Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

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42029 Publications

Insights into the LiMn2O4 Cathode Stability in Aqueous Electrolyte

Carlos Gonzalez-Rosillo, J.; Guc, M.; Liedke, M. O.; Butterling, M.; Elsherif, A. G. A.; Hirschmann, E.; Wagner, A.; Izquierdo-Roca, V.; Baiutti, F.; Morata, A.; Tarancón, A.


LiMn2O4 (LMO), cathodes present large stability when cycled in aqueous electrolytes, contrasting its behavior in conventional organic electrolytes in Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). To elucidate the mechanisms underlying this distinctive behavior, we employ unconventional characterization techniques, including Variable Energy Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (VEPALS), Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) and macro-Raman Spectroscopy (with hundreds of μm-size laser spot). These still rather unexplored techniques in the battery field provide complementary information across different length scales, revealing previously hidden features. VEPALS offers atomic-scale insights, uncovering cationic defects and sub-nanometer pores that tend to collapse with cycling. TERS, operating at the nanometric range at the surface, captured the presence of Mn3O4 and its dissolution with cycling, elucidating dynamic changes during operation. Additionally, TERS highlights SO4 2- accumulation at grain boundaries. Macro-Raman Spectroscopy focuses on the micrometer scale,
depicting small changes in the cathode’s long-range order, suggesting a slow but progressive loss of crystalline quality under operation. Integrating these techniques provides a comprehensive assessment of LMO cathode stability in aqueous electrolytes, offering multifaceted insights into phase and defectevolution that can help to rationalize the origin of such stability when compared to conventional organic electrolytes. Our findings advance the understanding of LMO behavior in aqueous environments and provide guidelines for its development for nextgeneration LIBs.

Keywords: LiMn2O4; Lithium-ion batteries; positron annihilation spectroscopy; pores; defects

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NuScale-like SMR Model Development and Applied Safety Analyses with the Code Chain Serpent-DYN3D-ATHLET

Diaz Pescador, E.; Bilodid, Y.; Jobst, M.; Kliem, S.


NuScale is an integral pressurized water reactor (iPWR) operated with light water driven by natural circulation through two helical coil steam generators (HCSGs). This work reports the safety analyses of a boron dilution and steam line break accidental sequences in a developed plant computational model based on the specifications from the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). Multi-physics calculations are performed with the code chain Serpent-DYN3D-ATHLET. A state-of-the-art multi-dimensional vessel topology is developed with ATHLET for the accurate representation of flow and temperature fields, as well as spatial core power distribution. The static calculation results show agreement with the reference values from the FSAR. The boron dilution sequence shows a homogeneous core power excursion by the boron feedback, and the reactor is tripped upon “high pressurizer pressure” signal. During the steam line break sequence, the affected HCSG depressurizes rapidly and the reactor is tripped upon “low main steam pressure” signal. None of the transients violate safety margins. The adopted 3-D vessel modelling approach and applied multi-physics calculations are able to capture both transient physics within the reactor domain, and conclude that symmetric arrangement of the HCSG tubes enhance coolant mixing and prevent a heterogeneous core power excursion.

Keywords: NuScale-SMR; iPWR; Boron dilution; Steam line break; Serpent-DYN3D-ATHLET


  • Secondary publication expected from 11.01.2025


Pore-Structure Investigation of Bimetallic Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 Films with Varying Co/Zn Nodes Ratio Using Depth Sensitive Positronium Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy

Nelliyil, R.; Mor, J.; Thota, M. K.; Liedke, M. O.; Butterling, M.; Elsherif, A. G. A.; Hirschmann, E.; Wagner, A.; Sharma, S.


Gas-framework interaction induced gate-opening phenomenon occurring in Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIFs) has restricted the ability of conventional experimental techniques involving gas or liquid molecules intrusion in ZIFs for determination of their inherent pore-structure. The pore-structure investigation of ZIFs based membranes/thin films using conventional techniques becomes even more difficult due to limited amount of material, and existence of pores that are not connected to exterior surface. ZIFs based membranes are proposed as an advanced alternative for size selective separation of gases mixtures, which is primarily governed by intraand inter-crystalline pore-structure of these membranes. We present a systematic investigation of depth dependent pore-structure of highly crystalline bimetallic (Zn/Co) ZIF-8 based films with varying metal ratio deposited on silicon substrate using a fast current driven synthesis method. Using depth dependent positronium annihilation lifetime spectroscopy, pore sizes corresponding to intra-crystalline pore network (aperture and central cavity) and inter-crystalline voids have been determined. Pore aperture (window for size selective separation) at near surface region is observed to be constrained compared to bulk of the films due to surface energy minimization by linker twisting. Co loading in ZIF-8 reduces the aperture and cavity pore sizes due to comparatively more rigid CoN bond. Inter-crystalline void size of the films is reduced on ~ 13.5% Co loading in ZIF-8, which is consistent with the high gas separation selectivity of membranes reported with this loading. Positronium intensity variation corresponding to different pores indicates that pore interconnectivity is reduced in the films with Co loading ~ 30- 60 %. Pore network of bimetallic films is observed to be highly stable up to 200 oC under vacuum annealing, whereas under atmospheric condition pore network begins collapsing from 100 oC, which is much earlier than the decomposition temperature of ZIF-8 and ZIF-67. The study also reveals, first time, a novel temperature dependent aperture pore opening in bimetallic films due to enhanced ligand swinging at higher temperatures.

Keywords: Metal Organic Frameworks; Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks; positron annihilation spectroscopy; pores; positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy

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  • Secondary publication expected from 30.01.2025


Excitation of the Gyrotropic Mode in a Magnetic Vortex by Time-Varying Strain

Iurchuk, V.; Lindner, J.; Faßbender, J.; Kakay, A.


We demonstrate excitation of the gyrotropic mode in a magnetostrictive vortex by time-varying strain. The vortex dynamics is driven by a time-varying voltage applied to the piezoelectric substrate and detected electrically by spin rectification at subthreshold values of rf current. When the frequency of the time-varying strain matches the gyrotropic frequency at given in-plane magnetic field, the strain-induced in-plane magnetic anisotropy leads to a resonant excitation of the gyration dynamics in a magnetic vortex. We show that nonlinear gyrotropic dynamics can be excited already for moderate amplitudes of the time-varying strain.

Keywords: Magnetic vortices; Magnetoelastic effect; Spin dynamics; Micromagnetic modeling; Strain engineering


The impact of an ultrasonic standing wave on the sorption behavior of proteins: Investigation of the role of acoustically induced non-spherical bubble oscillations

Keshmiri, A.; Keshavarzi, B.; Eftekhari, M.; Heitkam, S.; Eckert, K.


Protein molecules adsorb on the air/liquid interface due to possessing a hydrophobic side. A full surface coverage is important in many processes such as in protein harvesting by foam fractionation. The adsorption of proteins in low concentration solutions is preceded by a relatively long time lag known as the induction period. This has been attributed to the formation of an adsorbed monolayer, which relies on the reorientation of the protein molecules. The reduction of the induction period can significantly facilitate the sorption process to reach full protein coverage. For this purpose acoustically induced non-spherical bubble oscillations can aid in the formation of the monolayer and enhance the sorption process.

In this study, low frequency ultrasound was used to induce non-spherical oscillations on an air bubble attached to a capillary. Profile analysis tensiometry was deployed to examine the effect of these non-spherical oscillations on the sorption dynamics of different proteins.

We observed that during the initial stages of adsorption, when the bubble surface is almost empty, non-spherical oscillations occur, which were found to significantly expedite the adsorption process. However, during later stages of the adsorption process, despite the continued presence of several sonication phenomena such as the primary radiation force and acoustic streaming, no change in adsorption behavior of the proteins could be noted. The occurrence, duration, and intensity of the non-spherical bubble oscillations appeared to be the sole contributing factors for the change of the sorption dynamics of proteins.

Keywords: Sorption on bubble; Protein sorption; Surface tension; Ultrasound; Non-spherical bubble oscillations; Microstreaming; Tensiometry; Acoustic bubble



Data publication: Hybrid star phenomenology from the properties of the special point

Gärtlein, C.; Ivanytskyi, O.; Sagun, V.; Blaschke, D.


The columns of files EOS_TOV_etaV_etaD.TXT include central values of the baryonic chemical potential [MeV], pressure [MeV/fm^3], baryonic density [1/fm^3], radius [km] and mass [M_solar] of neutron stars modelled with hybrid quark-hadron equations of state constructed for the vector and diquark couplings etaV and etaD specified in the titles. The corresponding mass-radius diagrams are presented in Figs. 6-8 of the paper. The columns of the file etaV-etaD.TXT include diquark coupling and values of the vector coupling corresponding to the boundaries of the region providing the conditions of having the onset of deconfinement above the saturation density and stability of the quark branch of the mass-radius curve obtained as a solution of the TOV equation (see Fig. 7 of the paper).

Keywords: Quark matter in neutron stars; Quark-gluon plasma; Dense nuclear matter; High-mass pulsars; PSR J0952-0607; PSR J0740+6620; PSR J0030+0451; GW170817

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Data publication: Thermodynamics of quark matter with multi-quark clusters

Blaschke, D.; Cierniak, M.; Ivanytskyi, O.; Röpke, G.


Results for phase shifts of pions as function of the pion energy at vanishing chemical potential for different temperatures and results for the densities and entropies of different particle species as a function of the temperature for different values of the scaled baryochemical potential mu/T=0, 1, 2, 3. Total pressure as a function of temperature for vanishing baryochemical potential.

