of surface-engineering techniques for preventing high-temperature environmental damage is critical in exploiting the advantages of TiAl alloys to their fullest extent. Two efficient approaches to protecting candidate TiAl alloys from high-temperature (>750°C) environmental degradation have been developed at HZDR. The first technique involves a single step, namely treating TiAl alloy components directly by plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) of fluorine using a mixture of difluoromethane and argon (CH2F2 + 25% Ar) as the precursor gas. The oxidation performance of the fluorine-implanted alloys has been evaluated by thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) over the temperature range of 750° to 1050°C under conditions of both isothermal and thermal cyclic oxidation in air, and for times as long as 6000 h. This type of surface modification has been shown to produce a stable, adherent and highly protective alumina scale. The second technique involves the fabrication of a durable protective coating in a two-step process, namely formation of a thin aluminum-rich TiAl layer (Ti-60Al) by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) employing a mixture of inorganic precursors, followed by PIII of fluorine. Subsequent long-term oxidation exposures to air at 900°C of a GE 4822 alloy (Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb; alloy composition qualified for aerospace applications) have shown that the coating so developed is able to successfully prevent oxidation damage to the base material while maintaining up to 90% of its initial mechanical properties (strength and ductility).

Keywords: Ion Implantation; TiAl alloys; protective coatings; aerospace applications

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    19th International Vacuum Congress (IVC’19), 09.-13.09.2013, Paris, France


Oxidation protection coatings for titanium, titanium-base alloys and titanium aluminides in high-temperature oxidizing environments

Yankov, R.; Kolitsch, A.; Johannes, V. B.; Donchev, A.; Bortolotto, L.; Masset, P.; Schütze, M.


Titanium and its alloys with aluminum have been widely used as engineering materials for a number of advanced technical applications, and particularly in aeronautics, because of their high strength-to-weight ratio and good oxidation resistance in the medium temperature range (up to 500°C for Ti and ~ 750°C for TiAl). However, environmental durability at higher temperatures is presently still a concern due to insufficient oxidation and embrittlement resistance. Therefore, oxidation protection coatings are needed to fulfill the high temperature structural potential of these materials.
This work consists of two parts. The first part deals with the development of an oxygen barrier coating to prevent oxidation of Ti and low-Al-content Ti-base alloys (< 10 at.% Al) at temperatures not exceeding 600°C. The surface modification process has involved magnetron co-sputtering of Ti and Al onto the base alloy material followed by vacuum annealing and plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) of fluorine to activate the so-called halogen effect. Oxidation exposure in air at 600°C for 100 h has shown that the coating is able to form a protective Al2O3-containing scale and, moreover, exhibits good substrate compatibility.
The second part of the work has focused on the development of an oxidation resistant coating for γ-TiAl alloys (Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb). The fabrication process has involved formation of an Al-rich (50-60 at.%) TiAl overlayer by chemical vapor deposition followed by PIII of fluorine. Subsequent oxidation exposures of the coated γ-TiAl alloy to air at 900°C for 350 h have shown that the coating prevents effectively both oxidation and embrittlement to the baseline material while preserving 90% of its initial mechanical properties.

Keywords: Oxidation protection; coatings for titanium; titanium-base alloys; titanium aluminides; high-temperature oxidation

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    EUROMAT2013 - European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, 08.-13.09.2013, Sevilla, Spain


Surface treatment for improved high temperature environmental stability of Ti-alloys

Donchev, A.; Galetz, M.; Schütze, M.; Yankov, R.; Kolitsch, A.


Titanium alloys are widely used as light weight structural materials at low temperatures. Due to their high affinity towards oxygen a protective TiO2-passive layer is formed. This layer is only protective at temperatures below about 500°C. With increasing temperature this layer gets deteriorated and hence oxygen inward diffusion is accelerated. This inward diffusion leads to an oxygen enriched subsurface zone which is brittle because Ti has quite high oxygen solubility. The enriched zone can cause failure of Ti-components under thermocyclic and/or mechanical load. To prevent this failure mode a two step process was developed. The first step was enrichment of Al in a narrow surface zone to form the intermetallic TiAl-phase with low oxygen solubility and a high Al-content. The second step consisted of fluorination. Unfluorinated -TiAl-alloys usually form a mixed non protective oxide scale but a protective alumina layer develops after addition of small amounts of fluorine into the surface zone. This so called fluorine effect works for TiAl-alloys with an Al-content above 40at.%. The alumina layer suppresses the oxygen inward diffusion and slows down the oxidation kinetics. The intermetallic TiAl subsurface prevents oxygen uptake into the metal and, thus, embrittlement. In this work results of high temperature exposure tests of untreated and treated technical Ti-alloys will be presented and compared. The results will be discussed considering a use of protected Ti-components in high temperature environments.

Keywords: Magnesium; aluminium; titanium; science and technology

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Euro LightMAT 2013 - International Congress and Exhibition on Light Materials – Aluminium, Magnesium, Titanium and their Alloys, 03.-05.09.2013, Bremen, Deutschland


Surface modification of protective coatings on titanium aluminides by plasma immersion ion implantation of fluorine to suppress environmental embrittlement at high temperatures

Yankov, R.; Bleicher, F.; Bortolotto, L.; Geiger, G.; Kolitsch, A.; Langlade, C.; Masset, P.; Paul, J.; Pelic, B.; Pyczak, F.; Rafaja, D.; Schumacher, P.; Schütze, M.; Wolf, G.


Due to their excellent density-specific properties, titanium aluminide (TiAl) alloys have been identified as high-payoff materials for advanced aerospace and power generation applications in the medium-temperature (600°-750°C) range. They have recently been applied as structural materials for turbine blades in the low-pressure section of the GEnx jet engine. These alloys, however, are prone to both oxidation and embrittlement when exposed to oxidizing environments at temperatures above ~ 750°C. Under such conditions, TiAl alloys form a mixed (TiO2+Al2O3) non-protective oxide scale resulting from the difference in both the growth kinetics of the two oxides, and the chemical activity of the constituent elements, Ti and Al. Thus, for high-temperature (> 750°C) applications, an oxidation protection coating is needed to prevent environmental damage of the base alloy without degrading its initial mechanical properties.
The present work has focused on the development of coatings for the efficient oxidation protection of TiAl alloys at high temperatures. Aluminum-rich TiAl coatings (50 to 60 at.%Al) have been produced by either chemical vapor deposition (MO-CVD), physical vapor deposition (PVD) or thermal spraying (HVOF, APS) techniques onto a GE alloy (Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb) qualified for aerospace applications. The coating surface has then been modified by plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) of fluorine to promote the formation of a protective alumina-containing scale relying on the so-called halogen effect. For the PIII processing, either difluoromethane and argon (CH2F2/Ar) or silicon tetrafluoride and argon (SiF4/Ar) has been used as the F-containing precursor gas. The resulting F-implanted coatings have been exposed to oxidative/corrosive environments at 850°C for 350 h, and have shown a high degree of oxidation resistance. The mechanical properties of the coated samples have been examined by 4-point bend, tensile and fatigue testing after oxidation in laboratory air at 900°C for 100 h. Combining a CVD process with PIII of F (the CH2F2/Ar process) has been found to give the best results in terms of efficient environmental protection against oxidation and embrittlement. It has also been established that more than 90% of the initial mechanical properties of the substrate TiAl alloy can be retained after the application of such a protective coating.

Keywords: titanium aluminides; oxidation protection; coating; fluorine; plasma immersion ion implantation

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    12th International Workshop on Plasma Based Ion Implantation and Deposition (PBII&D 2013), 01.-05.07.2013, Poitiers, France


Surface engineering of gamma-titanium aluminide alloys for combined improvements in environmental durability at elevated temperatures

Yankov, R.; Kolitsch, A.; Johannes, V. B.; Masset, P.; Bortolotto, L.; Donchev, A.; Schütze, M.


γ-TiAl alloys are attractive materials for medium-temperature (500-750°C) aeronautical applications. Current technology progress, however, is driven by the trend towards new concepts requiring temperatures > 750°C at which γ-TiAl components fail to perform because of poor oxidation and embrittlement resistance. We have developed two approaches to protecting γ-TiAl alloys from high-T oxidation. The first one involves treating γ-TiAl alloys by plasma-based ion implantation (PBII) of fluorine. This type of modification produces a highly protective Al2O3 scale upon oxidation in air at temperatures up to 1050°C. The second method is based on the fabrication of a protective coating in a two-step process, namely formation of an Al-rich TiAl overlay by chemical vapor deposition followed by PBII of F. Subsequent oxidation exposures to air at 900°C have shown that the coating prevents both oxidation and embrittlement to the base alloy while maintaining 90% of its initial mechanical properties.

Keywords: gamma-TiAl; oxidation protection; plasma based ion implantation; protective coating

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    International Workshop on Gamma TiAl Alloy Technology (GAT 2013), 11.-14.06.2013, Toluese, France


Protonen mit Licht beschleunigen – Dosimetrische Charakterisierung laserbeschleunigter Protonen mittels Festkörperspurdetektoren im Rahmen von Zellexperimenten

Knaute, J.


Für eine neuartige Krebstherapie mit Protonen ist es wichtig zu wissen, welche Energie die Protonen haben. Für einen speziellen Detektor wurde eine automatische Auswertung entwickelt.

Keywords: laserbeschleunigter Protonen

  • Junge Wissenschaft 97(2013), 48-59


Theoretical investigation of the saturation correction for ionization chambers irradiated with pulsed beams of arbitrary pulse length
Theoretische Untersuchung der Sättigungskorrektion von Ionisationskammern in gepulsten Strahlungsfeldern bei beliebiger Pulsdauer

Karsch, L.; Pawelke, J.


In ionization chambers, not all released charge is collected due to the recombination of charge carriers. This effect is taken into account by the saturation correction factor kS. A physical description of the correction factor has been established for pulsed radiation. However, it is only accurate when the pulse length is short compared with the collection time of the ionization chamber. In this paper we develop a description of the saturation correction for radiation pulses of arbitrary length. For this, a system of partial differential equations is solved iteratively. The numerical solutions are verified experimentally for a Roos ionization chamber (PTW TM34001) exposed to a pulsed electron beam. The results of this iterative procedure describe the experimental data well. The calculations are also possible for beam structures which are experimentally hard to get and thereby contribute to a better understanding and correct description of the saturation correction at arbitrary pulse length. Among other things the pulse length dependent distributions of the charge carriers in the ionization chamber is calculated, inclusive of the transition to the conditions prevailing in the case of continuous irradiation. Furthermore is shown that the formula for kS established by Hochhäuser and Balk [1] is applicable even at arbitrary pulse length, if pulse duration dependent effective values are used for the parameters a and p. These effective values have been determined for the Roos chamber at pulse lengths up to 300μs

Keywords: ionization chamber


Realizing a laser-driven electron source applicable for radiobiological tumor irradiation

Nicolai, M.; Sävert, A.; Reuter, M.; Schnell, M.; Polz, J.; Jäckel, O.; Karsch, L.; Schürer, M.; Oppelt, M.; Pawelke, J.; Kaluza, M.


Laser-accelerated electron pulses have been used to irradiate human tumors grown on mice’s ears during radiobiological experiments. These experiments have been carried out with the JETI laser system at the Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics in Jena, Germany. To treat a total of more than 50 mice, a stable and reliable operation of the laser-electron accelerator with a dose rate exceeding 1 Gy/min was necessary. To achieve this, a sufficient number of electrons at energies in excess of 5 MeV had to be generated. The irradiation time for a single mouse was a few minutes. Furthermore, the particle pulses’ parameters needed to remain achievable for a time period of several weeks. Due to the online detection of the radiation dose, the unavoidable shot-to-shot fluctuations, currently still typical for laser-based particle accelerators, could be compensated. The results demonstrate that particle pulses generated with laser-based accelerators have the potential to be a future alternative for conventional particle accelerators used for the irradiation of tumors.

Keywords: laser-driven electron source; radiobiology


Influence of pulse length on collection efficiency of ionization chambers irradiated with pulsed beams.

Karsch, L.; Gotz, M.; Pawelke, J.


In ionization chambers not all released charge is collected due to recombination of charge carriers. A physical description of the correction factor has been established for pulsed beams for many decades. However, it is only accurate if the pulse length is short compared to the collection time of the ionization chamber. In this contribution a new, more generalized description of the Saturation correction (i.e. for arbitrary pulse lengths) is presented.
Experiments have been performed using a Roos ionization chamber (TM34001, PTW Freiburg, Germany) because this model is a planparallel chamber often used in clinics. The pulse length dependence was investigated at the superconducting electron linear accelerator ELBE. For the new theoretical description a system of partial differential equations is solved iteratively. The free parameters were adjusted for best agreement with the experiment.
The experiment shows, that the established description of saturation correction is only valid for pulses shorter than 10 μs. Furthermore, our new theoretical description allows the determination of Saturation correction in a wide range, e.g., for beam time structures which are experimentally difficult to realize and for longer pulse durations. Hereby the calculation results in a better understanding of the recombination process by giving insight into the dynamics of charge carrier distributions. In this way we can show that the established theoretical formalism is also valid at longer pulses, if the previoulsy used fixed parameters are reintroduced as pulse length dependent. For the Roos chamber the dependence of these parameters is demonstrated.

Keywords: ionization chamber; pulsed beam

  • Open Access Logo Abstract in refereed journal
    Medical Physics International 1(2013)2, 401


Concept of a compact rotating gantry for laser acceleration based proton therapy

Karsch, L.; Bussmann, M.; Enghardt, W.; Kroll, F.; Masood, U.; Pawelke, J.


n ionization chambers not all released charge is collected due to recombination of charge carriers. A physical description of the correction factor has been established for pulsed beams for many decades. However, it is only accurate if the pulse length is short compared to the collection time of the ionization chamber. In this contribution a new, more generalized description of the Saturation correction (i.e. for arbitrary pulse lengths) is presented.
Experiments have been performed using a Roos ionization chamber (TM34001, PTW Freiburg, Germany) because this model is a planparallel chamber often used in clinics. The pulse length dependence was investigated at the superconducting electron linear accelerator ELBE. For the new theoretical description a system of partial differential equations is solved iteratively. The free parameters were adjusted for best agreement with the experiment.
The experiment shows, that the established description of saturation correction is only valid for pulses shorter than 10 μs. Furthermore, our new theoretical description allows the determination of Saturation correction in a wide range, e.g., for beam time structures which are experimentally difficult to realize and for longer pulse durations. Hereby the calculation results in a better understanding of the recombination process by giving insight into the dynamics of charge carrier distributions. In this way we can show that the established theoretical formalism is also valid at longer pulses, if the previoulsy used fixed parameters are reintroduced as pulse length dependent. For the Roos chamber the dependence of these parameters is demonstrated.

Keywords: proton therapy; gantry; laser acceleration

  • Open Access Logo Abstract in refereed journal
    Medical Physics International 1(2013)2, 566


Platinum-group minerals (PGM) nuggets from alluvial-eluvial placer deposits in the concentrically zoned mafic-ultramafic Uktus complex (Central Urals, Russia)

Zaccarini, F.; Pushkarev, E.; Garuti, G.; Krause, J.; Dvornik, G.; Stanley, C.; Bindi, L.


