Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

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42029 Publications

Konfiguration und Parametrierung eines Meßsystems zur Erfassung der Wärmeflüsse in einer Wohnsiedlung

Heinze, K.


Für die Wohnsiedlung Rossendorf wurde ein Meßsystem zur Erfassung der Wärmeflüsse für Heizung und Warmwaser entworfen, realisiert und erprobt. Zum Einsatz kam ein industrielles Meßsystem mit Prozeßrechner der Firma Johnson Controls. Durch Testmessungen wurde der Nachweis der Funktionsfähigkeit der Anlage erbracht. Als kritisch erwies sich die genaue Bestimmung der Wärme- bzw. Volumenströme.

  • Other report
    Diplomarbeit Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Energiemaschinen und Maschinenlabor, Dezember 1994 (Betreuer Dr. Naehring)


Rhenium and technetium complexes with nucleic acid components

Noll, S.; Noll, B.; Knieß, T.; Kampf, G.; Spies, H.; Johannsen, B.


Re/Tc labelled nucleobases and nucleosides are developed and characterized in connection with cell uptake studies on cultured normal and tumour cells [1,2]. Stable Re and Tc complexes of nucleic acid components have been prepared where uracil derivatives are either involved in a mercaptoacetyl glycine (MAG) SN3 coordination sphere or are part of "3+1" mixed-ligand complexes. Furthermore a prelabelling method has been successfully used for coupling the nucleic acid components to a performed Re/Tc complex.
Uptake of such complexes into proliferating cultured normal and tumour cells and their crude cytosolic and nuclear fractions, including postincubation effects and the influence of the metabolic state of the cells, has been observed.

  • Book (Authorship)
    Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGE Editoriali Padova (1999) pp. 553-556


Auslegung des Wärmeverteilsystems einer zu errichtenden großen solarthermischen Anlage

Bemmann, T.


Für ein im Bau befindliches konventionelles Heizsystem auf Erdgasbasis wurden technische Varianten einer einzubindenden Solaranlage untersucht. Dabei stand die optimale Nutzung und Verteilung der von der Solaranlage zu liefernden Wärme im Vordergrund. Als ausschlaggebend erwiesen sich die Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Temperaturniveaus der verschiedenen untersuchten Abnehmer (Wohngebiet, Schule). Für 2 Varianten erfolgte eine Systemauslegung und eine Abschätzung der zu erwartenden solaren Gewinne.

  • Other report
    Diplomarbeit Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Thermodynamik und Technische Gebäudeausrüstung, April 1994, (Betreuer: Dr. Naehring)


Zusammenhang zwischen bruchmechanischen und mechanisch-technologischen Kennwerten für Reaktordruckbehälterstähle

Viehrig, H.-W.; Böhmert, J.; Bergmann, U.; Richter, H.


Im Rahmen der wissenschaftlich-technischen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Deutschland und Rußland und einem Koordinierten Forschungsprogramm der IAEA wird das Bestrahlungsverhalten russischer und westlicher Reaktordruckbehälter(RDB)stähle untersucht. Im unbestrahlten Ausgangszustand weisen die Chargen des Grundwerkstoffes 15Ch2MFA des russischen Druckwassereaktors WWER-440 eine große Streuung in den im Charpy-V Test ermittelten Übergangstemperaturen und Hochlageenergien auf. Eine geringe Streuung in diesen Kennwerten haben die untersuchten Chargen des Grundwerkstoffes 15Ch2NMFA(A) des russischen Druckwasserreaktors WWER-1000. Die ermittelten Übergangstemperaturen liegen niedriger als bei den ASTM RDB-Stählen A533B Cl. 1 und ASTM A508 Cl. 3. Die J-Integralwerte für technische (J0,2)- und physikalische Rißinitiierung der untersuchten RDB-Stähle und der dazugehörigen Schweißgüter wurden mit den Hochlageenergien aus dem Charpy-V Test und den Streckgrenzen des Zugversuches korreliert.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Werkstoffprüfung '94, Bad Nauenheim, 01. - 02. Dezember 1994


Characterization of the Initial State of the Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels of the Rheinsberg Irradiation Programme - Survey on Mechanical Testing including Fracture Mechanics and Fluence Investigation in the Research Centre Rossendorf

Viehrig, H.-W.; Barz, H.-U.; Bergmann, U.; Böhmert, U.; Konheiser, J.


A German/Russian irradiation programme was performed in the high flux irradiation channels of the PWR VVER-2 Rheinsberg from 1984 to 1987. Within the programme Charpy-V-, COD-, 0,5-CT-, X-CT- and 1-CT specimens of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels 15Kh2MFA and 15Kh2NMFA(A) and RPV weld metal 10KhMFT, 10Kh2MFA(U) and 10KhNMA(A) were irradiated. These materials are used in the pressurized water reactor of Russian type VVER-440 and VVER-1000. The irradiation of one series of experiments took one year. In this paper the unirradiated initial state of the material is characterized. The mechanical properties measured at different temperatures include instrumented Charpy-V notch- and quasistatic fracture toughness data. Furthermore the neutronfluence of the specimens were calculated in dependence of the position in the high flux irradiation channels of the PWR VVER-2 Rheinsberg.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    5th Specialists Meeting of Scientific and Engineering Cooperation Agreement - Safety of Components, Stuttgart, 04. - 07. 10. 1994


Bewertung von akustischen Emissionssignalen, aufgenommen mit einer hammerfinnenintegrierten AE-Sonde

Richter, H.


Anhand von Beispielen wurden elastische low blow's und deren komplexes akustisches Verhalten an einer ungekerbten hochfesten Stahlprobe unter Ausschluß von plastischer Deformation und Rißbildung diskutiert. Störsignale, die durch verschiedene Prozesse generiert werden, sollen somit besser verstanden und letztlich von Nutzsignal separiert werden. Die Korrelation der gemessenen Störsignale zu charakteristischen Ereignissen, wie Reibungsquellen und mechanischer Kontakt, gelang noch nicht. Deshalb wird eine zusätzliche AE-Instrumentierung von Probe und Widerlager in Betrach gezogen, die bei der Störquelleninterpretation hilfreich sein wird.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Arbeitskreis "Instrumentierter Kerbschlagbiegeversuch" des DVM Berlin, 19. September 1994


A Two-Dimensional Intranodal Flux Expansion Method for Hexagonal Geometry

Grundmann, U.; Hollstein, F.


A new nodal method HEXNEM2 for hexagonal geometry is described. The method is based on a two-dimensional expansion of the intranodal fluxes. Polynomials up to the second order and exponential functions are used in each group. By this method the singular terms occurring in the transverse integration methods are avoided. Side averaged and corner point values of fluxes and currents are used for the coupling of nodes. A calculation scheme for the outgoing partial currents at the sides and similar expressions for the corners from given incoming values are used in the inner iteration which gives a fast running scheme. The method is tested against 2-dimensional hexagonal benchmark problems for the VVER-type reactors. The results show that the multiplication factor and nodal powers are predicted accurately. A considerable improvement can be shown of the results for the VVER-1000 benchmarks compared with the method developed previously for the code DYN3D and the simpler method HEXNEM1.

Keywords: neutron diffusion equation; two energy groups; 2-dimensional; nodal expansion method; hexagonal geometry; steady state; benchmarks

  • Nuclear Science and Engineering 133 (1999) 201-212


PO-3 - the Best Reflector for the IBR-2

Noack, K.


The pulsed fast reactor IBR.2, Dubna, is at present the most powerful pulsed neutron source used for condensed matter research. The neutron pulses are generated periodically by reactivity modulation, which is accomplished by a rotating two-reflector system. The neutron physics which has been involved in the development of various reflectors is analysed with respect to the neutron pulse length. Two new reflectors are proposed.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    International Seminar on Advanced Pulsed Neutron Sources, Dubna, Russia, June 14 - 16, 1994


Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Around a Circular Cylinder - Numerical Simulation up to Renolds numbers of 1000

Mutschke, G.; Gerbeth, G.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DFG-Kolloquium, Bonn, 24.06.1994


MHD Research at Research Center Rossenorf - Relations to LMFBR

Gerbeth, G.


A review on R&D activities of the FZR group in the field of Liquid Metal MHD is given in this lecture. Special attention is paid to sodium related experiences (facility, experimental programme, measuring techniques) being of interest for the Breeder development. In particular, first tests of a contactless gas phase detection system are presented. This system was developed by RWTH Aachen and FZR, and tested for the first time at FZR. It allows a detection of small, even single gas bubbles independent of their acoustic activity.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    O-arai, Japan: O-arai Engineering Center, PNC, 02.11.1994


LMMHD Activities at Reearch Center Rossendorf

Gerbeth, G.


A review on R&D activities of the FZR group in the field of Liquid Metal MHD is given in this lecture. Particular emphasis is put on the measurements and theoretical results with respect to heat&mass transfer in anisotropic MHD turbelence. Corresponding models, experimental set-ups, and measuring techniques are described. Two-phase flow measurements are presented obtained at the FZR sodium facility. The prospects of cylindrical turbulence promoters are discussed.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Kawasaki, Japan: Nippon Steel Corp., 31. 10. 1994
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Institute of Technology, 31. 10.1994


Contactless Control of Nonlinear Flow Phenomena in the Czochralski Crystal Growth of Silicon by Use of Magnetic Fields

Gerbeth, G.


Control of melt motions is important for most of the crystal growth technologies in order to improve the crystal quality and the yield. There were several attempts in the past to use steady magnetic fields for a damping of instabilities. Much more possibilities for flow control exist if unsteady magnetic fields are used, preferably in combination with steady fields. This new active melt control is attractive for industrial use. Principal mechanisms of this type of flow control are presented in this lecture, particularly adressed to the needs of the Si-Cz-technology. The research project is developed together with the institute of physics Riga and Wacker Chemitronics Ltd. Burghausen

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Workshop Potential of Nonlinear Dynamics for Technological Applications, BMFT-VDI, Frankfurt/M., 24.11.1994


Evidence of Irradiation Defection VVER Steels by Small Angle Scattering Experiments - Contribution to the Analysis of Irradiation Effects

Böhmert, J.; Große, M.