Keywords: multi-quark clusters; Beth-Uhlenbeck approach; Mott dissociation; Polyakov-loop; quark matter thermodynamics

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Combining Cisplatin with Different Radiation Qualities—Interpretation of Cytotoxic Effects In Vitro by Isobolographic Analysis

Runge, R.; Reissig, F.; Herzog, N.; Oehme, L.; Brogsitter, C.; Kotzerke, J.


Background: The combination of platinum-containing cytostatic drugs with different
radiation qualities has been studied for years. Despite their massive side effects, these drugs still
belong to the therapeutic portfolio in cancer treatment. To overcome the disadvantages of cisplatin,
our study investigated the cytotoxic effects of combining radionuclides with cisplatin. Methods:
FaDu cells were treated with cisplatin (concentration ≈ 2 μM) and additionally irradiated after
two hours with the alpha-emitter 223Ra, the beta-emitter 188Re as well as external X-rays using
dose ranges of 2–6 Gy. Cell survival was followed by colony formation assays and plotted against
cisplatin concentration and radiation dose. The results were interpreted by isobolograms. Results:
Isobolographic analyses revealed a supra-additive cytotoxic effect for the combination of cisplatin
and 223Ra. A sub-additive effect was observed for the combination of cisplatin and 188Re, whereas
a protective effect was found for the combination with X-rays. Conclusions: The combination of
cisplatin and 223Ra may have the potential to create a successfully working therapy scheme for various
therapy approaches, whereas the combination with 188Re as well as single-dose X-ray treatment
did not lead to a detectable radiosensitizing effect. Thus, the combination with alpha-emitters
might be advantageous and, therefore, should be followed in future studies when combined with
cytostatic drugs.

Keywords: cisplatin; radionuclides; alpha-emitter; combined treatment; isobolograms


Parametric magnon transduction to spin qubits

Bejarano, M.; Goncalves, F. J. T.; Hache, T.; Hollenbach, M.; Heins, C.; Hula, T.; Körber, L.; Heinze, J.; Berencen, Y.; Helm, M.; Faßbender, J.; Astakhov, G.; Schultheiß, H.


The integration of heterogeneous modular units for building large-scale quantum networks requires engineering mechanisms that allow a suitable transduction of quantum information. Magnon-based transducers are especially attractive due to their wide range of interactions and rich nonlinear dynamics, but most of the work to date has focused on linear magnon transduction in the traditional system composed of yttrium iron garnet and diamond, two materials with difficult integrability into wafer-scale quantum circuits. In this work, we present a different approach by utilizing wafer-compatible materials to engineer a hybrid transducer that exploits magnon nonlinearities in a magnetic microdisc to address quantum spin defects in silicon carbide. The resulting interaction scheme points to the unique transduction behavior that can be obtained when complementing quantum systems with nonlinear magnonics.

Keywords: quantum; magnon; nanotechnology; qubit; transduction; defects; spins

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Uloga biofotonike u razvoju potenciometrijskih biosenzora i trodimenzionalnih mikrobioreaktora

Janićijević, Ž.


Kratko predavanje koje obuhvata moja istraživanja u domenu biosenzora i bioreaktora sa osvrtom na primenu fotonike u navedenim kontekstima. Uz diskusiju o samim temama istraživanja i njihovoj povezanosti sa fotonikom pridružena je i priča o krivudavom naučno-istraživačkom putu do trenutne pozicije.

Predavanje je održano na srpskom jeziku (engl. Serbian).

  • Lecture (others) (Online presentation)
    Dani Fotonike, 26.-27.12.2023, Belgrade, Serbia


A Multisensor Hyperspectral Benchmark Dataset For Unmixing of Intimate Mixtures

Koirala, B.; Rasti, B.; Bnoulkacem, Z.; de Lima Ribeiro, A.; Madriz Diaz, Y. C.; Herrmann, E.; Gestels, A.; de Kerf, T.; Lorenz, S.; Fuchs, M.; Janssens, K.; Steenackers, G.; Gloaguen, R.; Scheunders, P.


Optical hyperspectral cameras capture the spectral reflectance of materials. Since many materials behave as heterogeneous intimate mixtures with which each photon interacts differently, the relationship between spectral reflectance and material composition is very complex. Quantitative validation of spectral unmixing algorithms requires high-quality ground truth fractional abundance data, which are very difficult to obtain. In this work, we generated a comprehensive laboratory ground truth dataset of intimately mixed mineral powders. For this, five clay powders (Kaolin, Roof clay, Red clay, mixed clay, and Calcium hydroxide) were mixed homogeneously to prepare 325 samples of 60 binary, 150 ternary, 100 quaternary, and 15 quinary mixtures. Thirteen different hyperspectral sensors have been used to acquire the reflectance spectra of these mixtures in the visible, near, short, mid, and long-wavelength infrared regions (350-15385) nm. Overlaps in wavelength regions due to the operational ranges of each sensor and variations in acquisition conditions resulted in a large amount of spectral variability. Ground truth composition is given by construction, but to verify that the generated samples are sufficiently homogeneous, XRD and XRF elemental analysis is performed. We believe these data will be beneficial for validating advanced methods for nonlinear unmixing and material composition estimation, including studying spectral variability and training supervised unmixing approaches. The datasets can be downloaded from the following link:

Keywords: hyperspectral; intimate mixtures



Modifying vacancy defects during systematic disordering of the Cr2AlC nano-lamellar system

Salgado Cabaco, J.; Liedke, M. O.; Navarro Pablo, J.; Ganss, F.; Magen, C.; Ricardo Ibarra, M.; Kentsch, U.; Butterling, M.; Wagner, A.; Lindner, J.; Faßbender, J.; Leyens, C.; Boucher, R.; Bali, R.


The layered structure of MAX phases is associated with a number of functional properties and is the subject of extensive research. While the unit-cell layers of these structures have been well studied, much less is known about the distribution and manipulation of point defects within them. Here, we selected the prototype Cr2AlC system and, using variable energy positron beams, observed Doppler broadening and positron annihilation lifetimes to track the evolution of defects caused by the penetration of energetic transition metal ions (Co+ and Mn+) and noble gas ions (Ar+ and Ne+). In all cases an overall reduction of the open-volume defect concentration is observed post-irradiation. Atomic displacements induced by the penetrating ions drastically modify the defect distribution: the concentration of agglomerates of 9–15 vacancies (corresponding to positron lifetimes of 335–450 ps) in the precursor [Cr2C/Al]n layers is suppressed, whereas Al mono- and Al-Cr di-vacancy (lifetimes 217–231 ps) concentrations are enhanced. This breakdown of large defects into point defects scales with atomic displacements and is largely independent of the penetrating ion species, providing insights into the manipulation of point defects in nano-layered systems.

Keywords: Positron annihilation spectroscopy; Cr2AlC; Vacancies; Lattice defects; MAX phases

Involved research facilities

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An Extensive Multisensor Hyperspectral Benchmark Datasets of Intimate Mixtures of Mineral Powders

Koirala, B.; Rasti, B.; Bnoulkacem, Z.; de Lima Ribeiro, A.; Madriz Diaz, Y. C.; Herrmann, E.; Gestels, A.; de Kerf, T.; Janssens, K.; Steenackers, G.; Gloaguen, R.; Scheunders, P.


Since many materials behave as heterogeneous intimate mixtures with which each photon interacts differently, the relationship between spectral reflectance and material composition is very complex. Quantitative validation of spectral unmixing algorithms requires high-quality ground truth fractional abundance data, which are very difficult to obtain.In this work, we generated a comprehensive hyperspectral dataset of intimate mineral powder mixtures by homogeneously mixing five different clay powders (Kaolin, Roof clay, Red clay, mixed clay, and Calcium hydroxide). In total 325 samples were prepared. Among the 325 samples, 60 mixtures were binary, 150 were ternary, 100 were quaternary, and 15 were quinary. For each mixture (and pure clay powder), reflectance spectra are acquired by 13 different sensors, with a broad wavelength range between the visible and the long-wavelength infrared regions (i.e., between 350 nm and 15385 nm) and with a large variation in sensor types, platforms, and acquisition conditions. We will make this dataset public, to be used by the community for the validation of nonlinear unmixing methodologies (

  • Contribution to proceedings
    IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 16.-21.07.2023, Pasadena, USA
    DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10281467


Analyzing 3-phase Foams in Batch Flotation - A joint FWD-HIF Study

Marquardt, T.; Jähnigen, P.; Lappan, T.; Heitkam, S.; Eckert, K.; Hassan, A.; Pereira, L.; Rudolph, M.


Froth flotation, widely used in the processing and recycling of ores and raw materials, employs hydrophobic interactions between bubbles and particles to concentrate valuable materials in an overflowing froth phase. The flotation process, and therefore the quality of separation, is affected by the height of the 3-phase foam, called froth, and thus by the foamability. Within a joint European industry doctorate program between the Institute of Fluid Dynamics, HIF and TU Dresden, we have carried out a collaborative measurement campaign to collect data for modeling flotation subprocesses under varying hydrodynamic and reagent conditions using a laboratory scale flotation cell and a binary pyrite-quartz particle system. Froth phase measurements included the recording of the froth height through the transparent side wall of the flotation cell and imaging of the froth surface as well as foamability measurements of feed and tailing samples by means of dynamic foam analysis and measurement of the liquid fraction of the froth based on its electrical conductivity. Preliminary results show a significant change in froth properties during the flotation process from a particle-laden froth to finer bubbles containing fewer particles. Further data analysis is planned to investigate the influence of frother and collector concentrations as well as air flow rate and impeller tip speed on the foamability and froth height, impacting the recovery and grade of minerals. Such joint froth studies between the Institute of Fluid Dynamics and HIF belong to the sciences cases perspectively to be intensified by CeRI2, one of the HZDR research infrastructure projects.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    HZDR Science Conference, 15.-16.11.2023, Dresden, Deutschland


How can Raman spectroscopy support optical detection systems for plastic identification in complex recycling streams?

de Lima Ribeiro, A.; Fuchs, M.; Lorenz, S.; Röder, C.; Schüler, N.; Heitmann, J.; Gloaguen, R.


