Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

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42029 Publications

Flow modelling with relevance to Vertical Gradient Freeze crystal growth under the Influence of a travelling magnetic field

Niemietz, K.; Galindo, V.; Pätzold, O.; Gerbeth, G.; Stelter, M.


Results on the experimental and numerical modelling of the melt flow typically observed in Vertical Gradient Freeze (VGF) crystal growth with a Travelling Magnetic Field (TMF) are presented. Particular attention is paid on the transition from a laminar to a time-dependent flow, which represents a crucial problem in VGF growth. Low-temperature model experiments at around 80°C were performed using a GaInSn melt in a resistance furnace with concentric, separately adjustable heating zones. The TMF was created by an external coil system, and the flow velocity was measured by means of the Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimetry (UDV). The melt flow was simulated numerically using a finite volume code based on the open source code library OpenFOAM. As a criterion for the stability of the flow the turbulent kinetic energy was calculated under the influence of the TMF and thermal buoyancy. The results obtained are compared to isothermal TMF flow modelling at ambient temperature. The stability limit of the melt flow is found to be significantly influenced by the mutual interaction of buoyant and TMF-driven flows. Both experimental and numerical results show the stabilizing effect of a natural, VGF-type buoyancy on the TMF-induced flow.

Keywords: fluid flows; magnetic fields; stirring; vertical gradient freeze technique; numerical simulation


Investigation of dipole strength up to the neutron-separation energy at the ELBE accelerator

Massarczyk, R.; Bemmerer, D.; Beyer, R.; Birgersson, E.; Dönau, F.; Grosse, E.; Hannaske, R.; Hartmann, A.; Junghans, A.; Kempe, M.; Kögler, T.; Matic, A.; Rusev, G.; Schilling, K.-D.; Schramm, G.; Schwengner, R.; Wagner, A.


At the bremsstrahlung facility of the ELBE accelerator there exists the possibility to investigate dipole strength distributions up to the neutronseparation energies with photon energies up to 18 MeV. The facility and various results for nuclides measured during recent years will be presented. One example is the study of 86Kr that complements a systematic study of stable isotones at the shell closure of neutron number N = 50. As a special feature, a high-pressure gas target was used in this experiment. The other presented example is an experiment on 136Ba. GEANT4 simulations were performed to detremine the non-nuclear background that has to be removed from the measured spectra. This opens up the possibility to take into account also the strength of unresolved transitions. Simulations of gamma-ray cascades were carried out that consider the transitions from states in the quasicontinuum and allow us to estimate their branching ratios. As a result, the photoabsorption cross sections obtained from corrected intensities of ground-state transitions are combined with existing data from (gamma,n) experiments and are compared with theoretical predictions.

Keywords: Nuclear structure; gamma-ray spectroscopy; gamma-ray strength functions

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Workshop on Gamma Strength and Level Density in Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology, 30.08.-03.09.2010, Dresden, Deutschland


Photon strength function deduced from photon scattering and neutron capture

Massarczyk, R.; Birgersson, E.; Schramm, G.; Schwengner, R.; Belgya, T.; Beyer, R.; Grosse, E.; Hannaske, R.; Junghans, A. R.; Matic, A.; Szentimiklosi, L.; Weil, J.; Wagner, A.


The dipole strength function of 78Se and 196Pt are investigated by two different experimental methods, capture of cold neutrons in 77Se and 195Pt, and photon scattering experiments on 78Se and 196Pt. Considering the different ways of excitation, the strength function deduced from the results are expected to agree. The report shows the status of the data analysis and presents first preliminary results.

Keywords: Nuclear structure; gamma-ray spectroscopy; gamma-ray strength functions; neutron capture

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Contribution to proceedings
    EFNUDAT Users and Collaboration Workshop "Measurement and Models of Nuclear Reactions", 25.-27.05.2010, Paris, France
    European Physics Journal Web Conferences 8 (2010), 07008
  • Lecture (Conference)
    EFNUDAT Users and Collaboration Workshop "Measurement and Models of Nuclear Reactions", 25.-27.05.2010, Paris, France


Prediction of polydisperse steam bubble condensation in sub-cooled water using the Inhomogeneous MUSIG model

Lifante, C.; Frank, T.; Burns, A. D.; Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.


The aim of this paper is to present the validation of a new methodology implemented in ANSYS CFX (ANSYS, 2009), that extends the standard capabilities of the inhomogeneous MUltiple-SIze Group model (MUSIG) by additionally accounting for bubble size changes due to heat and mass transfer. Bubble condensation plays an important role in sub-cooled boiling or steam injection into pools among many other applications of interest in the Nuclear Reactor Safety (NRS) area and other engineering areas. Since the mass transfer rate between phases is proportional to the interfacial area density, a polydisperse modelling approach considering different bubble sizes is of main importance, because an accurate prediction of the bubble diameter distribution is required.
The standard MUSIG approach is an inhomogeneous one with respect to bubble velocities, which combines the size classes into different so-called velocity groups to precisely capture the different behaviour of the bubbles depending on their size. In the framework of collaboration between ANSYS and the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) an extension of the MUSIG model was developed, which allows to take into account the effect of mass transfer due to evaporation and condensation on the bubble size distribution changes in addition to breakup and coalescence effects.
After the successful verification of the model, the next step was the validation of the new developed model against experimental data. For this purpose an experiment was chosen, which was investigated in detail at the TOPFLOW test facility at FZD. It consists of a steam bubble condensation case at 2MPa pressure in 3.9K sub-cooled water at a large diameter (DN200) vertical pipe. Sub-cooled water flows into the 195.3 mm wide and 8 m height pipe, were steam is injected at z=0.0 m and is recondensing. The experimental results are published in (Lucas, et al., 2007). Using a wire-mesh sensor technique the main characteristics of the two-phase flow were measured, i.e. radial steam volume fraction distribution and bubble diameter distribution at different heights and cross-sections.
ANSYS CFX 12.0 was used for the numerical prediction. A 60 degrees pipe sector was modelled in order to save computational time, discretized into a mesh containing about 260.000 elements refined towards the pipe wall and towards the location of the steam injection nozzles. Interfacial forces due to drag, lift, turbulent dispersion and wall lubrication force were considered. The numerical results were compared to the experimental data. The agreement is highly satisfactory, proving the capability of the new MUSIG model extension to accurately predict such complex two-phase flow.

Keywords: polydisperse; bubble; condensation; phase transfer; CFD

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Contribution to proceedings
    CFD4NRS-3, Workshop on Experimental Validation and Application of CFD and CMFD Codes to Nuclear Reactor Safety Issues, paper 13.3, 14.-16.09.2010, Washington D.C., USA
  • Lecture (Conference)
    CFD4NRS-3, Workshop on Experimental Validation and Application of CFD and CMFD Codes to Nuclear Reactor Safety Issues, 14.-16.09.2010, Washington D.C., USA


Dipole strength in 136Ba up to the neutron-separation energy

Massarczyk, R.; Schwengner, R.; Beyer, R.; Hannaske, R.; Junghans, A.; Kempe, M.; Kosev, K.; Marta, M.; Matic, A.; Nair, C.; Rusev, G.; Schilling, K. D.; Stach, D.; Trompler, E.; Wagner, A.; Yakorev, D.


The dipole-strength distribution of 136Ba has been investigated at the bremsstrahlung facility at the ELBE accelerator of the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The photon-scattering experiment was carried out at an electron beam energy of 10.9 MeV in order to study the energy region up to the neutron separation. GEANT4 simulations were performed to subtract the atomic background from the measured spectrum and deduce the intensity of the resonantly scattered gammarays. Considering the transitions from states in the quasicontinuum, simulations of gammaray cascades were carried out to estimate branching ratios. As a result the photoabsorption cross section obtained from transitions to the ground state are combined with existing data from photoneutron experiments.

Keywords: Nuclear structure; gamma-ray spectroscopy; gamma-ray strength functions

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    74. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände 2010, 15.-19.03.2010, Bonn, Deutschland


Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren und die Umwelt

Zänker, H.


Es wird das Verhalten von Carbon Nanotubes in Umweltwässern analysiert. Insbesondere werden die Mobilität in wässriger Suspension und die Adsorption von Schwermetallen (Uran) diskutiert.

Keywords: Carbon Nanotubes

  • Open Access Logo GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 4(2010), 310


An integrated dosimetry and cell irradiation device for in vitro experiments with laser accelerated protons

Richter, C.; Beyreuther, E.; Baumann, M.; Dammene, Y.; Enghardt, W.; Karsch, L.; Kraft, S.; Laschinsky, L.; Lessmann, E.; Metzkes, J.; Naumburger, D.; Schramm, U.; Schürer, M.; Sobiella, M.; Weber, A.; Zeil, K.; Pawelke, J.


Purpose: The novel technology of laser based particle acceleration promises accelerators of compact size and reasonable costs that may significantly contribute to a widespread use of ion radiotherapy. Although some basic properties of laser acceleration are reasonably well known from theory, simulations and fundamental experiments, several demands have to be fulfilled for its medical application. Moreover, the ultra-short pulsed particle beams with resulting high pulse dose-rate have to be characterized with regard to their radiobiological properties. Therefore, a precise dosimetry is necessary that considers the special characteristics of the laser accelerated protons. Special attention has to be drawn on the low energy (<10 MeV), the exponential energy spectrum, the low repetition rate and the pulse-to-pulse fluctuations of the available laser accelerated proton beams.

Material & Methods: An Integrated Dosimetry and Cell Irradiation Device (IDCID) for systematic in vitro and in vivo experiments with laser accelerated protons was developed and characterized. The IDCID (Fig. 1) consists of a kapton vacuum window, an ionisation chamber consisting of ultra-thin foils (22.5 µm) for online dose information and a Faraday cup inset for absolute dosimetry that can be replaced by an inset for cell or even mouse model irradiation. Radiochromic films, i.e. GafChromic EBT, or CR-39 solid state track detectors can be included matching the plane of the cell monolayer. For the use of the Faraday Cup (FC) for absolute dosimetry and cross-calibration of the ionisation chamber, an accurate FC calibration is necessary. Therefore, three independent ways were chosen: (1) electronic calibration by applying a defined charge to the FC amplifier, (2) dose calibration against a clinical established absolute dosimetry and (3) calibration with CR-39 solid state track detectors. The dose calibration was performed at the proton therapy facility at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, where also EBT and EBT2 films were calibrated for determination of 2D dose distribution. Moreover, the FC calibration with the help of CR-39 was carried out at the Tandem accelerator of the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.

Results: Successfully, the functional capability of the IDCID was thoroughly tested and precisely calibrated with three independent methods. EBT / EBT2 films were calibrated for several proton beam qualities with mean energies between 5 - 62 MeV. As next step, first systematic in vitro cell irradiations were performed for a human squamous cell carcinoma (FaDu) cell line irradiated with 7 MeV monoenergetic protons.

Conclusion: Both the dosimetric and radiobiological requirements for systematic cell irradiations with laser accelerated protons have been fulfilled.

Supported by the BMBF, grant 03ZIK445

Fig. 1: Integrated dosimetry and cell irradiation device (a) with Faraday cup inset, (b) with cell holder inset

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    ESTRO 29 - Conference of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, 12.-16.09.2010, Barcelona, Spanien
  • Abstract in refereed journal
    Radiotherapy and Oncology 96(2010)Suppl. 1, S533-S534
    ISSN: 0167-8140


Phase Segregation and Transformations in Arsenic-Implanted ZnO Thin Films

Krause, M.; Vinnichenko, M.; Shevchenko, N.; Mücklich, A.; Gemming, S.; Munnik, F.; Rogozin, A.; Kolitsch, A.; Möller, W.


The conversion of ZnO into a p-type semiconductor remains a major challenge for its application in optoelectronic devices, since up to now neither the suitable type of defects nor the possible role of secondary phase formation during doping has been clarified. Here, the implantation of arsenic into epitaxial ZnO thin films on Alpha-Al2O3 (0001) and subsequent isothermal annealing in high vacuum are studied by particle induced X-ray emission, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The as-implanted ZnO:As films are single phase and exhibit a locally disordered ZnO lattice structure. Zn3As2 nanocrystals segregate at 700°C. Due to annealing at 800°C, Alpha-As and Alpha-As2O3 are formed. The study demonstrates the role of solid state reactions and secondary phase formation for group V element doping of ZnO that is a promising route to convert this material into a p-type semiconductor.

Keywords: Transparent Conductive Oxides; ZnO; Arsenic Doping; Secondary Phase Formation; Ion Implantation

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Carbon:Vanadium (C:V) nanocomposite filmsfor tribological applications

Krause, M.; Abrasonis, G.; Mücklich, A.; Kolitsch, A.; Möller, W.


Nanocomposites are heterogeneous materials wherein the lateral extension of at least one component is lower than 100 nm.[1] They represent a new class of functional materials, whose properties cannot be predicted from those of their constituents alone. Among the various classes of nanocomposites, metal-containing nano-particles embedded in a carbon matrix have recently attracted considerable interest regarding their structure and properties.[2,3]
This study focuses on the structure and the mechanical properties of C:V nanocomposites. A series of C:V films with a varying vanadium concentration of 2 at.% ≤ xv ≤ 50 at.% was grown on silicon by DC dual magnetron sputtering. Depending on the metal concentration, significant structural variations were observed within both phases (dispersed phase and matrix) of the nanocomposite. At low vanadium concentrations, an amorphous metal rich and an amorphous carbon phase are formed. An increasing metal content promotes the formation of cubic VC and a graphitic carbon phase. With optimized deposition parameters, the hardness of the C:V nanocomposite films is higher then 10 GPa, and the elastic modulus achieves values of about 130 GPa. The friction coefficients for sliding conditions are as good as 0.1.

[1] P. M. Ajayan, L.S. Schadler, P.V. Braun, Nanocomposites Science and Technology, Wiley, 2005
[2] T. Hayashi, S. Hirono, M. Tomita, S. Umemura, Nature 381, 772-774 (1996)
[3] M. Krause et al., Phys. Stat. Sol. (B), 244, 4236-4239 (2007); G. Abrasonis et al. Carbon, 45, 2995-3006 (2007); M. Berndt et al., Plasma Process. Polym. 6, S902–S906 (2009); C. Adelhelm et al., J. Appl. Phys. 105, 033522 (2009); M. Magnuson et al. Phys. Rev. B, 80, 235108 (2009).

  • Poster
    12th International conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, 13.-17.09.2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Deutschland


Roughness evolution in amorphous silicon films grown by (biased) DC magnetron sputtering

Gago, R.; Redondo-Cubero, A.; Vinnichenko, M.; Vazquez, L.


Control over surface roughness (σ) is a critical issue in many physical, chemical, biological and technological processes. Regarding relevant systems, silicon is a model material that finds a wide range of applications in microelectronic and photovoltaic devices. Further, the growth of amorphous silicon (a-Si) could yield ultrasmoothness, a keystone for the production of ultrathin films, in analogy to amorphous diamond-like carbon [1]. Based on this motivation, we have studied the roughness evolution of a-Si films prepared by DC magnetron sputtering at low (LP) and high (HP) plasma pressures (10-3 and 3×10-3 mbar, respectively). The morphological analysis was carried out by atomic force microscopy and interpreted in the framework of dynamic scaling concepts [2]. The film thickness evolution was analyzed by ex-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry, providing also information on the disorder character of the films. Smooth (σ<0.2nm) films were produced at LP whereas rougher surfaces were grown at HP. The growth exponent [σ(t)~tβ] was close to 0.25 at LP, compatible with a morphology controlled by surface diffusion relaxation processes, whereas HP yielded considerably higher β characteristic of unstable growth. The distinct evolution should be related to the lower mean free path in the gas phase at HP, which alters the incidence angle and/or size of the particles condensing at the substrate and can result in shadowing effectsduring growth [3]. Finally, a negative DC bias voltage (-400V) applied to the substrate at HP changes drastically the surface morphology to ultrasmooth (σ~0.12 nm) during the whole temporal window sampled, resulting in β~0 (i.e. suppressing surface roughening). The latter could be consistent with the Edwards-Wilkinson interface equation [2]. This evident surface smoothing could be ascribed to ion-induced downhill currents that preferentially erode prominent features [1].
REFs.: [1] M. Moseler, P. Gumbsch, C. Casiraghi, A.C. Ferrari, and J. Robertson, Science 309, 1545 (2005); [2] A.L. Barabasi, and H.E. Stanley, Fractal Concepts in Surface Growth (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995); [3] J.T. Drotar et al., Phys. Rev. B 62, 2118 (2000).