Up to now there are only few investigations on the microstructural change of VVER-type reactor pressure vessel steels after neutron irradiation. Consequently, the understanding of the mechanism of neutron embrittlement is not physically but only empirically based. Apart from the modern methods of high resolution analytical electron microscopy the small angle scattering with neutrons and X-rays enables experiments to gain information on size, volume fraction and composition or structure of nanometer-scale precipitates as they are typical for irradiation-induced ones. First experiments with these techniques have shown the irradiation-induced microstructural changes significantly differ from the changes which were found in ASTM-type steels. For continuing such investigations a programme of joint Russian-German investigation is suggested.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    5th Specialists Meeting on Scientific and Engeneering Cooperation Agreement - Safety of Components, Stuttgart, 04. - 07. 10. 1994


Characterisation of Irradiation-Induced Precipitates in VVER-Type RPV Steel 15Kh2MFA by Anomalous Small Angle Ray Scattering

Böhmert, J.; Brauer, G.; Große, M.; Eichhorn, F.


Irradiation-induced precipitates are the cause for neutron embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steels. It can be shown that for the VVER-type steel 15Kh2MFA the shift in the ductile-brittle transition temperature depends nearly linearly on the volume fraction of these precipitates.
The nature of the irradiation-induced precipitates has been investigated at the steel 15Kh2MFA. This steel differes from ASTM-type A503 and 533 steels mainly in its content of the carbide forming elements chromium, molybdenum and vanadium.
Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments using the SANS-2 facility at the FRG-1 reactor in Geesthacht (Germany) were employed in the past. SANS gives information about size and volume fraction of the precipitates, but hardly about the chemical composition.
In order to prove and to characterize the nature of the irradiation-induced precipi- tates anomalous small angle X-ray scattering (ASAXS) has been carried out at the JUSIFA facility of Hamburg synchrotron laboratory HASYLAB (Germany) at present. By the method of contrast variation, it is also possible to get information on the chemical composition.
ASAXS experiments with contrast variation at energies near the vanadium-K -absorption-edge reveal the content of vanadium within the irradiation-induced precipitates. The scattering density of the precipitates is lower than the scattering density of the iron matrix. The chemical shift of the vanadium K -absorption-edge shows that vanadium does not precipitate in an elementary state. Assuming, the precipitates are vanadium carbide these results can be explained. The results are in accordance with those of SANS experiments and former positron annihilation spectroscopy experiments.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    5th Meeting of the International Group on Radiation Damage Mechanisms, Santa Barbara, May 1994


High Precision Neutron Fluence Calculations, Activation Measurements and Spectrum Adjustment for the Rheinsberg Pressure Vessel Steel Irradiation Program

Barz, H.-U.; Böhmer, B.; Konheiser, J.; Stephan, I.


The overall approach comprises the pure calculation part, the gamma spectrometric analyses of fluence monitors and the comparison of theoretical and experimental results using the spectrum adjustment procedure. Monte Carlo methods were used to perform the transport calculations. By application of special measures of variance reduction the statistical errors could be reduced so much that accurate 3-dimensional Monte Carlo methods could be generally used in reasonable calculation time. The uncertainties of the results due to the use of different group values of neutron cross sections were assessed by testing different group sets. In that way it could be shown that the kind of group data is of minor influence.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Presentation to the EWGRD, WGRD-VVER Meeting, Rez, Tschechien, April 18 - 22, 1994


Aufgaben und Probleme bei der Bestimmung der Neutronenbelastung für den WWER-1000

Barz, H.-U.; Böhmer, B.; Konheiser, J.; Stephan, I.


Es werden Erfahrungen der auf diesem Gebiet tätigen Mitarbeiter in Rossendorf bei der Berechnung und Messung von Neutronenfluenzen sowie bei der Anwendung der Spektrumsjustierung dargelegt. An Hand dieser Erfahrungen wird auf noch offene Probleme eingegangen, die insbesondere bei neutronendosimetrischen Problemen zum Reaktor WWER-1000 auftreten. Es werden Möglichkeiten zur Bewältigung dieser Probleme diskutiert und auf eigene Vorstellungen eingegangen. Insbesondere wird betont, daß man mit Hilfe moderner Verfahren der Varianzreduktion die genaue 3-dimensionale Monte-Carlo Methode als Standardverfahren für die Transportrechnungen anwenden kann.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    5. Deutsch-Russisches WTZ-Seminar der Arbeitsgruppe Komponentensicherheit, Stuttgart, 03. - 05. Oktober 1994


Analysis of two-Phase Flow Phenomena with Conductivity Probes in Integral Reactor Safety Experiments

Weber, P.; Kusch, S.; Prasser, H.-M.


The thermalhydraulic behaviour of a PWR during beyond-design-basis accident scenarios is important for the verification and optimisation of accident management measures and code development. Analyses require integral experiments, such as PKL III at Siemens / KWU, which simulates a 1300 MWe KWU-design PWR with scaling factor of 1:145.
The paper presents PKL III results obtained by needle shaped conductivity probes developed in the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf [1]. The probes provided local void fractions and particle frequences within an averaging period of 2s. This time resolution is sufficient to characterize slow transients. A special flow pattern map developed for the probes enabled the calculation of the length of an average bubble. The measured information was used to determine the changing flow regimes.
At first, a secondary side feed-and-bleed procedure was investigated. Two probes were installed in the feed water line close to the steam generators. A depressurization of the secondary side caused flashing of the feed water and discharge of two-phase flow. A comparison of the measured void fraction with the density reading of a radiation densitometer installed next to the probes shows good agreement. The experimentally found flow regimes are also consistent with expected trends from flow regime maps developed by other researchers (e.g. [2]). Both show slug flow at the beginning of the secondary-side depressurization.
In the second experiment, a primary-side feed-and-bleed following steam generator tube rupture, four probes were installed at one location in the vertical part of the pressurizer surge-line, but at different radial positions. Another set of probes was installed in the horizontal pressurizer bleed-line. Two of them were used for time-of-flight measurements providing velocity values directly. Flow regimes such as stratified flow in the horizontal tube or annular flow in the vertical tube were found during the depressurization.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, Piacenca, Italy, June 6 - 8, 1994,
  • Other report
    Erlangen: Siemens AG, Power Generation Group (KWU), Paper I.1, 1994


Acoustic Leak Detection at Complicated Topologies Using Fuzzy Classifiers and Neural Networks

Schmitt, W.; Hessel, G.; Weiß, F.-P.


A method for detecting and localizing leaks at complicated three-dimensional topologies by measuring the leak induced structure-borne and airborne sound and by applying pattern recognition procedures is being developed. The sound patterns necessary to train fuzzy logic classifiers and neural networks are generated with simulated leaks at the original structure. As features for characterizing the occurrence and the location of a leak, coherence values between high-frequency microphone signals as well RMS-values of acoustic emission sensors are used. The method is even applicable when localization based on propagation time differences or sound attenuation differences fail. The method is prototypically developed for a soviet-type pressurized VVER-reactor.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proc. of the XIII IMEKO World Congress, Torino, September 05 - 09, 1994, pp. 1259 - 1264


Ultrasonic Two-Phase Flow Measurements Based on Pattern Recognition Techniques

Prasser, H.-M.; Hensel, F.; Schütz, P.


The state-of art of ultrasonic two-phase flow measurements is characterised by a number of different approaches commonly based on the identification and characterisation of individual voids (bubbles, plugs etc.) applying the techniques of ultrasonic testing. The recorded individual events are integrated to extract parameters as void fraction or volume flow rates. The main limitation of these methods arises from the complicated structure of two-phase flow at higher void fractions which leads to multiple diffractions of the sound beam. The measurement is therefore limited to low void fractions or a simple flow structure.
The main idea of the present work was to overcome these limitations by means of pattern recognition. An ultrasonic beam crossing the two-phase flow is modulated by the changing structure of the voids passing by and therefore the through-transmission signal must contain information about the parameters of the two-phase flow even if information about individual flow effects cannot be derived. Therefore it was supposed that a pattern recognition algorithm trained with signals obtained at known conditions is able to identify the set of the flow parameters (flow rates, void fraction etc.) in an unknown situation.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    From Measurement to Innovation. Proceedings of the XIII IMEKO World Congress, Vol.2, p. 1112-111
  • Lecture (Conference)
    XIII IMEKO World Congress, Torino September 5-9, 1994


Neutron-Physical Development of Reflectors for the Pulsed Reactor IBR-2

Noack, K.


The pulsed fast reactor IBR-2, Dubna, is at present the most powerful pulsed neutron source used for condensed matter research. The neutron pulses are generated periodically by reactivity modulation, which is accomplished by a rotating two-reflector system. The neutron physics which has been involved in the development of various reflectors is analysed with respect to the neutron pulse length. Two new reflectors are proposed.

  • Kerntechnik 59 (1994) 6, S. 291 - 297, München: Hanser Verlag, 1994


Post-Test Calculations of the IAEA-SPE4

Krepper, E.; Schäfer, F.


In the Research Center Rossendorf post test calculations of the SPE4 were performed using the thermohydraulic code ATHLET. The SPE-4 experiment was a small break loss of coolant accident in the cold leg with unavailable high pressure injection system. For the prevention of core damage the secondary side bleed and feed was used. The experiment was performed at the Hungarian PMK-2 test facility, modelling the Paks VVER-440 reactor. In the calulations different nodalizations were tested for modelling the hydroaccumulators and the horizontal steam generator. Deviations between calculation and experiment were observed especially in the primary pressure decay and consequently in the behaviour of accumulator injection. It was found, that the prediction of observed core dry out depends on the correct calculation of the low pressure injection setpoint.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Proc. 2. SPE-4 Workshop, Budapest, May 1994
  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proc. 2. SPE-4 Workshop, Budapest, May 1994


Anwendung neuronaler Netze zur akustischen Leckortung an komplizierten Strukturen

Hessel, G.; Schmitt, W.; Weiß, F.-P.