We report the results of a detailed mineralogical investigation of platinum-group minerals (PGM) and copper-gold nuggets from the Uktus Ural-Alaskan type complex in the Central Urals (Russia). The studied nuggets were sampled in alluvial-eluvial deposits from three small valleys, with temporary water flows, cutting across the Uktus massif. The volume of the washed samples varies from 0.03 to 0.08 m3 and a few tens of PGM nuggets, ranging in size from about 100 m m to about 2 mm, were collected. According to their chemical composition, the most abundant PGM are native Ir-Os and alloys in the Pt-Fe-Cu-Ni system. The following less abundant PGM were also recognised: sulfarsenides of the irarsite-hollingworthite-platariste series, sulfides such as laurite, cuproiridsite, kashinite and the sulfantimonide tolovkite. One alloy corresponding to the formula Cu3Au2 was found, and proved to be Cu-rich tetraauricupride. The nuggets of Uktus have, in some cases, a polygonal shape. However, most of them have an irregular morphology and are characterised by a porous rim and zoning. The investigated nuggets occur as single-phase crystals or as polyphase grains, composed of different PGM. One nugget displays a very complex texture, being composed of a Pt-Fe alloy associated with osmium and Cu-rich tetraauricupride. These minerals are in contact with quartz that contains minute inclusions of hollingworthite and platarsite. The mineralogical similarity with the PGM inclusions in the Uktus chromitites indicates these rocks as a possible source for the PGM nuggets. The presence of faceted morphology in some nuggets suggests that they were mechanically liberated and transported for a relatively short distance from their lode deposits. The nuggets characterized by a rounded shape and occurring in association with quartz and Cu-rich tetraauricupride have probably been reworked in the placer environment. Therefore, in the Uktus placers deposits, two types of PGM nuggets can coexist: (i) primary with a magmatic origin, i.e., only mechanically liberated from their source rock, and (ii) secondary, i.e., reworked and grown in the placers. The mineralogical assemblage of the Uktus PGM nuggets, the fact that the Uktus PGM placers have never been mined and the recent exponential increase in demand for noble metals make the placer deposits associated with the Uktus complex potentially important for the economic recovery of these rare metals, at least on a small scale.

Keywords: PGM nuggets; Cu-Au alloy; Uktus massif; Urals


Optimization of depolarization losses and scaling of a high average power diode pumped laser amplifier using Yb3+ doped CaF2

Albach, D.; Loeser, M.; Röser, F.; Siebold, M.; Schramm, U.


We compare different optimization techniques for high average-power diode-pumped solid-state laser amplifiers currently developed at the PENELOPE project. Amplified spontaneous emission and thermally induced depolarization losses are the main limiting factors besides laser induced damage. Optimizing the laser gain medium geometry and the choice of the gain medium are the key factors for highly efficient laser amplifiers.

Keywords: amplifier; depolarization; depolarization compensation; CaF2; diode pumping

  • Poster
    The 2nd Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS’13), 23.-25.04.2013, Yokohama, Japan


X-ray diffraction investigations under non ambient conditions at the Rossendorf Beamline ROBL

Baehtz, C.; Grenzer, J.; Roshchupkina, O.; Kidambi, P. R.; Bayer, B.; Wheaterup, R.; Hofmann, S.


The Rossendorf Beamline ROBL at the ESRF is operated since 1998 by the Institute of Resource Ecology and Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research of the HZDR. In 2011-2012 the optics of the beamline such as mirrors double crystal monochromator and diagnostic was modernized to meet future experimental demands. The Materials Research Station is focusing on in-situ investigations. These are in thin film synthesis by magnetron sputtering, in-operando measurements on lithium ion batteries, surface modification by ion implantation and high temperature investigations using reactive atmosphere like in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes.
Iron nano-crystals are a common catalyst in the CVD growth reaction of carbon nano tubes. These crystals were formed by dewetting of the corresponding iron thin film at raised temperatures. Under reaction condition different iron phases such as Fe3C, alpha-Fe and gamma-Fe were detected. Their concentrations are strongly varying before, after and during the CVD process. This leads to the conclusion that besides Fe3C also metallic iron is catalytically active [1].
In graphene CVD nickel and copper are commonly used as catalyst. High resolution diffraction data were collected at reaction temperature. The lattice parameter was calculated using Lebail fit, corrected due to small shifts in sample surface temperature by the thermal expansion determined before. The results show a lattice expansion of nickel under different CVD atmospheres, indicating an uptake of hydrogen and carbon on interstitials in the metallic Ni. The carbon uptake is only partially reversible, but additional hydrogen can be assimilated .

Keywords: Diffraction; synchrotron; graphene; CNT; CVD

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK) 2013, 19.-22.3.2013, Freiberg, Germany


Recent experimental results on Thomson Scattering

Jochmann, A.; Debus, A.; Irman, A.; Couperus, J. P.; Zarini, O.; Steiniger, K.; Pausch, R.; Bussmann, M.; Schlenvoigt, H. P.; Helbig, U.; Kraft, S. D.; Cowan, T. E.; Sauerbrey, R.; Schramm, U.; Lehnert, U.; Kuntzsch, M.; Wagner, A.; Teichert, J.; Arnold, A.; Michel, P.; Mccanny, T.; Ledingham, K. D.; Troitsenko, S.; Stöhlker, T.


Thomson backscattering of intense laser pulses from relativistic electrons not only allows for the generation of bright X-ray pulses but also for the investigation of the complex particle dynamics at the interaction point. For this purpose a complete spectral characterization of a Thomson source powered by a compact linear electron accelerator was performed with unprecedented angular and energy resolution. A rigorous statistical analysis comparing experimental data to 3D simulations enabled, e.g., the extraction of the angular distribution of electrons with 1.5% accuracy and, in total, provides predictive capability for future high brightness hard X-ray and potential gamma-ray sources. We further present a novel Thomson scattering geometry in order to avoid the restrictions on the X-ray photon yield imposed by the Rayleigh limit. The suggested traveling-wave setup (TWTS) allows an overlap of electron and laser beams, even after propagating over distances in the centimeter to meter range. Experimental designs are discussed and optimized for different scattering angles.

Keywords: Thomson scattering; x-ray; Traveling-wave Thomson scattering; TWTS

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    3rd International Conference Frontiers in Diagnostic Technologies, 25.-27.11.2013, Frascati, Italien


Reproducibility of target coverage in stereotactic spot scanning proton lung irradiation under high frequency jet ventilation.

Santiago, A.; Jelen, U.; Ammazzalorso, F.; Engenhart-Cabillic, R.; Fritz, P.; Mühlnickel, W.; Enghardt, W.; Baumann, M.; Wittig, A.



To investigate scanned-beam proton dose distribution reproducibility in the lung under high frequency jet ventilation (HFJV).
For 11 patients (12 lesions), treated with single-fraction photon stereotactic radiosurgery under HFJV, scanned-beam proton plans were prepared with the TRiP98 treatment planning system using 2, 3-4 and 5-7 beams. The planning objective was to deliver at least 95% of the prescription of 33 Gy (RBE) to 98% of the PTV. Plans were subsequently recomputed on localization CT scans. Additionally, for selected cases, the effects of range uncertainties were investigated.
Median GTV V(98%) was 98.7% in the original 2-field plans and 93.7% in their recomputation (p=0.039). The respective values were 99.0% and 98.0% (p=0.039) for the 3-4-field plans and 100.0% and 99.6% (p=0.125) for the 5-7-field plans. CT calibration uncertainties of ±3.5% led to a GTV V(98%) reduction below 1.5 percentual points in most cases and reaching 3 percentual points for 2-field plans with beam undershoot.
Through jet ventilation, reproducible tumor fixation for proton radiotherapy of lung lesions is achievable, ensuring excellent target coverage in most cases. In few cases, non-optimal patient setup reproducibility induced density changes across beam entrance channels, leading to dosimetric deterioration between planning and delivery.


Niedermolekulares Heparin senkt Thromboserisiko bei chemotherapeutisch behandelten Tumorpatienten

Heller, S.; Krause, M.


Molecular radiation biology/oncology at its best: cutting edge research presented at the 13th International Wolfsberg Meeting on Molecular Radiation Biology/Oncology.

Baumann, M.; Bodis, S.; Dikomey, E.; van der Kogel, A.; Overgaard, J.; Rodemann, H.; Wouters, B.


Modification of staging and treatment of head and neck cancer by FDG-PET/CT prior to radiotherapy.

Abramyuk, A.; Appold, S.; Zöphel, K.; Baumann, M.; Abolmaali, N.



Reliable tumor staging is a fundamental pre-requisite for efficient tumor therapy and further prognosis. The aim of this study was to compare head and neck cancer (HNC) staging before and after FDG-PET/CT, evaluating the stage modifications for radiotherapy (RT) planning.
A total of 102 patients with untreated primary HNC, who underwent conventional staging and staging including FDG-PET/CT before RT, were enrolled in this retrospective study. Blinded pre-FDG-PET/CT and post-FDG-PET/CT staging data were compared. The impact on patient management was tested by comparing the intention before and after FDG-PET/CT.
Significant modifications of T, N, and M stage as well as clinical stage were detected after inclusion of FDG-PET/CT data (p = 0.002, 0.0006, 0.001, 0.03, respectively). Overall, the implementation of FDG-PET/CT led to modification of RT intention decision in 14 patients.
FDG-PET/CT demonstrates essential influence on tumor staging in HNC patients scheduled for irradiation. Implementation of FDG-PET/CT in imaging protocol improves selection of candidates for curative and palliative RT and allows further optimization of treatment management and therapy intention.


Arbeiten zur MHD am HZDR mit Bezug zur Kristallzüchtung

Gerbeth, G.


Es wird eine Übersicht zur magnetischen Strömungsbeeinflussung in Kristallzüchtungsprozessen gegeben.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Fraunhofer Forschungszentrum für Silizium.Photovoltaik (FhG-CSP), 13.12.2013, Halle, Deutschland


Magnetic stirring of melts

Gerbeth, G.


Basics and applications on magnetic stirring of melts are given

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Sommerschule des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs der TU Ilmenau, 01.10.2013, Karlsruhe, Deutschland


Arbeiten zur Flüssigmetall-Magnetohydrodynamik (MHD) am Institut für Fluiddynamik des HZDR - Grundlagen und Anwendungen

Gerbeth, G.


Es wird eine Übersicht zu MHD-Arbeiten am HZDR gegeben

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Klausur des SFB 799 der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 04.09.2013, Leipzig, Deutschland


Concluding Remarks and Outlook on the Helmholtz-Alliance Liquid Metal Technologies (LIMTECH)

Gerbeth, G.


A summary of the SFB works is giben with an outlook on future cooperative activities.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    International Symposium on Electromagnetic Flow Control in Metallurgy, Crystal Growth and Electrochemistry, 25.-27.03.2013, Dresden, Deutschland


Hydrogen Plasma Induced Modification of Photoluminescence from a-SiN(x):H Thin Films

Bommali, R.; Ghosh, S.; Prakash, G. V.; Gao, K.; Zhou, S.; Khan, S. A.; Srivastava, P.


Low temperature (250-350oC) hydrogen plasma annealing (HPA) treatments have been performed on amorphous hydrogenated silicon nitride (a-SiNx:H) thin films having a range of compositions and subsequent modification of photoluminescence (PL) is investigated. The PL spectral shape and peak positions for the as deposited films could be tuned with composition and excitation energies. HPA induced modification of PL of these films is found to depend on the N/Si ratio (x). Upon HPA the PL spectra show an emergence of a red emission band for x≤1, whereas an overall increase of intensity without change in the spectral shape is observed for x>1. The emission observed in the Si rich films is attributed to nanoscale a-Si:H inclusions. The enhancement is maximum for off-stoichiometric films (x~1) and decreases as the compositions of a-Si (x=0) and a-Si3N4 (x=1.33) are approached, implying high density of non-radiative defects around x=1. The diffusion of hydrogen in these films is also analyzed by Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) technique.

Involved research facilities

Related publications



Design and construction for a moving temperature sensor inside a jet condensation experiment

Lahmer, O.

Keywords: temperature sensor; jet condensation; design

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Study thesis
    ENSAME Valencienne Fr, 2013
    54 Seiten


Survival of the best heads: The physical merits of lipid headgroup adaptation in anhydrobiosis

Abu Sharkh, S.; Erkut, C.; Kurzchalia, T.; Fahmy, K.


Anhydrobiotic organisms down-regulate their metabolism and preserve their cellular architecture at strongly reduced water potential to resume life after periods of desiccation. We have studied the dauer larva of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans which represents an anhydrobiotic state of this genetically fully described organism. After preconditioning, an adaptational 4 days period of reduced humidity, survival of harsh desiccation occurs and depends on the synthesis of the disaccharide trehalose [1]. Using the temperature-sensitive strain daf-2(e1370), which arrests in the dauer state when grown at 25 °C, we show by thin layer chromatography that the phospholipid composition is altered from high to low PC/PE content during preconditioning. Time-resolved FTIR spectroscopy of lyotropic phase transitions induced within seconds in extracted C.elegans phospholipids by short hydration pulses, reveals that the decreased PC content allows a larger coupling of headgroup hydration to acyl chain packing as compared to the PE-rich state. The compressibility modulus was derived from CH-stretching frequency changes and the effect of trehalose studied. The data suggest a dynamic interaction of trehalose with the lipids during fast hydration at low humidity (75-85 % relative humidity) such that hydration water is transiently directed to the sub-headgroup carbonyl region, rather than being stably entrapped by trehalose. In combination with film balance experiments we show that the headgroup remodelling during preconditioning specifically increases the interaction of trehalose with the phospholipids, leading to a "softer" PC-depleted membrane which responds with larger lateral expansion during fast hydration transients. We explain the advantage of a reduced PC/PE ratio for anydrobiosis by the different intrinsic hydration properties of the two headgroups [2-3] which allows a more flexible water-mediated H-bond-network to form in the presence of trehalose. As a consequence, phase transitions on the seconds time-scale can proceed under close to equilibrium conditions in membranes of preconditioned worms. These molecular processes result in the relief of osmotic strain during membrane rehydration, thereby preventing membrane rupture during the critical phase of typically instantaneous rehydration of the desiccated anhydrobiotic organism before resuming its normal metabolism.

Keywords: Fourier transform infrared; time-resolved; membrane; hydration

  • Contribution to proceedings
    International Workshop "Molecular Membrane Biophysics", 03.-05.03.2014, Hünfeld, Germany


Hydrodynamische Untersuchung zum Einfluss von Flüssigviskosität und Feststoffanteil in Blasensäulen

Kahsnitz, D.

Keywords: bubble column; solid fraction; liquid viscosity

  • Study thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    70 Seiten


Analysis and Applications of a Generalized Multi-Field Two-Fluid Approach for Treatment of Multi-Scale Interfacial Structures in High Void-Fraction Regimes

Montoya, G.; Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.; Hänsch, S.; Baglietto, E.


High void fraction multiphase-flow regimes are commonly encountered in the nuclear industry where safety analysis of nuclear power plants requires reliable predictions on steam-water flows in case of different accident scenarios. Within the boiling phenomena in pipes, a transition throughout different flow patterns from bubbly to churn to annular flow is expected to occur. Those flow regimes, characterized by very high void fractions, are represented by different scales in terms of their gas structures.

It is known that computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been widely developed for single phase flows, but strongly limited in the case of multiphase flows. This is due to the high complexity on representing its gas-liquid interface. Furthermore, most of the recent advances in code development and validation for multiphase flow have been addressed specifically to bubbly flows. In the case of such low void fraction regimes, the widely known averaging Eulerian multi-fluid approach is commonly used to describe its scales characterized by interfacial structures smaller than the grid size. For flow situations with large-scale interfaces, like annular or horizontal stratified flows, interface tracking methods are commonly used. Since in the case of high void fraction regimes, such as churn-turbulent flow, dispersed flows and large interfaces occur simultaneously, a combination of these modeling approaches could be needed.