Keywords: Roughness; AFM; dynamic scaling; smoothness; shadowing

  • Lecture (Conference)
    12th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, 13.-17.09.2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany


Thermally-induced formation of secondary phases in ZnO:Al films grown by reactive pulsed magnetron sputtering

Vinnichenko, M.; Gago, R.; Cornelius, S.; Rogozin, A.; Shevchenko, N.; Munnik, F.; Kolitsch, A.; Moeller, W.


Segregation of Al2O3 or ZnAl2O4 in Al-doped ZnO (AZO) is often discussed as a reason for deterioration of the film electrical properties during growth at temperatures above a certain optimum value (150-300 °C). However, conclusive evidence of these phase segregation in AZO is lacking since electrical properties and crystallinity of the films deteriorate simultaneously and, the disordered structure precludes a proper analysis using conventional methods. The present work overcomes these limitations using characterization techniques based on synchrotron radiation, such as X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption near edge structures. These studies were combined with investigations by spectroscopic ellipsometry, Hall effect measurements and elastic recoil detection analysis. The AZO films grown by reactive pulsed magnetron sputtering at substrate temperatures, Ts, ranging from RT to 550 °C, were investigated. It is found that Al-sites in an insulating metastable homologous (ZnO)3Al2O3 phase are favored above an optimum Ts value (200-400 °C), which depends on the metal/oxygen flux ratio. Energy deposition during growth due to the elevated TS and from the flux of energetic particles incident on the substrate causes preferential Zn desorption. Thus, increasing TS above the optimum value leads to a higher Al concentration (cFAl) in the films, as compared with that of the sputter targets. It exceeds the solubility limit and triggers the formation of this phase, whose volume fraction scales with increasing cFAl. This impedes crystal growth, causes a significant increase of free electron scattering, and results in an increase of the film electrical resistivity. It is shown that one can grow low-resistivity AZO films in a wider range of TS using lower metal/oxygen flux ratios during deposition. This may be suggested as an approach to minimizing the effect of such undesirable phase formation on AZO film electrical properties.

Keywords: Transparent conductive oxides; Al-doped ZnO; Reactive pulsed magnetron sputtering; X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES); Phase composition

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    12th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, 13.-17.09.2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany


Study of dipole strength distributions at the ELBE accelerator

Schwengner, R.


Abstract not available.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Seminar im Institut für Kernphysik der TU Darmstadt, 11.05.2010, Darmstadt, Deutschland


Enhancement of dipole strength below the neutron-separation energy in 139La

Schwengner, R.


Abstract not available

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 15.-19.03.2010, Bonn, Deutschland


On the action of magnetic gradient forces in micro-structured copper deposition

Mutschke, G.; Tschulik, K.; Weier, T.; Uhlemann, M.; Bund, A.; Fröhlich, J.


Magnetic fields allow to study distinct magnetic effects in various electrochemical systems. Lorentz forces can be utilized to tailor convection and mass transfer in electrolytic cells, thereby influencing for example the morphology and the structure of the electrodeposits [1]. Recently, the influence of magnetic gradient forces on the preparation of microstructured metal deposits on field-gradient electrodes has been discussed in the literature [2]. The presentation summarizes new experimental results, analytical findings and numerical simulations in order to discuss the influence of different magnetic forces involved and the prospects towards smaller deposition structures.

[1] G. Mutschke, A. Hess, A. Bund, J. Fröhlich,
On the origin of horizontal counter-rotating electrolyte flow during
copper magnetoelectrolysis.
Electrochimica Acta 55 (2010) 1543-1547.

[2] K. Tschulik, J. Koza, M. Uhlemann, A. Gebert, L. Schultz,
Effects of well-defined magnetic field gradients on the electrodeposition
of copper and bismuth.
Electrochemistry Communications 11 (2009) 2241-2244.

Keywords: magnetic gradient forces; structured deposition

  • Lecture (Conference)
    61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 26.09.-01.10.2010, Nizza, Frankreich
  • Contribution to proceedings
    61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 26.09.-01.10.2010, Nizza, Frankreich


Surface tension and density of liquid Bi-Pb, Bi-Sn and Bi-Pb-Sn eutectic alloys

Plevachuk, Y.; Sklyarchuk, V.; Gerbeth, G.; Eckert, S.; Novakovic, R.


Surface tension and density measurements of liquid Bi-Pb, Bi-Sn and Bi-Pb-Sn eutectic alloys were carried out by the large drop method in the temperature range 350 - 750 K. The regular solution model is used in conjunction with Butler's equation to calculate the surface tension of binary and ternary alloys of the Bi-Pb-Sn system, while the surface tension of ternary alloys is also predicted by geometric models. The new experimental results were compared with the calculated values of the surface tension as well as with the data available in literature.

Keywords: surface tension; density eutectic alloys; large drop method; bismuth; lead; tin

  • Surface Science 605(2011), 1034-1042


Quantitative characterization of melt flows in AC magnetic fields

Eckert, S.; Zhang, C.; Grants, I.; Gerbeth, G.


This presentation considers various situations where the flow inside a liquid metal column is driven by different configurations of AC magnetic fields. The ultrasonic Doppler method has been used to determine profiles of the fluid velocity in the ternary alloy GaInSn. The azimuthal and vertical velocity components have been measured allowing for an analysis of both a swirling flow in the horizontal planes and the flow pattern in the radial-meridional plane. In particular, we consider here transient liquid metal flows generated inside a cylindrical container by the superposition of a rotating magnetic field (RMF) and a travelling magnetic field (TMF). The application of the magnetic body forces can be used to create a tornado-like vortex in a closed volume of liquid metal. Moreover, the case of an RMF-driven flow will be discussed which is influenced by an oxide layer at the free surface of the metallic melt. The oxide layer feels the effect of the viscous force arising from the moving liquid beneath and the friction force from the side walls. A complex interaction occurs if the both forces are in the same order of magnitude. In that case, our measurements demonstrate that the occurrence of the oxide layer may lead to an unexpected oscillating behaviour of the bulk flow.

Keywords: liquid metal; electromagnetic stirring; rotating magnetic field; ultrasound Doppler velocimetry

  • Lecture (Conference)
    4th Asian Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, 03.-06.10.2010, Jeju, South Korea
  • Contribution to proceedings
    4th Asian Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, 03.-06.10.2010, Jeju, South Korea, 172-175


Effect of the substrate on the insulator-metal transition of vanadium dioxide films

Kovacs, G.; Buerger, D.; Skorupa, I.; Schmidt, H.


Single-phase vanadium dioxide films grown on (0001) sapphire and (001) silicon substrates show very different insulator-metal electronic transition. A detailed description of the growth mechanisms and the substrate-film interaction is given, and the characteristics of the electronic transition are described by the morphology and grain boundary structure. (Tri-)epitaxy-stabilized columnar growth of VO2 takes place on the sapphire substrate, while on silicon the expected Zone II growth is identified. We have found that in the case of the Si substrate the reasons for the broader hysteresis and the lower switching amplitude are the higher average oxygen vacancy concentration and the VxSiyO built up in the grain boundaries. These phenomena are the result of the material transport between the silicon substrate and the growing film.

Keywords: memristor; insulator-metal transition; vanadium dioxide

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Journal of Applied Physics 109(2011)6, 063708


Design, Synthese und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Radiometallverbindungen

Stephan, H.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Kolloquium Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Anorganische Chemie, 13.08.2010, Heidelberg, D


The Master Curve approach an approved fracture mechanics test method for more than one decade

Viehrig, H.-W.


The paper gives an overview about the development of the Master Curve approach since the first version of the appropriate test standard ASTM E1921 was issued. The main focus is on the application of ASTM E1921 for the determination of fracture toughness values applied in the nuclear reactor pressure vessel integrity assessment. Test parameters influencing the reference temperature were assessed.

Keywords: fracture toughness; ductile-to-brittle transition; reactor pressure vessel steel

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    COMAT 2010 RECENT TRENDS IN STRUCTURAL MATERIALS, 25.-26.11.2010, Plzen, Czech Republic
  • Contribution to proceedings
    COMAT 2010 RECENT TRENDS IN STRUCTURAL MATERIALS, 25.-26.11.2010, Plzen, Czech Republic
    Proceedings of COMAT 2010 Recent Trends in Structural Materials, Plzen: COMTES FHT a.s.


FLUKA capabilities and CERN applications for the study of radiation damage to electronics at high energy hadron accelerators

Battistoni, G.; Boccone, V.; Broggi, F.; Brugger, M.; Campanella, M.; Carboni, M.; Cerutti, F.; Empl, A.; Fassò, A.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrari, A.; Gadioli, E.; Garzelli, M.; Kramer, D.; Lantz, M.; Lebbos, E.; Mairani, A.; Margiotta, A.; Mereghetti, A.; Morone, C.; Muraro, S.; Parodi, K.; Patera, V.; Pelliccioni, M.; Pinsky, L.; Ranft, J.; Roeed, K.; Roesler, S.; Rollet, S.; Sala, P. R.; Santana, M.; Sarchiapone, L.; Sioli, M.; Smirnov, G.; Sommerer, F.; Theis, C.; Trovati, S.; Versaci, R.; Villari, R.; Vincke, H.; Vincke, H.; Vlachoudis, V.; Vollaire, J.; Zapp, N.


The assessment of radiation damage to electronics is a complex process and requires a detailed description of the full particle energy spectra, as well as a clear characterization of the quantities used to predict radiation damage. FLUKA, a multi-purpose particle interaction and transport code, is capable of calculating proton-proton and heavy ion collisions at LHC energies and beyond. It correctly describes the entire hadronic and electromagnetic particle cascade initiated by secondary particles from TeV energies down to thermal neutrons, and provides direct scoring capabilities essential to estimate in detail the possible risk of radiation damage to electronics. This paper presents the FLUKA capabilities for applications related to radiation damage to electronics, providing benchmarking examples and showing the practical applications of FLUKA at CERN facilities such as CNGS and LHC. Related applications range from the study of device effects, the detailed characterization of the radiation field and radiation monitor calibration, to the input requirements for important mitigation studies including shielding, relocation or other options.

Keywords: Radiation Damage to Electronics; FLUKA; CERN; LHC

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo 2010 (SNA + MC2010), 17.-21.10.2010, Tokyo, Japan
    Progress in Nuclear Science and technology 2(2011), 948-954


The application of the Monte Carlo code FLUKA in radiation protection studies for the Large Hadron Collider

Battistoni, G.; Broggi, F.; Brugger, M.; Campanella, M.; Carboni, M.; Empl, A.; Fassò, A.; Gadioli, E.; Cerutti, F.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrari, A.; Garzelli, M.; Lantz, M.; Mairani, A.; Margiotta, A.; Morone, C.; Muraro, S.; Parodi, K.; Patera, V.; Pelliccioni, M.; Pinsky, L.; Ranft, J.; Roesler, S.; Rollet, S.; Sala, P. R.; Santana, M.; Sarchiapone, L.; Sioli, M.; Smirnov, G.; Sommerer, F.; Theis, C.; Trovati, S.; Villari, R.; Vincke, H.; Vincke, H.; Vlachoudis, V.; Vollaire, J.; Zapp, N.


The multi-purpose particle interaction and transport code FLUKA is integral part of all radiation protection studies for the design and operation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It is one of the very few codes available for this type of calculations which is capable to calculate in one and the same simulation proton-proton and heavy ion collisions at LHC energies as well as the entire hadronic and electromagnetic particle cascade initiated by secondary particles in detectors and beam-line components from TeV energies down to energies of thermal neutrons. The present paper reviews these capabilities of FLUKA in giving details of relevant physics models along with examples of radiation protection studies for the LHC such as shielding studies for underground areas occupied by personnel during LHC operation and the simulation of induced radioactivity around beam loss points. Integral part of the FLUKA development is a careful benchmarking of specific models as well as the code performance in complex, real life applications which is demonstrated with examples of studies relevant to radiation protection at the LHC.

Keywords: radiation protection; shielding calculations; activation; FLUKA

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo 2010 (SNA + MC2010), 17.-21.10.2010, Tokyo, Japan
    Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology 2(2011), 358-364


Status of the PTS Experiment at TOPFLOW

Beyer, M.; Schleicher, E.; Pietruske, H.; Seidel, T.; Szalinski, L.; Hampel, U.; Weiß, F.-P.


After a short description of the aim and tasks of the project the experimental setup and the measurement technique were explained. Futhermore, the two executed air/water measurement series were specified. On the one hand, the behaviour of the flow through an Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) line into a Cold Leg of a Pressurized Water Reactor was investigated in dependence on some thermo hydraulic parameters. On the other hand, the occureance of thermal stratification inside the Cold Leg during ECC injection with different mass flows was analysed. An explanation of the next steps for the steam/water tests and an outlook completed the presentation.

Keywords: Pressurized Thermal Shock; Emergency Core Cooling; Pressurized Water Reactor; thermal stratification; mixing phenomena

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Lecture (others)
    Steering Committee Meeting on R&D Cooperation between Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and AREVA NP GmbH, 20.09.2010, Dresden, Deutschland


Measurement of the neutron detection efficiency of a 80% absorber - 20% scintillating fiber calorimeter

Anelli, M.; Bertolucci, S.; Bini, C.; Branchini, P.; Corradi, G.; Curceanu, C.; Dezorzi, G.; Di Domenico, A.; Di Micco, B.; Ferrari, A.; Fiore, S.; Gauzzi, P.; Giovannella, S.; Happacher, F.; Iliescu, M.; Luca', A.; Martini, M.; Miscetti, S.; Nguyen, F.; Passeri, A.; Prokoviev, A. V.; Sarra, I.; Sciascia, B.; Sirghi, F.; Tagnani, D.


The neutron detection efficiency of a sampling calorimeter made of 1 mm diameter scintillating fibers embedded in a lead/bismuth structure has been measured at the neutron beam of the Svedberg Laboratory at Uppsala. A significant enhancement of the detection efficiency with respect to a bulk organic scintillator detector with the same thickness is observed.

Keywords: Neutron detection; calorimetry; scintillating fibers


Experimentelle Ergebnisse im Rahmen des TOPFLOW-II Projektes

Beyer, M.; Szalinski, L.; Barthel, F.; Lucas, D.; Weiß, F.-P.


Der Vortrag beschreibt die im TOPFLOW-II Projekt erzielten Ergebnisse und den Realisierungsstand der Arbeiten. Nach einer kurzen Einführung zu Ziel und Aufgabenstellung des Projektes, werden detailliert die Resultate der Kondensationsexperimente und erste Auswertungen der Messdaten erläutert. Hierbei wird auch zum Teil auf Einzeleffekte eingegangen und die Reproduzierbarkeit der Ergebnisse nachgewiesen. Eine Beschreibung der Druckentlastungsversuche und die Darstellung ausgewählter Messdaten sowie Vorschläge zur Datenauswertung schließen sich an. Nachfolgend wird der erreichte Stand bei den Messungen mit dem Schnellen Röntgentomographen an der Teststrecke Ti-Rohr DN50 für aufwärtsgerichtete Luft/Wasser-Strömungen vorgestellt. Eine Zusammenfassung und ein Überblick zur Projektrealisierung beenden den Vortrag.

Keywords: TOPFLOW; wire-mesh sensor; ROFEX; X-ray tomograph; CFD; two-phase flow; steam condensation; pressure release

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Lecture (others)
    CFD-Forschungsverbund, Entwicklung und Anwendung von Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Programmen für Phänomene im Kühlkreislauf und Sicherheitseinschluss von Leichtwasserreaktoren, 23.09.2010, Grosshartpenning, Deutschland


Shielding aspects of the new nELBE photo-neutron source

Ferrari, A.; Beyer, R.; Birgersson, E.; Claussner, J.; Grosse, E.; Hannaske, R.; Junghans, A.; Kögler, T.; Kösterke, I.; Massarczyk, R.; Matic, A.; Schilling, K.-D.; Schramm, G.; Schwengner, R.; Wagner, A.; Weiss, F.-P.


The nELBE beamline at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) provides intense neutron beams by stopping a primary electron beam in a liquid lead radiator and producing then neutrons by bremsstrahlung photons through (gamma,n) reactions. To increase the neutron yield through the electron energy enhancement (from the current 40 MeV limit up to 50 MeV), to optimize the neutron/photon ratio and to minimize several source of background at the present time, a new neutron beamline with a new, larger experimental room has been designed. Extensive simulations with the particle interaction and transport code FLUKA have been performed to assess all the shielding aspects of the design. Starting from the primary electron beam, both the photon and neutron secondary radiation fields have been fully characterized. To have a cross-check of the results, the calculated values of the neutron yields at different energies of the primary beam have been compared with an independent simulation with the MCNP code, obtaining a very satisfactory agreement at the level of few percent. The photoproduction area has been studied in a mixed field condition, while, for statistical reasons, the penetration of the beam through the collimator and then in the neutron experimental room has been studied by writing a separate source term for the photon and the neutron radiation component. The results for the nELBE shielding, together with some aspects of the optimization of the photo-neutron beamline, are here presented and discussed.