Binary sorting between ABS and PS polymers is a challenge for the recycling industry, particularly when black pigments are present. We propose the sequential application of a hyperspectral sensor in the short-wave infrared (HSI-SWIR) and a Raman sensor unit (532 nm excitation). HSI-SWIR created maps which allowed for initial spectral and spatial assessment of the material stream and Raman point measurements enabled specific identification of ABS (white and black) and PS. The operationalisation of this sensor network requires advanced solutions for fast data acquisition, processing and classification.

Keywords: polymer; hyperspectral imaging; electronic waste; ABS/PS

  • Open Access Logo Contribution to proceedings
    Sensor and Measurement Science International meeting, 08.-11.05.2023, Nürnberg, Deutschland
    DOI: 10.5162/SMSI2023/D3.3


How can agile sensing improve recycling stream characterisation and monitoring for e-waste? - news from the HELIOS lab

Fuchs, M.; Lorenz, S.; Madriz Diaz, Y. C.; Abend, T.; Shaik Fareedh, J.; de Lima Ribeiro, A.; Arbash, E.; Rasti, B.; Beyer, J.; Röder, C.; Schüler, N.; Dornich, K.; Heitmann, J.; Gloaguen, R.


Increasing volumes of electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) demand for innovative and efficient recycling solutions to keep materials in the process/recovery loop. The recovery percentage and quality of resulting recycling products depend fundamentally on the ability to accurately identify the constituents of the e-waste stream. Traditionally, recycling is based on sequential enrichment of target components and reduction of hazardous substances with random sampling from an assumed homogeneous mass. E-waste represents in this context a highly heterogeneous, complex waste composed of a variety of different compounds required to meet the high diversity of functional requirements. Tailored sensor-systems can achieve a successful extraction of several target materials such as precious metals or specific polymers, but reach their limits for many low concentrated, critical raw materials. Hazardous substances and additives (e.g. dark pigments in polymers, poisonous oxides) are difficult to remove from the stream and induce risks of down-cycling, quality loss and reduced acceptance of recycling products.

HELIOS lab is an agile solution for non-invasive sensing applied to complex recycling streams such as e-waste suited for conveyor belt operations. We employ hyperspectral imaging technology for the fast and spatially resolved acquisition of information associated with physical material properties. Multiple cameras allow for combining reflectance information from the visible to midwave-infrared wavelengths range to differentiate material classes. Fast data processing routines then allow for generating first order material maps. Such maps suffice for well defined, relatively homogeneous material streams but not for a precise and accurate sorting and process monitoring. For efficient e-waste recycling, further information is required to enhance the component identification, particularly for certain critical raw materials and complex compounds. We suggest additional validation cycles to refine the initial mapping. Several sensors traditionally used for bulk measurements deliver the solution for detailed point validation. Here, Raman spectroscopy, XRF and LIBS provide the needed complementary data for the identification of a wide range of critical raw materials and hazardous e-waste components. Additionally, our in-house developed laser-induced fluorescence (LiF) system contributes a scanning solution for rare-earth element mapping. However, those validation sensors are very sensitive to signal integration times, power and focus distances. We showcase two examples for a combination of Raman spectroscopy and LiF with hyperspectral imaging technology to extract meaningful information from typical e-waste streams such as printed circuit boards and electrolysers in a conveyor belt setting. We discuss the main challenges and give an outlook on additional development needs that we will address in our HELIOS lab in the frame of the EU funded projects RAMSES and inSPECtor (EIT RawMaterials), and the BMBF funded projects High-speed imaging, InfraDatRec, Digisort and H2Giga.


Potential of optical sensors for polymer type identification in e- waste recycling streams

de Lima Ribeiro, A.; Fuchs, M.; Röder, C.; Schüler, N.; Lorenz, S.; Sheng, Y. X.; Heitmann, J.; Dornich, K.; Gloaguen, R.


Plastics are major components of waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE, or e- waste) accounting for up to 25% of annual e-waste production. The composition of such plastics varies greatly according to their original function in the electrical and electronic equipment, and may include additives such as dark pigments and brominated compounds. With WEEE becoming the fastest growing waste stream in recent years, the recycling of polymers became a keystone for waste management and closing material loops. Closing the loops in material life cycles requires that type-pure plastics are obtained at the end of the recycling chain. Accordingly, the identification of polymers prior to their sorting in recycling lines is a fundamental prerequisite.
Here, we explore how an innovative combination of optical sensors can aid the identification of plastics in the plastic recycling environment in order to increase recovery rates and quality of recyclates.
We have selected 23 different polymer samples, representative of the plastic types commonly found in e-waste. We investigated the sequential use of high-speed hyperspectral imaging (HSI) and Raman spectroscopic sensors for digitalization of the waste stream and identification of polymer composition. HSI-reflectance sensors in the short-wave infrared (HSI-SWIR, Specim AisaFenix, 970 - 2500 nm) domain acquired simultaneously spatial and spectral information, allowing for mapping and initial identification of certain transparent and light-coloured polymers (PE, PP, PET, and PC). Raman measurements, collected at specific points and with integration times < 2 seconds, allowed for specific identification of all polymer samples, including black plastics. The use of both sensor technologies on conveyor belts has the potential to fully characterise the WEEE plastics stream, generating identification signals serving as input for sorting machines or simulation models. The combination of latest high-speed sensors and data processing opens many further fields of material stream characterisation and monitoring, which come with high data acquisition rates and volumes.
Consequently, a smart selection of sensors along with a tailored and learning data processing will

Keywords: E-waste; WEEE; recycling; sensors; polymers


ParticleSeg3D: A scalable out-of-the-box deep learning segmentation solution for individual particle characterization from micro CT images in mineral processing and recycling

Gotkowski, K.; Gupta, S.; Da Assuncao Godinho, J. R.; Tochtrop, C.; Maier-Hein, K. H.; Isensee, F.


Minerals, metals, and plastics are indispensable for a modern society. Yet, their limited supply necessitates optimized extraction and recycling processes, which must be meticulously adapted to the material properties. Current imaging approaches perform material analysis on crushed particles imaged with computed tomography (CT) using segmentation and mass characterization. However, their inability to reliably separate touching particles and need to annotate and retrain on new images, leaves untapped potential. By contrast, particle-level characterization unlocks better understanding of particle properties such as mass, appearance and structure. Here, we propose ParticleSeg3D, an instance segmentation method for particle-level characterization with strongly varying properties from CT images. Our approach is based on the powerful nnU-Net, introduces a particle size normalization, employs a border-core representation, and is trained with a diverse dataset. We demonstrate that ParticleSeg3D can be applied out-of-the-box to a large variety of materials without retraining, including materials and properties not present during training.



Strong Exciton-Phonon Coupling as a Fingerprint of Magnetic Ordering in van der Waals Layered CrSBr

Lin, K.; Sun, X.; Dirnberger, F.; Li, Y.; Qu, J.; Wen, P.; Sofer, Z.; Söll, A.; Winnerl, S.; Helm, M.; Zhou, S.; Dan, Y.; Prucnal, S.


The layered, air-stable van der Waals antiferromagnetic compound CrSBr exhibits pronounced coupling between its optical, electronic, and magnetic properties. As an example, exciton dynamics can be significantly influenced by lattice vibrations through exciton-phonon coupling. Using low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy, we demonstrate the effective coupling between excitons and phonons in nanometer-thick CrSBr. By careful analysis, we identify that the satellite peaks predominantly arise from the interaction between the exciton and an optical phonon with a frequency of 118 cm-1 (~14.6 meV) due to the out-of-plane vibration of Br atoms. Power-dependent and temperature-dependent photoluminescence measurements support exciton-phonon coupling and indicate a coupling between magnetic and optical properties, suggesting the possibility of carrier localization in the material. The presence of strong coupling between the exciton and the lattice may have important implications for the design of light-matter interactions in magnetic semiconductors and provide insights into the exciton dynamics in CrSBr. This highlights the potential for exploiting exciton-phonon coupling to control the optical properties of layered antiferromagnetic materials.

Keywords: CrSBr; antiferromagnetic semiconductor; van der Waals materials; exciton-phonon coupling; exciton-photon coupling

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Self-supporting, bendable, and highly electrically conductive polycaprolactone/molybdenum composite films for biodegradable electronic sensing devices

Janićijević, Ž.; Huang, T.; Davydiuk, N.; Tonmoy, T. H.; Oliveros Mata, E. S.; Sandoval Bojorquez, D. I.; Besford, Q. A.; Makarov, D.; Baraban, L.