This paper presents the application of a recently developed concept for the treatment of multiphase flows where different scales in terms of interfacial structures can be found. This approach, known as Generalized TwO Phase flow or GENTOP, considers the definition of fully-resolved continuous gas phase where the continuous gas summarizes all gas structures which are large enough to be resolved within the computed mesh. The concept works as part of an extension of the bubble population balance approach known as the inhomogeneous MUltiple SIze Group (MUSIG), which allows the consideration of different bubble size groups, each with its own velocity field inside the dispersed phase. Within the polydispersed gas, bubble coalescence and breakup allow the transfer between different size structures, while the modeling of mass transfer between the polydispersed and continuous gas, allows considering transitions between different gas morphologies depending of the flow situations. Within the concept, different parametric studies have been made for co-current vertical gas-water pipe flow, and comparisons against experimental data for all the current calculations are shown. The experiments have been conducted in the TOPFLOW and the MT Loop facilities at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.

Keywords: CFD; GENTOP; MUSIG; multi-scale; multiphase-flow

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Contribution to proceedings
    2014 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2014), 06.-09.04.2014, Charlotte, North Carolina-Westin, United States of America
    Proceedings of ICAPP 2014, Volume 3, 1639-1654
  • Lecture (Conference)
    2014 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2014), 06.-09.04.2014, Charlotte, North Carolina-Westin, United States of America
  • Poster
    2014 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2014), 06.-09.04.2014, Charlotte, North Carolina-Westin, United States of America


A Generalized Multi-Field Two-Fluid Approach for Treatment of Multi-Scale Interfacial Structures in High Void-Fraction Regimes

Montoya, G.; Baglietto, E.; Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.


High void fraction multiphase-flow regimes are commonly encountered in the nuclear industry where safety analysis of nuclear power plants requires reliable predictions on steam-water flows in case of different accident scenarios. Within the boiling phenomena in pipes, a transition throughout different flow patterns from bubbly to churn to annular flow is expected to occur. Those flow regimes, characterized by very high void fractions, are represented by different scales in terms of their gas structures.

A concept has been recently developed for the treatment of multiphase flows where different scales in terms of interfacial structures can be found. This approach, known as Generalized TwO Phase flow or GENTOP, considers the definition of a fully-resolved continuous gas phase where the continuous gas summarizes all gas structures which are large enough to be resolved within the computed mesh. The concept works as part of an extension of the bubble population balance approach known as the inhomogeneous MUSIG, which allows the consideration of different bubble size groups, each with its own velocity field. Within the polydispersed gas, bubble coalescence and breakup allow the transfer between different size structures, while the modeling of mass transfer between the polydispersed and continuous gas, allows considering transitions between different gas morphologies depending of the flow situations.

Keywords: CFD; GENTOP; MUSIG; multi-scale; multiphase-flow

  • Poster
    MIT Energy Night, 18.10.2013, Cambridge, United States of America


Comparative Analysis of High Void Fraction Regimes using an Averaging Euler-Euler Multi-Fluid Apporach and a Generalized Two-Phase Flow (GENTOP) Concept

Montoya, G.; Baglietto, E.; Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.; Hoehne, T.


Complex multiphase gas-liquid flows, including boiling, are usually encountered in safety related nuclear applications. For CFD purposes, modeling the transition from low to high void fraction regimes represents a non-trivial challenge due to the increasing complexity of its interface. For example, churn-turbulent and annular flows, which are typically encounter for these gas volume fraction ranges, are dominated by highly deformable bubbles. Multiphase CFD has been so far relying on an averaged Euler-Euler simulation approach to model a wide regime of two-phase applications. While this methodology has shown to date demonstrated reasonable results (Montoya et al., 2013), it is evidently highly dependable on the accuracy and validity of the mechanistic models for interfacial forces, which are necessary to recover information lost during the averaging process. Unfortunately existing closures, which have been derived from experimental as well as DNS data, are hardly applicable to high void fraction highly-deformable gas structures. An alternative approach for representing the physics behind the high void fraction phenomena, is to consider a multi-scale method. Based on the structure of the gas-liquid interfaces, different gaseous morphologies should be described by different CFD approaches, such as interface tracking methods for larger than the grid size interfacial-scales, or the averaged Euler-Euler approach for smaller than grid size scales, such as bubbly or droplet flow. A novel concept for considering flow regimes where both, dispersed and continuous interfacial structures could occur, has been developed in the past (Hänsch et al., 2012), and has been further advanced and validated for pipe flows under high void fraction regimes (Montoya et al., 2014) and other relevant cases, such as the dam-break with an obstacle (Hänsch et al., 2013). Still, various short-comings have been shown in this approach associated mostly to the descriptive models utilized to obtain the continuous gas morphology from within the averaged Eulerian simulations. This paper presents improvements on both concepts as well as direct comparison between the two approaches, based on newly obtained experimental data. Both models are based on the bubble populations balance approach known as the inhomogeneous MUltiple SIze Group or MUSIG (Krepper et al., 2008) in order to define an adequate number of bubble size groups with its own velocity fields. The numerical calculations have been performed with the commercially available ANSYS CFX 14.5 software, and the results have been validated using experimental data from the MT-Loop and TOPFLOW facilities from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf in Germany (Prasser et al., 2007).

Keywords: CFD modeling; high void fraction; multiphase flow; two-fluid model; GENTOP; CFD validation

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Contribution to proceedings
    2014 22st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE22), 07.-11.07.2014, Prague, Czech Republic
    Proceedings of ICONE22
  • Lecture (Conference)
    2014 22st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE22), 07.-11.07.2014, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Poster
    2014 22st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE22), 07.-11.07.2014, Prague, Czech Republic


Verbesserte Behandlungschancen durch molekulares Targeting in der Radioonkologie

Cordes, N.; Gurtner, K.; Belka, C.


Intensitätsmodulierte und biologisch geführte Hochpräzisionsbestrahlung bestimmt heute die moderne Radioonkologie. Wenig ausgeschöpft hingegen ist die Gabe zielgerichteter molekularer Medikamente zur Strahlensensibilisierung maligner solider Tumoren.
Der aktuelle Stand neuer molekularer Behandlungsstrategien simultan zur Strahlentherapie soll aufgrund von präklinischen und klinischen Daten in diesem Beitrag diskutiert werden.
Material und Methoden
Recherche und Auswertung von Literatur und klinischen Studien.
Durch besseres Verständnis der Tumorbiologie konnten potenzielle Zielmoleküle für pharmakologischen Inhibitoren und Antikörpern identifiziert werden, von denen einige bereits präklinisch und klinisch evaluiert werden. Lokoregionäre Tumorkontrolle und Gesamtüberleben wurden z. B. durch die antikörpervermittelte Hemmung des epidermalen Wachstumsfaktorrezeptors (EGFR) in Kombination mit Strahlentherapie bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren verbessert. Aktuell zeichnet sich ab, dass Antikörper gegen den vaskulären endothelialen Wachstumsfaktor (VEGF) die Wirkung der Strahlentherapie bei Glioblastomen verbessern könnten.


EGFR/JIP-4/JNK2 signaling attenuates cetuximab-mediated radiosensitization of squamous cell carcinoma cells.

Eke, I.; Schneider, L.; Förster, C.; Zips, D.; Kunz-Schughart, L.; Cordes, N.


EGF receptor (EGFR) promotes tumor growth as well as radio- and chemoresistance in various human malignancies including squamous cell carcinomas (SCC). In addition to deactivation of prosurvival signaling, cetuximab-mediated EGFR targeting might concomitantly induce self-attenuating signaling bypasses. Identification of such bypass mechanisms is key to improve the efficacy of targeted approaches. Here, we show great similarity of EGFR signaling and radiation survival in cetuximab-treated SCC cells grown in a more physiologic three-dimensional extracellular matrix and as tumor xenografts in contrast to conventional monolayer cell cultures. Using phosphoproteome arrays, we observed strong induction of JNK2 phosphorylation potentially resulting from cetuximab-inhibited EGFR through c-jun-NH(2)-kinase (JNK)-interacting protein-4 (JIP-4), which was identified using an immunoprecipitation-mass spectrometric approach. Inhibition of this signaling bypass by JIP-4 or JNK2 knockdown or pharmacologic JNK2 inhibition enhanced cetuximab efficacy and tumor cell radiosensitivity. Our findings add new facets to EGFR signaling and indicate signaling bypass possibilities of cancer cells to improve their survival on cetuximab treatment. By deactivation of cetuximab-self-attenuating JNK2-dependent signaling, the cytotoxicity, and radiosensitizing potential of cetuximab can be augmented.


Flüssig-fest Stoffübertragung in Festbettreaktoren

Hermann-Heber, R.

Keywords: solid bed reactors; mass transfer

  • Study thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    70 Seiten


Fabrication and Characterization of Patterned Exchange-Coupled Trilayers

Langer, M.


In 1998 Demokritov et al. succeeded in altering the coupling of exchange coupled Fe/Cr/Fe-trilayers from ferro- to antiferromagntic for the first time by using ion irradiation. Since then, ion irradiation has been used as an advanced technique for magnetic patterning of antiferromagnetically coupled trilayers. In this work patterning by means of ion implantation was applied on exchangecoupled Co90Fe10-trilayers by using (Eirr = 80 keV) Co+-Ions. For that purpose a transition towards appropriate ferromagnetic properties was achieved with an ion-fluence of F = 5 · 1015 Co+=cm2. Stripe patterns fabricated by this techinique were investigated and compared to conventionally patterned (by means of reactive plasma etching) stripes. By using Kerr-microscopy domain structure and the shape of the magnetization reversal was studied. At the boundary of implanted elements edge curling walls were observed (field orientation perpendicular to the stripes) which did not occur in etched samples. Observed differences in the switching behavior could primarily be explained with changes of the magnetic material properties (e.g. anisotropy and saturation magnetization) due to the ion irradiation. Implanted 2 μm wide stripes showed a collective switching with quasi-domains during the magnetic reversal. In this process interactions of the transversal magnetization component with the adjacent non-irradiated antiferromagnetically coupled trilayers were observed. It was found that this transversal component governs the intensity of the collective switching behavior, via extensions of an intermediate domain wall which was simulated micromagnetically in this work. The results for the domain wall widths which were calculated for different anisotropy directions provide a comprehensive picture together with the Kerr-microscopy analysis.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Diploma thesis
    HZDR, TU Dresden, 2012
    90 Seiten


Fabrication and characterization of patterned exchange-coupled trilayers

Langer, M.; Osten, J.; Neudert, A.; Körner, M.; Banholzer, A.; Mönch, I.; Mattheis, R.; Fassbender, J.; McCord, J.


Magnetic patterning by means of ion-implantation is an advanced technique to fabricate ferromagnetic micro-/nanostructures. In this case antiferromagnetically exchange coupled trilayers, consisting of two Co90Fe10 layers with a Ru interlayer, were used. The ion induced intermixing of the interlayer with its surrounding magnetic layers alters the coupling to a ferromagnetic one. Therefore Co ions with energies of 40-80 keV and a fluence of 5·1015 cm−2 were used. Hence, applying masks, ferromagnetically coupled micro-/nanometer sized elements (stripes, squares, circles etc.), embedded in a so-called artificial antiferromagnetic environment, have been fabricated. These structures were characterized by the use of Kerr-microscopy and MOKE-magnetometry to determine the mutual influence of the ferromagnetic elements with the antiferromagnetically coupled environment. Also their magnetic switching behavior was compared to etched single ferromagnetic structures. Domain pinning at the element boundaries was observed.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DPG Frühjahrstagung 2012, 25.-30.03.2012, Berlin, Deutschland


Two-magnon scattering and mode-splitting in 1-dimensional quasi-magnonic crystals

Langer, M.; Gallardo, R.; Lenz, K.; Banholzer, A.; Grebing, J.; Körner, M.; Landeros, P.; Lindner, J.; Fassbender, J.


The magnetic relaxation in quasi 1-dimensional periodic nanostructures (magnonic crystals) is investigated by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). In thin ferromagnetic films, the magnetization dynamics are governed by intrinsic effects like Gilbert damping and spin-pumping but also by extrinsic effects like two-magnon scattering due to inevitable defect structures. By using nanoscale periodically modulated magnetic films we are able to artificially create and thus control those defect structures necessary to induce two-magnon scattering. The results are compared to available analytical theory [1].
The magnetic modulation was created by lithographically defined stripes and subsequent ion beam irradiation. The ion beam energy was chosen such that the ions create a magnetic perturbation at the surface. This slightly reduces the saturation magnetization in the irradiated stripes and hence the effective magnetic thickness. These stripe defects resemble a periodic dipolar scattering potential, which couples the uniform with the final-state magnons in the two-magnon scattering process.
Broadband ferromagnetic resonance is used to measure the resonance field Hres and linewidth ΔH for different field directions and frequencies. The frequency-dependent measurements with the external magnetic field aligned parallel to the stripes show only a single resonance mode and linear increase of ΔH. Therefore the magnetic relaxation is purely Gilbert-like. With the magnetic field aligned perpendicular to the periodic structure the frequency dependence exhibits a rich mode-splitting, which can be calculated analytically.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School 2013, 10.06.2013, Assisi, Italy


Entwicklung einer logarithmischen Vorverstärkerschaltung für ein Röntgendetektorsystem

Thomas, P.

Keywords: logarithmic preamplifier; x-ray detector system

  • Diploma thesis
    HTW Dresden, 2013
    70 Seiten


Effect of Ga+ irradiation in molecular-beam epitaxy grown Pt/Co/Pt thin films studied by magneto-optic spectroscopy

Jakubisova-Liskova, E.; Visnovsky, S.; Wawro, A.; Baczewski, L. T.; Mazalski, P.; Maziewski, A.; Liedke, M. O.; McCord, J.; Fassbender, J.


In-depth profile changes induced by Ga+ ion irradiation in Pt(5 nm)/Co(3.3 nm)/Pt(20 nm)/Mo(20 nm) sandwiches MBE grown on Al2O3 substrates are deduced from complex magneto optic polar Kerr effect (PMOKE) measurements at photon energies between 1 and 5 eV. The Ga+ irradiation stimulate a redistribution of Pt and Co and leads to broadening of alloyed regions at Pt Co and Co Pt interfaces, which is evaluated using PMOKE spectra. The effect of four Ga+ fluences D between zero and 6×1015 Ga+/cm2 was studied. The observed PMOKE azimuth rotation peak centered at 4.5 eV reaches the maximum of 0.42 degree at D=1×1015 Ga+/cm2 and becomes thus enhanced by a factor of 3.2 with respect to that in the non-irradiated sample. At D=6×1015 Ga+/cm2 the peak amplitude falls to 0.05 degree. To find the in-depth profile of Co concentration s in the sandwiches as a function of D, the PMOKE azimuth rotation and ellipticity spectra are compared with a multilayer model, where ideal flat interfaces are replaced by sequences of CosPt1-s layers. The dependence on D is compared with that evaluated by simulation of the structural effects of ion irradiation. At the highest D, the irradiation produces an almost complete erosion of the top Pt and Co accompanied by mixing at the Pt-Mo interface.

Keywords: MBE; ion irradiation; PMOKE; CoPt

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Image segmentation using level set method in presence of time varying noise

Datta, A.

Keywords: image segmentation; level set method

  • Diploma thesis
    IIT Kanpur, 2013
    70 Seiten


Costimulation improves the killing capability of T cells redirected to tumor cells expressing low levels of CD33: Description of a novel modular targeting system

Arndt, C.; Feldmann, A.; von Bonin, M.; Cartellieri, M.; Ewen, E.-M.; Koristka, S.; Michalk, I.; Stamova, S.; Berndt, N.; Gocht, A.; Bornhäuser, M.; Ehninger, G.; Schmitz, M.; Bachmann, M.


Owing to their clinical success, there is growing interest in novel bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) for retargeting of T cells to tumor cells including for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). One potential target for retargeting of T cells to AML blasts is the surface molecule CD33. Here we describe a novel modular targeting platform that consists of a universal effector module (EM) and individual target modules (TMs). Both modules can form an immune complex via a peptide epitope. The resulting targeting complex can functionally replace a conventional bsAb. By fusion of a costimulatory domain (for example, the extracellular CD137 ligand domain) to the TM, the targeting complex can even provide a costimulatory signal to the redirected T cells at their side of interaction with the tumor cell. Furthermore, we observed that an efficient killing of tumor cells expressing low levels of the tumor target CD33 becomes critical at low effector-to-target cell ratios but can be improved by costimulation via CD137 using our novel targeting system.