Keywords: neutron time-of-flight superconducting electron linear accelerator; shielding assessment

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Contribution to proceedings
    10th Conference of the Task Force on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities, SATIF-10, 02.-04.06.2010, Geneva, Switzerland
    Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities - SATIF 10, Paris: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Publications, 9789264096509 (PDF) ; 9789264034679 (print), 97-106
  • Lecture (Conference)
    10th Conference of the Task Force on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities, SATIF-10, 02.-04.06.2010, Geneva, Switzerland


Shielding assessment for the ELI high intensity laser beamline facility in Czech Republic

Ferrari, A.; Cowan, T.; Margarone, D.; Prokupek, J.; Rus, B.


The production of laser-accelerated, high energy and high current particle beams requires a proper shielding assessment, especially when high intensity laser systems operate in repetition rate. The ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) future european facility in Czech Republic, where different optional laser beamlines are foreseen, will offer versatile electron and proton/ion sources, emitting in an unprecedented energy range (up to about 40 GeV for the electron case). For this facility a first extensive study that includes shielding and activation calculations for the 300 J laser beamline, which is the most critical for electron acceleration experiments, has been performed. Starting from analytical calculations, as well as from dedicated simulations, the main radiation fields produced in the laser-matter interaction have been defined. These fields have been then characterized as "source terms" in a full simulation with the Monte Carlo code FLUKA, where the produced secondary radiation has been studied to assess a proper shielding. The first results for the ELI shielding for the electron case, together with the activation calculations that drove several material solutions, are here presented and discussed.

Keywords: laser-accelerated electron and proton beams; shielding assessment

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Contribution to proceedings
    10th Conference of the Task Force on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities, SATIF-10, 02.-04.10.2010, Geneva, Switzerland
    Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities - SATIF 10, Paris: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Publications, 9789264096509 (PDF) ; 9789264034679 (print), 87-96
  • Lecture (Conference)
    10th Conference of the Task Force on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities, SATIF-10, 02.-04.06.2010, Geneva, Switzerland


Rare and strange probes in relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

Schade, H.; Kämpfer, B.


Mit Hilfe eines Transportmodells vom Boltzmann-Ühling-Uhlenbeck (BUU)-Typ wird die Dynamik von Strangeness-Freiheitsgraden in relativistischen Schwerionenstößen studiert. Insbesondere werden die $K^+$, $K^-$ und $\phi$ Multiplizitäten sowie Transversalimpuls- und Rapiditätsspektren mit aktuellen HADES Daten (Ar+KCl bei einer kinetischen Strahlenergie von 1.756 AGeV) erfolgreich verglichen und damit deren Medium-Modifikationen (zunächst durch effektive Massenverschiebungen parametrisiert) bestimmt. Die Rolle des $\phi$ Zerfalls und des Strangeness-Transfer-Kanals für die $K^-$ Produktion wird quantifiziert. Weiterhin wird die Empfindlichkeit des doppelt seltsamen Hyperons $\Xi^-$ (Ausbeute und Spektren) auf die nukleare Zustandsgleichung getestet.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    74. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände 2010, 15.-19.03.2010, Bonn, Deutschland


Strangeness - phi mesons in pA reactions

Schade, H.; Kämpfer, B.


Recent experiments of the ANKE collaboration concerning the phi meson production in pA-reactions p (2.83 GeV) + C, Cu, Ag and Au are appropriate for the absorptive phi-N interaction within the trancparency ratio. With the aim of analyzing the amount of phi absorption we applied our well confirmed transport model of Boltzmann-Ühling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) type on this scenario. The results seem to point to an absorption cross section of 18 \pm 3 mb only when accounting for secundary phi production processes as well as isospin asymmetry and ANKE acceptance conditions.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    International Workshop on Hot and Cold Baryonic Matter, 15.-19.08.2010, Budapest, Ungarn


Optimization aspects of the new nELBE photo-neutron source

Ferrari, A.; Beyer, R.; Birgersson, E.; Claussner, J.; Grosse, E.; Hannaske, R.; Junghans, A.; Kempe, M.; Kögler, T.; Massarczyk, R.; Matic, A.; Schilling, K.-D.; Schramm, G.; Schwengner, R.; Wagner, A.; Weiss, F.-P.; Yakorev, D.


The nELBE beamline at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) provides intense neutron beams by stopping primary electrons in a liquid lead target, where neutrons are produced by bremsstrahlung photons via (gamma,n) reactions. With the aim to increase the neutron yield through the enhancement of the electron beam energy (from the current 40 MeV limit up to 50 MeV), as well as to minimize several sources of background that are presently affecting the measurements, a new neutron beam-line and a new, larger neutron experimental room have been designed. The optimization of the neutron/photon ratio, the minimization of the backscattered radiation from the walls and the possibility to have better experimental conditions are the main advantages of the new design. To optimize the beamline, extensive simulations with the particle interaction and transport code FLUKA have been performed. Starting from the primary electron beam, both the photon and neutron radiation fields have been fully characterized. To have a cross-check of the results, the calculated values of the neutron yields at different energies of the primary beam have been compared both with an independent simulation with the MCNP code and with analytical calculations, obtaining a very satisfactory agreement at the level of few percent. The evaluated radiation fields have been used to optimize the direction of the new neutron beamline, in order to minimize the photon flash contribution. A general overview of the new photo-neutron source, together with all the steps of the optimization study, is here presented and discussed.

Keywords: neutron time-of-flight superconducting electron linear accelerator; photo-nuclear cross sections

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Open Access Logo Contribution to proceedings
    Measurements and Models of Nuclear Reactions, EFNUDAT Users and Collaboration Workshop, 25.-27.05.2010, Paris, France
    European Physical Journal, Web of Conferences 8(2010), 05002,DOI:10.1051/epjconf/20100805002, 978-2-7598-0585-3
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Measurements and Models of Nuclear Reactions, EFNUDAT Users and Collaboration Workshop, 25.-27.05.2010, Paris, France


Phase resolved x-ray ferromagnetic measurements in fluorescence yield

Marcham, M. K.; Keatley, P. S.; Neudert, A.; Hicken, R. J.; Cavill, S. A.; Shelford, L. R.; van der Laan, G.; Telling, N. D.; Childress, J. R.; Katine, J. A.; Shafer, P.; Arenholz, E.


Phase resolved X-ray Ferromagnetic Resonance (XFMR) has been measured in fluorescence yield, widening the application of XFMR to opaque samples on opaque substrates. Magnetization dynamics were excited in a Co50Fe50(0.7)/Ni90Fe10(5) bilayer by means of a continuous wave microwave excitation, while X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) spectra were measured stroboscopically at different points in the precession cycle. By tuning the x-ray energy to the L3 edge of Ni or Fe, the dependence of the real and imaginary components of the magnetic susceptibility upon the strength of an externally applied static was determined. First results from measurements on a Co50Fe50(0.7)/Ni90Fe10(5)/Dy(1) sample confirm that enhanced damping results from the addition of the Dy cap.

Keywords: Phase resolved X-ray Ferromagnetic Resonance; Magnetization Dynamics


A nodal SP3 approach for reactors with hexagonal fuel assemblies

Duerigen, S.; Grundmann, U.; Mittag, S.; Merk, B.; Kliem, S.


The neutronics model of the nodal reactor dynamics code DYN3D developed for 3-D analyses of steady states and transients in light-water reactors has been extended by a simplified P3 (SP3) neutron transport option to overcome the limitations of the diffusion approach. To provide a method being applicable to reactors with hexagonal fuel assemblies and furthermore allowing flexible mesh refinement, the nodal SP3 method has been
developed on the basis of a flux expansion in trigonal-z geometry. Dividing a hexagonal fuel assembly into six triangular nodes, steady-state test calculations for one assembly as well as for a 'minicore' consisting of seven fuel assemblies have been performed, in which both a symmetric and an asymmetric material composition are chosen to be compared with more accurate HELIOS transport calculations in each case.

Keywords: nodal; simplified P3; SP3; DYN3D; trigonal; hexagonal

  • Contribution to proceedings
    20th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety, 20.-24.09.2010, Hanasaari, Espoo, Finland
  • Lecture (Conference)
    20th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety, 20.-24.09.2010, Hanasaari, Espoo, Finland


Proteinbasierte Biokompositmaterialien zur Behandlung schadstoffhaltiger Wässer

Raff, J.; Weinert, U.; Lehmann, F.; Günther, T.; Matys, S.; Kutschke, S.; Pollmann, K.


Bakterielle Hüllproteine, sogenannte S-Layer, bilden eine intelligente Grenzschicht zwischen Zellen und ihrer Umwelt. Diese erlauben es Bakterien auf Uranabfallhalden, giftige Schwermetalle am Eindringen in die Zelle zu hindern, während lebensnotwendige Spuren¬elemente die Barriere passieren können. Verantwortlich für die genannte Eigenschaft ist eine gitterförmige und hochgeordnete Ausprägung des Proteinpolymers und damit verbunden eine regelmäßige und definierte Anordnung zahlreicher funktioneller Gruppen auf der Polymeroberfläche. Letztere ist ursächlich für die selektive Bindung bestimmter Metalle. Darüber hinaus bilden S-Layer-Proteine spontan monolagige Schichten an Grenzflächen und auf Oberflächen. Diese Kombination von Eigenschaften machen S-Layer sehr interessant für die Entwicklung neuer Biokompositwerkstoffe für technische Anwendungen und insbe¬sondere für die Wasserbehandlung. Zur Beschichtung und Funktionalisierung technischer Träger mit S-Layern werden Layer-by-Layer-Techniken genutzt. Derartige Biokomposite dienen gegenwärtig der Entwicklung von selektiven Filtern, von Biosensoren und von Fotokatalysatoren zur Detektion und Entfernung von anorganischen sowie organischen Schadstoffen aus Wasser.

Keywords: S-layer; bio-composite

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    7. Max-Bergmann-Symposium, 16.11.2010, Dresden, Deutschland


The electromagnetically forced flow over a backward-facing step

Weier, T.; Albrecht, T.; Gerbeth, G.; Metzkes, H.; Stiller, J.


The flow over a backward-facing step is a prototype of a separating and reattaching shear flow. Here we investigate the influence of time periodic electromagnetic forces on different flow features by time resolved Particle Image Velocimetry. As integral measure, the reattachment length is used, which shortens for increasing amplitude of the forcing. The maximum reduction of the rezirculation zone is found for an excitation frequency equal to the most amplified frequency of the separating shear layer.

Keywords: backward-facing step; flow control; Lorentz force

  • Open Access Logo Contribution to proceedings
    Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-7), 28.-31.07.2011, Ottawa, Kanada
    Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-7)
  • Poster
    Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-7), 28.-31.07.2011, Ottawa, Canada



First identification of the tridymite form of AlPO4 in a municipal sewage sludge ash

Peplinski, B.; Adam, C.; Reuther, H.; Vogel, C.; Adamczyk, B.; Menzel, M.; Emmerling, F.; Simon, F.-G.

  • Poster
    European Powder Diffraction Conference EPDIC 12, 27.-30.08.2010, Darmstadt, Deutschland
  • Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Proceedings 1(2011), 443-448
    DOI: 10.1524/zkpr.2011.0067


Innovation Information Technology in the service of research at the FZD

Konrad, U.


Large research facilities, such as the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD), provide the scientific work environment for employees, guests and students from all over the world.
To manage research projects, achieve new insights and visualize the results innovative information technology has to be applied for the communication, information and collaboration infrastructure as well as for the scientific equipments. Managing such a dynamic environment in a networked world is a challenging task. This paper describes some solutions and implementation aspects of innovative information technology for a large scale research facility developed in Dresden. The solutions are illustrated using some examples out of the areas of High Performance Computing (HPC), Virtual Reality (VR) and Collaboration in Virtual Institutes.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Contribution to proceedings
    International Workshop "Innovation Information Technologies: Theory and Practice", 06.-10.09.2010, Dresden, Deutschland
    Proceedings of the International Workshop "Innovation Information Technologies: Theory and Practice", Dresden: Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, 978-3-941405-10-3, 10-12


Progress Report: Cold quarks stars from hot lattice QCD

Schulze, R.; Kämpfer, B.


Based on a quasiparticle model for �� stable and electrically neutral deconfined matter we address the mass-radius relation of pure quark stars. The model is adjusted to recent hot lattice QCD results for 2+1 flavors with almost physical quark masses [1].We find rather small radii and masses of equilibrium configurations composed of cold deconfined matter, well distinguished from neutron or hybrid stars.
[1] Bazavov et al., Phys. Rev. D 80 (2009) 014504.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    74. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände, 15.-19.03.2010, Bonn, Germany


Multiphase flow measurement techniques in industrial safety analysis

Pöpping, U.; Thiele, S.; Bärtling, Y.; Hampel, U.


Multiphase flows play a major role in many industrial fields, such as in chemical and mineral oil industry and energy power production. Industrial processes run at high pressures and temperatures and involve hazardous materials, such as toxic chemicals or radioactive products. Hence, they must be operated in a safe way under all circumstances, not only in the operational plant mode but also for accident scenarios. Therefore the Institute of Safety Research at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) spends great effort in the investigation of multiphase flow behavior in industrial plants under such conditions. Understanding the physics of multiphase processes and flows requires special instrumentation of industrial plant components as well as dedicated test facilities.

The expertise at FZD covers the identification of different phases and temperatures employing measurement techniques for permittivity and conductivity as well as ultrafast electron beam X-ray tomography. Many measurement systems, like wire-mesh sensors, needle probes and flow microscopes have been developed and are continuously improved. Especially the existing expertise is the basis for the research on new multiphase measurement technologies, for example autonomous sensors but also a multi-phase flow meter and a filling level sensor.

The poster describes some of the available measurement technologies and outlines future developments.

Keywords: multiphase flow measurement technologies; industry safety analysis

  • Poster
    6th Dresden Symposium, "HAZARDS DETECTION AND MANAGEMENT", 20.-24.09.2010, Dresden, Deutschland


Fast Neutron Cross-Section Measurements with the nELBE Neutron Time-of-Flight Facility

Wagner, A.; Bemmerer, D.; Beyer, R.; Birgersson, E.; Ferrari, A.; Grosse, E.; Hannaske, R.; Junghans, A. R.; Kempe, M.; Kögler, T.; Marta, M.; Matic, A.; Nolte, R.; Schilling, K. D.; Schramm, G.; Schwengner, R.; Weiss, F.-P.; Yakorev, D.


At the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf a new neutron time-of-flight facility has been set up. Fast neutrons in the energy range from 0.1 MeV to 10 MeV are produced using pulsed electron beams from a superconducting electron linear accelerator. Short beam pulses of less than 10 ps allow high-resolution time-of-flight experiments with the aim to determine interaction cross sections of neutrons with reactor structural materials and actinides at energies matching the neutron energies in fast reactors. Following experiments using a thermionic electron injector a new superconducting radio-frequency injector has been built which will allow average beam currents of 0.5 mA at a repetition rate of 500 kHz.
Meanwhile, first experiments on inelastic neutron scattering cross sections on 56Fe and total neutron cross sections on aluminium and tantalum have been performed as benchmark experiments. While photons from the de-exciting transitions are being detected using a 16-element BaF2 scintillator array, neutrons are measured with five low-threshold plastic scintillation detectors. Beam normalisation is done using a calibrated 235U fission chamber. The preparation of actinide targets for neutron induced fission cross section measurements is under way.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Contribution to proceedings
    18th International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei: "Neutron Spectroscopy, Nuclear Structure, Related Topics", 26.-29.05.2010, Dubna, Russia
    ISINN-18: Neutron Spectroscopy, Nuclear Structure, Related Topics, Dubna, Russia: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 978-5-9530-0277-6, 127-134
  • Lecture (Conference)
    18th International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei: "Fundamental Interactions & Neutrons, Nuclear Structure, Ultracold Neutrons, Related Topics", 26.05.2010, Dubna, Russia


Grain growth induced by focused ion beam irradiation in thin magnetic films

Roshchupkina, O. D.; Grenzer, J.; Strache, T.; Fritzsche, M.; Fassbender, J.