Eine Methode zur Erkennung und Ortung von Lecks an Druckanlagen komplizierter 3-dimensionaler Topologie ist entwickelt worden. Sie basiert auf der Merkmalsextraktion aus dem leckinduzierten Körper- und Luftschall und wendet neuronale Netze zur Mustererkennung an. Die zum Anlernen der neuronalen Netze notwendigen Schallmuster werden mit Hilfe von simulierten Lecks an einer Originalstruktur erzeugt. Als Merkmale zur Charakterisierung des Leckortes werden Kohärenzwerte zwischen hochfrequenten Mikrofonsignalen und RMS-Werte von Schallemissionssensoren angewendet. Die Methode ist sogar einsatzfähig, wenn die Leckortung auf der Basis von Laufzeit- oder Dämpfungsdifferenzen versagt. Die Methode wird prototypisch für einen russischen WWER-Druckwasserreaktor entwickelt. Die Anwendung neuronaler Netze ermöglicht eine Adaption der Leckortungsmethode an Druckanlagen unterschiedlicher Topologie.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Preprint VDI/GVC Düsseldorf - Fachtagung Prozeß- und Anlagensicherheit, November 1994, S. 135 - 146


Investigations on a Boron Dilution Accident for a VVER-440 Type Reactor by the Help of the Code DYN3D

Grundmann, U.; Rohde, U.


A reactivity initiated transient caused by entering a plug of water with reduced boron concentration into the core during incorrect loop startup in a VVER-440/W-213 reactor is analyzed . Due to the asymmetric distribution of the boron dilution, significant space-dependent effects are expected. That requires the use of a three-dimensional reactor core model. The analysis was carried out with the help of the code DYN3D/M2 developed for investigations on reactivity initiated accidents in thermal reactors with hexagonal fuel elements. A semi-analytical model adjusted to experimental data on coolant mixing in VVER-440 type reactors is used for the estimation of boron concentration distribution at core inlet. For comparisons, the two limiting cases, ideal mixing and no mixing, are investigated.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Proc. ANS Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics: Reactor Physics Faces the 21st Century, Knoxville (Tennessee), 11. - 15. April 1994, Vol. 3, pp. 464 - 471
  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proc. ANS Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics: Reactor Physics Faces the 21st Century, Knoxville (Tennessee), 11. - 15. April 1994, Vol. 3, pp. 464 - 471


Effective coupling of Re/Tc-MAG3 complexes with amines and nucleobases in aprotic solvents.

Kniess, T.; Noll, S.; Noll, B.; Spies, H.; Johannsen, B.


The coupling of Re- and 99mTc-MAG3 complexes with amines and nucleobases was carried out with good yields using O-(benzotriazol-1-yl-)N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-
uronium-tetrafluoroborate (TBTU), and base in polar aprotic solvents (NMP, DMF, DMSO). The one step reaction followed by simple gel chromatography makes the method well appropriate for preparations at the low no-carrier-added level of technetium-99m.

Keywords: Re/Tc-MAG3; nucleobases; coupling; TBTU


Synthesis and receptor binding of novel progestin-rhenium complexes

Wüst, F.; Skaddan, M. B.; Carlson, K. E.; Leibnitz, P.; Katzenellenbogen, J. A.; Spies, H.; Johannsen, B.


A series of rhenium "n+1" mixed-ligand, thioether-carbonyl and organometallic complexes of 21-substituted progesterone have been synthesized. The conjugates contain the rhenium metal at several oxidation states, being +5, +3 and +1. The complexes were used in a competitive receptor-binding assay (rat-uterus, 0°C) to determine their binding to the progesterone receptor. The best affinity of 9% (RU 5020=100%) was obtained with a "3+1" mixed-ligand complex, containing a NMe group as the central donor atom in the tridentate ligand part.

  • Book (Authorship)
    Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGE Editoriali Padova (1999) pp. 491-495


Tc(V) and Re(V) complexes with Mercaptoacetylglysine (MAG1

Noll, B.; Noll, S.; Leibnitz, P.; Jankowsky, R.; Spies, H.; Johannsen, B.


Mercaptoacetyl glycine (MAG1) (1) forms, in the presence of appropriate monodentate ligands, tridentate/monodentate (3+1) coordinated complexes with Tc(V) and Re(V). Exchange of the chlorine by monodentate ligands in [MO(MAG1)Cl]- (2) gives access to new mixed-ligand complexes [MO(MAG1)(XR)] (3) . Some representatives have been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, ir and uv spectroscopy and EXAFS. Thiobenzoate as monodentate ligand gives the complex (4) that, after debenzoylation, reacts with halogen containing compounds under displacement of the halogen by a [MO(SNO)S] moiety.

  • Book (Authorship)
    Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGE Editoriali Padova (1999) pp. 241-244


Derivates of 6-methyl-8alpha-amino-ergoline: Sythesis and affinity to the dopamine D2 receptor

Spies, H.; Noll, B.; Noll, S.; Hilger, C. S.; Brust, P.; Syhre, R.; Johannsen, B.


Organic derivatives (2) of 6-methyl-8alpha-amino-ergoline 1 and derived complexes of rhenium (3,5) and technetium (4) have been prepared and evaluated with regard to their affinity to the dopamine D2 receptor. The molecular structure of the rhenium complex 3 was determined. The affinity of the benzoyl derivative 2b is comparable with that of terguride (IC50 values 2.7 for 2b vs. 4.8 nMol), while the affinities of the related Tc and Re complexes are in the range from 54 to 165 nMol.

  • Book (Authorship)
    Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGE Editoriali Padova (1999) pp. 237-240


Solution structure of technetium(V) and rhenium(V) peptide complexes as studied by EXAFS spectroscopy and capillary electrophoresis (CE)

Jankowsky, R.; Kirsch, S.; Spies, H.; Johannsen, B.


Structural investigations on rhenium and technetium peptide complexes have been carried out using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS) and capillary electrophoresis. Small cysteine containing peptides with altered amino acid sequences were used as model systems to study the metal complexation behaviour. By means of capillary electrophoresis, complex species existing over the pH range could be identified as well as protonable groups in these complexes. EXAFS measurements in solution delivered information about the complex coordination spheres. The metal complexation modes and complex stoichiometries of directly labelled metal complexes of large biologically active peptides could be elucidated.

  • Book (Authorship)
    Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi, U.) SGE Editoriali Padova (1999) pp.229-235


A novel method to investigate ion-beam-induced defect evolution in Si

Posselt, M.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    5th International Symposium on Process Physics and Modeling in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing, 195th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Seattle, WA, USA, May 2-6, 1999 (invited lecture)
  • Book (Authorship)
    pp. 58-74 in: Process Physics and Modeling in Semiconductor Technology (Edited by C. S. Murthy, G. R. Srinivasan, S. T. Dunham), Proceedings Volume 99-1, The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ


PET-Untersuchungen mit 18-F-FDG: Strahlenbelastung der MTAs beim Aufziehen der Spritzen

Wittmüß, A.; Schröder, H.; Beuthien-Baumann, B.; Linemann, H.; Burchert, W.


Für eine gute Bildqualität bei gleichzeitig möglichst niedriger Strahlenbelastung für den Patienten ist es bei PET-Untersuchungen erforderlich, die Aktivität möglichst genau auf die Spritzen aufzuziehen. Dabei kommt es zu einer kaum vermeidbaren deutlichen Strahlenbelastung der Hände und insbesondere der Finger. Dies ist die Folge der nicht ganz einfachen Handhabung der Spritzen beim Füllen. Es ist fast unmöglich, die gewünschte Dosis - trotz Berechnung - beim ersten Mal genau aufzuziehen. Dadurch ist die Hand immer wieder in unmittelbarer Nähe der Aktivität, was letztlich die hohe Strahlenbelastung der Hand bedingt. Um diese Strahlenbelastung beim Abfüllen zu vermindern, sind neben den bereits bestehenden Strahlenschutzmaßnahmen, wie z. B. der Bleiburg mit Bleiglassichtfenster und dem mit Blei abgeschirmten Aufbewahrungsgefäß für das mit Aktivität gefüllte Vial, weitere hinzugekommen.
So werden bei größeren Mengen benötigter Aktivität (bei mehr als 3 Patienten) zwei Abfüllungen aus der Radiochemie angefordert, wobei die zweite Abfüllung erst dann in das Labor geholt wird, wenn die erste Abfüllung aufgebraucht ist. Weiterhin wird beim Aufziehen der Spritzen mit einer Zange, zum Halten der Spritze, sowie einer Pinzette, zum Halten und Fixieren der Kanüle, gearbeitet. Beide Maßnahmen dienen zur Vergrößerung des Abstandes von der Aktivität. Zur Registrierung der Strahlendosis wurde jeweils ein Fingerring pro Hand, eine Filmdosimeter und ein elektronisches Dosimeter getragen.
Es wird die mit den zusätzlichen Strahlenschutzmaßnahmen erreichte Verminderung der Strahlenbelastung der Hände vorgestellt, sowie die Bedeutung in Beziehung zur maximal zulässigen jährlichen Strahlendosis gewertet.

  • Poster
    37. Internationale Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin Ulm, 14.-17. April 1999
  • Abstract in refereed journal
    Nuklearmedizin 38 (1999) A107


Tc(V) and Re(V) complexes of N-(MAG1)-Histamine

Hilger, C. S.; Noll, B.; Blume, F.; Leibnitz, O.; Johannsen, B.