Keywords: acute myeloid leukemia; CD33; costimulatory immunoligands; immunotherapy; single-chain bispecific antibodies; T-cell retargeting


Untersuchung der Stoffübertragung flüssig-fest in einem geneigt rotierenden Festtbettreaktor

Wendel, H.

Keywords: solid bed reaktor; material transmission; rotating ractor

  • Diploma thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    70 Seiten


Entwicklung einer zweidimensionalen Verfahreinheit für die hoch auflösende Gamma-Computertomographie am HZDR

Strohbach, A.

Keywords: gamma tomography; high resolution; drive unit

  • Diploma thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    70 Seiten


Ion irradiation induced enhancement of out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin Co films

Mazalski, P.; Kurant, Z.; Maziewski, A.; Liedke, M. O.; Fassbender, J.; Baczewski, L. T.; Wawro, A.


Ga+ or He+ irradiated MBE grown ultrathin films of sapphire/Pt/Co(d Co)/Pt(d Pt) were studied using polar Kerr effect in wide ranges of both cobalt d Co and platinum d Pt thicknesses as well as ion fluences F. Two branches of increased magnetic anisotropy and enhanced Kerr rotation angle induced by Ga+ or He+ irradiation are clearly visible in two-dimensional (d Co, LogF) diagrams. Only Ga+ irradiation induces two branches of out-of-plane magnetization state.

Keywords: MBE; ultrathin films; Co; CoPt; Pt; ion irradiation; magnetic anisotropy; MOKE; phase transition

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Modellierung der Mischvorgänge in Rührreaktoren

Kipping, R.


Die Bearbeitung des vorliegenden Beleges umfasste eine umfassende Literaturrecherche zur Untersuchung und Charakterisierung von Mischvorgängen in Rührkesselreaktoren. Zudem wurden experimentelle Arbeiten mit Nadelsonden in einem bestehenden Versuchsbeh¨alter und im Zusammenhang damit Drehzahl- und Leistungsmessungen am Rührwerk durchgeführt. Weiterhin wurden CFD Simulationen für den Rührbehälter betrieben. Diese umfasste neben dem Aufbau der Geometrie und Diskretisierung des Gitters, die Durchführung eines Particle-Tracks. Abschließend wurde ein Vergleich der ermittelten Daten zwischen Simulation, Experiment und vorhandenen Daten der autonomen Sensorpartikel angestellt.

Keywords: Rührprozess; Mischvorgang; Zirkulationszeit; CFD; Particle-Track; mixing process; stirring process; circulation time; particle track

  • Study thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    70 Seiten


X-ray radioscopy studies of solidification processes

Shevchenko, N.; Eckert, S.


Real-time and in-situ observations of the density distribution within thin solidifying samples reach a spatial resolution of a few microns and contribute essentially to an improved understanding of dendritic growth processes. The dimension of the solute boundary layers ahead of the solidification front as well as the onset of solutal-driven melt convection in the mushy zone and the bulk liquid can also be derived from image processing. Exemplarily, we present a bottom-up solidification of a Ga-25wt%In alloy under the influence of buoyancy-driven and electromagnetically driven convection.

Keywords: solidification; in situ X-ray imaging; Ga-In alloy; flow pattern; freckle formation

  • Lecture (Conference)
    The International Symposium on Electromagnetic Flow Control in Metallurgy, Crystal Growth and Electrochemistry, 25.-27.03.2013, Dresden, Germany


Entwicklung und Test einer Auftriebssteuerung für strömungsfolgende Sensorpartikel

Schneider, C.


In der vorliegenden Arbeit ist ein Prototyp zur Auftriebssteuerung entstanden. Die Auftriebssteuerung beruht auf dem Prinzip der Verringerung der spezifischen Dichte des Sensorkörpers. Mit dem neuen Sensorgehäuse wurde durch das Ausfahren eines Kolbens eine Volumenerhöhung von 8,8 % erreicht. Die Masse des Sensorgehäuses wurde dabei nicht verändert. Verglichen mit den in der Vorstudie durchgeführten Versuchsdurchgängen, kann für dieses Gehäuse eine sehr gute Aufenthaltshäufigkeit nah an der Oberfläche des Mediums vorhergesagt werden. Für die Betätigung des Kolbens wurden zwei Aktor-Konzepte vorgestellt. Eines basiert auf der in einem Federschnappverschluss gespeicherten potentiellen Energie, das Andere auf das Ausfahren eines Linear-Aktors. Der entwickelte Schnappverschluss konnte dabei erfolgreich in das Gehäuse integriert und evaluiert werden. Die Verwendung des Linear-Aktors besteht bis jetzt lediglich als Konzept. Vorteil dieses Systems könnte eine mögliche Regelbarkeit der Auftriebsneutralität sein. Soll der Linear-Aktor eingesetzt werden, so ist wegen seiner Masse eine Anpassung des Gehäuses notwendig. Die Änderung beschränkt sich dabei lediglich auf eine Verlängerung des Gehäuserohres.

Keywords: Sensorpartikel; Auftrieb; Rückgewinnung; Aktor; sensor particle; buoyancy; recovery; actuator

  • Diploma thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    70 Seiten


Leitfähigkeits- und Gasgehaltsmessung für instrumentierte Strömungsfolger

Reichel, S.


Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit ist erfolgreich ein Messsystem zur Leitfähigkeits- und Gasphasenbestimmung entstanden. Durch die zweiteilige Konzipierung des Messmoduls in Hauptplatine und Sensoreinheit konnte das Messsystem charakterisiert werden, wobei eine Kompatibilität zum autonomen Sensorpartikel gewährleistet werden konnte. Die entstandene Soft- und die modular strukturierte Firmware ermöglichte die Steuerung der Messung sowie die Verarbeitung und Visualisierung von Messergebnissen. Eine elektrische Charakterisierung ermöglichte es, entworfene Elektrodenstrukturen auszuwählen. Mit den Ausgewählte Elektrodenstrukturen wurden Leitfähigkeiten in einem Bereich von 200 µS/cm bis 1300µS/cm in Wässrigen-Salzlösungen bestimmt und verschiedene Gasphasen ermittelt. Desweitern wurden die Eindringtiefe der Elektrodenanordnungen in das Medium untersucht.

Keywords: Sensorpartikel; Leitfähigkeit; Gasgehalt; Elektroden; Eindringtiefe; sensor particle; conductivity; gas content; electrodes; penetration depth

  • Diploma thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    70 Seiten


Numerische Untersuchung von Gasverteilern in Blasensäulen

Ramasetti, E. K.

Keywords: bubble columns; numerical analysis; gas distribution

  • Master thesis
    Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, 2013
    70 Seiten


Tomographische Untersuchung zur Phasenverteilung in statischen Mischern

Grugel, F.

Keywords: tomography; phase distribution; static mixer

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Diploma thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    70 Seiten


Gittersensorstudien zur gasgetriebenen Fluiddynamik auf Kolonnenböden

Chi, B.

Keywords: wire-mesh sensor; fluid dynamics; bubble columns; gas driven fluid dynamics

  • Study thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    70 Seiten


Instrumentierte Strömungsfolger zur Prozessdiagnose in gerührten Fermentern

Reinecke, S.


In der Arbeit wurde ein Konzept instrumentierter, strömungsfolgender Sensoren zur Erfassung räumlich verteilter Parameter in Mischbehältern entwickelt. Die Sensorpartikel ermöglichen die Analyse hydrodynamischer und thermodynamischer Prozessbedingungen in Mischbehältern. Das Strömungsverhalten der Sensorpartikel wurde in einem Rührbehälter untersucht. Der Vergleich zu Referenzmessungen zeigt ein hinreichendes Strömungsfolgeverhalten und einen vernachlässigbaren Schlupf bei dem Einsatz in realen Biosubstraten von Biogas-fermentern. Aus den Messdaten der Sensorpartikel können räumliche Parameterprofile der Aufenthaltswahrscheinlichkeit und der Zirkulationszeit sowie Phasen-portraits extrahiert werden, welche schlüssige Interpretationen hin-sichtlich der Strömungsform und des Zustandes des Mischprozesses zulassen. Weiterhin konnten relevante Modellparameter, wie Zirkulationsbeiwert, Förderhöhe und PECLÉT-Zahl, bestimmt werden. Die Bestimmung der Suspensionsgüte aus den Daten der Sensorpartikel ermöglicht den objektiven Vergleich des Suspensionsverhaltens in unterschiedlichen Behältergeometrien und Rührwerkskonfigurationen.

Keywords: Strömungsfolger; Sensorpartikel; Autonomer Sensor; Makrovermischung; Modellparameter; sensor particles; autonomous sensor; macro mixing; model parameters; flow follower

  • Doctoral thesis
    TU Dresden, 2014
    Mentor: Prof. G. Gerlach, Prof. U. Hampel
    158 Seiten


Transmission Electron Microscopy at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)

Hübner, R.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Kolloquium des Instituts für Strukturphysik der TU Dresden, 28.01.2014, Dresden, Deutschland


Memristive effects in thermal oxidized Ti and magnetron sputtered TiOx films

Blaschke, D.; Zahn, P.; Gemming, S.; Cornelius, S.; Scholz, A.; Skorupa, I.; Scheumann, B.; Potzger, K.


ReRAM devices based on TiO2 seems to be a promising candidate for the next generation memory storage systems.
We will compare thermal oxidation of Ti films and DC magnetron sputtering for the preparation of TiO2 thin films in terms of crystallinity and resistive switching.
The oxidation process of 100nm Ti on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates leads to polycrystalline rutile TiO2 layers. In contrast to this with dc magnetron sputtering on Nb:STO substrates, it was possible to grow epitaxial anatase TiO2 layers.
Subsequent I-V characterization revealed interesting differences between both structures. In case of the rutile films unipolar switching, which is supposed to correlate with a filamentary mechanism and the phase change between TiO2 and so called Magnéli phases TinO2n-1, mostly n = 4 or 5 [1]. The epitaxial anatase films showed the bipolar switching mode, which is in literature correlated with the modification of the metal/oxide interface due to the drift of oxygen vacancies in an applied electric field [2].
Furthermore retention measurements were performed, which showed opposite behavior for the unipolar and bipolar switching mode. This result could be attributed to the different mechanisms behind.

The project is funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association (VH-VI-422).

[1] Deok-Hwang Kwon et al., “Atomic structure of conducting nanofilaments in TiO2 resistive switching memory”, Nature Nanotechnology, vol.5, pp.148 – 153 (2010)

[2] J. Joshua Yang et al., “Memristive switching mechanism for metal/oxide/metal nanodevices”, Nature Nanotechnology, vol.3, pp.429 – 433 (2008)

Keywords: resistive switching; thermal oxidation; magnetron sputtering; TiO2

  • Lecture (others)
    DETI.2 Midterm meeting, 09.-14.10.2013, Moskau, Russland


Memristive effects in Titanium Dioxide

Blaschke, D.; Zahn, P.; Gemming, S.; Cornelius, S.; Scholz, A.; Skorupa, I.; Scheumann, B.; Potzger, K.


In recent years, the resistive switching of binary transition metal oxides has attracted considerable attention for application in nonvolatile memories.

For our investigations, polycrystalline rutile TiO2 thin films were prepared on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates by thermal oxidation of 100nm thick e-beam evaporated Ti films. The oxidation temperature was varied between 500°C and 800°C at an oxygen partial pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Electrical contacts are provided by the Pt bottom electrode and sputtered 100nm thick Au top electrodes of 240um diameter.
We observed stable nonvolatile unipolar switching in the films oxidized at 600-800°C with an interesting long-term evolution of the resistance after the abrupt RESET process.
Furthermore, we present structural investigations of the TiO2 films.

The project is funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association (Virtual Institute MEMRIOX VH-VI-422).

Keywords: resistive switching; TiO2; thermal oxidation

  • Poster
    Functional oxides for emerging technologies, 14.-18.10.2013, Bremen, Germany


Characterization of gas-liquid flow mixing with static mixers

Schubert, M.; Rabha, S.; Grugel, F.; Banowski, M.; Hampel, U.


Static mixers are attractive alternatives to conventional gas-liquid contactors, widely used for mixing and heat transfer between two fluids in various process applications. Knowledge on the limits of number and gemoetry of the static mixer elements is important for optimization for the desired mixing purpose. The present work is designed to investigate the performance of static mixers in upward gas-liquid (air - water) flows. The experiments are carried out in a tube (DT = 0.08 m) packed with helical static mixer (length 80 mm/ diameter 80 mm) using ultrafast electron beam X-ray tomography. The effect of number of static mixer element (3 - 9), liquid velocity (UL = 0.02 & 0.6 m/s), gas velocity (0.15 ≤ UG ≤ 0.6 m/s) on hydrodynamic parameters like gas holdup, bubble size distribution, etc. and pressure drop across the static mixer will be presented and conclusions will be drawn for a proper mixer selection.

Keywords: static mixer; ultrafast electron beam X-ray tomography; pressure drop

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Mehrphasenströmungen und Wärme-und Stoffübertragung, 24.-25.03.2014, Fulda, Germany


Resistive Switching in thermally oxidized Titanium

Blaschke, D.; Skorupa, I.; Scheumann, B.; Scholz, A.; Zahn, P.; Gemming, S.; Potzger, K.


In recent years the resistive switching of binary transition metal oxides like NiO, Nb2O5 and TiO2 has attracted considerable attention for application in nonvolatile memory storage systems.

For our investigations we used a thin rutile TiO2 film, which was prepared by the thermal oxidation of a 100nm thick e-beam evaporated Ti film. The oxidation temperatures were varied from 500°C to 800°C at an oxygen partial pressure of 1 atmosphere. We will present the dependence of the crystal structure and the switching behavior on the oxidation temperature as well as an interesting feature on the time-dependent evolution of the resistance during the Reset process.

The project is funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association (VH-VI-422).

Keywords: resistive switching; TiO2; thermal oxidation

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 10.-15.03.2013, Regensburg, Deutschland


Millisecond-range liquid phase recrystallization for III-V/Si heteronanojunction fabrication

Prucnal, S.; Zhou, S. Q.; Bregolin, F. L.; Ou, X.; Liedke, M. O.; Huebner, R.; Helm, M.; Zuk, J.; Turek, M.; Pyszniak, K.; Drozdziel, A.; Skorupa, W.


The downscaling and stressor technology of Si based devices are extending the performance of the silicon channel to its limits. One promising solution for the performance progress which can overcome those limits is the integration of different functional optoelectronic elements within one chip.
We have developed a compact, CMOS compatible and fully integrated solution for the integration of III-V compound semiconductors with silicon technology for optoelectronic applications. The III-V nanostructured semiconductors are synthesized in silicon based matrixes using the combination of ion beam implantation and millisecond flash lamp annealing (FLA) techniques via millisecond range liquid phase epitaxy [1, 2]. In this paper we will present investigations of the microstructural, optical and electrical properties of InAs and InP nanostructures formed in silicon and on SOI wafers. The growth evolution of the III-V nanostructures during FLA and the influence of the annealing parameters on their crystallographic orientation, shape and size will be explored. Conventional selective etching was used to form the n-III-V/p-Si heterojunction. The current-voltage measurement confirms the heterojunction diode formation between n-type III-V quantum dots and p-type Si. The main advantage of our method is its integration with large-scale silicon technology, which also allows its application for the fabrication of Si-based optoelectronic devices.

Keywords: silicon; III-V; flash lamp annealing; ion implantation

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    16th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures, MSS-16, 01.-05.07.2013, Wroclaw, Poland


Experimente zur blasengetriebenen Strömung bei der Wasserelektrolyse

Simon, R.