The development of transient electronic sensors encounters significant challenges due to the limited availability of biodegradable materials satisfying the criteria for safe degradation, suitable physicochemical properties, and compatibility with established fabrication approaches. Practical issues particularly arise in sensors where direct contact between the degradable electrically conductive sensing element and the aqueous electrolyte is required for measurements, as observed in electrochemical analyses of different (bio)chemical analytes. In such applications, existing biodegradable metal-based conductive films often suffer from unpredictable or insufficiently controlled dissolution, compromising their structural integrity and interfering with the measured signals. We present self-supporting, flexible, and highly conductive composite films comprising polycaprolactone and molybdenum (PCL/Mo). These films are suitable for the construction of conductive traces, interconnects, and degradable electrodes in transient electronic sensing devices. The films are fabricated from a viscous ink formulation containing PCL and finely dispersed Mo microparticles by employing conventional solution processing techniques. The PCL/Mo films demonstrate electrical conductivities reaching up to ~10 kS/m and exhibit an impedimetric response similar to the ideal resistor at frequencies up to 100 kHz. Moreover, the PCL/Mo films retain mechanical integrity after undergoing hundreds of bending cycles while also showing an exceptionally stable impedance profile. When subjected to testing in a simulated physiological medium in vitro, the PCL/Mo films degrade gradually due to Mo corrosion and PCL hydrolysis, while preserving their electrical and mechanical properties for up to 2 months. The patterning of PCL/Mo films can be achieved through laser cutting or printing methods. Furthermore, patterned PCL/Mo films can be integrated with flexible PCL films using biodegradable glue or thermal bonding to construct fully biodegradable sensors. PCL/Mo films emerge as excellent candidates for constructing biodegradable impedimetric sensors and reliable flexible interconnects in transient electronic devices. This opens avenues for tackling demanding applications such as fully biodegradable electrochemical biosensors for point-of-care testing or implantable transient devices for healthcare monitoring. As an example of proof-of-concept application, we showcase a fully biodegradable impedimetric sensor for amylase detection, leveraging the tailored degradation of glycogen-based polysaccharide coatings.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    2024 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society, 27.-31.05.2024, Strasbourg, France


Data publication: Electron-phonon coupling in transition metals beyond Wang's approximation

Akhmetov, F.; Milov, I.; Makhotkin, I. A.; Ackermann, M.; Vorberger, J.


All input files and scripts to setup calculations in abinit. Also all output files that were used to generate the figures and tables.

Keywords: plasma; warm dense matter; laser matter interaction; relaxation; DFT; energy transfer; Eliashberg; linear response; Boltzmann

Involved research facilities

  • Data Center

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Data publication: An LSC approach for tritium determination in gaseous mixtures optimized with respect to handling, reaction parameters and miniaturization towards microfluidic analysis

Becker, A.; Lippold, H.; Bäcker, J. P.; Belder, D.; Fischer, C.


The data consists of LSC measurements of HTO for different sample volumes as well as HTO and scinitllation cocktail concentrations prepared using a microfluidic chip.

Keywords: tritium; hydrogen isotopes; microfluidics; gas analysis; liquid scintillation counting

Related publications



First Experiences with the new 99mTc labelled PSMA ligand [99mTc]TcO-ABX474 in Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer Prior to PSMA targeted Radioligand Therapy

Rahbar, K.; Wagner, S.; Schaeg, F.; Ventura, D.; Lis, C.; Schäfers, M.; Ludwig, F.-A.; Fischer, S.; Ullrich, M.; Sihver, W.; Kopka, K.; Hoepping, A.



Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) radioligand therapy has emerged as a promising
treatment for advanced prostate cancer. Prior to the administration of radioligand therapy, precise
assessment of PSMA expression and tumor localization is essential. Technetium-99m ( 99mTc)
imaging is cost-effective and widely available. This study presents the first experiences of using
[99mTc]TcO-ABX474 in patients with advanced prostate cancer, with the aim of providing valuable
insights into its clinical utility and feasibility.
Patients with advanced prostate cancer, who were scheduled for PSMA radioligand therapy, were
referred to PSMA-Imaging. All patients underwent whole-body 99m Tc-PSMA ligand
single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) imaging.
Qualitative and semi-quantitative assessments of [99mTc]TcO-ABX474 uptake were performed,
and the results were compared with 18F-PSMA-1007 PET/CT scans. Furthermore, ratios of at least
5 tumor lesions and salivary glands, spleen and kidneys to blood pool, muscle and liver were
calculated for each patient. PSMA tumor uptake for evaluation of radioligand therapy was assessed
using PROMISE V2 criteria.
In total 10 patients received a [99mTc]TcO-ABX474 SPECT/CT imaging prior to PSMA targeted
radioligand therapy. Dynamic imaging at 3 time points were performed in 4 patients. In 6 patients
image acquisition was performed starting 60 minutes after injection.
There was a washout of activity within normal tissue (blood pool, liver and salivary glands) from 10
to 60 and 180 Minutes after injection. The ratios of tumor lesions and the kidneys to normal tissue
uptake increased over the same period, whereas the ratios of the slivary glands and spleen decreased.
According to PROMISE V2 85, 10 and 5% of the measured lesions showed a PSMA Score of 3, 2
and 1, therefore 95% were eligible for PSMA radioligand therapy.
This study represents the first clinical experiences with [99mTc]TcO-ABX474 imaging in patients
with advanced prostate cancer prior to PSMA targeted radioligand therapy. This non-invasive and
cost-effective imaging modality showed comparable results to imaging with PET-CT and
post-therapeutic SPECT/CT. It may therefore be suitable for use in the decision-making process for
radioligand therapy with 177Lu-PSMA.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging 2024 Annual Meeting, 08.-11.06.2024, Toronto, Kanada


Electron-phonon coupling in transition metals beyond Wang’s approximation

Akhmetov, F.; Milov, I.; Makhotkin, I. A.; Ackermann, M.; Vorberger, J.


The electron-phonon coupling is the primary mechanism responsible for material relaxation after ultrafast laser irradiation. However, it remains an elusive variable that is extremely challenging to extract experimentally, especially at high electron temperatures. Various previous theoretical approaches to determine electron-phonon coupling demonstrated large degree of inconsistency. In this paper, we present a first-principles framework for simulating the electron-phonon coupling parameter based on the electron-phonon spectral function, going beyond the approximation introduced by Wang et al. [Phys. Rev. B 50, 8016 (1994)]. Our simulations provide electron-temperature-dependent electron-phonon coupling values for transition metals Ru, Pd, and Au. Our findings reveal significant differences between the values obtained from the exact and approximated spectral functions, thus highlighting the limitations of Wang’s approximation at elevated electron temperatures.

Keywords: plasma; warm dense matter; laser matter interaction; relaxation; DFT; energy transfer; Eliashberg; linear response; Boltzmann

Involved research facilities

  • Data Center

Related publications



Revisiting the Vashishta-Singwi dielectric scheme for the warm dense uniform electron fluid

Tolias, P.; Lucco Castello, F.; Kalkavouras, F.; Dornheim, T.


The finite temperature version of the Vashishta–Singwi (VS) dielectric scheme for the paramagnetic warm dense uniform electron fluid is revisited correcting for an earlier thermodynamic derivative error. The VS scheme handles quantum mechanical effects at the level of the random phase approximation and treats correlations via the density expansion of a generalized Singwi-Tosi-Land-Sjölander (STLS) closure that inserts a parameter determined by enforcing the compressibility sum rule. Systematic comparison with quasi-exact results, based on quantum Monte Carlo simulations, reveals a structural superiority of the VS scheme towards strong coupling and a thermodynamic superiority of the STLS scheme courtesy of a favorable cancellation of errors. Guidelines are provided for the construction of dielectric schemes that are expected to be more accurate but computationally costly.


PCB-Vision: A Multiscene RGB-Hyperspectral Benchmark Dataset of Printed Circuit Boards

Arbash, E.; Fuchs, M.; Rasti, B.; Lorenz, S.; Ghamisi, P.; Gloaguen, R.


Addressing the critical theme of recycling electronic waste (E-waste), this contribution is dedicated to developing advanced automated data processing pipelines as a basis for decision-making and process control. Aligning with the broader goals of the circular economy and the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), our work leverages non-invasive analysis methods utilizing RGB and hyperspectral imaging data to provide both quantitative and qualitative insights into the E-waste stream composition for optimizing recycling efficiency. In this paper, we introduce 'PCB-Vision'; a pioneering RGB-hyperspectral printed circuit board (PCB) benchmark dataset, comprising 53 RGB images of high spatial resolution paired with their corresponding high spectral resolution hyperspectral data cubes in the visible and near-infrared (VNIR) range. Grounded in open science principles, our dataset provides a comprehensive resource for researchers through high-quality ground truths, focusing on three primary PCB components: integrated circuits (IC), capacitors, and connectors. We provide extensive statistical investigations on the proposed dataset together with the performance of several state-of-the-art (SOTA) models, including U-Net, Attention U-Net, Residual U-Net, LinkNet, and DeepLabv3+. By openly sharing this multi-scene benchmark dataset along with the baseline codes, we hope to foster transparent, traceable, and comparable developments of advanced data processing across various scientific communities, including, but not limited to, computer vision and remote sensing. Emphasizing our commitment to supporting a collaborative and inclusive scientific community, all materials, including code, data, ground truth, and masks, will be accessible at this:

Keywords: Automated data processing; circular economy; conveyor belt; dataset; deep learning; digitalization; e-waste; hyperspectral imaging; machine learning; open-source data; optical sensors; PCBVision; printed circuit board; recycling; RGB; sensors

Related publications



Ore mineralogy and metal deportment of Fe-Ni-Co laterite deposits from Sebuku Island, SE Kalimantan, Indonesia

Giorno, M. A.; Kontonikas-Charos, A.; Ernowo, E.; Krisnanto, Y.; Frenzel, M.