The synthesis of N-(MAG1)-histamine and the preparation of its Tc and Re complexes are reported. As proven by spectroscopic methods, HPLC investigations and by X-ray structure analysis, N-(MAG1)-histamine forms stable, neutral and square pyramidal 1:1 coordination compounds with MO3*-cores of Tc and Re. The preparation of the isostructural 99mTcO(V)-N-(MAG1)-histamine complex has been achieved with 80-95% radiochemical yield.

  • Book (Authorship)
    Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by NicoliniM., Mazzi U.) SGE Editoriali Padova (1999) pp. 221-224
  • Poster
    36. Intern. Jahrestagung DGN, Leipzig, 01.-04.04.1998
  • Abstract in refereed journal
    Nuklearmedizin 37 (1998) A53


Melanoma affine Tc-99m complexes of N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamides.

Eisenhut, M.; Mohammed, A.; Mier, W.; Friebe, M.; Haberkorn, U.


Objectives: In the past a series of I-123 labeled N-(dialkylaminoalkyl)benzamides have been successfully applied to image human melanoma metastases. This prompted the development of Tc-99m complexes which should mimic the biological characteristics of these benzamide derivates.
Methods: Four N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide derivatives have been synthesized comprising the following phenyl substituents for Tc-99m complexation: 4-(Bz-S-Ac-Gly-Gly-NH) 1, 3-(NH2)-4-(Bz-S-Ac-Gly-NH) 2, 3-(Bz-S-Ac-NH)-4-(Bz-S-Ac-NH) 3, and 4-HS 4. The Tc-99m complexes were obtained by treating ligands 1-3 at 100°C for 10 minutes with Tc-99m pertechnetate, tartaric acid and stannous chloride as a reducing agend. Complex 4 was formed accordingly in the presence of N-methyl-3-azapentan-1,5-dithiol at 50°C. Biodistribution time-course studies were performed using C57B1/6 mice with subcutaneous B16 murine melanoma.
Results: The highest melanoma uptake was obtained with complex 1(3.42 and 4.48 %ID/G at 1 and 6 hr pi, respectively). The melanoma affinity decreased in the order 1>>4>2>>3.The melanoma uptake corresponded proportional with the blood values. Thus bioavailability of the Tc-complexes in the blood seemed to control melanoma uptake. A similar dependency was observed with radioiodinated benzamides.
Conclusion: Among the compounds tested so far complex 1 proved to exhibit high melanoma affinity and deserves further investigations as a melanoma seeking radiopharmaceutical.

  • The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 40 (1999) 120-121


The Application of the Expert System XUMA in the State of Saxony

Ferse, W.


In the last years contaminated sites have become a relevant problem in the Federal Republic of Germany because there exist a large number of these sites. That's why in Germany more intensive efforts are undertaken in order to start necessary remediations. Basic initial conditions for an effective execution of these works are on the one side a systematic registration of these sites and on the other side the creation of a uniform evaluation capability for the assessment of environmental hazards.

Regarding this background the Research Centre Rossendorf (FZR) together with Nuclear Engineering and Analytics, Inc. Rossendorf apply and modify the computer code system XUMA (German synonym for expert system on environmental hazards of contaminated sites) which is a joint project of the Institute for Applied Information Science of the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Centre and the State Institute for Environmental Protection of Baden-Württemberg. XUMA is a knowledge based computer system, which shall support the staff of the responsible governmental offices in the uniform evaluation of the hazard potential, the preparation of analysis plans, and the assessment of contaminated sites and mines.

To enable the registration and evaluation of contaminated sites at engineering offices FZR developes an interface program which can be generated automatically from the knowledge base of the expert system XUMA. This interface program can be executed at each IBM-compatible PC without any additional runtime environment.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Information Managem,ent in Nuclear Safety, Radiation Protection and Environmental Protection, GRS-105, Köln, January 1994


Irradiation Programme in the Rheinsberg VVER-2 Reactor to Evaluate the Susceptibility of Russian Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels against Neutron Embrittlement

Böhmert, J.; Viehrig, H.-W.


An extensive irradiation programme was performed in the Rheinsberg VVER-2 reactor from 1984 to 1988. The programm comprised 25 different heats from base or weld metal of VVER-440- and 1000-type reactor pressure vessel steels using specimens of variant geometry (CT, COD, tension, Charpy-V). Mainly, it focused on validating of the safety assessment procedure and on determining of fracture mechanics parameters in their dependence of fluence and thermal annealing.
At present the investigation of the irradiated specimen is still outstanding. In the unirradiated state all VVER-type steels investigated show good toughness and strength properties and are comparable with A 533 class 1 and A 508 class 3 steels. The scattering between the different heats of same materials is partly large and does not correlate with the chemical composition or the heat treatment. The results of irradiated specimens up to now do not always confirm the values which are obtained on the base of the valid safety assessment procedure in a conserva- tive wise. That supports the urgency to extend the data base for irradiated VVER-type pressure vessel steels.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, Stuttgart, 17. - 19. Mai 1994, Proc. pp. 388 - 391


Solarwärmeeinspeisung in ein Nahwärmenetz durch dachintegrierte Kollektorfelder und einen saisonalen Speicher

Nollau, M.

  • Other report
    Diplomarbeit Nr. 1542 Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Energietechnik 1995


Entwurf eines solar unterstützten Nahwärmesystems in einer zu sanierenden Wohnsiedlung

Noack, M.

  • Other report
    Diplomarbeit Nr. 708 Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Thermodynamik und Technische Gebäudeausrüstung 1995


Modellierung der axialen Gasgehaltsverteilung bei transienten Vorgängen in einer Zweiphasenströmung

Kern, T.

  • Other report
    Diplomarbeit Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Verfahrens- und Umwelttechnik, November 1995


Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Photovoltaik-Generator-Kennlinienmeßgerätes

Ihle, T.

  • Other report
    Diplomarbeit Technische Universität Dresden, Fakultät Elektrotechnik, Nr. 22/94, 01.12. 94 - 31. 05. 1995


Hydrogen Prototype of a Plasma Neutron Source

Gorbovsky, A. I.; et. al. (INP); Kumpf, H.; Noack, K.; Otto, G.; Krahl, S.; Robouch, V.

  • Other report
    Novosibirsk 1995, Budker INP 95-90


Experimentelle Realisierung einer freien Flüssigmetalloberfläche

Gerbeth, G.

  • Other report
    Machbarkeitsstudie / Abschlußbericht für DARA GmbH, September 1995


Epitaxial aluminum carbide formation in 6H-SiC by high dose Al+ implantation

Stoemenos, J.; Pecz, B.; Heera, V.


Aluminum carbide precipitates are formed after Al ion implantation with dose 3x1017 cm-2 at 500°C into single crystalline 6H SiC. The aluminum carbide (Al4C3) precipitates are in epitaxial relation with 6H-SiC matrix, having the following orientation relation, [0001]6H-SiC//[11-20]Al4C3 and [11-20]6H-SiC//[11-20]Al4C3 , as transmission electron microscopy reveals. The aluminum carbide appears around the maximum of the Al depth distribution. Si precipitates were also detected in the same zone.

Keywords: high dose implantation; silicon carbide; phase formation

  • Applied Physics Letters 74 (1999) 2602


Unterstützung der ukrainischen Genehmigungs- und Aufsichtsbehörde bei der Einrichtung einer verbesserten betrieblichen Überwachung für das KKW Rovno (5. Realisierungsstufe)

Beyer, M.; Carl, H.; Kriks, J.


In Analogie zum Pilotprojekt für den 5. Block vom KKW Saporoshje - WWER-1000/W-320 - wurde für die beiden WWER-440/W-213 Blöcke vom KKW Rovno eine verbesserte betriebliche Überwachung eingerichtet. Dazu werden dem Vor-Ort-Inspektor am KKW Standort und der Aufsichtsbehörde in Kiew einmal pro Minute 55 aktuelle sicherheitsrelevante Parameter pro Block und 7 standortspezifische Parameter zur Erfassung und Bewertung mittels moderner technischer Mittel on-line zur Verfügung gestellt. Die zur Ausstattung des Arbeitsplatzes des Vor-Ort-Inspektors unbedingt benötigten Ausrüstungen wurden unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Anforderungen des KKW Rovno spezifiziert, beschafft und der ukrainischen Seite unentgeltlich überlassen. Bei Funktionstests Ende 1998/Anfang 1999 wurden Datensätze aus dem lokalen Rechnernetz des KKW Rovno fehlerfrei nach Kiew übertragen und auf einem Rechner im Informations- und Krisenzentrum in Form von Tabellen, Grafiken und Schemata dargestellt.

Keywords: betriebliche Überwachung von Kernkraftwerken; KKW Saporoshje; KKW Rovno; WWER-1000/W-320; WWER-440/W-213

  • Open Access Logo Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Forschungszentrum Rossendorf; FZR-260 Mai 1999
    ISSN: 1437-322X



Unterstützung der ukrainischen Genehmigungsbehörde NARU beim Aufbau eines technischen Systems zur verbesserten betrieblichen Überwachung des KKW Saporoshje (4. Realisierungsstufe)

Beyer, M.; Carl, H.; Nowak, K.; Schumann, P.; Seidel, A.


Das vor zwei Jahren im KKW Saporoshje in Betrieb genommene System zur verbesserten betrieblichen Überwachung wurde an die Kiewer Zentrale der ukrainischen Aufsichtsbehörde angeschlossen. Dazu wurden die für den Anschluß und die Ausstattung dieser Zentrale in der ersten Ausbaustufe unbedingt erforderlichen technischen Mittel einvernehmlich spezifiziert, in Deutschland beschafft, im notwendigen Umfang erprobt, in die Ukraine überführt und dem Partner am Einsatzort unentgeltlich überlassen. Bei der Erprobung des Informationstransfers aus dem KKW Saporoshje in die Kiewer Zentrale wurde nachgewiesen, daß die von der ukrainischen Behörde gemietete Standleitung die notwendigen technischen Anforderungen erfüllt. Bei Funktionstests Mitte Januar 1998 wurden On-line-Daten aus dem Saporoger System der verbesserten betrieblichen Überwachung fehlerfrei nach Kiew übertragen.
Ferner sind der ukrainischen Seite zum Anschluß des KKW Rovno an die Kiewer Zentrale die gleichen technischen Mittel zur Verfügung gestellt worden.