Der steigende Bedarf an Stromspeicherkapazitäten durch den Ausbau von Windkraft– und Photovoltaikanlagen erfordert neue oder die Optimierung bereits bestehender Konzepte.
Durch die Elektrolyse von Wasser kann elektrischer Strom flexibel in Form von Wasserstoff gespeichert werden. Aktuelle alkalische Wasserelektrolyseure wandeln nur 60–70 % des eingesetzten Stroms in Wasserstoff um. Besonders die Überspannungen an den Elektroden, unter anderem hervorgerufen durch die Ansammlung von Gasblasen, haben großen Anteil an den Verlusten.
Durch den Aufbau einer Versuchselektrolysezelle konnte das Geschwindigkeitsfeld der Elektrolytflüssigkeit umfangreich untersucht werden. Die Auswertung erfolgte über Particle Image Velocimetry und Particle Tracking Velocimetry aufeinanderfolgender Bilder einer Highspeed-Kamera. Es zeigte sich, wie in anderen Arbeiten bereits untersucht, dass die Veränderungen von Elektrodenabstand und angelegter Stromdichte entscheidende Einflussfaktoren auf die Effektivität der Stoffumwandlung sind. Am Blasenvorhang wurde die Fluktuation von auftretenden Wellenbergen und –tälern untersucht. Die regelmäßige Frequenz könnte in einen Zusammenhang mit der Geschwindigkeit der Einzelblasenentstehung stehen.
Das gezielte Einbringen eines Magnetfelds in den Elektrodenzwischenraum induziert eine zusätzliche Kraft, die Lorentzkraft. Diese verursacht, nach oben orientiert, starke Beschleunigungen des Gasblasenauftriebs und der Flüssigkeitsströmung. Darstellungen von Geschwindigkeitsprofilen und –verteilungen verdeutlichen die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Magnetfeldkonfigurationen.
Mit Hilfe des Durchlichtverfahrens konnten die Wasserstoffeinzelblasen abgebildet werden. Die Auswertung über Bildverarbeitungsverfahren zeigte die Veränderung der Gasblasengrößen und die optimierende Wirkung der induzierten Lorentzkräfte auf die Strömung an der Phasengrenzfläche.
Im Ergebnis wurden die Geschwindigkeitsverteilungen im Zwischenraum der Elektrode umfassend charakterisiert. Es zeigte sich, dass das Anlegen eines Magnetfelds durch die Verringerung der Überspannungen an den Elektroden einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Wirkungsgradsteigerung der alkalischen Elektrolyse leisten kann. Die konstruktive Umsetzung dieses Konzepts für den industriellen Einsatz sollte zukünftig weiter untersucht werden.

Keywords: water electrolysis; bubble driven flow; Lorentz force

  • Diploma thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    93 Seiten


Hydrodynamische Untersuchung von Gasverteilern in Blasensäulen mit bildgebenden Messverfahren

Donath, T.

Keywords: Blasensäulen; bubble columns; Gasverteiler; bildgebende Messverfahren; imaging

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Study thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    70 Seiten


Kompensation von thermischen Einflüssen bei der Durchflussmessung in Flüssigmetall mit einem Versuchssensor

Meyer, F.


Faraday legte mit seinem „Waterloo Bridge experiment“ den Grundstein für die induktive Durchflussmessung. In den folgenden 180 Jahren hat sich die induktive Strömungsmessung zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil in der industriellen Messtechnik entwickelt. Die kontaktbehaftete Durchflussmesstechnik ist jedoch nicht für das Einsatzbereich der flüssigen Metalle geeignet, da flüssige Metalle eine hohe chemische Aggressivität besitzen. Flüssiges Metall verfügt außerdem über ein äußerst komplexes und nicht kontrollierbares Benetzungsverhalten wodurch messtechnisch das kontaktbehaftete System keine verlässlichen Ergebnisse liefern kann. Die Forderung der Industrie nach einer in diesem Gebiet einsetzbaren Messtechnik ist groß, da viele innovative Anwendungsfelder bedient werden müssten. Um der Forderung nachzukommen ist das EMD Messsystem entwickelt worden. Das EMD Sensorkonzept beruht auf der Messung eines elektrischen Feldes, das von einem alternierenden magnetischen Feld induziert wird und mittels einer geschickten Anordnung der Empfänger entkoppelt wird. Die Auswertung in drei Bestimmungsgrößen (Amplitude, Phase und Frequenz) ist durch den Einsatz von periodisch erregten Magnetfeldern möglich. Die für dieses System typische dimensionslos Kenngröße, die magnetische Reynoldszahl (Rm=μ0συ0L0), lässt eine erste Näherung des theoretisch postulierten Messeffekts zu. Im isothermen Betrieb liefert das Messsystem verlässliche Angaben. Problematisch ist bei anderen Bedingungen der temperaturbedingte Drift, der die gemessenen Werte von den Ist- Werten abweichen lässt. Zentrales Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Notwendigkeit der Temperatur und Driftkompensation am EMD Messsystem um die vorhandene Messtechnik einsatzbereit für die Anforderungen in der Anwendung zu machen. Mit theoretischen und praktischen Untersuchungen wird das Verhalten des Sensors unter thermischer Belastung und bezüglich des Messeffekts auf das System untersucht. Als Belastung wird einmal die Eigenerwärmung und die Fremderwärmung untersucht. Die folgende Arbeit ist folgendermaßen strukturiert. In der Einleitung wird auf die Grundlagen der induktiven Strömungsmessung laut Faraday eingegangen. Folgend werden die Einsatzbereiche, Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Limitationen des EMD Messsystems näher betrachtet. Der Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik ist der nachfolgende Punkt, hier wird auf die aktuelle Lage der Forschung und die Aussicht auf weitere Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet eingegangen. Das grundlegende Funktionsprinzip des Sensorsystems bildet den Abschluss der Einleitung und den geeigneten Übergang zum Hauptteil der Arbeit. Im Hauptteil der Arbeit wird kurz auf die theoretischen Grundlagen zur Messung der Fluidgeschwindigkeit eingegangen. Nachfolgend werden die Messergebnisse der praktischen Versuche zur Eigenerwärmung und Fremderwärmung diskutiert und ein Algorithmus zur Kompensierung des Temperaturdrifts vorgestellt. Der abschließende Ausblick soll auf folgende Problemstellungen des Messsystems vor dem endgültigen Einsatz in der Industrie aufmerksam machen.

Keywords: Phasensensor;; Flüssigmetall; Eigenerwärmung; Fremderwärmung; Drift

  • Diploma thesis
    Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, 2013
    80 Seiten


A thesis on the accuracy of wire-mesh sensor in dependence of bubble size and liquid flow rates

Nuryadin, S.


An experimental study to assess the accuracy of wire-mesh sensor in dependence of bubble sizes and flow rates has been performed in a 50 mm x 50 mm transparent rectangular channel. The liquid superficial velocities were ranging from 0 m/s up to 0.62 m/s with the obtained bubble size ranging from 3 mm – 7 mm. A single wire-mesh sensor with 16x16 electrode wires was used with a temporal and spatial resolution of 10 kHz and 3.125 cm, respectively. A single bubble with known bubble size or termed as the reference bubble size was injected through the test section via bubble injector approx. 25 cm upstream of the wire-mesh sensor. The bubble size measurement by using wire-mesh sensor cannot be obtained directly since it requires the information of bubble velocity which is not available only by installing a single sensor. Therefore, a stereoscopic observation was conducted to obtain the bubble velocity by tracking the successive frames as well as to study the intrusiveness of the sensor. This configuration gave an advantage that the registered bubble will be assigned with its own velocity and a better agreement is expected. As the result, a direct comparison of all individual bubble with the reference bubble size showed an agreement within ±10%. However, the deceleration effect was found for low liquid superficial and observed to disappear as the liquid superficial velocity increased then vanish at observed J L =0.62 m/s.

Keywords: Wire-mesh sensor; bubble velocity; bubble size; bubble flow

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Master thesis
    84 Seiten


Simulation of planar channeling-radiation spectra of relativistic electrons and positrons channeled in a diamond-structure or tungsten single crystal (classical approach)

Azadegan, B.; Wagner, W.


We present a Mathematica package for simulation of spectral-angular distributions and energy spectra of planar channeling radiation of relativistic electrons and positrons channeled along major crystallographic planes of a diamond-structure or tungsten single crystal. The program is based on the classical theory of channeling radiation which has been successfully applied to study planar channeling of light charged particles at energies higher than 100 MeV. Continuous potentials for different planes of diamond, Si, Ge and W single crystals are calculated using the Doyle-Turner approximation to the atomic scattering factor and taking thermal vibrations of the crystal atoms into account. Numerical methods are applied to solve the classical one-dimensional equation of motion. The code is designed to calculate the trajectories, velocities and accelerations of electrons (positrons) channeled by the planar continuous potential. In the framework of classical electrodynamics, these data allow realistic simulations of spectral-angular distributions and energy spectra of planar channeling radiation. Since the generated output is quantitative, the results of calculation may be useful, e.g., for setup configuration and crystal alignment in channeling experiments, for the study of the dependence of channeling radiation on the input parameters of particle beams with respect to the crystal orientation, but also for the simulation of positron production by means of pair creation what is mandatory for the design of efficient positron sources necessary in high-energy and collider physics. Although the classical theory of channeling is well established for long time, there is no adequate library program for simulation of channeling radiation up to now, which is commonly available, sufficiently simple and effective to employ and, therefore, of benefit as for special investigations as for a quick overview of basic features of this type of radiation.

Keywords: channeling radiation; electrons; positrons; single crystals


Beiträge zur Erweiterung der Einsetzbarkeit der kontaktlosen induktiven Strömungstomographie für das kontinuierliche Stranggießen

Klotsche, K.


Die vorliegende Arbeit ist der Weiterentwicklung der kontaktlosen induktiven Strömungstomographie (CIFT) gewidmet, welche die Rekonstruktion der Strömung eines Flüssigmetalls aus der Messung der strömungsinduzierten Änderungen eines angelegten Anregungsmagnetfeldes ermöglicht. Im Vordergrund steht die Erweiterung der Einsetzbarkeit der CIFT-Messtechnik für die experimentelle Modellierung des kontinuierlichen Stranggiessens an der Modellanlage “Mini-LIMMCAST“ am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). Insbesondere wird die Funktionsweise des Verfahrens unter Nutzung von Induktionsspulen und eines alternierenden Anregungsmagnetfeldes unter dem Einfluss der ferromagnetischen Teile einer elektromagnetischen Bremse untersucht.
Zunächst wird die Kalibrierung der Induktionsspulen zur Ermittlung der Übertragungsfaktoren dokumentiert. Die dabei festgestellten Messunsicherheiten werden zusammen mit einer theoretischen Abschätzung des Signal-Rausch-Verhältnisses der Messkette hinsichtlich der Anforderungen an das Auflösungsvermögen der Messtechnik eingeschätzt. Anhand zweier numerischer Simulationen des Versuchsstandes werden die Auswirkungen der ferromagnetischen Komponenten auf die zeitliche und örtliche Ausprägung des Anregungsmagnetfeldes sowie des strömungsinduzierten Magnetfeldes erläutert. Daran schließt sich die Beschreibung der Messungen des strömungsinduzierten Magnetfeldes mit einfachen und gradiometrischen Induktionsspulen an der Modellanlage ohne und mit überlagertem statischen Magnetfeld an. Die Ergebnisse dieser Experimente zeigen eine gute Übereinstimmung mit den Simulationsergebnissen und belegen die prinzipielle Einsatzfähigkeit der verwendeten Messtechnik für das CIFT-Verfahren in den untersuchten Konfigurationen.
Anschließend wird der Entwurf eines neuen Sensorsystems dargelegt, das aus 14 Induktionsspulen besteht und für das sowohl neuartige Gradienten- als auch Einfachspulen konstruiert wurden. Es folgt die Beschreibung einer Messkampagne an der Mini-LIMMCAST-Anlage, bei der die neuen Induktionsspulen zum Einsatz kamen. Hierbei wird an ausgewählten Messungen die korrekte Ermittlung des strömungsinduzierten Magnetfeldes für verschiedene Konfigurationen gezeigt. Abschließend werden daraus berechnete Strömungsrekonstruktionen für einen Vergleich mit dem jeweils zu erwartenden Strömungsbild herangezogen. Die Ergebnisse der Messkampagne verdeutlichen die mit dem neuen Induktionsspulensystem erzielten Verbesserungen.

Keywords: liquid metal; continuous casting; contactless inductive flow tomography

  • Diploma thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    115 Seiten


Investigation of Gas Bubble Velocities from Experimental Data of Ultrafast two-layer electron beam X-ray Tomography

Patmonoaji, A.


While for measurements in diluted two-phase flows optical methods are frequently applied there is a clear demand for measurement systems for dense two-phase flows. Measurement systems which have the capability to measure flow condition in high accuracy and high detail is needed for understanding the physical mechanism of flow phenomena and also especially for improvement and validation of new two phase flow simulation code model.
At the Fluid Dynamics Institute at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) a unique ultrafast X-ray tomography named ROFEX (Rossendorf fast electron beam X-ray tomography) is being developed. This non-intrusive measurement technique with high spatial and temporal resolution; enables to measure gas liquid phase distribution with detail and high accuracy. A frame rate up to 8000 Hz for simultaneous dual plane measurement and a spatial resolution of 2 mm can be reached. Large range of combination of gas-liquid velocities can be measured without any disturbance.
ROFEX works according to scanned electron beam principle. An electron beam is aimed to a circular metallic target using focusing and deflecting system. Hence rotating X-ray fan that radiates the flow in circular pattern is generated. A detector ring is employed to capture the attenuation value of the X-ray intensity. Further processing with filtered back-projection, reconstructed data result in the form of 3D gray value array. This array is processed with special bubble segmentation algorithm which results in bubble parameters such as bubble volume, detected position, and detected time are able to be obtained at the end of this process.
Presently gas bubble velocities are determined by a cross-correlation from dual measurement planes data which results in gas velocity profiles. In this work a new improved method which has capability to derive velocities of single gas bubble inside the flow has been developed. The new method works by pairing the correct bubbles that are detected at both measurement planes. In order to acquire correct bubble pair, comparison of bubble parameters for instance volume, detected position, and detected time are used. Therefore probability functions are defined for each parameter. If the correct bubbles pair is found, the difference of bubble time shift between both measurement planes can be determined. Therefore, gas bubble velocity is obtained by dividing the measurement plane distance with difference of bubble time detection.
In this report, detailed explanation of the algorithm working principle is given. The algorithm was tested for wide range of flow characteristic and validated by comparison with established theoretical prediction and also cross-correlation method. Velocity field result for wide range of flow structure was also created for further understanding of gas bubbles movement physical mechanism.

Keywords: two-phase flow; bubble velocity; bubble pair detection

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Master thesis
    Gadjah Mada University, 2013
    140 Seiten


Ferromagnetic resonance of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy MgO/CoFeB based tri-layers

Aleksandrov, Y.; Fowley, C.; Bernert, K.; Sluka, V.; Kowalska, E.; Farle, M.; Lindner, J.; Ocker, B.; Fassbender, J.; Deac, A. M.


Magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) are good candidates for next generation spin-transfer-torque magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM) [1]. Besides a comparatively higher thermal stability than in-plane MA, the recently reported appearance of PMA in MgO/Co40Fe40B20/Ta structures allows for lower switching currents while maintaining high quality MgO barrier growth.
In this report we use the ferromagnetic resonance technique to investigate the magnetic properties of a CoFeB layer sandwiched by Ta and MgO layers. Samples were grown by RF or DC sputtering using a TIMARIS cluster deposition tool (Singulus Technologies AG) [2] and annealed in N2 environment for 30 minutes at temperatures between 150 and 250°C in steps of 50°C. FMR measurements are performed at room temperature using a microwave cavity [3]. Thin films are also investigated by standard magnetometry measurements in a SQUID/VSM and also by the extraordinary Hall effect to extract the saturation magnetization and effective anisotropy.
Through FMR we are able to simultaneously extract the out-of-plane anisotropy, the effective magnetization and the damping co-efficient, as a function of annealing temperature. Our results show that post-annealing systematically shifts the magnetic easy axis from in-plane to out-of-plane direction. As the annealing temperature is increased the effective magnetization also increases.
[1] S. Ikeda et al., Nature Materials 9,721–724 (2010).
[2] B. Ocker, Singulus Technologies AG, Hanauer Landstrasse 103, 63796 Kahl am Main, Germany.
[3] J. Lindner and M. Farle: Magnetic Anisotropy of Heterostructures, STMP 227, 45–96 (2007).

Keywords: CoFeB; FMR; MTJ; magnetic anisotropy; PMA; spintronics

  • Poster
    The 58th Annual Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) Conference, 04.-08.11.2013, Denver, Colorado, USA


Kerr Microscopy Analysis of Stripe Elements Embedded in a Synthetic Antiferromagnet

Langer, M.; Neudert, A.; Osten, J.; Mönch, J. I.; Mattheis, R.; Lenz, K.; Fassbender, J.; McCord, J.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (others)
    TU Kaiserslautern, Institutsseminar, 21.01.2013, Kaiserslautern, Deutschland


Editorial for Electromagnetic flow control in metallurgy, crystal growth and electrochemistry

Gerbeth, G.; Eckert, K.; Odenbach, S.


The results of the collaboration Research Centre SFB 609 during 2002 to 2012 are summarized.

Keywords: Electromagnetic flow control in metallurgy; crystal growth and electrochemistry


Blasengrößen- und Liquidgeschwindigkeitsbestimmung in Blasensäulen

Chen, K.


Die Bestimmung der Geschwindigkeitskomponenten zur Validierung von CFD-Simulation zählt zu den elementarsten Messaufgaben in einer Blasensäule. Während besonders in einphasigen Strömungen Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) und Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA) etabliert sind, ist deren Einsatz in Zweiphasenströmung deutlich durch die auftretenden Phasenwechsel gestört.
Während der Einsatz eines PIV-Systems bereits bei geringen Gasanteilen durch fehlende optische Zugänglichkeit nicht mehr möglich ist, besteht bei CTA-Systemen, bedingt durch ihr Messprinzip, theoretisch die Möglichkeit auch bei höheren Gasdurchsätzen zu messen, sofern eine Maskierung der durch Gas verfälschten Daten erfolgt. Zur Klärung dieser Hypothese werden im Rahmen der Bachelorarbeit zwei Aspekte in Vorstudien untersucht. Zunächst widmet sich die Arbeit der einphasigen Kalibrierung des CTA-Systems auf die erwarteten Flüssigkeitsgeschwindigkeiten und deren Reproduzierbarkeit. Die Untersuchungen umfassen desweiteren Studien zur erforderlichen CTA-Messfrequenz. Anschließend werden erste Messungen in einer 2D-Blasensäule qualitativ ausgewertet, die mittels gekoppelter Messung einer Highspeed-Kamera, eine phasensensitiven Nadelsonde sowie eines pseudo-kalibrierten, zweidimensionalen CTA-Systems gemacht wurden. Die Arbeit verzichtet mangels einer ausreichend genauer Kalibrierungen des CTA-Systems und mangels Sensitivität der Phasensonde auf quantitative Bewertungen der Messungen.
Betreuer: Johannes Zalucky

Keywords: constant temperature anemometry; phase sensitive needle probe; conductivity probe; flow velocimetry; bubble column; qualitative data analysis

  • Bachelor thesis
    Hochschule Zittau-Görlitz, 2013
    78 Seiten


Numerical study of a continuous casting process with electromagnetic brake

Miao, X.


This dissertation investigates the effect of electromagnetic braking and gas injection on the fluid flow in a continuous casting slab mold numerically and makes verifications on basis of a small Liquid Metal Model for Continuous Casting of steel (mini-LIMMCAST). Numerical calculations were performed by means of the software package CFX with an implemented RANS-SST turbulence model. The nonisotropic nature of the MHD turbulence was taken into account by specific modifications of the turbulence model. The numerical results were validated by flow measurements at the mini-LIMMCAST facility. Numerical simulations disclose the damping effect on the flow closely depending on the wall conductance ratio. In addition, specific modifications of the turbulence model play a crucial role in reconstructing the peculiar phenomenon of an excitation of nonsteady, nonisotropic, largescale flow perturbations caused by the application of the DC magnetic field.

  • Doctoral thesis
    TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 2014
    128 Seiten


A droplet entrainment model for horizontal segregated flows

Höhne, T.; Hänsch, S.


One limitation today in simulating horizontal segregated flows is that there is no treatment of droplet formation mechanisms at wavy surfaces. For self-generating waves and slugs, the interfacial momentum exchange and the turbulence parameters have to be modelled correctly. Furthermore, understanding the mechanism of droplet entrainment for heat and mass transfer processes is of great importance in the chemical and nuclear industry.
The development of general computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models, which are closer to physics and include less empiricism, is a long-term objective of the activities of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) research programs. Such models are an essential precondition for the application of CFD codes to the modelling of flow related phenomena in the chemical and nuclear industries. The new formulation for the interfacial drag at the free surface and turbulence parameters within the algebraic interfacial area density model (AIAD) is one result of these HZDR activities. The AIAD approach allows the use of different physical models depending on the local morphology inside a macro-scale multi-fluid framework.
A further step of improvement of modelling interfaces is the consideration of droplet entrainment mechanisms. The proposed entrainment model assumes that due to liquid turbulence the interface gets rough and wavy leading to the formation of droplets. The new approach is validated against existing horizontal two-phase flow data from the HAWAC channel.

Keywords: CFD; horizontal flow; AIAD; droplet entrainment; two-phase flow; HAWAC; HZDR

  • Contribution to proceedings
    ANSYS Conference & 32. CADFEM Users´ Meeting 2014 (ACUM), 04.-06.06.2014, Nürnberg, Deutschland
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    ANSYS Conference & 32. CADFEM Users´ Meeting 2014 (ACUM), 04.-06.06.2014, Nürnberg, Deutschland
  • Nuclear Engineering and Design 286(2015), 18-26
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2015.01.013
    Cited 13 times in Scopus


Numerical modelling of sub-grid wave turbulence at the interface of horizontal multiphase flows

Höhne, T.


In the last decade, applications of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) methods for nuclear applications received more and more attention, as they proved to be a valuable complementary tool for design and safety. The main interest towards CFD consists in fact in the possibility of obtaining detailed 3D complete flow-field information on relevant physical phenomena at lower cost than experiments.

Typically free surfaces manifest as stratified and wavy flows in horizontal flow domain where gas and liquid are separated by gravity.

Stratified two-phase flows are relevant in many nuclear applications, e.g. pipelines, main coolant lines, horizontal heat exchangers and storage tanks. Special flow characteristics as flow rate, pressure drop and flow regimes have always been of engineering interest. Wallis (1973) analyzed the onset of slugging in horizontal and near horizontal gas-liquid flows. Flow maps which predict transitions between horizontal flow regimes in pipes were introduced e.g. by Taitel and Dukler (1976) and Mandhane et al. (1974). The most important flow regimes are smooth stratified flow, wavy flow, slug flow and elongated bubble flow. Taitel and Dukler (1976) explained the formation of slug flow by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. They also proposed a model for the frequency of slug initiation (Taitel and Dukler, 1977).

CFD simulations for free surface flows require the modeling of the non-resolved scales. For modeling of interfacial transfers it is necessary to select the adequate interfacial transfer models and to determine the interfacial area. The numerical solution can resolve the statistically averaged motion of the free surface (including waves) which may not be too small relatively to the channel height and to the characteristic length of the spatial discretization. However, the detailed structure of interacting boundary layers of the separated continuous phases and surface ripples cannot be resolved. Instead, its influence on the average flow must be modeled.

Non-resolved small scale structures of the interface have influence on mass, momentum and heat transfer between the phases. The type of required models depends on the general modeling approach used. To model the momentum transfer e.g. in the frame of the two-fluid model the correlations for the interfacial drag are used. In the past due to the lack of appropriate models often drag correlations valid for bubbly flows or correlations developed for 1D codes were used to simulate the interfacial momentum transfer at the free surface. Such approaches use simplifications and therefore are not able to represent completely the phenomena.

Keywords: AIAD; CFD; multi-phase flow; sub-grid wave turbulence

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2014, 06.-08.05.2014, Frankfurt, Deutschland
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2014, 06.-08.05.2014, Frankfurt, Deutschland


Validierung der Widerstands- und Turbulenzmodellierung an der freien Oberfläche

Porombka, P.


Am HZDR werden in enger Zusammenarbeit mit ANSYS neue Ansätze wie das Algebraic Interfacial Area Density (AIAD)-Modell zur numerischen Beschreibung horizontaler, stratifizierter Strömungen entwickelt. Der Inhalt dieser Diplomarbeit ist die Weiterentwicklung des AIAD-Modells hinsichtlich des Impulsaustausches und der Turbulenzbehandlung an der freien Oberfläche.
Die Diplomarbeit ist sehr anspruchsvoll. Das Dokument gliedert sich in Einleitung und Stand der Technik, Grundlagen der Berechnung von Mehrphasenströmungen, Modellierung des Widerstandsbeiwertes, Turbulenzmodellierung und Validierung der Modelle an einem Experiment. Eigene Lösungsansätze wurden selbständig entwickelt und in den Rechencode eingearbeitet. Andere Lösungsansätze werden diskutiert, konnten aber in der Laufzeit der Arbeit nicht umgesetzt werden. Die Arbeiten wurden sehr sorgfältig durchgeführt und die Interpretation der Ergebnisse ist fundiert. Insgesamt ist es eine sehr gute wissenschaftliche Arbeit.

Keywords: AIAD; CFD; multi-phase flow

  • Diploma thesis
    TU Dresden, 2013
    66 Seiten


THz based electron bunch length monitoring at the quasi-cw SRF accelerator ELBE

Green, B.; Kovalev, S.; Fisher, A. S.; Bauer, C.; Kuntzsch, M.; Lehnert, U.; Schurig, R.; Golz, T.; Michel, P.; Stojanovic, N.; Gensch, M.


In the past few years the quasi-cw SRF electron accelerator ELBE has been upgraded so that it now allows to compress electron bunches to the sub-picosecond regime. The actual optimization and control of the electron bunch form represents one of the largest challenges of the coming years. In particular with respect to the midterm goal to utilize the ultra-short electron bunches for Laser-Thomson scattering experiments or high field THz experiments. Current developments of THz based electron bunch diagnostic are discussed and an outlook into future developments is given.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden 2014, 30.03.-04.04.2014, Dresden, Deutschland


CFD simulation of multiphase flows in porous solid foam structures

Subramanian, K.; Schubert, M.; Lucas, D.; Hampel, U.


Ceramic foam packings, due to their high porosity, high specific surface area and low pressure drop are promising alternatives for reactor internals used in chemical engineering processes. The applications of solid foam packings as burners and heat exchangers have been widely studied, but as catalyst carriers particularly for gas-liquid reaction systems solid foam behaviour is not yet well understood. Due to its highly porous nature, it is very tough to understand the influence of hydrodynamics on the process performance. [1] The goal of this work is to perform three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (3D CFD) simulations of the evolving gas-liquid flow patterns considering ceramic foams as column internals and to validate them with experimental X-ray tomographic data. It is noteworthy to mention that up to now no 3D CFD simulation has been performed considering ceramic foams as column internals in pilot-scale. On the other hand, a few simulation studies are available considering spherical particles as packings in trickle bed reactors. The trickle bed closures will be modified according to the ceramic foam specifications.

A two-phase Eulerian model is used considering the flow domain as porous body. The influence of the liquid and gas drag is added as external source terms to liquid and gas momentum equations separately. The drag force between the phases has been taken into account using the relative permeability approach, which was developed by Saez and Carbonell [2] for packed beds using capillary pressure and relative permeabilities of two-phase flows. First results from the single-phase pressure drop and the two-phase gas-liquid distribution will be presented.

[1] Calvo. S., Beugre. D., Crine. M., Leonard. A., Marchot. P., Toye. D., Phase distribution measurements in metallic foam packing using X-ray radiography and micro-tomography, Chemical Engineering and Processing, Vol. 48, pp. no. 1030–1039, (2009).
[2] Saez, A.E., Carbonell, R.G., Hydrodynamic Parameters for Gas-Liquid Cocurrent Flow in Packed Beds, AIChE Journal, Vol. 31, No.1, pp no. 52- 62, 1985.


This work was funded by the Helmholtz Association within the frame of the Helmholtz Energy Alliance "Energy Efficient Chemical Multiphase Processes".

Keywords: CFD; Ceramic foams; Relative permeability; Multiphase flow

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Chemcon 2013, 26.-31.12.2013, Mumbai, India


Photoemission spectroscopy study of the lanthanum lutetium oxide/silicon interface

Nichau, A.; Schnee, M.; Schubert, J.; Besmehn, A.; Rubio-Zuazo, J.; Breuer, U.; Bernardy, P.; Holländer, B.; Mücklich, A.; Castro, G. R.; von Borany, J.; Buca, D.; Mantl, S.


Rare earth oxides are promising candidates for future integration into nano-electronics. A key property of these oxides is their ability to form silicates in order to replace the interfacial layer in Si-based complementary metal-oxide field effect transistors. In this work a detailed study of lanthanum lutetium oxide based gate stacks is presented. Special attention is given to the silicate formation at temperatures typical for CMOS processing. The experimental analysis is based on hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy complemented by standard laboratory experiments as Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Homogenously distributed La silicate and Lu silicate at the Si interface are proven to form already during gate oxide deposition. During the thermal treatment Si atoms diffuse through the oxide layer towards the TiN metal gate. This mechanism is identified to be promoted via Lu–O bonds, whereby the diffusion of La was found to be less important.

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Terahertz electro-optical detection: optical phase or energy measurements

Kovalev, S.; Kitaeva, G.


Models of different available single-photodetector electro-optic sampling schemes are considered from the unified theoretical position. It is taken into account that under electro-optic terahertz wave detection, not only do the polarization states of the femtosecond optical pulse components change but the modules of their amplitudes are also varied. As a result, information concerning the terahertz wave can be obtained not only using the conventional ellipsometry readout scheme (probe-phase sampling) but also by simple measuring of the induced power of the optical pulses (probe-energy sampling). Spectral sensitivities of both of these electro-optic sampling methods are calculated for the cases of nonlinear-optical crystals with zinc-blende symmetry (like ZnTe) and the crystals with one active component of the second-order optical susceptibility tensor (like PPLN). It is found that the ratio between spectral sensitivities of the pure probe-phase and pure probe-energy schemes is proportional to the ratio between the optical and terahertz wave frequencies in all types of the crystals. It is shown that the signal in the near-zero optical transmission point scheme, which is the best for terahertz imaging, has a mixed character. While the contribution of the probe-phase sensitivity appears to be due to spatially nonuniform residual birefringence of the nonlinear zinc-blende crystal, the probe-energy part of the sensitivity has a uniform distribution and can be increased by the angle misalignment of the optical polarization element.

Keywords: Nonlinear wave mixing; Ultrafast nonlinear optics


Preclinical [18F]FDG PET/MR: The influence of thyroid dysfunction on the activity of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in mice

Kranz, M.; Krause, K.; Zeisig, V.; Steinhoff, K.; Tönjes, A.; Deuther-Conrad, W.; Faßhauer, M.; Sabri, O.; Hesse, S.; Brust, P.