Focused ion beam irradiation can be used as a tool for creation of magnetic nanos-tructures. Previous studies have shown that FIB irradiation of thin metallic films could induce significant grain growth and therefore modify magnetic properties [1-2]. In this work we compare X-ray diffraction studies with magnetic properties that were characterized by magneto-optic Kerr effect sensing both the in-plane and the out-of-plane components of the magnetization.
A 50nm thick permalloy layer (Ni80Fe20) irradiated with different fluences of Ga+ ions was chosen for the investigations of grain size and microstrain. Due to the small irradiated areas produced by FIB irradiation XRD measurements were carried out on an optimized X-ray laboratory setup with a focused X-ray beam of 200µm as well as on the ESRF ID01 facility using a 1µm focused beam. Figure 1a shows rocking curves of the (111) permalloy reflection and demonstrates the material texturing with increase of ion fluence as there is a narrowing in FWHM and a rise of intensity. Low irradiation fluences up to 6.24*10E15 ions/cm2 modify the material and induce crystal-lite growth, whereas larger fluences completely destroy the crystalline structure. A further material crystallization should improve the magnetic properties. Due to the incorporation of Ga+ ions into the lattice additional softening of the permalloy film occurs and leads to the degradation of magnetic properties. In figure 1b a corre-sponding saturation Kerr rotation measurement is shown. It demonstrates a decrease of the magnetic moment with increasing ion fluence.

[1] C.M. Park and J. A. Bain., J. of Appl. Phys. 91, 6830 (2002).
[2] W.M. Kaminsky et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 1589 (2001).

Keywords: Focused ion beam irradiation; permalloy

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    XTOP 2010 / 10th Biennial Conference on High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging, 20.-23.09.2010, University of Warwick, UK


Transporting radioactive samples from the laboratory to the ESRF

Venault, L.; Den Auwer, C.; Moisy, P.; Colomp, P.; Scheinost, A. C.; Hennig, C.


Desription of safety efforts required to transport radioactive samples

Keywords: The Rossendorf beamline; EXAFS; XANES; radionuclides; actinides

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Communication & Media Relations
    ESRF News Nr. 54 15.06.2010
    1 Seiten


High-field metamagnetic transitions in Rare-Earth Transition-metal ferrimagnets

Skourski, Y.


hat nicht vorgelegen

Involved research facilities

  • High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS 2010), 23.-28.08.2010, Krakow, Poland


3D-observation of heterogeneous transport and comparison to Lattice-Boltzmann modelling

Wolf, M.


This thesis is located at the Institute of Radiochemistry, FZD Research Site Leipzig for Interdisciplinary Isotope Research, Reactive Transport Division (FWRT). The main focus of this division is the investigation of transport processes in geosystems by means of radiotracer applications. The main topic of the thesis is the visualization of transport processes in geologic material by means of the in-house development of the GeoPET-method. This work is conducted as part of the scientific joint venture: „Dynamik abgesoffener oder gefluteter Salzbergwerke und ihres Deckgebirgsstockwerks“ („Dynamic of drowned or flooded salt mines and their overburden“), coordinated by the Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR).

Since the late 19. century drowned salt mines cause severe mining damages in the city of Stassfurt (Saxony-Anhalt). Sink hole depressions and subsidence of the surface below the groundwater table destroyed large parts of the down town. The general causation was lack of experience with salt mines and mining in gypsum karst in the 19. century. The causation in detail why and how exactly salt rock has washed out is more complicated to identify, as streaming mechanisms at the small scale level are partly still unclear; the general fluid dynamics at small scales is partly unknown.

To reveal these processes and mechanisms the behaviour of salt brines at the millimetre scale in drilling cores of the different geological units of the salt rock and its surrounding is examined by three-dimensional visualization of the distribution of radioactive labelled water measured with PET. Mechanisms at millimetre scale control mechanisms at the kilometre scale and are of utmost importance for the principal understanding of fluid dynamics. In the laboratory you can have „a look into the rock“. In the field this is not possible this way.

Combining PET data with high resolution CT-scans of the samples (conducted by the cooperation partners JGU Mainz and BAM Berlin) allows an alignment of processes of the fluid flow and its associated hydraulic pathway structures. This matching is important for understanding and for generalized conclusion about ongoing processes and is a necessary preparatory work for computer modelling.

Lattice-Boltzmann-simulations of velocity fields and streaming patterns based on CT-data are compared with PET-data derived from the same samples. This comparison of the flow patterns is done by means of geostatistic methods that allows scale independant spatial correlation of the patterns and therefore provide scale indpendant parameters like correlation lengths that are a necessity for upscaling.

Short term objective is the improvement and validation of parameters and fluid flow concepts derived from small scale simulations. Long term objective is the improvement of upscaling of parameters and concepts to the field scale and a better understanding and prediction of mining damages and groundwater behaviour.

  • Lecture (others)
    FZD Doktorandenseminar, 22.-24.09.2010, Krögis (Meissen), Deutschland


Environmental Sciences at the ESRF

Cotte, M.; Auffan, M.; Degruyter, W.; Fairchild, I.; Newton, M.; Morin, G.; Sarret, G.; Scheinost, A. C.


In the past several years, environmental sciences have increased their share in the research portfolios of many synchrotrons, not least for their topicality from a societal point of view. As this field overlaps with many other disciplines, the ESRF decided to establish, in 2005, a dedicated Review Panel for Environmental Science and Cultural Heritage.
This facility report summarizes recent trends and results from the ESRF to highlight the different disciplines, techniques and topics. It should also be noted that environmental studies encompass both a better understanding of natural phenomena and monitoring the impact of human activity on nature.

Keywords: synchrotron radiation; XAFS; environmental research

Involved research facilities

Related publications


The use of ionization chambers for short-pulsed radiation fields with high pulse dose

Karsch, L.; Richter, C.; Pawelke, J.

Keywords: ionization chamber; saturation correction

  • Abstract in refereed journal
    Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 186(2010)Suppl. 1, 93-93
    ISSN: 0179-7158
  • Poster
    16. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie, 03.-06.06.2010, Magdeburg, Deutschland


Characterization and optimization of the imaging and dosimetric properties of a image-guided precision irradiation device for small animals

Tillner, F.; Hietschold, V.; Khaless, A.; Pawelke, J.; Thute, P.; Enghardt, W.

Keywords: IGRT; small animal

  • Abstract in refereed journal
    Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 186(2010)Suppl. 1, 105-105
    ISSN: 0179-7158
  • Poster
    16. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie, 03.-06.06.2010, Magdeburg, Deutschland


The Influence of the temperature on the carbonate complexation of Uranium(VI) - a spectroscopic study

Götz, C.; Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.


The interaction of uranium(VI) with carbonate ions was studied with absorption spectroscopy and time resolved laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy due to the importance of these complexes in environmental relevant waters. In the pH range from 2 to 11 the influence of the temperature on the spectra was studied to check changes in the abundances of several binding forms. It was found that several binding forms are predominant at different temperatures and pH values. This observation can be explained by speciation changes due to the dependence of chemical equilibria on the temperature.
Furthermore photoluminescence spectra of aqueous solutions of uranyl carbonate complexes were observed at ambient temperatures for the first time and single component absorption spectra of the uranyl carbonate complexes UO2(CO3)34- and UO2(CO3)22- were derived.

Keywords: Uranium(VI); carbonate complexation; absorption spectroscopy; time resolved laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy; temperature; chemical equilibrium


Instantaneous shape sampling: A model for the gamma-absorption cross section of transitional nuclei

Bentley, I.; Brant, S.; Dönau, F.; Frauendorf, S.; Kämpfer, B.; Schwengner, R.; Zhang, S. Q.


The influence of the quadrupole shape fluctuations on the dipole vibrations in transitional nuclei is investigated in the framework of the instantaneous-Shape Sampling (ISS) Model, which combines the Interacting Boson Model for the slow collective quadrupole motion with the Random Phase Approximation for the rapid dipole vibrations. Coupling to the complex background configurations is taken into account by folding the results with a Lorentzian with energy dependent width (collisional damping CD).
The low-energy energy portion of the gamma absorption cross section, which is important for photo-nuclear processes, is studied for the isotop series of Kr, Xe, Ba, and Sm. The experimental cross sections are well reproduced. The low-energy dipole strength is determined by the Landau fragmentation of the dipole strength and its redistribution caused by the shape fluctuations. CD only wipes out fluctuations of the absorption cross section, generating the smooth energy dependence observed in experiment. In the case of semi magical nuclei, shallow pygmy resonances are found in correspondence with experiment.

Keywords: Dipole strength; absorption cross section; interacting boson model; quasiparticle random-phase-approximation

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Physical Review C 83(2011), 014317


Experimentelle und analytische Untersuchungen zu passiven Komponenten des KERENA TM Konzeptes im Versuchsstand INKA

Willschütz, H.-G.; Diercks, F.; Leyer, S.; Krüssenberg, A.-K.; Schäfer, F.; Hristov, H. V.


Das KERENA TM - Konzept ist eine kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der seit Jahren bewährten (deutschen) Siedewassertechnologie der "Baulinie 72". Die Kombination von betriebserprobten aktiven Sicherheitssystemen mit neu hinzugekommenen passiven Sicherheitssystemen setzt die Forderungen der "Defense in Depth"-Philsophie konsequent um. Insbesondere für die neu eingeführten passiven Sicherheitssysteme muss das Betriebsverhalten durch experimentelle Untersuchungen validiert und die thermohydraulischen Berechnungsprogramme müssen qualifiziert werden, so dass sie die auftretenden Naturumlaufphänomene korrekt berechnen können. Mit den vorliegenden Arbeiten wird die Eignung des Thermohydraulikprogrammsystems ATHLET der Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH als ein Programm, das im Genehmigungs- und Aufsichtsverfahren in verschiedenen Ländern eingesetzt wird, zur Berechnung des Betriebsverhalten der passiven Komponenten untersucht. Dazu wurde ein Modell für die Versuchsanlage INKA (INtegral test facility in KArlstein) entwickelt, mit dem sowohl Vorausrechnungen des Kennfelds der passiven Komponenten Notkondensator und Gebäudekondensator als auch Nachrechnungen zu Experimenten durchgeführt wurden.

Keywords: KERENA; ATHLET; Boiling Water Reactor

  • Contribution to proceedings
    42. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium 2010, 12.-13.10.2010, Congress Center Dresden, Deutschland
    Experimentelle und analytische Untersuchungen zu passiven Komponenten des KERENA TM Konzeptes im Versuchsstand INKA
  • Lecture (Conference)
    42. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium 2010, 12.-13.10.2010, Congress Center Dresden, Deutschland


4D-in-beam-PET für periodisch bewegte Phantome bei Bestrahlung mit einem mitbewegten 12C-Strahl

Laube, K.; Bert, C.; Chaudhri, N.; Fiedler, F.; Parodi, K.; Rietzel, E.; Saito, N.; Enghardt, W.


In-beam-PET ist die bislang einzige Methode zur in vivo und in situ Überwachung der Dosisapplikation bei der Ionenstrahltherapie. Sie wurde in einem Pilotprojekt am GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt bei der 12C-Bestrahlung von über 400 Patienten mit unbeweglichen Tumoren im Kopf-Halsbereich erfolgreich eingesetzt. Die geplante Anwendung der Ionenstrahltherapie auf, v. a. atmungsbedingt, intrafraktionell bewegliche Tumoren erfordert eine Erweiterung der in-beam-PET-Datenrekonstruktion. Die Notwendigkeit einer zeitaufgelösten (4D) Auswertung und die Qualität der damit reproduzierbaren Aktivitätsverteilung werden anhand experimenteller Daten dargestellt.

Ein PMMA-Phantom wurde mittig im Gesichtsfeld des Doppelkopf-PET-Scanners BASTEI am ehemaligen medizinischen Bestrahlungsplatz der GSI positioniert und senkrecht zur Einstrahlrichtung periodisch (sinusförmig, Amplitude = 10 mm, Periode ≈ 3,5 s) ausgelenkt. Mit einem monoenergetischen 12C-Bleistiftstrahl wurde eine im Bereich des Bragg-Peaks homogene, linienförmige Dosisverteilung parallel zur Bewegungsrichtung im Target appliziert. Für die Bestrahlung wurde ein neuartiges Tracking-System benutzt, welches die Strahlrichtung der aktuellen Phantomauslenkung anpasst. Im Verlauf der Bestrahlung entsteht durch Kernfragmentierungen eine der Dosisverteilung ähnliche +-Aktivitätsverteilung aus v. a. 11C und 15O. Die entsprechende Annihilationsstrahlung sowie die Targetbewegung werden während der Bestrahlung (≈ 85 s) und weitere 5 min danach detektiert. Die gemessenen Ereignisse werden unter Berücksichtigung der Detektoreffektivität und einer Schwächungskorrektur rückprojiziert und mit einer Referenzaktivität aus einer zweiten, identischen Bestrahlung und Aktivitätsmessung jedoch ohne Phantombewegung verglichen. Für eine 4D-Auswertung werden zuerst in einem zusätzlichen Zwischenschritt die Koinzidenzen entsprechend der Bewegungsamplitude oder -phase sortiert und die einzelnen Rückprojektionen werden anschließend zusammengeführt.

Ohne Berücksichtigung der Phantombewegung ist die Aktivitätsverteilung entlang der Bewegungsrichtung über die Targetgrenzen hinaus verschmiert. Sie weicht im Hochdosisbereich bis zu 22 % von der statischen Referenz ab und die Breite des lateralen 80–20%-Aktivitätsabfalls vergrößert sich von 7,6 mm für die Referenz auf 17,2 mm. Bei der 4D-in-beam-PET bleibt diese mit 8,3 mm innerhalb der Fehlergrenzen erhalten und der maximale Unterschied zur Referenz beträgt nur 4 %.

Bereits bei geringen Bewegungsamplituden ist eine 4D-Rekonstruktion erforderlich, da andernfalls nicht die tatsächlich applizierte Dosisverteilung verifiziert werden kann. Bei genauer Kenntnis des Bewegungsverlaufes reproduziert die vorgestellte 4D-in-beam-PET die Aktivitätsverteilung im Phantom innerhalb statistischer Schwankungen. Weitere Experimente für komplexe Targetgeometrien, Dosisverteilungen und Bewegungsabläufe sind erforderlich.

Keywords: in-beam PET; moving targets; ion beam therapy

  • Poster
    16. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie, 03.-06.06.2010, Magdeburg, Deutschland


Atomic Layer Deposition of CaB2O4 Films Using Bis(tris(pyrazolyl)borate)calcium as a Highly Thermally Stable Boron and Calcium Source

Saly, M. J.; Munnik, F.; Winter, C. H.


The atomic layer deposition of CaB2O4 was carried out using bis(tris(pyrazolyl)borate)calcium (CaTp2) and water as precursors. CaTp2 melts at 280 °C, undergoes solid state thermal decomposition at 385 °C, and sublimed on a preparative scale at 180 °C/0.05 Torr in about 3 hours with 99.7% recovery and 0.2% nonvolatile residue. Self-limited ALD growth was established at 350 °C with CaTp2 pulse lengths of ≥ 2.0 s. An ALD window was observed from 300 to 375 °C, in which the growth rate was between 0.34 and 0.36 Å/cycle. The thin film compositions were assessed by elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The B/Ca ratios for CaB2O4 films deposited at 275, 325, 350, and 400 °C were 1.84(11), 1.85(11), 1.89(13), and 1.42(10), respectively, as determined by ERDA. Within the ALD window, hydrogen concentrations ranged from 0.22(2) to 0.35(4) atom % and the carbon and nitrogen concentrations were below the detection limits. XPS analyses on representative CaB2O4 thin films showed all expected ionizations. X-ray diffraction experiments revealed that the as-deposited films were amorphous. The surface morphology was assessed by atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The rms surface roughness of a typical 2 μm x 2 μm area for films deposited at 325 and 350 °C was 0.3 nm. Scanning electron micrographs of these films showed no cracks or pinholes.

Keywords: group 2 ALD precursors; calcium borate; tris(pyrazolyl)borate; bimetallic ALD precursors; atomic layer deposition

Involved research facilities

Related publications


All-Optical Ion Beam Cooling and Online Diagnostics at Relativistic Energies

Bussmann, M.; Schramm, U.; Nörtershäuser, W.; Novotny, C.; Geppert, C.; Walther, T.; Birkl, G.; Winters, D. F. A.; Kühl, T.; Kozhuharov, C.; Steck, M.; Nolden, F.; Dimopoulou, C.; Stöhlker, T.