Indonesian laterite deposits are a major source of Ni and Co. Here, we present new geological data on the Sebuku laterites (SE Kalimantan, Indonesia), with a resource of ~390 Mt at 42.5 wt.% Fe, 0.9 wt.% Ni, and 0.15 wt.% Co. The deposits are mostly limonitic, oxide-dominated Fe-Ni-Co-rich horizons, which formed by weathering of Jurassic-Cretaceous ophiolitic units. Although the Fe ore has been mined since 2006, little mineralogical and geochemical data are available, which would allow optimizing beneficiation and recovery of Ni and Co.

Typical laterite profiles at Sebuku consist of: 1) weathered bedrock composed of serpentinized dunites and harzburgites overlain by 2) a 0.2-7 m-thick saprolite zone, 3) a 2-8.5 m-thick yellow limonite zone, and 4) a 1-3.5 m-thick red-limonite zone.

Preliminary XRF, XRD, and mineral liberation analysis (MLA) data show a decrease in Mg and Si and an increase in Fe moving upwards through the laterite profile, corresponding to a transition from silicate- to oxide-rich mineralogy. Oxides and (oxy)-hydroxides comprise goethite, maghemite, hematite, magnetite, chromium spinel, gibbsite/bayerite, and various Mn-minerals, whereas silicates consist of serpentine, chlorite, talc, quartz, pyroxene, olivine, and clay minerals. Ni is hosted by various minerals, which include goethite, Mn-oxides, serpentine, and clays, whereas Co is mainly hosted by Mn-oxides.

Mineral chemical analyses (EPMA) are planned to further understand critical metal variability and distribution within the host minerals and throughout the deposits. Our ultimate goal is to characterize and quantify the distribution of Ni and Co in order to develop more efficient beneficiation processes.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    GeoBerlin 2023 - Geosciences Beyond Boundaries - Research, Society, Future, 03.-07.09.2023, Berlin, Germany
    DOI: 10.48380/1z7q-mk41


On-water surface synthesis of electronically coupled 2D polyimide-MoS2 van der Waals heterostructure

Prasoon, A.; Yang, H.; Hambsch, M.; Nguyen, N. N.; Chung, S.; Muller, A.; Wang, Z.; Lan, T.; Fontaine, P.; Kühne, T. D.-S.; Cho, K.; Nia, A. S.; Mannsfeld, S. C. B.; Dong, R.; Feng, X.


The water surface provides a highly effective platform for the synthesis of two-dimensional polymers (2DP). In this study, we present an efficient on-water surface synthesis of crystalline monolayer 2D polyimide (2DPI) through the imidization reaction between tetra (4-aminophenyl) porphyrin (M1) and perylenetracarboxylic dianhydride (M2), resulting in excellent stability and coverage over a large area (tens of cm2). We further fabricate innovative organic-inorganic hybrid van der Waals heterostructures (vdWHs) by combining with exfoliated few-layer molybdenum sulfide (MoS2). High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) reveals face-to-face stacking between MoS2 and 2DPI within the vdWH. This stacking configuration facilitates remarkable charge transfer and noticeable n-type doping effects from monolayer 2DPI to MoS2, as corroborated by Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence measurements, and field-effect transistor (FET) characterizations. Notably, the 2DPI-MoS2 vdWH exhibits an impressive electron mobility of 50 cm2/V·s, signifying a substantial improvement over pristine MoS2 (8 cm2/V·s). This study unveils the immense potential of integrating 2D polymers to enhance semiconductor device functionality through tailored vdWHs, thereby opening up exciting new avenues for exploring unique interfacial physical phenomena.

Keywords: On-water surface synthesis; MoS2; van der Waals heterostructure


Hydrogen addition in methane-oxygen laminar inverse diffusion flames: A study focused on free radical chemiluminescence and soot formation

Runmin, W.; Xudong, S.; Juntao, W.; Yonghui, B.; Jiaofei, W.; Peng, L.; Tianbiao, H.; Parvez, A. M.; Guangsuo, Y.


This study investigates the impact of H2 addition on soot formation in inverse diffusion flame (IDF) and explores the underlying mechanism of flame structure on soot formation. Experimental measurements and simulation kinetic calculations were performed to explore the influence of free radical (OH*/CH*/C2*/CO2*) chemiluminescence on soot formation mechanism. The investigation ultimately determines the relationship between free radical chemiluminescence and soot formation. The findings reveal that similar to the simulation results, the peak soot volume fraction (SVF) is reduced by approximately 60 % when the hydrogenation increases to 40 %, and the initial soot production position moves downstream of the flame. The free-radical chemiluminescence distribution is mainly concentrated at the burner exit, where the increase in hydrogen concentration leads to a decrease in CH* and C2* and an increase in OH* content in the flame. The blue region on the fuel side is consistent with the peak CH* and C2* emission region. In the soot formation, the chemiluminescence signal of free radicals is suppressed, indicating that soot formation and free radical chemiluminescence are antithetical. The results of the component yields indicate that soot formation and chemiluminescence are fueled by gas phase components (CH3, C2H3, C2H2, etc.) and there are generated in opposite pathways, which supports the above statement. Furthermore, the increase of hydrogen content inhibits the production of C2H and CH2, resulting in the decrease of C2*, CH* and CO2* radical chemiluminescence by 77.0 %, 75.1 % and 81.2 %, respectively. The decrease of soot concentration is primarily due to the increase of H2, which hinders the formation of C3H3 and C4H5-2.

Keywords: H2 addition; Chemiluminescence; Soot; Inverse diffusion flame


Impedance Cytometry as a Tool for Prognostic Analysis in Prostate Cancer Treated with Radiotherapy

Markl, A. M.; Sandoval Bojorquez, D. I.; Makarov, D.; Baraban, L.; Dubrovska, A.



Metastatic prostate cancer (PCa) is challenging to treat due to a limited understanding of the mechanisms driving metastasis development and the absence of reliable prognostic markers . Liquid biopsy analysis is a clinically approved minimal blood test based on the enumeration of circulating tumor cells (CTC) and used to assess early patient prognosis and response to the treatment, including radiotherapy. Due to the high CTC heterogeneity and plasticity, the currently approved tests need further improvement in terms of accuracy and reliability . Recent studies suggest that the electro-physical properties of cancer cells, such as conductivity (σ) and permittivity (ε), may be utilized as potential prognostic markers. Despite the high clinical demand, a method for distinguishing primary tumor and metastatic PCa cells based on their electrical properties has yet to be reported.
In this study, we will employ nano- and microfabrication techniques to develop an impedance cytometry approach in conjunction with various biological models to train our system. Thanks to the collaboration between biological and engineering research groups, we will have the opportunity to test advanced biological models, including cell culture (in vitro), synergetic mouse models, and patient samples. The increased complexity of these models has the potential to significantly improve the training process of machine learning data analysis.
Materials and methods:
To create the electronic sensing structures, we are utilizing both electron beam lithography (EBL) and ultraviolet (UV) lithography. The interdigitated sensing structures are formed through metal deposition. Additionally, we employ soft lithography to imprint cytometrical microchannels into polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).
We are currently developing a detection system that will be used to assess the electro-physical properties of primary tumors, metastases, and CTCs.
In the future, this impedance cytometry system may be used to develop reliable prognostic tests based on the detection and enumeration of CTCs with metastatic properties in patients’ samples. Additionally, analyzing circulating immune cell populations during radiotherapy may help characterize the immune status of patients and predict tumor immune evasion.
The development of a label-free, sensitive, and reliable non-invasive diagnostic test based on the electric properties of tumor cells is expected to improve the sensitivity and reproducibility of traditional liquid biopsy-based diagnostic approaches and make them more time and labor-efficient.

Involved research facilities

  • OncoRay
  • Poster
    NanoBio&Med 2023, 21.-23.11.2023, Barcelona, Spanien


Effect of annealing temperature on the structure and optical properties of ZnO thin films

Nimitha, K. V.; Maya, P. N.; Mukherjee, S.; Liedke, M. O.; Butterling, M.; Elsherif, A. G. A.; Hirschmann, E.; Wagner, A.; Benoy, M. D.


The effect of annealing temperature on the microstructure, defects and optical properties of ZnO thin films are investigated using sol–gel based spin coating method for a range of annealing temperatures from 200 °C to 500 °C. The correlation among the microstructure, defects, impurity content and the optical band gap of films of thickness about 10–12 nm is elucidated. The particle size increases and the optical band gap reduces with the annealing temperature. At 200 ∘C, amorphous films were formed with particle size less than 10 nm with an optical band gap of about 3.41 eV. As the temperature increases the grain size increases and the defect, impurity content as well as the optical band gap reduces. This could be due to the reduction in the lattice strain. For an average grain size of about 35 nm and above, the band gap asymptotically approaches the theoretical value of ZnO (3.37 eV). The photoluminescence (PL) spectra show a systematic red-shift in the excitonic levels corresponding to the variation in the optical band-gap. The defect emission from Zn-vacancies is observed in the PL spectra and are further supported by the positron annihilation measurements.

Keywords: film growth; band gap; refractive index; refractive index; positron annihilation spectroscopy; exciton emission

Involved research facilities

Related publications


  • Secondary publication expected from 21.12.2024


FineFuture: Wird die Zukunft wirklich fein? Europäisches H2020-Projekt FineFuture erfolgreich abgeschlossen.

Dirlich, S.