Thyroid hormones (TH) are crucial regulators of energy metabolism. This is in particular exemplified in patients with thyroid dysfunction disorders leading to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism (Brent et al. 2012). Hyperthyroidism, which is associated with excessive levels of TH, leads to an increased metabolic rate and weight loss despite increased food intake. In contrast, hypothyroid patients exhibit a decreased metabolic rate and gain weight despite reduced food intake (Lopez et al. 2010). These effects have been attributed on direct actions of TH on metabolically active tissues, such as brown adipose tissue (BAT) (Bianco et al. 2005). In this study we aimed to evaluate the impact of hyper- and hypothyroidism on BAT activity of C57BL/6 mice using [18F]FDG PET/MRI. To generate hyperthyroidism, mice received L-thyroxine daily (2 µg/ml diluted in drinking water). Hypothyroidism was generated by application of an iodine deficient diet containing 0.15% propylthiouracil (TD.95125, Harlan Laboratories). After 4 weeks of treatment n=4 mice per group (23.7 g±1.2 g body weight) were injected i.p. with [18F]FDG (14.5±1.3 MBq). Thirty minutes post injection the mice were imaged in a small animal PET/MR device (nanoscan®, Mediso, Hungary) up to 30 min. Followed by a whole-body MR scan (gradient echo sequence, TR=20 ms, TE= 3.2 ms) for anatomical orientation and attenuation correction. Metabolic activity of BAT was determined by quantification of the glucose uptake (SUVmean) in typical regions of BAT (supraclavicular neck) using MR-based VOI analysis (PMOD v. 3.3).
The comparison of SUVmean (Figure 1) of the hyperthyroid mice showed a significantly increased [18F]FDG uptake compared to the control group (SUVmean 8.78 ± 2.08 and 6.16 ± 0.57, respectively; p = 0.05). However, in hypothyroid mice, a reduced FDG uptake was observed (SUVmean = 3.53 ± 0.65; p<0.01 vs. hyperthyroid and vs. control, respectively).
In conclusion, these findings substantiate the use of [18F]FDG PET/MRI as a valuable tool to map the effects of thyroid hormones on BAT activity. Furthermore, this is the first study confirming decreased supraclavicular BAT activation in hypothyroid mice.

Brent GA. JCI 2012(122):3035-3043
Lopez et. al. Nat. Med. 2010 (16) 2010:1001-1008
Bianco AC et. al Biosci.Rep. 2005; 191-208

  • Lecture (Conference)
    XIII Turku PET Symposium, 24.-27.05.2014, Turku, Finnland


Analysis of SANS measurements on highly irradiated15H2MFA steel

Ulbricht, A.; Török, G.; Gillemot, F.; Bergner, F.; Wagner, A.


A 15H2MFA type VVER440 RPV forging material in the unirradiated reference condition and three different irradiation conditions (samples : A; B and C) up to neutron fluences of 2.94x1e20, 9.52x1e20 and 14.5x1e20 cm-2 (E> 0.5 MeV), respectively, were investigated by SANS at the Budapest Research Reactor. The size distributions of the clusters were calculated using the indirect Fourier transform method. The absolute value of volume fraction of clusters is estimated under the assumption that the clusters are non-magnetic scatterers. The nuclear scattering contrast can vary for different irradiation levels. Differences in scaling of both magnetic and nuclear size distributions give a hint of different cluster composition. Information about the cluster composition is included in the A-ratio. Primary, the A-ratio was defined by the ratio of the SANS intensities perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic field direction. In practice, we observe a Q-dependence of the A-ratio.
We observed a difference are in the scaling of the magnetic and nuclear size distributions. The reason of this difference is discussed.

Keywords: reactor pressure vessel; neutron irradiation; SANS

  • Poster
    International Conference on Neutron Scattering, 08.-12.07.2013, Edinburgh, United Kingdom


Oxiddispersionsverfestigte (ODS) Stähle für nukleare Anwendungen

Hilger, I.


Die Eigenschaften von ODS stählen werden mit Hinblick auf die Anwendung in der Kernfusion gezeigt. Neben Mechanismen bei Ionen- und Neutronenbestrahlung werden Ergebnisse der Gefügeuntersuchung und der Nanohärtemessung nach Ionenbestrahlung gezeigt.

Keywords: ODS steels

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (others)
    IFAM Seminar, 22.11.2013, Dresden, Deutschland


Characterization of spark plasma sintered ODS alloys

Hilger, I.; Bergner, F.; Palasse, L.; Shariq, A.; Kölling, S.; Garcia-Junced, A.


Besides the fabrication route via mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering, the microstructure characterization by means of electron diffraction techniques (EBSD, TKD), atom probe tomography (APT) and small-angle neutron scattering is shown.

Keywords: EBSD; APT; SANS; ODS alloys

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ODISSEUS workshop on ODS steels, 09.12.2013, Dresden, Deutschland


Ferritische ODS Stähle für die Kernfusion

Hilger, I.; Heintze, C.; Bergner, F.; Ulbricht, A.; Weißgärber, T.; Garcia-Junced, A.; Palasse, L.; (Editors)


Die Eigenschaften von ODS Stählen werden mit Hinblick auf die Anwendung in der Kernfusion gezeigt. Neben Mechanismen bei Ionen- und Neutronenbestrahlung werden Ergebnisse der Gefügeuntersuchung und der Nanohärtemessung nach Ionenbestrahlung gezeigt.

Keywords: ion irradiation; EBSD; Nanoindentation; SANS; APT

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    4. Dresdner Werkstoffsymposium, 18.11.2013, Dresden, Deutschland


The structure evolution of yttria in ferritic ODS alloys during mechanical alloying

Hilger, I.; Tegel, M.; Bergner, F.


Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic steels are usually fabricated via mechanical alloying and subsequent consolidation via hot extrusion or hot isostatic pressing. During the individual process steps, a complex evolution of the nanoparticle structure is taking place. Powders with different Y2O3 contents were milled and examined by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atom probe tomography (APT). It has been observed that the Y2O3 is fragmented and becomes partially X-ray amorphous upon milling. This effect is due to the grain refinement of Y2O3 during the milling process and not because of its dissociation in the steel matrix.

Keywords: mechanical alloying; dissolution; ODS alloys

  • Lecture (others)
    HZDR PhD Seminar 2013, 07.10.2013, Bautzen, Deutschland


Microstructural properties of Spark Plasma Sintered ODS Fe-14Cr alloys

Hilger, I.; Bergner, F.; Weißgärber, T.; Garcia-Junceda, A.; Palasse, L.


Besides the fabrication route via mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering, the microstructure characterization by means of electron diffraction techniques (EBSD, TKD), atom probe tomography (APT) and small-angle neutron scattering is shown.


Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    GETMAT final workshop, 17.09.2013, Berlin, Deutschland


Dual-Beam irradiation of spark plasma sintered ODS Fe-14Cr alloys

Hilger, I.; Bergner, F.; Palasse, L.; Shariq, A.; Kölling, S.; Garcia-Junced, A.


ODS Fe14Cr alloys are considered as candidates for the replacement of austenitic steels in nuclear applications such as cladding tubes for future sodium fast rectors. This requires a background on the fabrication route, properties and irradiation behavior. Samples with yttria contents of 0.6wt% were produced by mechanical alloying and subsequent consolidation via spark plasma sintering (SPS). The grain size and particle type and size were characterized by means of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and atom probe tomography (APT), respectively. The microstructural homogeneity was evaluated by a combination of EBSD and scanning nanoindentation (SNI). SNI mappings are displayed in Fig. 1. A pronounced inhomogeneity of the hardness value at the µm size scale is observed. The homogeneity is clearly influenced by the milling parameters. The relationship between hardness, grain size and spatial distribution of nanoparticles is considered.
The compacted samples were irradiated with iron ions and with iron and helium ions (dual-beam irradiation) in order to investigate the influence of yttria particles on the helium bubble formation. The irradiated and unirradiated materials are characterized with respect to indentation hardness and microstructure.

Keywords: ODS; EBSD; TKD; ion irradiation; Spark plasma sintering

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    EUROMAT 2013, 10.09.2013, Sevilla, España


Microstructure of spark plasma sintered ODS Fe-14Cr

Hilger, I.; Bergner, F.; Tegel, M.; Palasse, L.; Shariq, A.; Kölling, S.; García-Junceda, A.; Gorley, M.


The fabrication route of an ODS Fe-14Cr alloy via mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering is shown. The results of electron diffraction techniques (EBSD; TKD), atom probe tomography and X-ray diffraction are shown with respect to the goal to achieve a higher radiation resistance of the material.

Keywords: ion irradiation; spark plasma sintering; ODS; EBSD; TKD

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    International ODS meeting, 08.07.2013, Dresden, Deutschland


Fabrication of oxide-dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels for nuclear applications

Hilger, I.


An overview about the fabrication, microstructure characterization and irradiation behaviour of oxide-dispersion strengthened steels ist given. The shown techniques include mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering as well as the characterization by means of electron backscatter diffraction and atom probe tomography.

Keywords: EBSD; atom probe tomography; Spark plasma Sintering; ODS steels

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (others)
    FWI PhD Seminar, 17.06.2013, Dresden, Deutschland


Germanium nanocrystals in SiO2: Relevance of the defect state distribution at the Si-SiO2 interface

Beyer, R.; Burghardt, H.; von Borany, J.


Nanocrystals (NC's) in metal-oxide-semiconductor structures are considered as storage nodes for non-volatile memory devices. The application of germanium NC's is essentially driven by the prospect of improved charge retention, however, the trade-off between short write/erase operation and long data retention is still an unsolved issue as long as the electronic states contributing to the memory effect and the charge transfer paths for capture and emission are not clearly identified. Recently we have shown, that a thermally stimulated process is involved in the hole emission from
embedded nanocrystals and that interface states might play a key role as transfer nodes. In order to inspect this supposition we examine in this study the charge response from interface states and near-interfacial border traps by means of temperature dependent capacitance-voltage measurements and deep level transient spectroscopy. NC's were introduced into 20 nm SiO2 layers on p-type silicon by Ge implantation and subsequent annealing.
The temperature dependence of the programming window was established for different samples, and the interface state density distribution was reconstructed from the DLTS spectrum. A particular feature was found in the spectrum which is not associated with the emission of the dispersed interface states, but likely related to the charge emission of the NC's based on a second order process. A scheme of the write/erase mechanisms is discussed, pointing out the crucial role of the interface states with respect to the device operation.

Keywords: germanium nanocrystals; non-volatile memory; charge trapping; interface states

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Resonance fine-splitting in a spin-torque nano-oscillator containing two stacked vortices

Sluka, V.; Kákay, A.; Deac, A. M.; Bürgler, D. E.; Schneider, C. M.; Hertel, R.


Magnetic vortices have become subject of increasingly intense study in spintronics during the past years. These structures develop as flux-closure patterns in cylindrical ferromagnetic disks of dimensions between the single- and multi-domain regimes. The magnetization is basically in-plane and circulates the disk center while the sense of the circulation can be either clockwise or counter-clockwise, defining the chirality of the vortex. As a result of the curling magnetization, the exchange energy density increases when approaching the center region, leading to the formation of a tiny out-of-plane magnetized volume referred to as the vortex core [1]. This core has lateral dimensions in the order of the exchange length and can point either “up” or “down” with respect to the disk plane. Once dislocated from its equilibrium position, the vortex core performs a circular motion around the disk center which is referred to the gyrotropic mode [2,3]. Its frequency depends on the material parameters and the disk aspect ratio and is typically of the order of a few 100 MHz. The sense of gyration is thereby determined by the polarity of the vortex core.
It has been shown that the gyrotropic mode can be excited by spin-transfer torque [4], opening up the possibility of vortex-based spin-torque oscillators, which offer extremely narrow linewidths and operate at zero applied field. Most of the studies concerning spin-transfer torque-induced vortex motion involved systems consisting of a homogeneously magnetized polarizing layer and a vortex free layer.
Here, we study a nanopillar that comprises two magnetic vortices stacked on top of each other. The pillar consists of two Fe disks of 30 and 15 nm thickness, respectively, separated by a 6 nm Ag spacer (Fig. 1). The pillar diameter is about 150 nm. We investigate the magnetization dynamics in the double vortex system both experimentally, where the oscillator is excited by spin-transfer torque, and by means of micromagnetic simulations using the TetraMag [5] code. Specifically, we focus on configurations where the two vortices have opposed chiralities. We find that depending on the chirality combination and the relative core polarities, the resonances split into a fine-structure of four modes (Fig. 2). The four mode frequencies differ by hundreds of MHz, so that our spin-torque oscillator resembles a flute: Each combination of chiralities and relative core polarities results in a different “tone”, and all tones can be excited at zero field and equal currents. The frequencies obtained from micromagnetic simulations are in good agreement with the measured values, showing that the mode fine-splitting results from the magnetostatic interaction between the two ferromagnetic disks.
These results are not only interesting for designing new vortex-based spin-torque oscillators. They also show how to detect changes in vortex core polarity without resorting to high resolution imaging techniques and may thus open new perspectives on how to make use of vortex cores in, for example, core-based non-volatile memory applications.

[1] E. Feldtkeller and H. Thomas. Phys. Kondens. Mater. 4, 8 (1965).
[2] D. L. Hubert. Phys. Rev. B 26, 3758 (1982).
[3] B. van Wayenberge et al. Nature 444, 461 (2006).
[4] V.S. Pribiag et al. Nature Phys. 3, 498 (2007).
[5] A. Kákay, E. Westphal and R. Hertel. IEEE Trans. Magn. 46, 2303 (2010).

Keywords: magnetic vortex; spintronics; spin-torque oscillator; spin-valve; vortex-oscillator; magnetization dynamics; spin-transfer torque; vortex-core

  • Lecture (Conference)
    8th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML2013), 19.-24.05.2013, Kyoto, Japan


Terahertz spectroscopy on single buried InAs quantum dots by scanning near-field nano-microscopy

Jacob, R.; Winnerl, S.; Fehrenbacher, M.; Bhattacharyya, J.; Schneider, H.; Wenzel, M. T.; von Ribbeck, H.-G.; Eng, L. M.; Atkinson, P.; Schmidt, O. G.; Helm, M.


Quantum dots have shown to be a highly interesting material system for many application purposes such as single photon emitters in the near-infrared involving interband transitions, but also for mid- and far-infrared applications using intersublevel transitions. Studying the linewidth of these transitions offers valuable clues to the dephasing mechanisms of the trapped electrons. However, due to size fluctuations of the quantum dots, inhomogeneous broadening of the signals usually hides this information when investigating ensembles of dots. Therefore, single-dot spectroscopy has to be performed for this purpose. In contrast to studies of interband transitions (e.g. via micro-photoluminescence) this is not well established at all for intersublevel transitions. In this work, scattering type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) in combination with a free-electron laser is used to investigate intersublevel transitions in single self-assembled buried InAs quantum dots. Thereby, spectrally resonant optical contrast to the surrounding GaAs substrate is observed at photon energies of 83 meV and 123 meV with a linewidth of 5-8 meV. Supported by photoluminescence data these signals can clearly be assigned to the s-d and p-d transitions of single conduction band electrons.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    International Workshop on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology (OTST), 01.-05.04.2013, Kyoto, Japan


Spectroscopy on single buried InAs quantum dots by scattering scanning near-field infrared microscopy

Fehrenbacher, M.; Jacob, R.; Winnerl, S.; Bhattacharyya, J.; Schneider, H.; Wenzel, M. T.; von Ribbeck, H.-G.; Eng, L. M.; Akinson, P.; Schmidt, O. G.; Helm, M.