Recent experiments at the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) at GSI have shown that relativistic Li-like C3+ ion beams can be cooled to an unprecedented momentum spread of dp=p ~ 10-7 using a single-frequency laser tuned to the Doppler-shifted 2S1/2 -> 2P1/2 and 2S1/2 -> 2P3/2 atomic transitions. Although these results encourage the application of laser cooling to beams of other Li-like and Na-like ions at even higher energies as will be available at future storage rings at FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), two major concepts have to be demonstrated experimentally: First, efficient laser cooling of ion beams with large initial momentum spread, thus avoiding additional electron cooling to match the large momentum spread to the usually small momentum acceptance of the laser force. Second, all-optical measurements of the relevant beam parameters, thus overcoming the limited resolution of standard storage ring detectors such as the Schottky pickup electrode at ultra-low momentum spreads. The aim of this paper is to discuss the technical realization of these concepts as planned for an upcoming beam time at ESR.

Keywords: laser cooling; relativistic; energy beam; ion; laser; optical diagnostics; storage ring; esr; gsi; c3+

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics 2009, COOL 2009, 31.08.-04.09.2009, Lanzhou, China
    All-Optical Ion Beam Cooling and Online Diagnostics at Relativistic Energies: Atomic Energy Press, 978-7-5022-4871-0, 22-26


DREAMS at FZD: The new accelerator mass spectrometry facility

Akhmadaliev, S.; Heller, R.; Kolitsch, A.; Merchel, S.; Möller, W.


The installation of a new 6 MV-Tandetron accelerator opens a new topic of research at FZ Dresden-Rossendorf: Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). The Dresden AMS facility (DREAMS) will be mainly used for measurements of the long-lived radionuclides 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, 41Ca and 129I (T1/2 = 0.1-15.7 Ma) in the isotopic ratio range of 10-10- 10-16. The same accelerator will be partially also used for spatial- and depth-resolved chemical analysis using ion beam techniques such as Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS), Elastic Recoil Detection (ERD), Particle-induced X-ray and Gamma-ray emission (PIXE/PIGE) and Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA). Using these methods, we are able to measure nondestructively "all natural" elements, i.e. H to U; most elements with lateral, some in 3D resolution. Additionally, materials modification via high energy ion implantation is possible.
The AMS injector consist of two Cs-sputter ion sources SO-110 with wheels for up to 200 sputter targets, a 54° electrostatic analyzer (ESA) and a 90° bouncer magnet for sequential acceleration of stable isotopes and radionuclides. In contrast to common low-energy AMS facilities, which have mainly specialized in radiocarbon analyses (14C), the FZD-AMS is the first modern type facility in the EU that will run at a terminal voltage of 6 MV. The electrostatic accelerator operates with a Cockcroft-Walton type high voltage cascade for generating the terminal voltage. The high-energy part of the system consists of a 90° analyzing magnet, a set of precise Faraday cups with energy slits for measuring the stable nuclides and stabilising the terminal voltage, a set of absorber foils for isobar suppression, a 35° ESA, and a 30° vertical magnet for suppressing interfering species. The radionuclides will be finally detected by a ΔE/E gas ionisation chamber containing four anodes. There is a main advantage of us-ing a high-energy accelerator for mass spectrometry: The background and interfering signals, resulting from molecular ions and ions with similar masses (e.g. isobars) are nearly completely eliminated. Thus, AMS provides much lower detection limits compared to conventional mass spectrometry.
The benefits from using AMS for radiation protection, nuclear safety, nuclear waste, radioecology, phytology, nutrition, toxicology, and pharmacology research are obvious and manifold: Smaller sample sizes, easier and faster sample preparation, higher sample throughput and the redundancy for radiochemistry la-boratories will largely reduce costs. Lower detection limits will widen applications to shorter and longer time scales and to sample types which could never been investigated before. Especially in environmental and geosciences, the determination of long-lived cosmogenic radionuclides like 10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl became more and more important within the last decades. Using these nuclides dating of suddenly occurring prehistoric mass movements, e.g. volcanic eruptions, rock valanches, tsunamis, meteor impacts, earth quakes and glacier movements, is possible. Additionally, glacier movements and data from ice cores give hints for the reconstruction of historic climate changes and providing information for the validation of climate model predicting future changes. Taking the advantage of location into account DREAMS will soon also focus on applications of radionuclides of anthropogenic origin such as plutonium isotopes and 129I.
Investment and maintenance costs of a high-energy AMS facility are much higher compared to e.g. methods determining radionuclides via their decay. All methods including AMS need sophisticated radiochemical separation procedures. However, for several nuclides the requirements with respect to the purity of the final sample to be measured are much lower for AMS. As it is the case for most destructive analytical methods AMS chemical sample preparation takes much longer and is more expensive that the actual measurement, which takes about 10 - 60 min.

Keywords: AMS; Ion Beam Analysis; Tandetron

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    6. Workshop Radiochemische Analytik bei Betrieb und Rückbau kerntechnische Anlagen, der Deklaration von Abfällen und im Schtrahlenschutz und 23.Seminar Aktivierungsanalyse und Gammaspektroskopie, 06.-08.09.2010, Dresden, Deutschland


Simulation of advanced, laser-driven radiation sources at FZD

Bussmann, M.


In this talk I will present an overview of the activities at the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) focusing on laser ion acceleration, x-ray generation via Thomson scattering and medical beam line design for tumor therapy with laser-driven particle beams.
Optimization and precise control of the properties of laser-driven radiation sources using large-scale realistic simulations and direct comparison to experiment play a key role in the research program at FZD.
I will show some recent results obtained at FZD and give an outlook on future work, with an emphasis on the development of new simulation tools.

Keywords: laser; particle; acceleration; x-ray; radiation; source; overview; simulation

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Seminar of the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), 30.08.2010, Shanghai, China


Experimental Design of Traveling-Wave Thomson Scattering

Debus, A.; Bussmann, M.; Jochmann, A.; Siebold, M.; Cowan, T.; Schramm, U.; Sauerbrey, R.


Traveling-wave Thomson scattering is a novel interaction design that allows circumventing the Rayleigh limit in optical undulators, which is interesting for possible realizations of Thomson scattering sources with photon yields per pulse that are orders of magnitudes beyond current designs. The resulting radiation reaction could even be strong enough for driving an FEL instability. Here we present details on how a Traveling-wave setup has to be implemented in experiment. An emphasis is put on the use of varied-line spacing (VLS) gratings for spatio-temporal beam shaping at large interaction angles to achieve optimal overlap. At the FZD we are using the high-power laser system DRACO (250TW) to realize a Thomson source with electrons from the linear accelerator ELBE or laser-plasma accelerated electrons. We present the current status and further progress towards a head-on Thomson source and a Traveling-Wave Thomson scattering source aiming for high photon yields per pulse.

Keywords: Traveling-wave Thomson scattering; free electron laser; FEL; xray; EUV

  • Poster
    32nd International Free Electron Laser Conference FEL 2010, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden


Traveling-wave Thomson scattering for scaling optical undulators towards the FEL regime

Debus, A. D.; Bussmann, M.; Jochmann, A.; Siebold, M.; Cowan, T.; Schramm, U.; Sauerbrey, R.


We present a novel concept for optical undulators that avoids the restrictions by the Rayleigh limit and thus allows to define interaction length and diameter independent of each other. With an ultrashort, high-power laser pulse in an oblique angle scattering geometry using tilted pulse fronts, electrons and laser remain overlapped while both beams travel over distances much longer than the Rayleigh length. For small scattering angles (<10°), where dispersive effects become negligible and interaction lengths scale up to the meter range, we discuss with the help of 1D-calculations the possibility of entering the SASE-FEL regime using optical undulators driven by existing lasers.

Keywords: Traveling-wave Thomson scattering; free electron laser; xray; EUV

  • Poster
    32nd International Free Electron Laser Conference FEL 2010, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden


A Virtual Firefighting Simulator

Schmeißer, N.

A simulator will be presented which employs VR techniques in order to provide a training environment for re-ghters. While existing systems for re-brigade training do focus on tactics and command training, this simulator targets the training of the re attack group. It provides scenarios for search & rescue operations, direct reghting using water and foam as well as radiation source search operations. Visual, audio and haptic feed-back is provided. The system supports immersive displays (HMD) as well as standard techniques (monoscopic big-wall). It implements a walking paradigm, which enables the trainee to move around freely. The simulator uses extended reality features in order to improve the handling (nozzles, dose meter, ...). The trainee can use the system fully equipped, even using the respiratory protection, in order to provide a realistic feeling. Several physical models are used to provide eects closed to reality, namely:
  • heat release rate is used to model the energetic behavior of a fire, fl ame size etc.
  • a simple energetic model for re-extinction by cooling
  • water and foam ejection (depending on pressure, volume, form of jet, agent)
  • a smoke system (visibility equivalent to height of eye)
  • superposition of radiation sources (no shielding) and detection by Teleprobe FH40G
The simulation is supervised by an instructor, each action, e.g. radio traffc, movements is logged for analysis.

Keywords: simulation fire fire-fighting extinction radioton search rescue

  • Contribution to proceedings
    3rd International Workshop "Innovation in Information Technologies - Theory and Practice", September 6th-10th, Dresden, Germany, 2010, 06.-10.9.2010, Dresden, BRD
    A Virtual Firefighting Simulator, Dresden: Forschungszentrum-Rossendorf e. V., 978-3-941405-10-3, 76-82


Cold quark stars from hot lattice QCD

Schulze, R.; Kämpfer, B.


Based on a quasiparticle model for \beta stable and electrically neutral deconfined matter we address the possibility of pure quark stars. The model is adjusted to recent hot lattice QCD results for 2+1 flavors with almost physical quark masses. Using stability and binding arguments general statements can be made concerning the existence of such compact stellar objects.

Keywords: QCD; quasiparticle model; quark stars; quark gluon plasma

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Hot and Cold Baryonic Matter 2010, 15.-20.08.2010, Budapest, Hungary


Schlagende Herzen und rasante Strömungen - Schnelle bildgebende Messverfahren in Technik und Medizin

Hampel, U.


Der Vortrag gibt einen Einblick in die Nutzung schneller tomographischer Bildgebungsverfahren in der Medizin und Technik.

Keywords: fast tomography methods; medicine; engineering

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Dresdner Seniorenakademie, 09.09.2010, Dresden, Germany


Steam bubble condensation in polydispersed flow experiments and CFD simulations

Krepper, E.; Schmidtke, M.; Lucas, D.; Beyer, M.


Bubble condensation in sub-cooled water is a complex process, to which various phenomena contribute. Since the condensation rate depends on the interfacial area density, bubble size distribution changes caused by breakup and coalescence play a crucial role.
Experiments on steam bubble condensation in vertical co-current steam/water flows have been carried out in a 8m long vertical DN200 pipe. Steam is injected into the pipe and the development of the bubbly flow is measured at different distances to the injection using a wire mesh sensor. By varying the steam nozzle diameter the initial bubble size can be influenced. Larger bubbles come along with a lower interfacial area density and therefore condensate slower. Steam pressures between 1-2 MPa and sub-cooling temperatures from 2 to 6 K were applied. Due to the drop of hydrostatic pressure along the pipe, the saturation temperature falls towards the upper pipe end. This affects the sub-cooling temperature and can even cause re-evaporation in the upper part of the test section. The experimental configurations are simulated with the CFD code CFX using an extended MUSIG approach, which includes the bubble shrinking or growth due to condensation or re-evaporation. The development of the vapour phase along the pipe with respect to vapur void fractions and bubble sizes is qualitatively well reproduced in the simulations. For a better quantitative reproduction, reliable models for the heat transfer at high Reynolds number as well as for bubble breakup and coalescence are needed.

Keywords: two phase flow; experiments; CFD simulation; population balance models; mass transfer

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Contribution to proceedings
    Int. Conf. "Nuclear Energy for New Europe", 06.09.-09.10.2010, Portoz, Slovenien
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Int. Conf. "Nuclear Energy for New Europe", 06.-09.09.2010, Portoz, Slovenien


Computing the KPZ Equation Using GPU Acceleration

Schulz, H.; Odor, G.; Kelling, J.; Heinig, K.-H.; Liedke, B.; Schmeißer, N.


In this talk we present an approach for fast parallel computation of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation (KPZ). Acceleration of these computations is always a major task since the run time of the simulations representing sequential algorithms is in the range of several months. We developed an implementation for the KPZ equation on graphics processing units (GPU) using the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). Experimental results show a significant speed-up compared to implementations on conventional processors.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Innovation Information Technologies - Theory and Practice, 06.-10.09.2010, Dresden, Deutschland
    Computing the KPZ Equation Using GPU Acceleration, Dresden: FZD, 978-3-941405-10-3, 46-48


Raster-Kelvinkraft-Mikroskopie zur quantitativen Dotierprofilierung an dotiertem Silizium und Mn-implantiertem Germanium

Baumgart, C.; Zhou, S.; Helm, M.; Schmidt, H.


Am Beispiel von dotierten Halbleitern konnte gezeigt werden, dass es mit Hilfe der korrekten Interpretation von KPFM-Daten möglich ist, die gemessene KPFM-Spannung mit der Ladungsträger-Konzentration in den untersuchten Halbleitern zu korrelieren. Die präsentierten Ergebnisse an dotiertem Silizium und Mn-implantiertem Germanium legen nahe, dass die Modellierung der KPFM-Spannung auf alle dotierten Halbleitermaterialien angewandt werden kann, solange die intrinsische Ladungsträgerkonzentration geringer als die Dotierkonzentration ist. Wir erwarten, dass in Zukunft die KPFM-Methode auch zur quantitativen Untersuchung der elektrischen Eigenschaften anderer Materialsysteme eingesetzt wird. Grundlage dafür ist immer das Verständnis der Ursache der mittels KPFM detektierten elektrostatischen Kräfte und die damit verbundene korrekte Interpretation der KPFM-Spannung.

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Enhanced nucleation of vortices in soft magnetic disks prepared by silica nanosphere lithography

Martin, N.; Bigall, N. C.; Mönch, I.; Gemming, T.; Eychmüller, A.; Mattheis, R.; Schäfer, R.; Schultz, L.; McCord, J.


Magnetic vortices show promise as data storage structures, however the vortex formation process imposes a lower limit on the element’s size. In this article a technique is presented, which application increases the probability of nucleating of magnetic vortices in sub-micron sized soft magnetic thin film elements. By tailoring the edge geometry of the elements, the symmetry of their magnetic configuration is broken in a manner which favors vortex nucleation. Micromagnetic simulations are presented, which demonstrate this effect in soft-magnetic disks with beveled edges. The favored edge geometry was realized by applying nanosphere lithography directly on top of a ferromagnetic thin film material. The resulting magnetic reversal loops show that in both magnetically isolated as well as in closely packed arrays of beveled disks, vortex formation takes place. The technique presented facilitates the vortex formation even in closely packed and small elements. The lowering of the minimum critical diameter for vortex formation enables a significant increase of data storage density in devices based on magnetic vortices.

Keywords: nanoparticles; patterned arrays; magnetic materials; thin films; magnetic vortex


Synthesis and Radiofluorination of Iodophenyl Esters as Tool for the Traceless Staudinger Ligation

Pretze, M.; Flemming, A.; Köckerling, M.; Mamat, C.


A new synthetic pathway for the preparation of ω-functionalized 2-iodophenyl esters as starting materials for the synthesis of substituted phosphanes is described. A radiolabeling of these esters with fluorine-18 has led to building blocks which were reacted with HPPh2 in a Pd-catalyzed P-C cross coupling to establish new phosphanes. These compounds can be applied as mild and bioorthogonal radiolabeling agents by means of the traceless Staudinger ligation. A route to access this class of compounds has been established.

Keywords: Staudinger Ligation; Traceless; Bioorthogonal; Radiofluorination; PET; X-Ray Structure

Involved research facilities

  • PET-Center
  • Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Section B - A Journal of Chemical Sciences 65(2010), 1128-1136


A Compton Imager for in-vivo Dosimetry of Proton Beams

Enghardt, W.; Golnik, C.; Kormoll, T.; Wüstemann, J.; Fiedler, F.; Müller, A.; Schöne, S.

Keywords: in-vivo dosimetry; proton irradiation; ion irradiation

  • Lecture (others)
    WP 3 Meeting, ENVISION, 04.09.2010, Stockholm, Schweden


High-precision ( p,t) reaction to determine 25Al( p,γ )26Si reaction rates

Matic, A.; van den Berg, A. M.; Harakeh, M. N.; Wörtche, H. J.; Berg, G. P. A.; Couder, M.; Görres, J.; Leblanc, P.; O’Brien, S.; Wiescher, M.; Fujita, K.; Hatanaka, K.; Sakemi, Y.; Shimizu, Y.; Tameshige, Y.; Tamii, A.; Yosoi, M.; Adachi, T.; Fujita, Y.; Shimbara, Y.; Fujita, H.; Wakasa, T.; Brown, B. A.; Schatz, H.