Das europäische H2020-Projekt FineFuture mit einem Konsortium von 16 Partnern aus ganz Europa wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Es konnten große Fortschritte in der Flotationsforschung erzielt werden, die zum einen das grundlegende Verständnis der zugrundeliegenden Prozesse betreffen, zum anderen die Umsetzung dieser Erkenntnisse in Anlagen im Pilot- und sogar Industriemaßstab.

Keywords: flotation; ultrafine particles; mineral processing; froth flotation; industrial scale; pilot scale; critical raw materials; crm

  • Open Access Logo Acamonta - Zeitschrift für Freunde und Förderer der Technischen Universität Bergakademie Freiberg 30(2023), 20-22
    ISSN: 2193-309X



Bubble dynamics and H2 bubble motion reversals during water electrolysis

Bashkatov, A.; Babich, A.; Yang, X.; Mutschke, G.; Eckert, K.


The dynamics of hydrogen bubbles produced by water electrolysis in an acidic electrolyte is studied using electrochemical and optical methods. A defined cyclic modulation of the electric potential is applied at a microelectrode to produce pairs of interacting H2 bubbles in a controlled manner. Three scenarios of interactions are identified and studied systematically. The most prominent one consists of a sudden reversal in the motion of the first detached bubble, its return to the electrode, and finally its coalescence with the second bubble. Attested by Toepler’s schlieren technique, an explanation of contactless motion reversal is provided by the competition between buoyancy and thermocapillary effects.

Keywords: hydrogen; bubbles; multiphase flow; water electrolysis

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Bubbles & Drops 2023, 12.-16.06.2023, Polen, Lublin


Turbulent Multiphase Jets - a contribution to honor Prof. Graeme Jameson

Kamble, V. V.; Rzehak, R.; Zürner, T.; Eckert, K.


Turbulent multiphase jets appear in machines used for enhanced flotation processes like the Concorde Cell and the REFLUX Flotation Cell. Likewise, flow structures generated in conventional mechanically stirred rotor-stator cells bear strong resemblance to jets. In contrast to their single-phase counterparts however, they have not been extensively studied yet. In the invited talk we present experimental and numerical methods that are available for this purpose, specifically shadowgraphy and particle image velocimetry on the experimental side and the Eulerian multi-fluid framework for multiphase CFD simulations. The corresponding numerical approach pursued at HZDR is presented. First preliminary results of both bubbly and particulate two-phase jets as well a three-phase jets are presented.

Keywords: multiphase flow; turbulence; flotation; CFD; Concorde-like cell

Involved research facilities

  • Data Center
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    INTERNATIONAL FLOTATION SYMPOSIUM Celebrating Science and Engineering Innovation in honor Prof. Graeme Jameson, 10.-14.07.2023, Newcastle, Austalien


New insights on the formation of the Jingchong Cu-Co-Pb-Zn deposit, South China: Evidence from sphalerite mineralogy and muscovite 40Ar-39Ar dating

Peng, E.; Kolb, J.; Walter, B. F.; Frenzel, M.; Patten, C. G. C.; Xu, D.; Wang, Y.; Gan, J.; Beranoaguirre, A.; Wang, Z.


The northeastern Hunan Province hosts numerous hydrothermal Pb-Zn(-Cu-Co) polymetallic deposits. As a representative example, the Jingchong Cu-Co-Pb-Zn deposit is characterized by the lower Cu-Co and upper Pb-Zn mineralization, whereas little is known about Pb-Zn mineralization. In this study, three generations of sphalerite were identified based on their textural and geochemical differences. The Sph-I exhibits the oscillatory zoning that consists of reddish-brown Sph-Ia (poor in chalcopyrite inclusion) alternating with dark Sph-Ib with zoned chalcopyrite inclusion. Sph-II is composed of honey-brown Sph-IIa (abundant chalcopyrite droplets) and white clean Sph-IIb (rare chalcopyrite inclusion). The black Sph-III is characterized by nano- to submicron-sized chalcopyrite inclusions with typical “dusting” or “watermelon” texture and crosscuts all other sphalerite generations in veinlets. The electron microprobe and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry show that Sph-I has higher Fe and Mn contents, but lower Cd, Cu and Ag contents than Sph-II and Sph-III. Sphalerite geothermometry yields temperatures of 334–346 (±58)°C for Sph-I, 254–289 (±60)°C for Sph-II and 286 (±55) °C for Sph-III. The sulfur fugacity ranges from logfS2 values of −9.03 to −8.26 for Sph-I to −11.77 to −10.63 for Sph-II and −10.82 for Sph-III. The combined textural features and chemical compositions indicate that the self-organized mechanism forms Sph-I, and that the coupled dissolution and precipitation reactions triggered by the influx of Cu-elevated fluids are responsible for the formation of Sph-II and Sph-III. The associated pyrite and pyrrhotite inclusions in sphalerite are produced by the exsolution mechanism, while chalcopyrite inclusions are formed by co-precipitation due to local supersaturation at the interface of sphalerite with fluid. The 40Ar-39Ar dating of muscovite in the Jingchong deposit yields a mineralizing age of ca. 121.1 ± 2 Ma, consistent with the ca. 130–120 Ma Pb-Zn mineralizing events in the northeastern Hunan Province. The sulfur isotopic values (−3.0 to +3.5‰) of the Pb-Zn ores are similar to that of Cu-Co ores, indicating a magmatic sulfur origin. Together with the trace element affinity of sphalerite with magmatic-hydrothermal origin, it was proposed that the Jingchong Pb-Zn and Cu-Co mineralization were formed in the same magmatic-hydrothermal system. The placement of Pb-Zn orebodies at the upward zoning of Cu-Co orebodies could be attributed to the higher solubilities of Pb and Zn chloride complexes in hydrothermal fluids, relative to Cu chloride complex.

Keywords: Sphalerite; 40Ar-39Ar dating; Jingchong polymetallic deposit; Jiangnan Orogen


Gas Flow Modulation: a suitable approach for axially-resolved measurements of axial gas dispersion in bubble column reactors.

Marchini, S.; Bieberle, A.; Schubert, M.; Hampel, U.


Dispersion phenomena, such as back-mixing, recirculation, and stagnant zones, significantly influence the residence time of the fluid phases in bubble column reactors. Despite some limitations, the axial dispersion model (ADM) is currently the most applied reactor model accounting for axial flow non-idealities [1]. This is mainly due to its simple implementation and to the use of one single parameter, called axial dispersion coefficient.
Traditionally, the axial dispersion coefficient is obtained based on the measured residence-time distribution of an inert tracer substance. While liquid dispersion has been largely investigated in the literature, only very few studies deal with gas dispersion. This is mainly due to the technical challenges connected to gas dispersion measurements, which are summarized in Marchini et al. [2]. As pointed out by Joshi [3], the axial gas dispersion coefficient likely changes along the column height, following, among others, a change in the physical-chemical properties due to progressing chemical reaction or hydrostatic pressure gradients. Technical limitations of traditional tracer methods hardly provide local information on axial gas dispersion. Consequently, the axial gas dispersion coefficient has been assumed axially constant for reactor design.
To overcome these disadvantages of traditional tracer methods, Hampel et al. [4] introduced a novel non-invasive approach for determining the axial gas dispersion coefficient in bubble columns, called Gas Flow Modulation (GFM). Instead of a tracer substance, a marginal sinusoidal modulation is superimposed to the gas inlet flow rate and used as a virtual tracer. This modulation introduces a sinusoidal variation of the gas holdup in time, called gas holdup wave. Along the column, the gas holdup wave is damped in amplitude (A_ϵ) and is shifted in phase (ϕ) due to gas dispersion. Amplitude damping and phase shift between two axial positions can be measured and related to the value of the axial dispersion coefficient via the ADM. Using the GFM, the obtained axial gas dispersion coefficient is representative of the flow conditions between the two considered measurement planes.

Keywords: Gas flow modulation; Bubble columns; Axial dispersion model; Axial gas dispersion

  • Contribution to proceedings
    International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, 16.-19.06.2024, Turku, Finland


Uncertainty and value: Optimising geometallurgical performance along the mining value chain

Ortiz, J. M.; Avalos, S.; Riquelme, A. I.; Leuangthong, O.; Madani, N.; Frenzel, M.


To maximise the value of a mining operation and minimise its environmental and social impacts, all processes - from the ore deposit to the final product and waste streams - should be optimised together. However, mining and metallurgical processes are inherently variable and uncertain due to the natural heterogeneity of ore deposits and the limited information and incomplete models available on ore behaviour throughout the process chain. Propagating these effects to geometallurgical models is important because they are used to make decisions with potentially large environmental and economic impacts. In this paper, we describe the need for geometallurgical optimisation routines to account for the effects of uncertainties, and the tools needed to manage them, by summarising the routines that already exist and those that are still missing.

Keywords: geometallurgy; raw materials value chain; stochastic modelling; optimisation; uncertainty


Making sense of mineral trace-element data - How to avoid common pitfalls in statistical analysis and interpretation

Frenzel, M.