Keywords: betriebliche Überwachung; KKW Saporoshje; KKW Rovno; ukrainische Kernkraftwerke; Schutzziele; Kontrollaufgaben; Betriebssicherheit von Kernkraftwerken; WWER-1000/W-320

  • Open Access Logo Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Forschungszentrum Rossendorf; FZR-259 Mai 1999
    ISSN: 1437-322X



Einfluß von Orographie und Rauhigkeit auf das Windenergiepotential in ausgewählten Gebieten Sachsens

Freund, T.

  • Other report
    Diplomarbeit Technische Universität Dresden, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Nr. 1549, 28.09.1995


Prozeß- und Anlagendiagnostik

Altstadt, E.; Carl, H.; Hessel, G.; Schmitt, W.; Schumann, P.; Weiß, F.-P.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Ein Überblick über die Arbeiten des Institutes für Sicherheitsforschung, FZR, März 1995


Void Fraction Measurements in Transient Bubble Columns by Needle-Shaped Conductivity Probes

Prasser, H.-M.; Schlenkrich, C.


The presented work aimed at the experimental determination of rapidly changing void fraction distributions. The main idea was to apply arrays of needle shaped conductivity probes to a transient two-phase flow. The goal was to provide a time resolution in the range of tenth of a second. For a first application, a bubble column was investigated. The transient process was initiated by sudden changes of the flow rate of the injected gas (air). The experimental setup consisted in a vertical cylindrical column with an inner diameter of 0.24 m and a height of 2 m. In the bottom of the column a special injection plate was installed. About 200 steel cannulae served as injection nozzles. The injection nozzles were divided into two groups, which were fed from separate air distribution chambers. Both groups were equally distributed over the cross section of the column. This measure allowed to double or to halve the air flow rate without effecting the diameter of the generated bubbles, when the air supply of one of the distribution chambers is switched on and off. For the purpose of gas fraction measurement, 8 single wire probes were mounted on a movable probe comb. The diameter of the sensitive tip was 0.2 mm. The tran-sient void fraction distribution was measured on elevations of 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 m. The transient process was initiated repeatedly by opening and closing the magnetic valve of the air supply system. After the changes, the air flow was kept constant for intervals of 10 s. The signals of the 8 void fraction probes were recorded and averaged over periods of 0.2 s for each realisation of the transient process. The data acquisition process was synchronised with the control of the magnetic valve. Afterwards, the obtained void fraction courses were superimposed. By repeating the transition process more than 400 times, an effective measuring time of at least 80 s for each void fraction value was achieved. The rapid change of the gas fraction pofiles and the gas fraction wave propagating through the column was measured.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    33rd European Two Phase Flow Group Meeting, Hertogenbosch, The Nederlands, 30 May - 02 June 1995
  • Contribution to proceedings
    33rd European Two Phase Flow Group Meeting, Hertogenbosch, The Nederlands, 30 May - 02 June 1995, paper F2


Ligth scattering by different liquid surfaces

Kolevzon, V.; Gerbeth, G.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Lecture at: Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmeßtechnik", Rostock, September 1995


Fördermöglichkeiten für Energieprojekte in Sachsen

Maletti, R.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ILK-Symposium, Dresden, 12.01.1995


Comparative Study of a Boron Dilution Scenario in VVER Reactors

Ivanov, K.; Grundmann, U.; Mittag, S.; Rohde, U.


Subsequent studies have identified many scenarios which can lead to reactivity excursions due to boron dilution. The comparative study, presented in this paper, deals with the so-called "restart of the first reactor coolant pump" scenario and its reactor-dynamic consequences for the both VVER reactor types - VVER-440 and VVER-1000.
The transient simulations have been performed using the three-dimensional core dynamics code DYN3D. The DYN3D modeling features, including recent developments, as well as the cross-section generation methodology, involved in these calculations, are described. The analyzed accident scenario is outlined together with the assumptions made. The results of core response in this boron dilution accident for both VVER reactors have been compared within ranges, determined by the two reactivity values of interest: the criticaly limit and the reactivity initiated accident (RIA) limit.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Specialist Meeting on Boron Dilution Reactivity Transients, State College, PA, USA, 18 - 20 October, 1995


Comparsions of Different Options for Coupling DYN3D-ATHLET

Grundmann, U.; Rohde, U.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Meeting of AER Working Greoup D "VVER-Reactor Safety Analysis", VTT Energy, Espoo, Finland, 17 - 19 May, 1995


DYN3D-Results of 3rd Kinetic Benchmark of AER

Grundmann, U.; Rohde, U.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Meeting of AER Working Group D "VVER-Reactor Safety Analysis", VTT Energy, Espoo, Finland, 17 - 19 May, 1995


High-Temperature Deformation and Burst Behaviour of Zirconium-Niobium Cladding Tubes Compared to Zircaloy

Erbacher, F. J.; Böhmert, J.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    11th ASTM Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry, Garmisch-Patenkirchen, Sept. 11 - 14, 1995


Neutral Particle Balance in GDT with Fast Titanium Coating of the First Wall

Baryansky, P. A.; Krahl, S.; Noack, K.; Bender, E. D.; Ivanov, A. A.; Karpushov, A. N.; Murahtin, S. V.; Shikhovtsev, I. V.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, July 1995, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, Proceedings p. 200
  • Contribution to proceedings
    IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, July 1995, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, Proceedings p. 200


Energy balance and stability of GDT plasma under intense neural beam heating

Anikeev, A. V.; et. al.; Noack, K.; Kumpf, H.; Otto, G.; Krahl, S.

  • Poster
    22nd EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Pysics, July 2 -7 1995, Bounemouth, UK, Proceedings Vol. 19C, Part IV, pp. 193-196
  • Contribution to proceedings
    22nd EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Pysics, July 2 -7 1995, Bounemouth, UK, Proceedings Vol. 19C, Part IV, pp. 193-196


Nutzung von Fluktuationssignalen und deren Auswertung mit Fuzzy-Logik / neuronalen Netzen zur Früherkennung von unerwünschten Betriebszuständen in chemischen Reaktoren

Weiß, F.-P.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Workshop "Reaktionsführung bei chemischen Synthesen in techn. Maßstab mit Unterstützung durch moderne Methoden elektronischer Datenverarbeitung", Bonn, 24.05.1995, Proc. S. 76 - 84


Anwendung der Verbundprobentechnik zur Mehrfachprüfung von Proben mit Charpy-Geometry

Viehrig, H.-W.; Böhmert, J.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung "Werkstoffprüfung '95", Bad Nauheim, Proc. S. 447 - 456


Rechnungen zum 1%-Leck an der Versuchsanlage PMK-2 mit dem Code ATHLET

Schäfer, F.; Krepper, E.


Die ungarische Versuchsanlage PMK-2 ist ein im Volumenmaßstab 1:2070 skaliertes Modell einer Reaktoranlage vom Typ WWER-440. Das Experiment „1%-Leck im kalten Strang" ist die Wiederholung eines Experiments von 1990 mit erweiterter
Instrumentierung - insbesondere Nadelsonden aus dem FZ Rossendorf. Das Leck befindet sich am oberen Teil des Ringspalts und hat einen Durchmesser von 1 mm. Für das Experiment wird angenommen, daß zur Notkühlung nur das Hochdrucknotkühlsystem (HPIS) verfügbar ist. Im Forschungszentrum Rossendorf wurden Nachrechnungen zu dem vorgestellten Experiment mit dem Code ATHLET Mod1.1 Cycle A durchgeführt. Wie der Vergleich von Rechnung und Experiment zeigt, werden alle Phänomene des Experiments in der Rechnung gut wiedergegeben. Insbesondere konnten die beobachteten Instabilitäten im Naturumlauf sehr gut modelliert werden.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Proc. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, Nürnberg, 16. - 18. Mai 1995, S. 79 - 82
  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proc. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, Nürnberg, 16. - 18. Mai 1995, S. 79 - 82


Analysis of a Boron Dilution Accident for WWER-440 Combining the Use of the codes DYN3D and SiTAP

Rohde, U.; Elkin, I.; Kalinenko, V.


The existence of Main Isolating Valves (MIV) in the hot leg and the cold leg of each primary circuit loop is a special feature of WWER­440 type reactors. MIV's availability permits the disconnection of any loop during the work of all others, for example, in the case of leaks. The connection of a previous disconnected loop is a potential way for inducing a boron dilution accident, when infringements of rules and failure of technical systems occur. By combining the use of the codes SiTAP and DYN3D, more realistic boundary conditions were obtained than in previous investigations, were a plug of water with diluted boron concentration was supposed to travel through the core while keeping the other boundary conditions constant.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, Nürnberg, 16. -18. Mai 1995, pp. 111 - 114
  • Contribution to proceedings
    Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, Nürnberg, 16. -18. Mai 1995, pp. 111 - 114


Convective, Absolute and Global Instabilities of Thermocapillary-Buoyancy Driven Flows in a Horizontal Liquid Layer

Priede, J.; Gerbeth, G.

  • Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Series II, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1995, pp. 1955 - 56
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Lecture at: American Pysical Society, 48th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Irvine, 20.11.1995


Solaranlagen in Sachsen: eine Zwischenbilanz

Maletti, R.

  • Sonnenenergie und Wärmetechnik 1995, H. 5, S. 21


Energie-Förderung durch das Sächsische Staatsministerium für Wirschaft und Arbeit im Jahre 1994

Maletti, R.; Ulrich, M.