Since the identification of ongoing 26Al production in the universe, the reaction sequence 24Mg(p,γ )25Al(β+ν)25Mg(p,γ )26Al has been studied intensively. At temperatures where the radiative capture on 25Al (t1/2 = 7.2 s) becomes faster than the β+ decay, the production of 26Al can be reduced due to the depletion of 25Al. To determine the resonances relevant for the 25Al(p,γ )26Si bypass reaction, we measured the 28Si(p,t )26Si reaction with high-energy precision using the Grand Raiden spectrometer at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka. Several new energy levels were found above the p threshold and for known states excitation energies were determined with smaller uncertainties. The calculated stellar rates of the bypass reaction agree well with previous results, suggesting that these rates are well established.

Keywords: 26Al 24Mg(p; γ )25Al(β+ν)25Mg(p; γ )26Al Grand Raiden spectrometer


Analysis of Design Basis Accidents

Weiss, F.-P.; Schaefer, F.; Kliem, S.; Tusheva, P.


The safety philosophy of nuclear reactors aims at maintaining the barriers for the retention of radioactivity. The safety functions required to achieve this fundamental protection goal are implemented by the operational and safety systems. All these systems are elements in a staggered safety concept, known as the defence in depth (DiD) concept which is meant to optimize the interaction of the manifold systems in respect to their effect on the safety of the nuclear power plant. On the first two levels of the DiD concept, i.e. at normal and abnormal or disturbed operation, the operational as well as the limitation and protection systems are designed to keep the plant at normal operation or to return to normal operation after a disturbance had occurred. Only in case of a failure of these systems or by effect of external events, an operational disturbance might develop into an accident. Accident scenarios which have been considered in the plant design are called design basis accidents. Safety systems and measures are arranged at level 3 of the DiD concept to control the design basis accidents and to bring the reactor back to a safe state.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    FJOH Summer School 2010, 24.-26.08.2010, Aix-en-Provence, Frankreich
  • Contribution to proceedings
    Analysis of Design Basis Accidents, 24.-26.08.2010, Aix-en Provence, Frankreich


Experiments and numerical simulations of horizontal two-phase flow regimes using an interfacial area density model

Höhne, T.; Vallee, C.


Stratified two-phase flow regimes can occur in the main cooling lines of Pressurized Water Reactors, Chemical plants and Oil pipelines. A relevant problem occurring is the development of wavy stratified flows, which can lead to slug generation. In the last decade, stratified flows have increasingly been modelled with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes. In CFD, closure models are required that must be validated. Recent improvements of the multiphase flow modelling in the ANSYS CFX code, now make it possible to simulate these mechanisms in detail. In order to validate existing and further developed multiphase flow models, a high spatial and temporal resolution of measurement data are required. For the experimental investigation of co-current air/water flows, the HAWAC (Horizontal Air/Water Channel) was built. The channel allows in particular the study of air/water slug flow under atmospheric pressure. Parallel to the experiments, CFD calculations were carried out. The two-fluid model was applied with a special turbulence damping procedure at the free surface. An Algebraic Interfacial Area Density (AIAD) model based on the implemented mixture model was introduced, which allows the detection of the morphological form of the two-phase flow and the corresponding switching via a blending function of each correlation from one object pair to another. As a result, this model can distinguish between bubbles, droplets and the free surface using the local value of the volume fraction of the liquid phase. The behaviour of slug generation and propagation was qualitatively reproduced by the simulation, while local deviations require a continuation of the work.


Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility
  • Contribution to proceedings
    ANSYS Conference & 28. CADFEM Users´ Meeting 2010, 03.-05.11.2010, Aachen, Deutschland
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    ANSYS Conference & 28. CADFEM Users´ Meeting 2010, 03.-05.11.2010, Aachen, Deutschland
  • The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows 2(2010)3, 131-143


Thermodynamical limits of diluted (magnetic) semiconductors

Bürger, D.; Seeger, M.; Zhou, S.; Skorupa, W.; Helm, M.; Schmidt, H.


The incorporation of transition metal dopants in semiconductors above their solubility limit is the main challenge for the fabrication of diluted magnetic semiconductors. Dietl et al. have predicted the Curie temperature of different p-type conducting semiconductors alloyed with 5 at. % Mn [1]. This work motivated experimental efforts focused on the fabrication of highly diluted magnetic semiconductors. Unfortunately, such highly diluted magnetic semiconductors are metastable alloys and try to reach their thermodynamical equilibrium by the diffusion of the incorporated magnetic dopants leading to spinodal decomposition and secondary phase formation. There exist classical models which describe the kinetics of phase transitions and secondary phase formation for large clusters consisting of 100, 1000 or more atoms. However, electronic properties like carrier concentration strongly depend on the fraction of unclustered dopant atoms. Especially, in diluted magnetic semiconductors the formation of such clusters has to be prevented and growth techniques far from thermodynamical equilibrium are necessary.
Besides the LT-MBE process, the magnetic dopant implantation followed by pulsed laser annealing (PLA) appears to be a promising route for the fabrication of ferromagnetic semiconductors. The fast temperature quenching during PLA suppresses the diffusion of magnetic dopant atoms, i.e. diffusion via random hopping of these dopants is frozen and metastable diluted magnetic semiconductors are formed.
In this contribution we present the results from combined random-walk simulations and heat-flow calculations to describe the initial cluster formation for different magnetic semiconductors being characterized by a large variation of diffusion coefficients of the magnetic dopants. Under the assumption that the de-clustering probability of neighbouring dopants is lower than the clustering probability, we can explain the successful fabrication of GaAs:Mn and the impossibility to fabricate diluted ferromagnetic Si:Mn with LT-MBE or Mn implantation followed by PLA. Especially, our modelling approach can be used to estimate first clustering events during the re-crystallization after PLA. Within this picture, we conclude that for the preparation of diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors the basic diffusion parameters and the room temperature solubility of the magnetic dopants are reasonable parameters to estimate the chance for a successful preparation of different kinds of diluted systems.
[1] T. Dietl et al. Science 287 1019 (2000)

Keywords: ferromagnetic semiconductors; pulsed laser annealing; metastable; manganese

  • Poster
    30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS 2010), 25.-30.07.2010, Seoul, Südkorea


Characterization of mesoporous ZnO:SiO2 films obtained by the sol-gel method

Martins, R. M. S.; Musat, V.; Mücklich, A.; Franco, N.; Fortunato, E.


ZnO:SiO2 films are intensively investigated for optical and electronic applications. Additionally, porous ZnO:SiO2 films are of great interest as catalyst and gas-sensing materials. The sol–gel method is an efficient and low-cost process for the deposition of meso- and microporous silica-based films. The present paper studies the effect of the withdrawal speed on the microstructure and optical properties of mesoporous ZnO:SiO2 films obtained by the sol–gel method. The morphology of the films was investigated by atomic force microscopy and the overall structure was studied by X-ray diffraction. The structure and size of the zinc oxide nanoparticles embedded in the silica matrix were investigated in more detail by transmission electron microscopy. These techniques showed ZnO:SiO2 films with crack-free mesoporous morphology and highly efficient embedding of ZnO nanoparticles with (100) preferred orientation. Furthermore, the optical transmittance (in the visible and near infrared regions) and the optical band gap value were observed to vary with withdrawal speed. It is shown that ZnO:SiO2 nanocomposites films which possess ZnO particles exhibiting a (100) orientation, with possible special applications in non-linear optics, could be prepared by the low-temperature crystallization sol–gel method.

Keywords: sol–gel; Zinc oxide; nanoparticles; silica matrix; thin films; mesoporous films; optical and electrical properties; X-ray diffraction; atomic force microscopy


3D QSAR study, synthesis and in vitro evaluation of (+)-5-FBVM as potential PET radioligand for the Vesicular AcetylCholine Transporter (VAChT)

Kovac, M.; Mavel, S.; Deuther-Conrad, W.; Méheux, N.; Glöckner, J.; Wenzel, B.; Anderluh, M.; Brust, P.; Guilloteau, D.; Emond, P.


Located in presynaptic cholinergic nerve terminals, the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) represents a potential target for quantitative visualization of early degeneration of cholinergic neurons in Alzheimer´s disease using PET. Benzovesamicol derivatives are proposed as radioligands for this purpose. We report QSAR studies of vesamicol and benzovesamicol derivatives taking into account the stereoselectivity of the VAChT binding site. Use of different data sets and different models in this study revealed that both enantiomers of 5-fluoro-3-(4-phenyl-piperidin-1-yl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-naphthalen-2-ol (5-FBVM) are promising candidates, with predicted VAChT affinities between 6.1 and 0.05 nM. The synthesis of enantiopure (R,R)- and (S,S)-5-FBVM and their corresponding triazene precursors for future radiofluorination is reported. Both enantiomers exhibited high in vitro affinity for VAChT [(+)-5-FBVM: Ki = 6.95 nM and (-)-5-FBVM: Ki = 3.68 nM] and were selective for s2 receptors (~70-fold), only (+)-5-FBVM is selective for s1 receptors (~5-fold). These initial results suggest that (+)-(S,S)-5-FBVM warrants further investigation as a potential radioligand for in vivo PET imaging of cholinergic nerve terminals.

Keywords: Benzovesamicol derivative; VAChT; triazene; fluoro-dediazoniation, 3D QSAR


Actinide Interactions with Bacteria

Moll, H.; Bernhard, G.


Microbes are widely distributed in nature also under harsh conditions (e.g., high salinity; low permeability; high and low temperatures). They can strongly influence the migration of hazardous actinides in the environment once they have been released. This is demonstrated by an increased interest in studies exploring the interaction processes involving actinides and bacteria during the last years. However, worldwide only little detailed information is available about the biodiversity and microbial influences on radionuclide migration under the conditions of a deep nuclear repository.
The presentation covers the broad topic of actinide interactions with bacteria. A short overview about the determination of the microbial diversity giving the dominant bacterial strains will be given. In more detail, the manifold interaction process of bacteria with actinides will be highlighted based on selected examples.
With this presentation we want to point out the importance of actinide-microbe interactions for the disposal of nuclear waste.

Keywords: microbes; actinides; nuclear waste disposal

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Actinide and Brine Chemistry in a Salt-Based Repository (ABC-SALT) International Workshop, 15.-17.09.2010, Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA


Terahertz nonlinear optics using intraexcitonic quantum well transitions: sideband generation and AC Stark splitting

Wagner, M.; Schneider, H.; Stehr, D.; Winnerl, S.; Andrews, A. M.; Schartner, S.; Strasser, G.; Helm, M.


Intense THz electric fields coupling to intraband excitations can modify the interband absorption of semiconductors. A classical nonlinear mixing process is the sideband generation, where a ps NIR laser beam is mixed with the THz beam to generate sidebands at ωNIR ± n × ωTHz (integer n). In an undoped GaAs/AlGaAs multi quantum well film (substrate etched away) we observe several even-order sidebands using an all-normal-incidence geometry for the NIR and THz laser pulses [1]. Varying THz and NIR frequencies, we identify several resonances, where the intraexciton 1s-2p transition (at ~9 meV) makes the strongest contribution. Fig. 1(a) shows a typical NIR transmission spectrum with the NIR fundamental at the hh(1s) state and the resulting even-order sidebands.
In a second experiment we monitor the sample’s broadband transmission under THz pumping. THz light can couple and “dress” two resonant states, giving rise to the Autler-Townes or AC Stark effect [2, 3]. Fig. 1(b) shows the measured transmission spectra without (dashed line) and with (solid line) THz light at a THz peak intensity of 220 kW/cm² for THz pumping above (14 meV), near (10.5 meV) and below (6.1 meV) resonance. Near resonance (10.5 meV) we observe a distinct line splitting (see arrows), which represents the first clear evidence of the Autler-Townes effect in an intraexcitonic transition. Above and below resonance, low- and high-energy shoulders, respectively, are observed (see arrows). We discuss our findings on the basis of a simple two-level model that describes the situation surprisingly well near resonance up to a THz field strength of 10 kV/cm, corresponding to a Rabi energy of 0.6 times the 1s-2p transition energy. This is already well beyond the rotating-wave approximation of our model. Observed deviations would have to be addressed within a full many-body theory dealing with the complete set of excitonic states as well as with the possibility of exciton field ionization. Note that for the above parameters the ponderomotive energy is 3 meV, comparable to the exciton transition/ionization energy and the Rabi energy, an extremely non-perturbative regime with a Keldysh parameter near unity.


[1] M. Wagner et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 241105 (2009).
[2] S. H. Autler and C. H. Townes, Phys. Rev. 100, 703 (1955).
[3] S. G. Carter et al., Science 310, 651 (2005).

Keywords: AC Stark effect; Autler Townes effect; excitons; terahertz; sideband generation; nonlinear optics

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    NOEKS 10 - 10th International workshop on Nonlinear Optics and Excitation Kinetics in Semiconductors, 16.-19.08.2010, Paderborn, Deutschland


Terahertz induced intra-excitonic Autler-Townes effect in semiconductor quantum wells

Wagner, M.; Schneider, H.; Stehr, D.; Winnerl, S.; Helm, M.; Roch, T.; Andrews, A. M.; Schartner, S.; Strasser, G.


When light is resonant with a material excitation the optical Stark or Autler-Townes (AT) effect couples the involved energy states and alters their energy, i.e. the states get “dressed” by the light-matter interaction. This fundamental quantum-mechanical feature of light-matter interaction was originally observed in atomic spectroscopy [1]. However, despite some theoretical work, it took a long time to the first observation of the AT effect for terahertz (THz) light coupled to hole [2] and electron [3] intersubband transitions in semiconductor quantum wells.
Here, we report clear evidence of the intra-excitonic AT effect. In our experimental work we study the NIR transmission at low temperature of a GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well film (substrate etched away) exposed to strong picosecond THz pulses from the free-electron laser (FEL) at FZD. NIR spectra are recorded for a series of different THz frequencies and intensities. When tuning the THz photon energy in the range from 6 to 17 meV around the 1s-2p intra-excitonic transition energy that lies at ~9 meV, we observe a line splitting when pumping near resonance, and low- and high-energy shoulders, respectively, when pumping off resonance. This behavior is consistent with the AT effect. In Fig. 1 the measured absorption around the heavy-hole 1s exciton is displayed for different THz photon energies, showing the two dressed states and their expected anticrossing behavior. We discuss our experimental evidence of a coupling between the NIR “bright” 1s state and the NIR “dark” 2p state on the basis of a two-level model. Near resonance (10.5 meV) we find that our simplified model describes the situation surprisingly well up to a THz field strength of 10 kV/cm (I = 650 kW/cm2), corresponding to a Rabi energy of 0.6 times the 1s-2p transition energy. This is already well beyond the limits of the rotating-wave approximation. At the highest field strengths, the Rabi sidebands appear to start interacting with other exciton states. A full many-body theory would have to deal with the complete manifold of excitonic states as well as with the possibility of exciton field ionization. Note that for the above parameters in our case the ponderomotive energy is 3 meV and thus of the same order as the exciton transition/ionization energy (i.e. Keldysh parameter near unity) and the Rabi energy, an extremely non-trivial regime.
Using picosecond THz pulses we finally demonstrate that the induced absorption change occurs adiabatically only during the THz pulse. This ultrashort change that corresponds to an up to 20-fold increase in transmission can in principle be exploited in NIR modulators or switches.

[1] S. H. Autler and C. H. Townes, Phys. Rev. 100, 703 (1955).
[2] S. G. Carter et al., Science 310, 651 (2005).
[3] J. F. Dynes, M. D. Frogley, M. Beck, J. Faist, and C. C. Phillips, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 157403 (2005).

Keywords: AC Stark effect; Autler Townes effect; excitons; terahertz; sideband generation; nonlinear optics

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ICPS 2010, 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, 25.-30.07.2010, Seoul, Südkorea
  • Contribution to proceedings
    ICPS 2010, 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, 25.-30.07.2010, Seoul, Südkorea
    AIP Conference Proceeding 1399 (2011) 479-480; doi: 10.1063/1.3666462


Interaction of U(VI) with Schizophyllum commune

Günther, A.; Roßberg, A.; Raff, J.; Bernhard, G.


Biosorption processes of heavy metals and actinides like uranium by fungal cells play an important role in the mobilisation or immobilisation of these elements in nature. Different sorption experiments of U(VI) with Schizophyllum commune at different initial uranium concentrations and therewith connected varying initial uranium speciation showed high uranium sorption capacities in the pH range from 4 to 7. Formed uranium complexes were investigated by means of time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopic measurements (TRLFS). The obtained spectra show clearly differences between the emissions properties of the uranium species on fungi and the dissolved uranium species in the initial mineral medium. While the oxidation state of uranium remained unchanged during the sorption process, the uranium speciation changes significantly. Extra- and/or intracellular phosphate groups are the predominant binding places of uranium due to our first spectroscopic results. X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopic measurements (EXAFS) were performed for a structural characterisation of formed uranium-fungi species and a verification of the TRLFS results.