Recent years have seen a sharp increase in the generation and use of mineral trace-element data in geological research. This is largely due to the advent of rapid and affordable laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). However, while much new data is being generated and published, relatively little work has been done to develop appropriate methods for its statistical analysis and interpretation, and indeed, experimental design. In fact, several characteristic features of the data require careful consideration during evaluation and interpretation to avoid biased results. In particular, the commonly hierarchical structure of mineral trace-element data and its compositional nature must be taken into account to generate meaningful and robust results. Unfortunately, these features are not appropriately considered in most current studies. This review provides a general overview of the special features of mineral trace-element data and their consequences for statistical analysis and interpretation, as well as study design. Specifically, it highlights the need for 1) the use of log- or log-ratio-transformations for statistical analysis, 2) careful preparation of the raw data prior to analysis, including an appropriate treatment of missing values, and 3) the application of statistical methods suited to hierarchical data structures. These points, as well as the consequences of neglecting them, are illustrated with relevant examples from ore geology. However, the general principles described in this review also apply to mineral trace-element datasets collected in other fields of the geosciences, as well as other fields dealing with compositional data.

Keywords: Trace-element signatures; Mineral chemistry; Mineral compositions; LA-ICP-MS; Microanalytical data; Compositional data



Deformation Mechanisms, Microstructures, and Seismic Anisotropy of Wadsleyite in the Earth's Transition Zone

Ledoux, E. E.; Saki, M.; Gay, J. P.; Krug, M.; Castelnau, O.; Zhou, W.-Y.; Zhang, J. S.; Chantel, J.; Hilairet, N.; Bykov, M.; Bykova, E.; Aprilis, G.; Svitlyk, V.; Garbarino, G.; Sanchez-Valle, C.; Thomas, C.; Speziale, S.; Merkel, S.


Wadsleyite is the dominant mineral of the upper portion of the Earth's mantle transition zone (MTZ). As such, understanding plastic deformation of wadsleyite is relevant for the interpretation of observations of seismic signals from this region in terms of mantle flow. Despite its relevance, however, the deformation mechanisms of wadsleyite and their effects on microstructures and anisotropy are still poorly understood. Here, we present the results of new deformation experiments on polycrystalline wadsleyite at temperatures of 1400–1770 K and pressures between 12.3 and 20.3 GPa in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell. We rely on multigrain X-ray crystallography to follow the evolution of individual grain orientations and extract lattice preferred orientations at the sample scale at different steps of the experiments. A comparison of experimental results of our work and the literature with polycrystal plasticity simulations, indicates that 〈111〉{101} is the most active slip system of dislocations in wadsleyite at all investigated conditions. Secondary slip systems such as 001](010), [100, and [100]{0kl}, however, play a critical role in the resulting microstructures and their activity depends on both temperature and water content, from which we extract an updated deformation map of wadsleyite at MTZ conditions. Lastly, we propose several seismic anisotropy models of the upper part of the MTZ, depending on temperature, geophysical context, and levels of hydration that will be useful for the interpretation of seismic signals from the MTZ in terms of mantle flow and water content.

Involved research facilities

Related publications


In-situ study of microstructures induced by the olivine to wadsleyite transformation at conditions of the 410 km depth discontinuity

Ledoux, E.; Krug, M.; Gay, J.; Chantel, J.; Hilairet, N.; Bykov, M.; Bykova, E.; Aprilis, G.; Svitlyk, V.; Garbarino, G.; Guignot, N.; Sanchez-Valle, C.; Speziale, S.; Merkel, S.


The olivine-wadsleyite transformation is believed to occur at depths of about 410 km in the Earth, producing a major seismic discontinuity in this region of the Earth’s mantle. The mechanism of this phase transition controls the microstructures of the newly nucleated wadsleyite, the major phase of the upper part of the mantle transition zone, and thus impacts seismic observations in the region. Here, we study the microstructures produced by the olivine-wadsleyite transformation using in situ laboratory experiments at pressures and temperatures relevant for the mantle transition zone. We transform pure olivine samples in laser-heated diamond-anvil cells at pressures ranging from 12.3 to 20.2 GPa and temperatures of 1400–1730 K. At different steps of the transformation we measure the orientation and size distribution of individual sample grains using multigrain crystallography at synchrotron radiation sources. We find that the olivine to wadsleyite transformation is incoherent at the conditions of the mantle transition zone, and is probably dominated by nucleation of wadsleyite at grain boundaries of the parent olivine. Thus, we expect that seismic anisotropy near 410 km would drop significantly due to the randomized lattice preferred orientation of newly nucleated wadsleyite induced by the incoherent transformation.

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Masking Hyperspectral Imaging Data with Pretrained Models

Arbash, E.; de Lima Ribeiro, A.; Thiele, S. T.; Gnann, N.; Rasti, B.; Fuchs, M.; Ghamisi, P.; Gloaguen, R.


The presence of undesired background areas associated with potential noise and unknown spectral characteristics degrades the performance of hyperspectral data processing. Masking out unwanted regions is key to addressing this issue. Processing only regions of interest yields notable improvements in terms of computational costs, required memory, and overall performance. The proposed processing pipeline encompasses two fundamental parts: regions of interest mask generation, followed by the application of hyperspectral data processing techniques solely on the newly masked hyperspectral cube. The novelty of our work lies in the methodology adopted for the preliminary image segmentation. We employ the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to extract all objects within the dataset, and subsequently refine the segments with a zero-shot Grounding Dino object detector, followed by intersection and exclusion filtering steps, without the need for fine-tuning or retraining. To illustrate the efficacy of the masking procedure, the proposed method is deployed on three challenging applications scenarios that demand accurate masking; shredded plastics characterization, drill core scanning, and litter monitoring. The numerical evaluation of the proposed masking method on the three applications is provided along with the used hyperparameters. The scripts for the method will be available at this https URL.

Keywords: Hyperspectral Imaging; Classification; Masking; SAM; Grounding Dino

  • Open Access Logo Contribution to proceedings
    Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, 31.10.-02.11.2023, Athens, Greece
    DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2311.03053


Neighborhood Attention Makes the Encoder of ResUNet Stronger for Accurate Road Extraction

Jamali, A.; Kumar Roy, S.; Li, J.; Ghamisi, P.


In the domain of remote sensing image interpretation, road extraction from high-resolution aerial imagery has already been a hot research topic. Although deep CNNs have presented excellent results for semantic segmentation, the efficiency and capabilities of vision transformers are yet to be fully researched. As such, for accurate road extraction, a deep semantic segmentation neural network that utilizes the abilities of residual learning, HetConvs, UNet, and vision transformers, which is called \texttt{ResUNetFormer}, is proposed in this letter. The developed \texttt{ResUNetFormer} is evaluated on various cutting-edge deep learning-based road extraction techniques on the public Massachusetts road dataset. Statistical and visual results demonstrate the superiority of the \texttt{ResUNetFormer} over the state-of-the-art CNNs and vision transformers for segmentation. The code will be made available publicly at



Spatial Gated Multi-Layer Perceptron for Land Use and Land Cover Mapping

Jamali, A.; Kumar Roy, S.; Hong, D.; Atkinson, P. M.; Ghamisi, P.


Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are models that are utilized extensively for the hierarchical extraction of features. Vision transformers (ViTs), through the use of a self-attention mechanism, have recently achieved superior modeling of global contextual information compared to CNNs. However, to realize their image classification strength, ViTs require substantial training datasets. Where the available training data are limited, current advanced multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) can provide viable alternatives to both deep CNNs and ViTs. In this paper, we developed the SGU-MLP, a learning algorithm that effectively uses both MLPs and spatial gating units (SGUs) for precise land use land cover (LULC) mapping. Results illustrated the superiority of the developed SGU-MLP classification algorithm over several CNN and CNN-ViT-based models, including HybridSN, ResNet, iFormer, EfficientFormer and CoAtNet. The proposed SGU-MLP algorithm was tested through three experiments in Houston, USA, Berlin, Germany and Augsburg, Germany. The SGU-MLP classification model was found to consistently outperform the benchmark CNN and CNN-ViT-based algorithms. For example, for the Houston experiment, SGU-MLP significantly outperformed HybridSN, CoAtNet, Efficientformer, iFormer and ResNet by approximately 15%, 19%, 20%, 21%, and 25%, respectively, in terms of average accuracy. The code will be made publicly available at



Hydrophobicity-based Grading of Industrial Composite Insulators Images using Cross Attention Vision Transformer with Knowledge Distillation

Das, S.; Chatterjee, S.; Basu, M.


The hydrophobic property of composite insulators is a crucial attribute that prevents the accumulation of significant water content on the surface and ensures smooth operation and prevention of power line surges. However, since the weathering effect gradually reduces the hydrophobicity, periodic monitoring is necessary to ensure the smooth operation of the powerline. Efficient machine learning-based analysis of the composite insulator (CI) images collected by the spray method can potentially achieve very high efficacy. However, inconsistency in the shape and size of droplets, the intricate pattern of the droplets, the lack of color variation of the images, etc. pose a challenge to the prevalent computer vision techniques for categorizing the CIs. This treatise explored a novel, efficient deep learning paradigm, termed cross attention vision transformer (CA-ViT) for grading the CI images. The CA-ViT uses both small and large patches to blend spatial features corresponding to a different scale. The network uses a token fusion module to effectively combine the tokens obtained from small and large patches and understand the visual pattern, and characterize droplets of different shapes and sizes by exchanging cross-attentions, which demonstrates its ability to precisely detect small and large droplets, and accurately classify the droplet images. Further, the work also introduces a knowledge distillation strategy to reduce the computational run time of the model. Exhaustive experimental results have confirmed that our proposed work surpasses state-of-the-art methods.

Keywords: Hydrophobicity



Characterization of organic glass scintillator bars and their potential for a hybrid neutron/gamma ray imaging system for proton radiotherapy range verification

Turko, J. A. B.; Junghans, A.; Meric, I.; Müller, S.; Pausch, G.; Ratliff, H. N.; Römer, K.; Schellhammer, S.; Setterdahl, S. M.; Urlass, S.; Wagner, A.; Kögler, T.