  • Energieanwendung 44 (1995), H. 4, S. 50


105 Mio. DM Zuschüsse - Energie-Förderung durch das SMWA

Maletti, R.; Ulrich, M.

  • IHK Wirtschaftsdienst 6 (1995), H. 6, S. 20


Post Test Calculations to 11% Break LOCA Experiments in the Integral Test Facility ISB-VVER Using the Thermalhydraulic Code ATHLET

Krepper, E.


The considered test was a break on the upper plenum with different modes of emergency core cooling. The reference case was the non-availability of emergency cooling. Injecting the emergency coolant into the cold leg, no increasing of rod cladding temperatures was observed, but natural circulation instabilities occurred. Injecting the cooling into the hot leg, the cooling situation was getting worse. Due to the injected cold emergency coolant, the fluid density in the discharge volume was enhanced and the break mass flow increased. The observed events in the test were reproduced by the code with good agreement

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proc. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, Nürnberg, 16. - 18. Mai 1995, pp. 83 - 87
  • Contribution to proceedings
    Conference "Thermopysical Aspects of WWER-Type Reactor Safety", Obninsk, Russia, Nov. 1995, Proc. Vol. 2, pp. 150 - 154


Supramolekulare Rezeptoren zur Anionen- und Kationenerkennung

Stephan, H.


Die Entwicklung supramolekularer Rezeptoren zur selektiven Komplexbildung von Anionen, Kationen und Neutralmolekülen ist von großem Interesse im Hinblick auf Anwendungen in der Analytik, Medizin und Technik. Die besondere Rolle der supramolekularen Chemie resultiert dabei aus der grundlegenden Überlegung, in biologischen Systemen genutzte Wirksysteme einer hochselektiven Erkennung und Bindung von Spezies sowie ihres Transportes mit Hilfe komplexer organisierter molekularer Funktionseinheiten auf die Lösung praxisrelevanter Probleme zu übertragen.
Möglichkeiten der selektiven Bindung und des Phasentransfers werden am Beispiel von ditopen Guanidiniumverbindungen für Oxoanionen sowie makrobi- bzw. -tricyclischer Carbonsäuren für Erdalkali-Ionen diskutiert.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Institutskolloquium, FZ Karlsruhe/INE, 20. 05. 1999


Comparsion of Rod-Ejection Transient Calculations in Hexagonal-Z Geometry

Knigth, M. P.; Brohan, P.; Grundmann, U.; Rohde, U.; Finnemann, H.; Hüsken, H.


This Paper proposes a set of 3-dimensional benchmark rod ejection problems for a VVER reactor, based on the wellknown NEACRP PWR rod-ejection problems defined by Siemens/KWU. Predictions for these benchmarks deriving using three hexagonal-z nodal transient codes, the PANTER code of Nuclear Electric, the HEXTIME code of Siemens/KWU and the DYN3D code of FZ-Rossendorf are presented and compared.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    International Conference on Mathematics and Computations, Reactor Physics and Environment Analysis, Portland, Oregon/USA, April 30 - May 5, 1995, Proc. Vol. 2, pp. 1248 - 1258
  • Contribution to proceedings
    International Conference on Mathematics and Computations, Reactor Physics and Environment Analysis, Portland, Oregon/USA, April 30 - May 5, 1995, Proc. Vol. 2, pp. 1248 - 1258


Calculation of Neutron Noise Due to Control Rod Vibrations Using Nodal Methods for Hexagonal-Z-Geometry

Hollstein, F.; Meyer, K.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proc. Specialists Meeting on Reactor Noise, SMORN VII, Avignon, France, 19 - 23 June, 1995, Vol. 2, 12.1


Acoustic Leak Monitoring Using Neural Networks

Hessel, G.; Schmitt, W.; Weiß, F.-P.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proc. Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology '95, Nürnberg, May 16 - 18 1995, pp. 231 - 234



Grundmann, U.; Rohde, U.


The paper presented concerns a comparative analysis of the third three­dimensional dynamic benchmark of AER by using different options of the DYN3D code developed in the RC Rossendorf. The benchmark was defined as a control rod ejection accident in a VVER­440 core without reactor scram including the whole core thermal hydraulics. For the basic analysis with the help of DYN3D, some modifications of the code were made to meet the specifications of the benchmark (thermal properties of fuel and cladding, heat transfer in the gas gap, DNBR­correlation, hydrau lic model) as close as possible (case A). An additional analysis was carried out by using the standard version of DYN3D without any modifications. The conditions of the benchmark were approa ched only via input data (case B). In the first part of the paper, a description of the thermohy draulic model of DYN3D is given. Specific aspects concerning the modelling of the benchmark conditions are outlined. In the second part, a c!
omparative analysis of the results obtained by different DYN3D options is given. In addition to the demonstration of the applicability of the DYN3D code for solving the problem without any modifications, the goal of the investigations was to get a feeling for the sensitivity of the results with respect to ther mohydraulic modelling. The global parameters like reactivity, nuclear power, power to coolant and total mass flow rate were obtained with good agreement between the cases A and B. However, differences occur in detailled parameters, especially for the hot channel, where heat transfer crisis occurs.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Fifth Symposium of AER, Dobogokö, Hungary, 15 - 19 October, 1995, Proc. pp. 329 - 343
  • Contribution to proceedings
    Fifth Symposium of AER, Dobogokö, Hungary, 15 - 19 October, 1995, Proc. pp. 329 - 343


Coupling the Advanced Thermohydraulic Code ATHLET with the 3D-Core Model DYN3D

Grundmann, U.; Lucas, D.; Rohde, U.


The coupling of advanced thermohydraulic codes with 3-dimensional neutron kinetic codes corresponds to the effort to replace conservative estimations by best estimate calculations. In the past advanced thermohydraulic codes and detailed core models were devoloped in most cases separatly. But it is often nesessary to consider the feedback between the coolant circuits and space dependent neutron kinetics. Examples for such cases are boron dilution accidents or inadverdant connection of a loop filled with cold water.
ATHLET is an advanced thermohydraulic code, developed by the German Gesellschaft fr Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Up to now only point kinetics and 1-dimensional neutron kinetics have been included. The DYN3D code, developed in the Research Centre Rossendorf (FZR) for the improvement of the simulation of reactivity initiated accidents in VVER-type reactors comprises 3- dimensional neutron kinetics, models for the thermohydraulics of the core including heat transfer from the fuel to the coolant, a fuel rod behavior model and a mixing model for the lower plenum.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    International Topical Meeting on VVER Safety, Prague, September 21 - 23, 1995, Proc. pp. 197 - 200
  • Poster
    Internat Topical Meeting on VVER Safety, Prague, September 21 -23, 1995


ASAXS-Investigations of Irradiation - Induced Precipitates in VVER-440-Type Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel with High Cu Content

Große, M.; Böhmert, J.; Brauer, G.; Eichhorn, F.

  • Contribution to external collection
    HASYLAB-Jahresbericht 1994, Hamburg, Januar 1995, S. 535


Experimental Investigation of Accidental Thermohydraulic Processes under Circuit Depressurization at ISB-VVER Safety Integral Test Facility

Gaschenko, M. P.; Prasser, H.-M.; Zippe, W.; et. al.


The paper presents the results of small-break loss-of-coolant tests carried out at the test facility ISB-VVER located in Elektrogorsk, Russia. Presently, it is the only operating integral model of the Sovjet type VVER-1000 reactor suitable for thermalhydraulic investigations. A small leak in the upper plenum of the reactor vessel was chosen for the test scenario. Different emergency core cooling (ECC) injection modes were applied and compared. It was show that the best results of ECC injection are obtained by a combined injection into both hot and cold leg. It is possible to maintain a reliable core cooling even without an injection by the safety injection tanks, which were assumed to be not available. The tests provided data suitable for code verification. Applied needle shaped void fraction probes delivered detailed information about the two-phase flow in the primary circuit.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, Rom, Italy, October 09 - 11, 1995, p. 537
  • Lecture (Conference)
    International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, Rom, Italy, October 09 - 11, 1995


Detection of Irradiation-Inducted Microstructures Changes of VVER-Type RPV Steel by Small Angle Scattering Methods

Böhmert, J.; Große, M.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proc. International Topical Meeting on VVER-Safety, Prague, Sept. 1995, Session III, paper 7


Aufbau eines technischen Systems zur Verbesserung der betrieblichen Überwachung des KKW Saporoshje durch die staatliche Aufsichtsbehörde der Ukraine (in Russisch)

Beyer, M.; Carl, H.; Langer, L.; Nowak, K.; Seidel, A.; Schumann, P.; Tolksdorf, P.; Zschau, J.


Es wird die Struktur eines technischen Computersystems zur betrieblichen Überwachung der Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit ukrainischer KKW durch die staatlichen Aufsichtsbehörden beschrieben. Nach Auffassung der Autoren führt der Aufbau eines solchen Überwachungssystems, unabhängig von den Kontrollsystemen des Betreibers, zu einer schnellen, signifikanten und kostengünstigen Sicherheitserhöhung beim Betrieb der Reaktoranlagen vom Typ WWER-1000.

  • Atomnaja Technika sa Rubeshom, Heft 3 (1995), S.3


Ultraschallverfahren zur Messung des duktilen Rißfortschritts bei quasistatischer Dreipunktbiegung

Bergmann, U.; Böhmert, J.; Bergner, F.


Es wird ein Ultraschall-Laufzeit-Bewegungsverfahren vorgestellt, mit dem der duktile Rißfortschritt in 3-Punkt-Biegeproben kleiner Abmessungen gemessen werden kann. Das Verfahren erfüllt die Genauigkeitsanforderungen nach DIN 54120 und arbeitet quasikontinuierlich.