Quantum dots are a highly interesting material system for many application purposes such as single photon emitters in the near-infrared, but also for mid- and far-infrared applications. Studying the linewidth of involved optical transitions off ers valuable clues to the dephasing mechanisms of the trapped electrons. However, due to size fluctuations of the quantum dots, inhomogeneous broadening of the signals usually hides this information when investigating ensembles of dots. Therefore, single-dot spectroscopy has to be performed for this purpose. In contrast to studies of interband transitions this is not well established at all for intersublevel transitions. In this work, scattering type scanning near-fi eld optical microscopy (s-SNOM) in combination with a free-electron laser is used to investigate intersublevel transitions in single self-assembled buried InAs quantum dots. Thereby, spectrally resonant optical contrast to the surrounding GaAs substrate is observed at photon energies of 83 meV and 123 meV, which can clearly be assigned to the s-d and p-d transitions of single conduction band electrons.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie, 10.-15.03.2013, Regensburg, Deutschland


New THz and Far-infrared Lightsources

Gensch, M.


There is a grow­ing in­ter­est in THz and far in­frared light sources for use in ma­te­r­ial stud­ies. Both co­her­ent ra­dia­tive sources (CSR, COTR, etc.) and FEL sources have been de­vel­oped in the last few years to ad­dress this need. This talk will de­scribe re­cent de­vel­op­ments in this grow­ing field.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    FEL13 - 35th International Free Electron Laser Conference, 25.-30.08.2013, New York, USA


THz based electron bunch length monitoring at the quasi-cw SRF accelerator ELBE

Green, B.; Kovalev, S.; Fisher, A.; Bauer, C.; Kuntzsch, M.; Lehnert, U.; Schurig, R.; Goltz, T.; Michel, P.; Stojanovic, N.; Gensch, M.


In the past few years the quasi-cw SRF electron accelerator ELBE has been upgraded so that it now allows to compress electron bunches to the sub-picosecond regime. The actual optimization and control of the electron bunch form represents one of the largest challenges of the coming years. In particular with respect to the midterm goal to utilize the ultra-short electron bunches for Laser-Thomson scattering experiments or high field THz experiments. Current developments of THz based electron bunch diagnostic are discussed and an outlook into future developments is given.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    APS Spring Meeting, 05.-08.04.2014, Savannah, USA


New Methodology for Realistic Integration of Sorption Processes Safety Assessments

Noseck, U.; Britz, S.; Flügge, J.; Mönig, J.; Brendler, V.; Stockmann, M.


Sorption on mineral surfaces of sediments is one important retardation process for radionuclides to be considered in long-term safety assessments for radioactive waste repositories. In the past the Kd-concept with temporally constant values was applied to describe radionuclide retardation in the far field of a repository. This modeling approach has the advantage of being simple and computationally fast but it does not take into account the spatial and temporal changes of geochemical conditions that will occur during the evolution of the repository system, e.g. due to long-term climatic changes. One option to describe the impact of such geochemical changes on radionuclide transport and retardation is the so-called smart Kd-concept. In the present study this new modeling approach is developed allowing the consideration of geochemical changes over time without strongly affecting the computational times of transport calculations. The state-of-the-art transport program r3t, used for large model areas and very long time scales, was modified to incorporate the smart Kd-concept. The methodology is based on a description of the radionuclide sorption as a function of selected, important environmental parameters (e.g. pH, pCO2, ionic strength and Ca2+, DIC and the respective radionuclide concentration) using mechanistic sorption models.

First, this approach is developed for a typical sedimentary system covering rock salt and clay formations in Northern Germany. This system mainly consists of tertiary and quaternary sands and clays. However, the approach is applicable to any site of interest. Thermodynamic data were missing for some major minerals present in the model area, such as feldspars and mica, and for relevant elements. To fill these data gaps, an experimental program including batch and column experiments has been conducted. By prior calculations of distribution coefficients for each radionuclide and sediment as functions of the environmental parameters, multidimensional Kd-matrixes are established combining surface complexation and ion exchange. The calculations are performed coupling the geochemical speciation code PHREEQC with the parameter estimation tool UCODE. After implementation of the methodology in r3t, transport calculations considering long-term changes of geochemical conditions have been performed for selected test cases. The results of the concept applied here are very promising. The concept allows the description of radionuclide sorption and transport through large model areas over very long time frames in dependence of variable geochemical conditions.

Keywords: Sorption; Nuclear Waste; Model; Reactive Transport; Hydrology; Risk Assessment; Geochemistry; Climate Change; Radionuclides; Actinides; Thermodynamic; Retardation

  • Lecture (Conference)
    WM2014 Conference, 02.-06.03.2014, Phoenix, Arizona, USA


A wrap up of modeling sorption processes of Eu3+ under varying geochemical conditions

Britz, S.; Noseck, U.; Brendler, V.; Durner, W.; Zachmann, D.


In safety assessments for radioactive waste repositories detailed knowledge about surface processes regarding long-term safety relevant elements (e.g. Am3+) is of fundamental importance. Surface reactions such as sorption as well as other processes lead to retardation and influence radionuclide migration. These processes occur in nature and therefore, they must be considered for realistic transport calculations. These processes function as a natural barrier and might reduce contaminant dissemination of potentially hazardous pollutants in natural environments.

So far, the Kd-concept has been applied using distribution coefficients constant in time and space to describe radionuclide transport in the far field of a repository. This approach does not take temporally and spatially changing geochemical conditions into account. In order to include varying geochemical conditions the smart Kd-concept based on thermodynamic sorption models was developed. Combining the state-of-the-art codes r3t (radionuclide, reaction, retardation, and transport) with d3f (distributed, density-driven flow) it is possible to model transport processes as a function of important environmental parameters e.g. pH, pCO2, ionic strength, Ca concentration, DIC, and radionuclide concentration. By including the smart Kd-concept into r3t, multidimensional Kd-matrices are calculated for each radionuclide and sediment a-priori, which are subsequently applied for reactive transport calculations.

To model sorption processes that are controlled by geochemical conditions robust data sets of so called surface complexation parameters (SCP) are required. These parameters, such as protolyses constants (pK-values), specific surface area (SSA) and surface site density (SSD) as well as stability constants of surface complexes (logK-values) are derived from measurements. Generally speaking, here SCP are obtained by fitting experimental data sets applying the geochemical speciation code PhreeqC in combination with the parameter estimation code UCODE. The SCP are iteratively optimized by UCODE to obtain the best fitted data set. Thereby derived SCP are subsequently applied as fixed parameters in reactive transport models.

Literature studies revealed that for important mineral phases such as muscovite and orthoclase nearly no SCP data sets are available at present. Hence, we performed extensive laboratory studies to derive experimental data. This study describes the approach to assess surface complexation parameters of Eu3+ (as a homologue for trivalent actinides). Experimental data of titration, batch and column experiments are discussed and evaluated. Exemplarily, we demonstrate the approach for muscovite. However, this method may be applied to any mineral or sediment of interest.

Keywords: Sorption; Surface; Complexation; Europium; Muscovite; Modelling

  • Lecture (Conference)
    TRePro III – Workshop on Modelling of Coupled Reactive and Transport Processes, 05.-07.03.2014, Karlsruhe, Deutschland


Uranium sorption onto single mineral phases – approaching consistency and robustness

Brendler, V.; Bok, F.; Müller, K.


One of the contaminants gaining special public attention is uranium. Though in almost all cases natural uranium (or depleted uranium) is of concern – and thus its chemotoxicity – radioactivity dominates most debates. But in any case the environmental fate of uranium and factors retarding or enhancing its transport are of high relevance. There are many studies addressing the sorption properties of uranium(VI) – and to a much lesser amount also of uranium(IV) – that produce a very patchy figure when it comes to a generalized view based on quasi-thermodynamic surface complexation models (SCM). This talk summarizes the current state-of-the-art with respect to and tries to homogenize the facts, also pointing out some steps to be done next.

Keywords: Sorption; Thermodynamic; Surface; Complexation; Uranium; Database; Uncertainty; Geochemistry; Consistency

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    ACTINIDES 2013, 21.-26.07.2013, Karlsruhe, Deutschland


THEREDA revisited – project status in 2013

Brendler, V.; Bok, F.; Marquardt, C.; Altmaier, M.


Safety analysis for a geological repository for radioactive waste as well as remediation measures for uranium mining and processing legacies share an essential: the need for a reliable, traceable and accurate assessment of potential migration of toxic constituents into the biosphere. The respective computational codes require site-independent thermodynamic data concerning aqueous speciation, solubility limiting solid phases and ion-interaction parameters. Such databases, however, show several constraints:

  • Incompleteness in terms of major and trace elements
  • Inconsistencies between species considered and corresponding formation constants
  • Restricted variation ranges of intensive parameters (temperature, density, pressure)
  • Limitations with respect to solution compositions (ionic strength)
To overcome these limitations to a significant degree, an ambitious database project – THEREDA – has been launched in 2006 by institutions leading in the field of safety research for nuclear waste disposal in Germany

Keywords: Thermodynamic; Database; Nuclear Waste; Disposal; Solution; Solid; Complexation; Reaction; Ion-Ion-Interaction; Geochemistry

  • Poster
    MIGRATION conference 2013, 08.-13.09.2013, Brighton, United Kingdom


Resistive switching in thin multiferroic films

Bogusz, A.; You, T.; Blaschke, D.; Scholz, A.; Shuai, Y.; Luo, W.; Du, N.; Bürger, D.; Skorupa, I.; Schmidt, O. G.; Schmidt, H.


Resistive switching properties of multiferroic BiFeO3 and YMnO3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition technique have been investigated. Both material systems sandwiched between Au top and Pt/Ti bottom electrodes reveal nonvolatile resistive switching upon application of an electric field. BiFeO3 is switching in bipolar mode when a positive and negative bias is applied. The resistance ratio between high resistance and low resistance state is larger than two orders of magnitude. In contrary to BiFeO3, YMnO3 shows a unipolar resistive switching of abrupt nature with the difference up to five orders of magnitude between both resistance states. This work presents the results on resistive switching in BiFeO3 and YMnO3 and discusses the mechanisms of observed phenomena. Possible applications of our findings are shown on the example of nonvolatile data storage devices.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    2013 International Semiconductor Conference Dresden-Grenoble (ISCDG), 26.-27.09.2013, Dresden, Germany
    Semiconductor Conference Dresden-Grenoble (ISCDG), 2013 International, 978-1-4799-1250-6
    DOI: 10.1109/ISCDG.2013.6656319
    Cited 2 times in Scopus
  • Lecture (Conference)
    International Semiconductor Conference Dresden-Grenoble, 26.-27.09.2013, Dresden, Germany


Resistive switching properties of multiferroic YMnO3

Bogusz, A.; Blaschke, D.; Skorupa, I.; Scholz, A.; Schmidt, O. G.; Schmidt, H.


Multiferroics, materials with simultaneous presence of any two or more of primary ferroic orderings in the same phase have gained a great attention both from scientists and industry [1]. Multiferroism gives an opportunity for a development of new materials and concepts for multifunctional devices. Presented work investigates the resistive switching properties of YMnO3, known as an improper multiferroic [2]. Thin YMnO3 films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on Si substrates with Ti/Pt bottom electrode at 800°C and varying oxygen partial pressure. Characterization of as-grown samples by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy was followed by determination of electrical properties of films in metal-insulator-metal (MIM) configuration. Results indicate a non-volatile unipolar resistive switching with high resistance ratio of high over low resistance state (>10^4). Switching mechanism is ascribed to the formation and rupture of conductive paths in the YMnO3 films upon applied current. In addition, the role of film microstructure and defect formation/distribution resulting from different growth conditions and its effect on the resistive switching behavior are discussed.

[1] N.A. Spaldin et al., Physics Today 63 (2010) 38.
[2] B.B. Van Aken et al., Nature Mater. 3 (2004) 164.

  • Poster
    6th European School on Multiferroics (ESMF6), 21.-26.07.2013, Wittenberg, Germany


Spatial and temporal resolution of a Local Lorentz Force Flowmeter

Heinicke, C.; Wondrak, T.


Electromagnetic measurement techniques are very promising for accessing the flow properties of liquid melts. We extend one of the recently developed techniques, Lorentz Force Velocimetry, to the measurement of spatial flow structures close to the wall of the confining container. The sensor we use is called Local Lorentz Force Flowmeter (L2F2). It comprises a small permanent magnet which is attached to a force measurement system. We demonstrate that it is possible to reconstruct the complex flow in the vicinity of the wall of a confined vessel using the L2F2. Additionally, we show with the help of a solid body experiment that the L2F2 responds to temporal changes in the flow on the order of 1 Hz.

Keywords: local flow measurement; liquid metal; lorentz force velocimetry


Renaissance enamels - colouring and state of preservation Non-destructive studies by external PIXE–PIGE–RBS

Neelmeijer, C.; Hasselmeyer, L.; Eulitz, J.


The work mechanism of the orbit clock, a masterpiece of Eberhard Baldewein in the 1560s [1] and permanent exhibit in the Math.-Phys. Salon of Dresden, houses in a fire-gilded brass body carrying rich silver-made ornamental strips plus decorative ornaments of coloured enamel. Recently, this unique object of art was under general restoration. PIXE analysis of dismount metal pieces searched for differences in composition possibly revealing former coaction of several workshops. Substantial studies of enamels used PIXE, PIGE and RBS simultaneously at the external 3.85 MeV proton beam in He-atmosphere, allowing both the detection of elements Z ≥ 5 and, in particular by RBS, the identification of surface deterioration [2].
The detailed enamel artworks show opaque but also translucent layers lying upon another for achieving visual depth effects or being singly arranged on/between gold (sometimes silver) ornamentation. Chromaticity of the vitreous materials was induced due to embedding of specific metallic ions. In accordance with ref. [3] the enamels under analysis – red, green, brown, blue, black, white – show the corresponding accompanying elements – Cu, Cu plus Fe, mainly Fe, Co plus Cu, Mn plus Fe, Pb plus Sn – respectively. Enamel composition analysis (wt% of elemental oxides) took place in consideration of small adjacent gold or silver filigrees casually hidden by the proton beam. Maximum MnO concentration of 9% was obtained for black enamel improved by 1% CoO. The translucent red material (~2% CuO) includes ~1% MnO for plastic shading effects. Tints of green enamel were tuned by the addition of both ~10% Cu- and ~6% Fe-oxide. A brown-orange detail shows 22% Fe2O3 plus 0.4% CuO. Just about 1% CoO proves quite enough for blue enamel colouration, shaded by adding ~6% CuO.
For blue, black and green enamels the concentrations of the glass network former SiO2 are in the order of 60% or above, just sufficient for resistance to humidity (hydrolysis, leaching) [2]. High concentration of 10-20% Na2O (fluxing agent) along with only 2-8% K2O (network modifier) contribute to the enamel long-term stability. These criteria, ensuring durability, are diminished in case of the red material characterized by CSiO2 < 60% and CK2O > 16%. Therefore, conservation activities should mainly concentrate on decorations made from red enamel. Altogether, not one of the RBS spectra identifies oxygen enrichment in the vicinity of the enamel surface as a characteristic signal of progressing leaching effects [2].
Two positions were found pointing to potential earlier restoration work. The small blackish detail of a complex ornamentation shows 1% MnO only but nearly twice of the current concentrations for both Fe2O3 and CoO. In addition, the RBS spectrum shows a striking carbon surface-signal reflecting probably carbon containing material for blackening. On a peculiar opaque detail of CuO-based light blue enamel Co is missing and Pb originates from potential lead white pigment.

[2] M. Mäder, C. Neelmeijer, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 226 (2004) 110-118.
[3] K. H. Wedepohl, Die Herstellung mittelalterlicher und antiker Gläser, F. Steiner, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, Stuttgart, 1993

Keywords: Eberhard Baldewein; orbit clock; enamel; nondestructive analysis; external proton beam; PIXE-PIGE-RBS

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