Keywords: Uranium(VI); fungi; TRLFS; EXAFS

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    9th Symposium on remediation in Jena, "Jenaer Sanierungskolloquium", 04.-05.10.2010, Jena, BRD


Nanostructuring of BaF2 (111) surfaces by single slow highly charged ions

El-Said, A. S.; Heller, R.; Facsko, S.


The creation of surface nanostructures in BaF2 (111) surfaces was studied after irradiation with slow highly charged Xe ions from the Dresden-EBIT (Electron Beam Ion Trap). After irradiation, the crystals were investigated by scanning force microscopy (SFM). Using specific ion parameters, the topographic images show nanohillocks emerging from the surface. Additionally, we used the technique of selective chemical etching to reveal the lattice damage created by ion energy deposition below and above threshold needed for surface hillocks formation. The role of both potential and kinetic energy as well as a comparison with results for swift heavy ion irradiations of BaF2 single crystals are presented.

Keywords: highly charged ions; nanostructures

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 269(2011), 901-904


Ion-Induced Nanoscale Ripple Patterns on Si Surfaces - Theory and Experiment

Keller, A.; Facsko, S.


Nanopatterning solid surfaces by low-energy ion bombardment has received considerable interest in the recent years. This interest was partially motivated by promising applications of nanopatterned substrates in the production of functional surfaces. Especially nanoscale ripple patterns on Si surfaces have attracted attention both from a fundamental and an application related point of view. This paper summarizes the theoretical basics of ion-induced pattern formation and compares the predictions of the various continuum models to experimental observations with special emphasis on the morphology development of Si surfaces during sub-keV ion sputtering.

Keywords: nanopatterning; ion sputtering; surface morphology; continuum theory

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Vibrational spectroscopy of actinyl sorption complexes

Gückel, K.


Information about motivation and objectives as well as first results of the PhD thesis

  • Poster
    FZD PhD Seminar, 22.-24.09.2010, Krögis, Deutschland


Stofftransport bei Bergbaufolgeschäden und Altlastensanierung

Wolf, M.

  • Lecture (others)
    GEOforum Leipzig, 08.06.2010, Leipzig, Deutschland


Geochemische Wechselwirkungen bei Anwesenheit von Huminstoffen in Untertagedeponien

Fellmer, F.

  • Lecture (others)
    GEOforum 2010, 08.06.2010, Leipzig, Deutschland


Ultrafast three-dimensional X-ray computed tomography

Bieberle, M.; Hampel, U.; Barthel, F.; Menz, H.-J.; Mayer, H.-G.


X-ray computed tomography (CT) is nowadays a well established 2D and 3D visualization technique in medicine and non-destructive testing. An increasing number of scientific and engineering problems requires three-dimensional imaging capabilities, since structures of growing complexity are seldom seizable by a cross-section only. Because CT scanning requires sampling of radiographic projections from different viewing angles around an object, typically mechanical rotation mechanisms, either for the source-detector compound or the object, are employed by common CT systems. Hence, they are quite slow and their application in the study of fast processes, such as multiphase flows or live animals, was so far impossible.
Here we introduce a new ultrafast three-dimensional X-ray CT method based on electron beam scanning, which achieves imaging rates of 500 volume images per second. It represents an extension of a two-dimensional ultrafast electron beam CT modality presented earlier1. Although this 2D CT system reaches cross-sectional frame rates of up to 10,000 images per second, the new system is superior for the analysis of processes and moving objects, where structural changes occur in three dimensions. With an experimental study that is reported here we could demonstrate the capability of this new method to recover the structure of typical gas-solid and gas-liquid two-phase flows. Thus, ultrafast three-dimensional X-ray CT forms a practical alternative to high-speed videometry and furthermore provides non-superimposed density distributions even from opaque media.

Keywords: ultrafast; X-ray; 3D; computed tomography


Molecular and microscopical characterization of the algae mat from the „Gessenhalde“ (Ronneburg/Eastern Thuringia) and the proof of the retention of uranium

Zirnstein, I.; Krawczyk-Bärsch, E.; Arnold, T.; Röske, I.


Next to the test-field site of the former uranium leaching dump “Gessenhalde” (Ronneburg/Eastern Thuringia), which is part of a research program of the Friedrich-Schiller University, biofilms were sampled from a creek and investigated by PCR and cloning, light microscopy, CLSM and TEM/EDX. The molecular and microscopical characterization of the eukaryote diversity showed a wide spectrum of free living eukaryote microorganism, like the filamentary green algae Microspora and Klebsormidium as the dominant eukaryote. Flagellates, ciliates and rotaroria are present as representatives of the protozoa in minor amount. The water of the creek is characterized by a low pH of 3.3 – 3.9 and a uranium concentration, which ranges seasonally between 1x10-6 M/L and 6x10-6 M/L. Following up the question if the algae mat may have immobilized uranium by biosorption or bioaccumulation the filamentary algae were selected and investigated microscopically and spectroscopically by CLSM and TEM/EDX. Since the results did not provide any microscopic and spectroscopic evidence for the presence of uranium immobilization, the filamentary algae were cultured in rain water with a pH adjusted to 6,0. After the addition of uranium as UO2(ClO4)2 in the ecologically relevant concentration of 1x10-5 M/L the algae showed characteristic fluorescence spectra in the wavelength range of 480-560 nm, which is typical for uranium (VI). The results demonstrated that the actual in-situ geochemical conditions of the creek from the "Gessenhalde" inhibit the retention of uranium by the algae mat. The removal of uranium from the aqueous phase requires the cultivation of algae in a neutral media.

Keywords: biofilm; algae; uranium

  • Poster
    9. Sanierungskolloquium, 04.-05.10.2010, Jena, Deutschland


Interaction of Selected Actinides with Microorganisms Relevant to Nuclear Waste Disposal

Frost, L.; Moll, H.; Krawczyk-Bärsch, E.


The sorption behavior/ retardation of actinides (uranium) in deep geological formations like clay, granite or salt is determined by the constitution of the host rock material and the presence of bioligands and microbes. To which extent can bioligands and microbes lead to a mobilisation of the respective actinyl ion?
By presenting results of our current research categorical examples for the interaction of uranium(VI) with above mentioned interaction partners are given:

  • Interaction with host rock material: the anaerobic sorption of U(VI) onto Opalinus Clay
  • Interaction with bioligands: interaction of U(VI) with the model ligand benzoic acid investigated by UV-vis spectroscopy and cryo-TRLFS
  • Interaction with microbes: interaction of U(VI) with the Äspö bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens (HAADF-TEM measurements and uranium accumulation experiments)

Keywords: Uranium; Opalinus Clay; Pseudomonas fluorescens; UV-vis spectroscopy; cryo-TRLFS

  • Poster
    5th FZD Ph.D. Seminar, 22.-24.09.2010, Krögis, Deutschland


Analysis of the influence of different arrangements for ZrH moderator material on the performance of a SFR core

Merk, B.; Weiß, F. P.


The structure for the development of a fuel element design with reduced sodium void achieved by the use of the moderating material ZrH is investigated. In the study the sodium void effect, as well as the major feedback coefficients are analyzed. Besides the feedback coefficients, the influence on the operational parameters like neutron flux distribution, power distribution, and burnup distribution is investigated for the different possibilities of arranging the moderating material in the fuel element. Additionally, the fuel cycle parameters breeding and minor actinide production are analyzed. For a first evaluation of the behavior during transients the influence of temperature changes in the ZrH and the consequences of dissociation of the ZrH on the fuel element power are studied.

Keywords: Sodium void; fast reactor; zirconium hydride


Electromagnetic induction in non-uniform domains

Giesecke, A.; Stefani, F.; Gerbeth, G.


Numerical simulations of the electromagnetic induction equation are carried out applying a grid based finite volume method where insulating boundaries are treated by the boundary element method. A prescribed flow of liquid sodium provides the energy source for self-generation of a magnetic field and the influences of non-uniform material properties on the induction process are examined by means of internal assemblies and outer container walls with high conductivity or high permeability.

High permeability material even if localized in a small volume like the flow driving impellers in the French VKS dynamo experiment, essentially determines the field generation process (decrease of the effective critical magnetic Reynolds number and enforcing of internal boundary conditions on material interfaces). Permeability caused facilitation of dynamo action might be important as well for the helical flow in cooling circuits of fast breeders. Preliminary simulations for a model flow in and around soft-iron sub-assemblies (that comprise the nuclear fuel pins) show a reduction of the critical magnetic Reynolds number for the onset of dynamo action by a factor of 2.

The third examined configuration is motivated by an application of the contactless inductive flow tomography (CIFT) in a continuous casting model experiment. Consideration of the finite conductivity of the copper container walls results in a quantitative modification of the current distribution within the solid material. An enhanced current yields an amplified induced magnetic field outside of the container which must be considered in the reconstruction of the fluid velocity field.

Keywords: Dynamo; Conductivity; Permeability; Induction

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Workshop on Numerical Simulations of MHD flows, 18.-20.10.2010, Karlsruhe, Deutschland


Ein Modell zur Beschreibung der Kühlmittelvermischung und seine Anwendung auf die Analyse von Borverdünnungstransienten in Druckwasserreaktoren

Kliem, S.


Es wurde ein Modell zur realistischen Beschreibung der Kühlmittelvermischung innerhalb des Reaktordruckbehälters eines Druckwasserreaktors entwickelt und validiert. Dieses schnell rechnende Modell basiert auf dem Prinzip der linearen Superposition der Antwortfunktionen auf Dirac-Impuls-ähnliche Störungen der Kühlmittelparameter. Es wurde in den gekoppelten Programmkomplex DYN3D/ATHLET als Schnittstelle zwischen dem eindimensionalen Thermohydraulikprogramm ATHLET und dem dreidimensionalen neutronenkinetischen Kernmodell DYN3D eingebunden und simuliert in effizienter Weise die Vermischung des Kühlmittels innerhalb des RDB.
Für die Analyse von hypothetischen Borverdünnungsstörfallen wurde eine Methodik entwickelt, die auf dem neuen Modell zur Beschreibung der Kühlmittelvermischung basiert. Diese Methodik besteht aus einer Kombination von stationären und transienten Rechnungen, in denen die Vermischung der deborierten Pfropfen auf dem Weg zum Reaktorkern in realistischer Weise simuliert wird. Über die Variation der Größe des deborierten Kühlmittelpfropfens kann der gewünschte Grad an Konservativität für die Analysen vorgegeben werden.
Diese neue Methodik wurde erfolgreich auf zwei verschiedene Borverdünnungsstörfalle angewandt. Neben dem Start der ersten Hauptkühlmittelpumpe bei Vorhandensein eines deborierten Kühlmittelpfropfens im kalten Strang des Primärkreislaufes wurde ein Deborierungsstörfall im Nachkühlbetrieb betrachtet. In beiden Fällen zeigten die Ergebnisse der Parameterstudie für eine generische Kernkonfiguration, dass es selbst bei Annahme des maximal möglichen Pfropfenvolumens zwar zur Rekritikalität des abgeschalteten Reaktors aber nicht zu einer unzulässigen Erhöhung der Hüllrohrtemperatur kommt. Wesentliche Ursache dafür ist die Verwendung realistischer zeitabhängiger Verteilungen der Borkonzentration am Eintritt in jedes Brennelement.

  • Open Access Logo Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf; FZD-539 2010
    ISSN: 1437-322X



Aqueous curium(III) phosphate species characterized by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy

Moll, H.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.


The formation of aqueous Cm(III) phosphate complexes was studied at room temperature by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) in 0.1 M NaClO4 solutions. The experiments were perfomed at a fixed total Cm(III) concentration of 3x10-7 or 2x10-8 M by varying the phosphoric acid concentration (3x10-5 - 0.1 M) and the pH (1.4 - 6.0). The red shift of the excitation and emission spectra, as well as the increase of luminescence lifetimes clearly showed the influence of phosphate on the aqueous Cm(III) speciation. In acidic phosphate solutions ([H3PO4] < 0.1 M, pH 1.4 - 2.6) an increase in luminescence intensity was detected due to complexation with H2PO4 -. At [H3PO4] > 4x10-4 M and between pH 4.0 and 6.0 in general a decrease in luminescence intensity affiliates the complexation with HPO4 2-. Two Cm(III)-phosphate complexes could be identified from the emission data, CmH2PO4 2+ and CmHPO4 +, having peak maxima at 599.6 and 600.8 nm, respectively. TRLFS in combination with ultra-filtration (1 kD) showed that the formation of CmHPO4 + is affiliated by the generation of Cm(III)-phosphate colloids especially at [H3PO4] > 0.002 M and pH > 5. Cm(III)-phosphate colloids formed at pH 5 and 6 are characterized by an emission maximum at 603.1 nm. Based on the factor analysis of the emission data the stability constants of the two complexes were calculated to be log ß121 = 20.23 ± 0.13 and log ß111 = 16.54 ± 0.80 at an ionic strength of 0.1 M (NaClO4).

Keywords: Curium(III); Phosphoric acid; Stability constant; Speciation; Complexation; TRLFS; Ultra-filtration


Test site Gessenwiese: Results in TRLFS investigations on surface water and pore waters, and preliminary results on plant saps concerning uranium speciation

Baumann, N.; Arnold, T.


Plants may take up uranium from contaminated sites and thus may represent a potential risk. To evaluate the risk of uranium being transferred from the environment into the human food chain knowledge concerning the uranium speciation is essential since reactivity and toxicity of uranium largely depend on its speciation.
Plants take up their nutrients from the soil in dissolved form and thus uranium may enter plants as dissolved species. To study this process the speciation of uranium in a uranium contaminated site, i.e. Gessenheap near Ronneburg in Saxony/Germany was studied by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) in the aqueous phase, i.e. in surface water (drainage channel on the Gessenheap) and in pore water (approximately 0.5 – 1 m below surface of test site Gessenwiese). In both waters uranium sulfate species dominate the uranium speciation and clearly show that uranium sulfate species are in contact with plant components.
In a second step we determined the uranium concentration in the plants obtained from the test field Gessenheap by ICP-MS. For these analyses cell saps of birch leaves, of a birch boletus, and of compartments of butterbur (leaves, roots, and sprouts) were obtained by ultra centrifugation. The highest uranium concentration was found in sap samples from roots of butterbur with 39.3 ppb uranium (approximately 1.5 • 10-7 M uranium); in the sap samples of birch leaves 18.1 and 16.6 ppb uranium, respectively were detected. In all other sap samples the uranium contents were below 4 ppb uranium. The uranium content in the studied dried plant materials were less than 2.2 ppb, and dried birch leaves contains less than 0.1 ppb uranium.
The above listed uranium concentrations turned out to be too low to be successfully analyzed by TRLFS. In addition, we have to mention that plant sap may contain substances which quench the fluorescence signal of uranium (VI), e. g. some heavy metal ions or organic compounds. For future studies plant samples containing higher uranium concentrations are used for TRLFS investigations, possibly mosses or lichens.

Keywords: TRLFS; uranium speciation

  • Lecture (Conference)
    9th Symposium on remediation in Jena "Jenaer Sanierungskolloqium", 04.-05.10.2010, Jena, Germany
  • Contribution to proceedings
    9th Symposium on remediation in Jena "Jenaer Sanierungskolloqium", 04.-05.10.2010, Jena, Germany


Terahertz activated luminescence of trapped carriers in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots

Bhattacharyya, J.; Wagner, M.; Helm, M.; Hopkinson, M.; Wilson, L. R.; Schneider, H.


Optical properties and interdot transfer dynamics of trapped carriers in InGaAs quantum dots (QDs) are investigated. Time resolved photoluminescence (PL) was measured for time-delayed interband and intraband excitations. Terahertz activated luminescence (TAL) from trapped carriers having lifetimes of ~250 ns at 8 K, was observed. Spectral shift of the TAL with respect to the PL showed the trionic nature of the PL in the n-doped QDs. With increasing terahertz excitation intensity, the TAL increased and reached saturation. The activation energy associated with the trapped carrier decay was quite close to the intersublevel transition energy (~20 meV) indicating trapping in the QDs.

Keywords: Quantum dots; Photoluminescence quenching; trapped carriers

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Development of the coupled 3D neutron kinetics/thermal-hydraulics code DYN3D-HTR for the simulation of transients in block-type HTGR

Rohde, U.; Baier, S.; Duerigen, S.; Fridman, E.; Merk, B.; Weiss, F.-P.