  • Contribution to external collection
    27. Vortragsveranstaltung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchvorgänge, Köln, 14. - 15. Februar 1995, Proc. S. 177


Punktquelle-Punktempfänger-Modell zur Rißfortschrittsmessung mit Ultraschall

Bergner, F.; Bergmann, U.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    DVM Arbeitsgemeinschaft Werkstoffe, Tagung "Werkstoffprüfung", Bad Nauheim, 5. - 6. Dezember 1995, Proc. S. 419


Development of potential tumour imaging agents by 4-[18F]

Mäding, P.; Scheunemann, M.; Steinbach, J.; Bergmann, R.; Iterbeke, K.; Tourwe, D.; Johannsen, B.


The 4-[18F]fluorobenzoyl compounds of Neurotensin(8-13) (NT(8-13)) as well as [Arg8pseudo(CH2NH)Arg9]NT(8-13) were obtained by reaction of N-succinimidyl 4-[18F]fluorobenzoate ([18F]SFB) with these peptides in aqueous buffered solutions at pH 8.3 in r.c.y. of up to 43 % (related to [18F]SFB; decay-corrected) within 80 min (including HPLC purification). This is the first example for the specific radiolabelling of the alpha-amino group at the N-terminal arginine unit of peptides using [18F]SFB.

Keywords: Neurotensin(8-13); 18F-labelling; [18F]SFB; neurotensin receptor; pseudopeptide

  • Lecture (Conference)
    8th Conference of Central European Division of International Isotope Society, Bad Soden, 10.-11.6.1999
  • Abstract in refereed journal
    J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 42 (1999) 987-1022


Bestimmung eines repräsentativen Wertes aus einer Folge von Meßwerten

Schuhmann, P.

  • Other report
    Fachbericht FWSF 02/96, August 1996


Spezifikation und Struktur der Altlastenbewertung mit dem Programmsystem XUMA-GEFA

Ferse, W.; Geiger, W.; Reitz, T.; u. a.

  • Other report
    Bericht Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Institut für Sicherheisforschung, 1996


ECON - Ein System zur Lastmodellierung

Ferse, W.; Kruber, S.

  • Other report
    Bericht Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Institut für Sicherheitsforschung, 1996


Herstellung und Prüfung von Charpy-V-Verbundproben

Viehrig, H.-W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Jahressitzung 1996 der DVM-Arbeitsgruppe "Instrumentierter Kerbschlagbiegeversuch", Merseburg, 13.09. 1996


Determination of Fracture Mechanical Values Using Charpy Size SENB Specimes and Correlation with Charpy-V Impact Test Results

Viehrig, H.-W.; Böhmert, J.; Richter, H.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    AMES TG1C Workshop on Property-Property Correlation, Petten, 1 - 2 Oct. 1996


Dampfgehaltsmessungen bei der Druckentlastung von Ethanol

Prasser, H.-M.; Steinkamp, H.; Wehmeier, G.


Bei Druckentlastungsexperimenten mit Ethanol an einem Versuchsreaktor von 105 l Volumeninhalt der Hoechst AG wurden nadelförmige Leitfähigkeitssonden zur Messung von Dampfgehalt, Gasgeschwindigkeit und Blasengröße eingesetzt. Es wurden insgesamt 5 Sonden im oberen Bereich des Reaktors auf verschiedenen Höhenmarken eingebaut. Hiervon dienten 4 Einpunktsonden ausschließlich der Dampfgehaltsmessung. Die Spitze der Sonde steht in Kontakt mit der elektrisch leitenden Flüssigkeit. Durch Versorgung mit einer kleinen Gleichspannung wird ein Strom hervorgerufen, der unterbrochen wird, wenn die Sondenspitze sich in einer Dampfblase befindet. Der Gasgehalt des zweiphasigen Gemisches wird aus der Integration der Kontaktzeit mit der Gasphase bezogen auf die gesamte Meßzeit berechnet. Bei einer weiteren Sonde handelte es sich um eine Zweipunktsonde, die zusätzlich die Bestimmung der Geschwindigkeit der Dampfblasen erlaubt. Dies geschieht durch Auswertung der Zeit, die zwischen dem Eintreffen der Blasen an deren vorderer Elektrode und dem Umschließen der hinteren Elektrode verstreicht. Mit dem bekannten axialen Abstand der zwei Elektroden wird hieraus die Geschwindigkeit berechnet. Durch Kombination der Geschwindigkeitsinformation mit der Dauer des Blasenkontakts wurden Blasengrößen bestimmt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß Leitfähigkeitssonden trotz des geringen elektrischen Leitwerts von Ethanol benutzt werden können. Es wurden insgesamt 4 Versuche mit einem Anfangsdruck von maximal 0,98 MPa durchgeführt. Bei der Druckentlastung kam es zum Aufsieden des Behälterinhalts und zum Auftreten eines Zweiphasengemischs. Durch das Anwachsen des Dampfgehalts an der Entlastungsöffnung kommt es zur Beschleunigung des Druckabbaus, woraufhin der Dampfgehalt an den Sondenpositionen zunimmt. Die Sonden registrieren schließlich infolge der Verringerung des Behälterinhalts nacheinander den Durchgang Gemischspiegels. Mit Hilfe der Zweipunktsonde wurden Blasengrößen bestimmt. Durch den zufälligen Charakter der Berührung Blase - Sonde werden Sehnenlängen der Blasen und damit deren Größe bestimmt. Die Meßwerte lassen den Schluß zu, daß eine heterogene Blasenströmung mit einem hohen Anteil von Großblasen vorgelegen hat. Mit dem eindimensionalen Rechenmodell BLDN konnten nach Implementierung eines Stoffdatensatzes für Ethanol die gemessenen Gasgehaltsverläufe gut reproduziert werden.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    42. Sitzung des DECHEMA/GVC-Arbeitsausschusses "Sicherheitsgerechtes Auslegen von Chemieapparaten", Rossendorf, 15. - 16.10. 1996


BLDN - Modell zur Berechnung der axialen Dampfgehaltsverteilung bei der Druckentlastung

Prasser, H.-M.


Das Programm BLDN (BLow-DowN) basiert auf einem eindimensionalen Strömungsmodell zur Beschreibung der axialen Dampfgehaltsverteilung in einem stehenden zylindrischen Druckbehälter bei einem Abblasevorgang unter Beschränkung auf eine Komponente. Zur Beschreibung der axialen Dampfgehaltsverteilung werden für Dampf und Flüssigkeit die gemeinsamen Massen- und Energieerhaltungsgleichungen gelöst. Es wird von thermodynamischem Gleichgewicht ausgegangen. Die zum Abschluß des Systems notwendige Phasendriftbeziehung wird in Form einer Phasendifferenzgeschwindigkeit als Funktion vom Dampfgehalt und den Stoffwerten verwendet. Mit Hilfe dieser Beziehung werden die Geschwindigkeiten beider Phasen gekoppelt. Der Impuls des Strömungsmediums wird vernachlässigt. Die Impulsgleichungen bleiben deshalb unberücksichtigt. Im Druckgefäß wird lediglich ein hydrostatisches Druckprofil berechnet, mit dessen Hilfe die Meßwerte von Differenzdruckgebern simuliert werden können. Die Anwendbarkeit des Modells ist wegen der fehlenden Impulsgleichungen auf kleine Lecks beschränkt. Der trägheitsbedingte Druckimpuls, der auf die Differenzdruckgeber in den ersten Zehntelsekunden des Aufsiedens wirkt, wird nicht nachgebildet. Die Verbindung zwischen Leckmassenstrom und Druckabfallgeschwindigkeit wird durch integrale Massen- und Energiebilanzen hergestellt, die über den gesamten Behälter gebildet werden. Je nach Option wird der Druckabfall aus dem Leckmassenstrom (BLDN) oder umgekehrt (BLDN_PV) berechnet. Der Wärmestrom, der von den Behälterwänden infolge des Absinkens der Fluidtemperatur während des Druckentlastungsvorgangs ausgeht, wird mit einer Wärmeübergangszahl für gesättigtes Sieden berechnet. Die momentane Temperatur an der Behälterinnenwand wird durch analytische Lösung der Wärmeleitungsgleichung in der Wand bestimmt. Der Verlauf des Massenhöhenstands (collapsed level) wird durch Integration des Leckmassenstroms bestimmt. Der Gemischspiegel wird unter Vorgabe des jeweiligen Massenhöhenstands aus der axialen Dampfgehaltsverteilung ermittelt. Bei der Berechnung des Dampfgehalts am Leckort wird die Lage des Gemischspiegels und die Höhe der Sprudelschicht (Schaumzone) berücksichtigt. Letztere bildet sich am Übergang von der Blasenströmung zum Dampfraum heraus.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    42. Sitzung des DECHEMA/GVC-Arbeitsausschusses "Sicherheitsgerechtes Auslegen von Chemieapparaten", Rossendorf, 15. - 16.10. 1996


Diskusion eines Kriteriensystems zur Bewertung der Ansiedlung von Industrie in urbanen Gebieten

Polte, A.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    KOVERS-Seminar, ETH Zürich, 28. November 1996


Beiträge zur Einführung der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie bei der Schwerionen-Tumortherapie

Hinz, R.

Today tumour diseases are the second most cause of death in Western countries. But only 45 percent of the patients can be cured by the established treatment methods. The further improvement of the these forms of therapy and the development of new therapeutical approaches is urgent. A substantial proportion of the patients could benefit from particle therapy with heavy ions. Beams of accelerated heavy ions (e.g. carbon, nitrogen or oxygen) with an energy between 70 and 500 AMeV are characterised by physical and biological properties superior to the radiation used in conventional radiotherapy (photons, electrons, neutrons). They form a sharp dose maximum (Bragg peak) shortly before coming to rest and are scarcely scattered while penetrating tissue. Because of the increased relative biological efficiency of these ions in the Bragg peak region they are suitable for precision therapy of deeply seated, compact, radioresistant tumours near to organs at risk. For a safe application of heavy ions close to radiosensitive structures (brain stem, optical nerves, eyes) an in situ monitoring of the therapy is desirable. This can be accomplished by positron emission tomography (PET), since fragmentation reactions between the stable ions of the therapy beam and the atomic nuclei of the tissue generate a dynamic spatial distribution of positron emitters (ß+-emitters) that can be observed by a positron camera. At the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt a medical treatment site for heavy ion therapy has been established in co-operation with the Radiologische Universitätsklinik Heidelberg, the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg and the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. The fast variation of the beam energy in conjunction with the vertical and horizontal beam deflection by dipole magnets (raster scanning) allows the three-dimensional, strictly tumour shape conformed irradiations. The dual head positron camera BASTEI has been installed at the treatment place in order to measure the decay of the ß+-emitters during the irradiation and a few minutes after. Two ways to verify the treatment plan by PET are possible.
  • In critical situations when the beam has to pass very heterogeneous structures and radiosensitive organs are situated in the direction of the beam behind the Bragg peak, a monoenergetic low dose beam pulse can be applied to the patient. The range of the particles can be derived from the simultaneous PET scan, so that the correct range calculation of the treatment plan is ensured before the therapeutical irradiations are started.
  • During each fraction of the heavy ion therapy the ß+-activity distributions are measured routinely. Based on the time course of every individual therapy fraction the expected ß+-emitter distribution is computed. By comparing the simulated with the measured data the precision of the dose deposition of this single therapy fraction is assessed. If a considerable disagreement between these two distributions is revealed by this comparison the treatment plan has to be modified before proceeding with the following therapy fraction.
The PET data are recorded in list mode, together with a protocol of important accelerator parameters of the irradiation. Because of the half-lives of the most abundant ß+-emitters 11C and 15O it is on principle impossible to obtain the precise position of the 12C therapy beam by PET during the irradiation. ...

Keywords: PET; Schwerionen-Therapie; bildgebende Verfahren

  • Other report
    Dissertation TU Dresden, Fakultät Elektrotechnik
  • Open Access Logo Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Forschungszentrum Rossendorf; FZR-286 Februar 2000
    ISSN: 1437-322X



Analytical Model to Calculate the Transfer Functions of Neutron Noise coused by Random Pendulum Motions of a VVER-440 Control Element

Meyer, K.; Hollstein, F.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    IMORN-26, Piestany, May 27 - 29, 1996


3D Neutronic Codes coupled with Thermal-hydraulic System Codes for PWR, BWR and VVER reactors

Langenbuch, S.; Lizorkin, M.; Rohde, U.; Velkov, K.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    OECD/CSNI Workshop on Transient Themal-Hydraulics and Neutronic codes Requirements, Annapolis, Md (USA), November 5 - 8, 1996


Die Praxis-Anwendung der Entscheidungsanalyse für die Bewertung und Auswahl optimaler Sanierungskonzepte

Kruber, S.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    KOVERS-Seminar, ETH Zürich, 28. September 1996


Identifikation und diagnostische Überwachung von Zweiphasenströmungen in Rohleitungen

Kossok, N.; Prasser, H.-M.; Schütz, P.


Die Analyse von Ultraschall-Transmissionssignalen zeigte, daß eine laufende Identifikation des Stromungszustandes in Rohrleitungen durch einen Aufbau von Relationen zwischen den physikalischen Parametern einer Zweiphasenströmung und den charakteristischen Mustern gemessener Signale möglich ist. Auf dieser Grundlage werden Ergebnisse eines Systems, welches aus einer Ultraschall-Meßeinheit, einer Datenbankeinheit und einer Mustererkennungseinheit besteht, vorgestellt. Dieses System liefert am Ausgang vier Parameter: einen Identifikator fur die Strömungsform, die separaten Volumenströme der flüssigen und der gasformigen Phase und den abgeleiteten Gasgehalt. Der Parametersatz dient als einer von mehreren Eingabensätzen fur das übergeordnete Überwachungs- oder Diagnosesystem. Die mit diesem System erzielten Erkennungsraten liegen zwischen 87 % und 94%.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    IV. Kolloquium "Technische Diagnostik", Dresden, 15. 03. 1996


Entspannungsverdampfung während der Druckentlastung von Co2 aus dem überkritischen Anfangszustand

Gebbeken, B.; Eggers, R.; Prasser, H.-M.


Druckentlastungsexperimente der TU Hamburg/Harburg von überkritischem CO2 aus einem Druckbehälter werden vorgestellt. Dabei wurden mit einer Gamma-Durchstrahlung axiale Dampfgehaltsprofile im System CO2-flüssig und CO2-gasförmig sowie Druck- und Temperaturverläufe gemessen. Die Experimente, insbesondere die lokalen Gasgehalte, können durch das Programm BLDN des FZR mit Erfolg nachgerechnet werden, wobei verschiedene Driftansätze auf ihre Anwendbarkeit auf CO2 hin überprüft wurden.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    GVC-Fachausschuß Mehrphasenströmungen, Vortrag 2.27, Lahnstein, 06. - 08. März 1996


Experiments on thermocapillary migration of drops in a drop tower

Galindo, V.; Teuner, M.; Gerbeth, G.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Escuela de Fisico-Quimica de Fluidos: Drops, bubbles and film, Santander, September 9 - 13, 1996


Die Anwendung der Entscheidungsanalyse zur Unterstützung öffentlicher Entscheidungen

Ferse, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    KOVERS-Seminar, ETH Zürich, 28. November 1996


Die Struktur des wissensbasierten Systems XUMA-GEFA

Ferse, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Seminar der Anwenderländer des Baden-Württemberger Altlastenbewertungssystems, Bad Schandau, August 1996


SANS Investigations of the Irradiation-Caused Structural Damages in VVER-440-Type Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels

Böhmert, J.; Große, M.; Nitzsche, P.


Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments were performed at KWS2 facility of the KFA Jülich for investigating the defect structures, which are produced by neutron irradiation in Russian Cr-Mo-V alloyed reactor pressure vessel steel. Irradiation and post-irradiation annealing considerably change both SANS intensity and its course in the Guinier plot, which was analysed by the Glatter method. As a rule, bimodal size distribution functions were found with a first maximum at a radius of 1-2 nm and a second maximum at 6-8 nm. Irradiation increases the first maximum annealing reduces it.


Second Experimental studies on diefferent phenomena at freee metal surface

Bojarevics, A.; Gelfgat, Y.; Gerbeth, G.; Cramer, A.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    European Symposium Fluids in Space, Neapel, April 22 - 26, 1996


A novel experimental technique to study different phenomena at a free liquid metal surface

Bojarevics, A.; Gelfgat, Y.; Gerbeth, G.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    The 125th TMS meeting, Experimental methods in Microgravity, Anaheim (USA), February 4 - 8, 1996


Ein FE-Schwingungsmodell zur Unterstützung der Diagnose von Reaktoren des Typs WWER

Altstadt, E.; Grunwald, G.; Weiß, F.-P.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    IV. Kolloquium "Technische Diagnostik", Dresden, 15. März 1996


Sichere Bewertung des Materialzustandes in Altanlagen durch Probenkonstitution

Viehrig, H.-W.; Böhmert, J.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    INNOMATA 1996, 2. Ausstellungstagung für Materialtechnologie und Werkstoffanwendung, Dresden, Mai 1996, Comp. S. 323
  • Contribution to proceedings
    INNOMATA 1996, 2. Ausstellungstagung für Materialtechnologie und Werkstoffanwendung, Dresden, Mai 1996, Comp. S. 323


Proposed Post Service Investigation on Decommissioned Greifswald Units

Valo, M.; Böhmert, J.; von Estorff, U.; Törrönen, K.


The first four Greifswald reactor units belong to the WWER 440/230 reactor family and they are the only ones permanently shut-down. The status of the WWER 440 units as concerns the plant specific material data is shortly described in the paper. The lack of material data is a real problem of the 230 model reactors and the high lead factor in the surveillance irradiations of the more modern 213 units is an essential uncertainty in the safety assessment of the units. In addition most aof the 230 units have been and some of the 213 units will be annealed. Greifswald units are fully representative WWER 440 units and they represent irradiated, irradiated-annealed and irradiated-annealed-reirradiated material conditions. In this paper a basic material research programme is proposed, which can greatly support the operating WWER units.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Proc. of the CSNI/CEC Workshop on Aged and Decommissioned Material Collection and Testing for Structural Integrity Purposes, Mol (Belgium), June 1995, OECD/GD !1996) 10, pp. 131 - 146
  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proc. of the CSNI/CEC Workshop on Aged and Decommissioned Material Collection and Testing for Structural Integrity Purposes, Mol (Belgium), June 1995, OECD/GD !1996) 10, pp. 131 - 146


A numerical 3d stability analysis of the MHD cylinder wake flow

Shatrov, V.; Mutschke, G.; Gerbeth, G.


In the present paper the stability of the time-dependent, three-dimensional, incompressible flow around a circular cylinder exposed to an external magnetic field is investigated numerically. We perform a linear 3d stability analysis of the 2d flow being either steady or quasiperiodic as known from previous work. By monitoring the time evolution of the integral energy of the 3d disturbances in the computational domain we decide whether the flow is globally unstable or stable. The results are compared and validated with recent results for the purely hydrodynamic problem. We restrict the analysis to a magnetic field being aligned with the oncoming flow. For this case we numerically confirm the general result of Hunt that in the (Re, N)-plane parameter regions above the 2d-neutral stability curve exist where the flow is 3d-unstable but 2d stable (steady) because the magnetic field acts in a different way on 2d and 3d instabilities.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    8th Beer-Sheva International Seminar on MHD flows and turbulence, Jerusalem, February 25 - 29, 1996, to appear in: Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Ed.: Branover, H; Unger, Y; Washington


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