At the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD), the Light Water Reactor (LWR) dynamics code DYN3D is extended and adopted for the application to block-type High temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). DYN3D is a two-group diffusion code for 3D steady-state and transient core calculations based on nodal expansion methods. In addition to the neutron kinetics, it disposes of a thermal-hydraulics model for flow in parallel coolant channels. Macroscopic cross section data libraries precalculated with variation of burn-up, reactor poisons concentrations and thermal-hydraulic feedback parameters are linked to the code. Recently, a multi-group version of the code was developed.
In this paper, we give an overview of the latest developments of DYN3D concerning block-type HTGR.
The SP3 transport approximation is implemented into the multi-group DYN3D code to take anisotropy of the neutron flux and heterogeneity of the core more precisely into account. The SP3 method previously implemented into DYN3D for square fuel element geometry of LWR is being extended for hexagonal geometry of the graphite blocks, where the hexagons are subdivided into triangular nodes to be able to perform a systematic mesh refinement.
The main challenge in cross section generation for the HTGR core calculations is the treatment of the so-called “double heterogeneity”. The Reactivity equivalent Physical Transformation (RPT) approach is applied in order to eliminate the double-heterogeneity of HTGR fuel elements in HELIOS calculations. The full core analysis of the reference simplified HTGR core is performed with DYN3D using macroscopic nodal cross sections provided by HELIOS. The DYN3D results are verified against full core Monte Carlo simulations.
A 3D heat conduction module coupled with a channel-type coolant flow model is implemented to take into account the temperature reactivity feedback to neutronics physically correctly. It is shown that there is significant redistribution of the produced heat by heat conduction between the graphite blocks.

Keywords: high temperature reactor; reactor dynamics; computer code; double heterogeneity; SP3 transport approximation; heat conduction; temperature reactivity feedback; computer code

  • Lecture (Conference)
    5th Topical Meeting in High Temperature Reactor Technology, 18.-20.10.2010, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Contribution to proceedings
    5th Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology, 18.-20.10.2010, Pargue, Czech Republic
    Conference Website, Paper #036


Very large DPSS lasers are coming

Toepfer, T.; Neukum, J.; Hein, J.; Siebold, M.


New alcaline-earth fluoride laser materials and ever-improving diode-laser module technology are bringing very high-energy, moderate-to high-repetition-rate DPSS lasers for research closer to reality.

Keywords: High-energy; diode-pumped; solid-state lasers

  • Open Access Logo Laser Focus World 46(2010)10, 64-67


Excitation wavelength dependence of phase matched terahertz emission from a GaAs slab

Peter, F.; Winnerl, S.; Schneider, H.; Helm, M.


We report on phase matched THz emission from GaAs using the anomalous dispersion introduced by optical phonon absorption at the reststrahlenband in GaAs. For this system tunability of the emitted THz frequencies by changing the near infrared excitation wavelength is predicted. We investigate this phenomenon for an oversized double metallized GaAs waveguide. A shift in the THz spectra is observed when the near-infrared wavelength is varied. Enhanced emission is found when phase matching is achieved at 1.4 µm.

Keywords: Terahertz; far infrared; ultrafst nonlinear optics

  • Open Access Logo Optics Express 18(2010)19, 19574-91580


Longitudinal Fields in Focused Radially Polarized Terahertz Beams

Winnerl, S.; Hubrich, R.; Peter, F.; Schneider, H.; Helm, M.


We study the spatial and temporal structure of focused THz beams of radial polarization. Strong longitudinal field components localized at the axis of propagation are observed. The phase of the longitudinal field components is shifted by pi/2 with respect to the transverse field components.

Keywords: Terhertz; vector beams

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 05.-10.09.2010, Rome, Italy
  • Contribution to proceedings
    35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 05.-10.09.2010, Rome, Italy
    Conference Digest of the 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves


Thermal Emittance Measurement of the Cs2Te Photocathode in FZD Superconducting RF Gun, WEPB22

Xiang, R.; Arnold, A.; Michel, P.; Murcek, P.; Teichert, J.


The thermal emittance of the photocathode is an interesting physical property for the photoinjector, because it decides the minimum emittance the photoinjector can finally achieve. In this paper we will report the latest results of the thermal emittance of the Cs2Te photocathode in FZD Superconducting RF gun. The measurement is performed with solenoid scan method with very low bunch charge and relative large laser spot on cathode, in order to reduce the space charge effect as much as possible, and meanwhile to eliminate the wake fields and the effect from beam halos

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    FEL 2010 Conference, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden
  • Contribution to proceedings
    FEL 2010 Conference, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden
    Proceedings of the FEL 2010


QCD sum rules for D mesons in dense and hot nuclear matter

Hilger, T.; Schulze, R.; Kämpfer, B.


Open charm mesons (pseudo-scalar and scalar as well as axial-vector and vector) propagating or resting in nuclear matter display an enhanced sensitivity to the chiral condensate. This offers new prospects for seeking signals of chiral restoration, in particular in pA and \bar{p}A reactions as envisaged in first-round experiments by the CBM and PANDA collaborations at FAIR. Weinberg-type sum rules for charming chiral partners are presented, and the distinct in-medium modifications of open-charm mesons are discussed. We also address the gluon condensates near Tc and their impact on QCD sum rules.


[18F]NS10743: Characterisation Of A Selective a7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (a7 nAChR) Radioligand In Pig Brain By PET

Deuther-Conrad, W.; Fischer, S.; Hiller, A.; Funke, U.; Østergaard Nielsen, E.; Brunicardi Timmermann, D.; Steinbach, J.; Peters, D.; Brust, P.


Introduction: Alterations of a7 nAChR have been observed in schizophrenia, brain trauma and neurodegenerative diseases. For PET imaging of a7 nAChR [18F]NS10743 has been successfully developed evaluated in mice by tissue distribution and specificity studies. Here we report on baseline and blocking PET studies with [18F]NS10743 in pig brain.
Methods: [18F]NS10743 was synthesized with high specific activity (>150 GBq/μmol) and radiochemical purity (>99%). Dynamic PET scanning was performed in anaesthetized female piglets (13-15 kg), intravenously injected with ~ 330 MBq [18F]NS10743 (total mass ~ 472 ng) for 120 min. Three animals additionally received 3 mg/kg of the a7 nAChR partial antagonist NS6740 at 10 min pre-tracer injection followed by a continuous infusion (1 mg/kg/h). Plasma samples were taken and metabolite-corrected input functions were estimated. Individual regions of interest were defined using an MRI-based template of pig brain. SUV and distribution volume (VT = K1/k2) were estimated. The ratio of specifically bound radioligand and non-displaceable radioligand in brain tissue was calculated from the VT values by BPND = (VT region - VT reference)/VT reference.
Results: [18F]NS10743 readily passed the blood-brain barrier and the uptake of radioactivity peaked with SUV = 2.23 ± 0.71 at 8 min in the baseline scan while in NS6740-blocking studies the radioactivity levels peaked significantly earlier (SUV = 3.02 ± 1.28 at 5 min) and decreased faster. At the end of study (between 90 and 120 min p.i.) SUV was significantly decreased by NS6740 in allinvestigated brain regions except olfactory bulb, which was chosen as reference region for calculation of BPND. At baseline, a VT value of 6.07 ± 1.54 was estimated for the whole brain with the highest radiotracer accumulation in the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobe, thalamus, striatum, and middle cortex (VT = 7.27 ± 1.95 – 7.10 ± 1.58). Intermediate binding was observed in hippocampus, colliculi, midbrain, frontal lobe, and ventral cortex (VT = 6.76 ± 1.71 – 6.09 ± 1.05), and lowest values were assessed in the cerebellum, pons, and olfactory bulb (VT = 5.71 ± 1.18 – 4.11 ± 0.96). Baseline BPND values for high (temporal lobe), median (hippocampus) and low specific binding (cerebellum) were 0.76 ± 0.07, 0.54 ± 0.08, and 0.39 ± 0.08, respectively. NS6740 significantly reduced the binding potential BPND in regions with high [18F]NS10743 binding (temporal lobe: -29 %, p = 0.01; midbrain: -35 %, p = 0.02) while the decrease in regions with low binding was not significant (cerebellum: -16 %, p = 0.2).
Conclusion: These data make [18F]NS10743 a reasonable candidate for further development of in vivo a7 nAChR imaging by PET. The challenge to improve the binding potential of [18F]NS10743, limited mainly by the low density of a7 nAChR expression in the brain and reflected by rather small regional differences in baseline uptake of [18F]NS10743, will be met by further modifications of the NS10743 core structure intended to increase the target affinity of the tracer compound.
the target affinity of the tracer compound.

Keywords: [18F]NS10743; a7 nAChR; PET

  • Lecture (Conference)
    NRM2010 (Neuroreceptor Mapping Congress), 22.-24.07.2010, Glasgow, Großbritannien
  • Abstract in refereed journal
    NeuroImage 52(2010)1
    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.04.230
    ISSN: 1053-8119


Extension of CFD codes - application to two-phase flow safety problems, phase 2

Bestion, D.; Anglart, H.; Mahaffy, J.; Lucas, D.; Song, C. H.; Scheuerer, M.; Zigh, G.; Andreani, M.; Kasahara, F.; Heitsch, M.; Komen, E.; Moretti, F.; Morii, T.; Mühlbauer, P.; Smith, B. L.; Watanabe, T.


This document is an extension of the NEA/SEN/SIN/AMA(2006)2 report produced by the Writing Group 3 on the extension of CFD to two-phase flow safety problems, which was formed following the recommendations made at the “Exploratory Meeting of Experts to Define an Action Plan on the Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Codes to Nuclear Reactor Safety Problems” held in Aix-en-Provence, in May 2002. Extension of CFD codes to two-phase flow is a chance for safety investigations, by giving some access to smaller scale flow processes which were not seen by present tools. Using such tools as part of a safety demonstration may bring a better understanding of physical situations, more confidence in the results, and an estimation of safety margins. The increasing computer performance allows a more extensive use of 3D modelling of two-phase Thermalhydraulics with finer nodalization. However, models are not as mature as in single phase flows and a lot of work has still to be done on the physical modelling and numerical schemes in such two-phase CFD tools. The Writing Group listed and classified the NRS problems where extension of CFD to two-phase flow may bring real benefit and also classified different modelling approaches. First ideas were reported about the specification and analysis of needs in terms of validation and verification.

Keywords: CFD; two phase flow; nuclear safety research

  • Other report
    OECD: Report NEA/CSNI/R(2010)2, 2010
    137 Seiten


Studies on the patterning effect of copper deposits in magnetic gradient fields

Tschulik, K.; Sueptitz, R.; Koza, J.; Uhlemann, M.; Mutschke, G.; Weier, T.; Gebert, A.; Schultz, L.


Electrochemical Cu deposition was performed from electrolytes containing 0.1 M to 1 M CuSO4 in a well-defined magnetic gradient field. Patterned deposits resulted in all cases showing a strong correlation to this gradient field. It was observed that with increasing Cu2+ concentration the structuring effect decreases in terms of differences in topography and morphology. An explanation of this effect is presented based on local convection induced by the magnetic field gradient force which is dependent on the concentration gradient established during the deposition. Superimposed effects of Lorentz force driven convection were observed for high Cu2+ concentrations, and their influence on the deposition process is discussed.

Keywords: magnetic gradient field; deposit patterns; Lorentz force


The EPOS system at the radiation source ELBE at For-schungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

Krause-Rehberg, R.; Butterling, M.; Jungmann, M.; Krille, A.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Rogov, A.; Noack, K.; Cowan, T.; Wagner, A.


The heart of the radiation source ELBE at the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) is a 40-MeV LINAC with an average current of 1 mA. Due to its superconducting technology, the time structure is different from conventional LINACs. Electron bunches as short as 2 ps with a 26 MHz repetition rate can be used in continuous operation (cw) mode. This is an ideal host for an intense positron source. After organizing SLOPOS-9 in Rossendorf, it was decided to add EPOS (ELBE Positron Source) to the existing experiments at ELBE. EPOS consists of two LINAC-based setups, Gamma-induced Positron Spectroscopy (GiPS) and Monoenergetic Positron Spectroscopy (MePS). The GiPS setup, where positrons are produced inside the whole sample volume by pair production using a pulsed gamma beam, is unique so far. Here, bulky samples such as coarse powders, dispersions, but also liquids or whole devices of non-destructive testing can be investigated by all positron techniques important for materials science (lifetime spectroscopy, age-momentum correlation, and coincidence Doppler broadening spectroscopy). The same techniques will be applied at the MePS setup, where slow, mono-energetic positrons will be generated by moderation to study near-surface layers. This system is still under construction. The EPOS system will be completed by two conventional setups, a continuous slow positron beam and a positron lifetime/ Doppler spectrometer, both operated by 22Na sources.

Keywords: Positron spectroscopy; Positron Annihilation; Monoenergetic Positrons; Gamma-induced Positrons; LINAC-based

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proceedings of the International School of Physics "E. Fermi" - Physics with many positrons, 07.-17.07.2009, Varenna, Italia
    The EPOS system at the radiation source ELBE at For-schungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Amsterdam: IOS Press Amsterdam


Pu recycling in a full Th-MOX PWR core: Part I - steady state analysis

Fridman, E.; Kliem, S.


Current practice of Pu recycling in existing LWRs in the form of U-Pu mixed oxide fuel (MOX) is not efficient due to continuous Pu production from U-238. The use of Th-Pu mixed oxide (TOX) fuel will considerably improve Pu consumption rates because virtually no new Pu is generated from thorium. In this study, the feasibility of Pu recycling in a typical pressurized water reactor (PWR) fully loaded with TOX fuel is investigated.
Detailed 3-dimensional 100% TOX and 100% MOX PWR core designs are developed. The full MOX core is considered for comparison purposes. The design stages included determination of Pu loading required to achieve 18-month fuel cycle assuming three-batch fuel management scheme, selection of poison materials, development of the core loading pattern, optimization of burnable poison loadings, evaluation of critical boron concentration requirements, estimation of reactivity coefficients, core kinetic parameters, and shutdown margin.
The performance of the MOX and TOX cores under steady-state condition and during selected reactivity initiated accidents (RIA) is compared with that of the actual uranium oxide (UOX) PWR core.
Part I of this paper describes the full TOX and MOX PWR core designs and reports the results of steady state analysis. The TOX core requires a slightly higher initial Pu loading than the MOX core to achieve the target fuel cycle length. However, the TOX core exhibit superior Pu incineration capabilities.
The significantly degraded worth of control materials in Pu cores is partially addressed by the use of enriched soluble boron and B4C as a control rod absorbing material. Wet annular burnable absorber (WABA) rods are used to flatten radial power distribution. The temperature reactivity coefficients of the TOX core were found to be always negative. The TOX core has a slightly reduced, as compared to UOX core, but still sufficient shutdown margin.
In the TOX core βeff is smaller by about a factor of two in comparison to the UOX core and even lower than that of the MOX core. The combination of small βeff and reduce control materials worth may potentially deteriorate the performance under RIA conditions and requires an additional examination. The behavior of the considered cores during the most limiting RIAs, such as rod ejection, main steam line break, and boron dilution, is further investigated and reported in Part II of the paper.

Keywords: Pu recycling; PWR; Thorium; MOX; three-dimensional core analysis


The superconducting RF photoelectron source for the ELBE accelerator at Rossendorf

Teichert, J.


Most of the proposed electron accelerator projects for future FELs, ERLs, or 4th generation light sources require electron beams with an unprecedented combination of high-brightness, low emittance and high average current. The ideal candidate for it is the superconducting RF photogun (SRF gun) which can be easily operated in CW like a DC photogun and may reach the beam quality of a normal conducting RF photogun. Challenges are the design of the superconducting cavity, the choice of the photocathode type, its life time, a possible cavity contamination, the difficulty of coupling high-average power into the gun and finally the risk of beam excitation of higher order cavity modes. At the FZ Dresden-Rossendorf a SRF gun has been developed and installed at the ELBE superconducting linac. The SRF gun is designed for an average current of 1 mA and an maximum electron energy of 9 MeV. The 1.3 GHz cavity consists of three full cells with TESLA geometry, a specially designed half-cell where the photocathode is placed. The photocathode with a Cs2Te photoemission layer is normal-conducting and cooled by liquid nitrogen. In the talk an overview of the technical concept, the RF properties, the photo cathode development, and beam parameter measurements will be given.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (others)
    ANKA Seminar, 08.02.2010, Karlsruhe, Deutschland


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