For accurate and simultaneous imaging of fast neutrons (FNs) and prompt gamma rays (PGs) produced during proton therapy, the selection of a highly performant detector material is crucial. In this work, a promising candidate material known as organic glass scintillator (OGS) is characterized for this task. To this end, a precisely-timed source of neutrons and Bremsstrahlung radiation produced by the n ELBE facility was used to study the light output and neutron/gamma ray pulse shape discrimination (PSD) properties of a 1 × 1 × 20 cm 3 OGS bar with double-sided readout. Furthermore, the energy, timing, and depth-of-interaction (DOI) resolutions of 1 × 1 × 10 cm 3 and 1 × 1 × 20 cm 3 OGS and EJ-200 bars were characterized with radioactive sources. For electron-equivalent energies above 0.5 MeVee, OGS was found to have excellent PSD capabilities (figure-of-merit above 1.27), energy resolution (below 12%), coincident time resolution (below 500 ps), and DOI resolution (below 10 mm). This work establishes the data analysis methods required for hybrid FN/PG imaging using OGS, and demonstrates the materials' excellent performance for this application.

Keywords: Gamma detectors; Instrumentation for hadron therapy; Neutron detectors; Scintillators and scintillating fibres and light guides

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Adhesion evaluation and interface characterization of 3D printed concrete for automatic repair

Yaxin, T.; Yi, Z.; Xiaoyun, W.; Da Assuncao Godinho, J. R.; Geert, D. S.; Kim, V. T.


3D concrete printing can be used for automatic repair, aiming at increasing efficiency and reducing the use of
manpower, as compared to conventional manual repair. Ensuring strong adhesion of the 3D printed materials
and characterizing the interface is crucial for the success of this approach. To this end, we first evaluated the
adhesion performance of 3D printed concrete based on a low-carbon binder, i.e., calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA)
cement. CSA cement pastes with different re-dispersible polymer powder substitution rates were used as coating
before 3D printing. We used two approaches, X-ray computed tomography (CT) and scanning electron micro-
scopy (SEM), to characterize the interface region. Results indicate that the yield stress of the 3D printing material
and the coating material plays an important role in the adhesion in both the fresh and hardened state. Moreover,
the limited adhesion at the overlay interface can be due to the limited contact at the centimeter and micro scale,
as reflected by CT and SEM, respectively. Applying a coating can fill the air voids at the interface, while the
placement of a coating may not improve the bond strength and can even have a negative impact due to the
limited liquid medium at the interface.

Keywords: Adhesion; 3D concrete printing; Automatic repair; nterface characterization


Applying particle-based separation modelling on 3D particle data to better quantify the influence of particle size and shape in the recovery of valuable elements

Guimaraes Da Silva Tochtrop, C.


After the successful application of 2D particle characterisation in the raw materials sector, the transition to 3D particle characterisation methods holds the potential of further improving the efficiency of the sector. The main reason to characterise particles in 3D is to obtain reliable information about their shape and size. Yet, given the complexity of particles in the raw materials field, particle composition should be quantified in the same detail offered by 2D-based techniques. This aspect has only recently started to become a reality for 3D X-ray computed tomography measurements, given innovations dedicated to the raw materials sector. Currently, Xray computed tomography analysis offers the potential to characterise particle microstructures in 3D – essential information for a better understanding of mineral separation processes. Hence, it has a considerable impact on improving the efficiency of the mining industry and potentially reducing technical as well as environmental risks. In this study, the flotation of a sulphide-rich ore is investigated with the goal of quantifying, for individual particles, the relation between their microstructural properties, their behaviour in the process, and the flotation cell hydrodynamic conditions. A combination of 2D mineral liberation analysis and 3D X-ray computed tomography is used for respectively characterising fine and coarse particles. This particle data is then applied to model the process behaviour of individual particles in the flotation experiments. Factors such as particle size, shape, liberation, and association are taken into account. Given the more detailed description of particle geometric properties provided by x-ray computed tomography, a more precise
evaluation of the influence of particle shape in the flotation process, both in the recovery of ore minerals (mostly via true flotation) and of gangue minerals (mostly via entrainment). The research findings out that higher turbulence in the cell results in better recovery of fine particles, whereas the recovery efficiency of coarse particles is negatively impacted by higher energy dissipation within the cell. The methodology applied here, both for characterising individual particles in 3D and for modelling mineral separation processes at the level of single particles, is also applicable to other ores and mineral separation units.

  • Master thesis
    TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Faculty of Geosciences, Geotechnics and Mining, 2023
    Mentor: Carsten Drebenstedt, Nils Hoth, Lucas Pereira


Adaptable Research and Data Management Platform for High Data-Rate Experiments

Knodel, O.; Voigt, M.; Pape, D.; Lokamani, M.; Kelling, J.; Müller, S.; Gruber, T.; Juckeland, G.


At the High-Field High-Repetition-Rate Terahertz facility (TELBE) [1] at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, ultrafast terahertz-induced dynamics can be probed in various states of matter with highest precision. The TELBE source is available for external users who are not familiar with the experiments's data management pipelines. This is especially a challenge as the measurements at TELBE are data intensive, producing as much as 20GB per experiment over few minutes.

In this contribution, we present the guidance system HELIPORT [3] which manages the metadata of the associated project proposal and integrates systems for workflow management, electronic lab documentation and others. We showcase the integrated workflow for post-processing of the experimental data at TELBE with in-built exchange of metadata between our proposal submission service, the experiment control software and workflows managed and executed using UNICORE [2].

Among other information, HELIPORT integrates documentation, scientific workflows, and the final publication of the research results - all via already established solutions for proposal management, electronic lab notebooks, software development and devops tools, and other additional data sources. The integration is accomplished by presenting the researchers with a high-level overview to keep all aspects of the experiment in mind, and automatically exchanging relevant metadata between the experiment's life cycle steps.

By visualizing all aspects of large-scale research experiments, HELIPORT enables deeper insights into a comprehensible data provenance with the chance of raising awareness for FAIR data management.


Keywords: data management; Heliport; workflows; metadata; HMC

  • Lecture (Conference)
    IT4Science-Days 2023, 26.-28.09.2023, Berlin, Deutschland


Thermal twin stars within a hybrid equation of state based on a nonlocal chiral quark model compatible with modern astrophysical observations

Carlomagno, J. P.; Contrera, G.; Grunfeld, A. G.; Blaschke, D.


We investigate the extension to finite temperatures and neutrino chemical potentials of a recently developed nonlocal chiral quark model approach to the equation of state of neutron star matter.
We consider two light quark flavors and current-current interactions in the scalar-pseudoscalar, vector, and diquark pairing channels, where the nonlocality of the currents is taken into account
by a Gaussian form factor that depends on the spatial components of the 4-momentum. Within this framework, we analyze order parameters, critical temperatures, phase diagrams, equation of
state, and mass-radius relations for different temperatures and neutrino chemical potentials. For parameters of the model that are constrained by recent multi-messenger observations of neutron
stars, we find that the mass-radius diagram for isothermal hybrid star sequences exhibits the thermal twin phenomenon for temperatures above 30 MeV.

Keywords: Chiral quark model; Thermal twin stars; QCD phase diagram; Color superconductivity; Multi-messenger astronomy; Quark-hadron phase transition

Related publications



Evaluation of Cyrene as a sustainable pre treatment solvent for the effective froth flotation-based separation of fine valuables from spent lithium-ion batteries

Salces, A. M.; Henderson, M. S.; Rudolph, M.; Eksteen, J.; Vanderbruggen, A.


Froth flotation is a promising technique to separate the cathode (CAM) and anode active material (AAM) of lithium-ion batteries before downstream recycling processes. However, to ensure effective separation, both CAM and AAM particles must be free of organic binders (i.e., polyvinylidene fluoride) which gives them similar wetabilities. In this work, we propose the green solvent Cyrene dihydroleveglucosenone) as a pre-treatment to remove and possibly recover the polyvinylidene fluoride binder from the NMC-rich black mass. Pristine lithium-nickel-manganese-cobalt oxide (NMC111) and anodic graphite are used to determine the ideal flotation behavior. Pristine powders and black mass were mixed with Cyrene, heated at 100°C for 1 hour, and filtered hot. After flotation, 99.6% of the anodic graphite and only 5% of NMC is recovered in the overflow (O/F) indicating that Cyrene pretreatment does not affect their flotation behavior. For NMC-rich black mass, the NMC recovered in the O/F is reduced to 32.6% from 53.8% in the mechanically pre-treated black mass, demonstrating the potential of Cyrene for effective binder removal.

Keywords: battery recycling; flotation; graphite; CAMs; pyrolysis; Cyrene; dihydroleveglucosenone

  • Lecture (Conference)
    11th International Flotation Conference (Flotation '23), 06.-09.11.2023, Cape Town, South Africa
    DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18199.34722


Correlated Widefield-confocal Microscopy Dataset

Li, R.; Della Maggiora Valdes, G. E.; Andriasyan, V.; Petkidis, A.; Yushkevich, A.; Kudryashev, M.; Yakimovich, A.



This dataset contains a sample of 600 fluorescently labelled nuclei of cultured cells imaged using widefield fluorescence microscopy and confocal fluorescence microscopy at different focal planes.

Image preprocessing

Notably, the hardware precision of the sectioning process led to variations in the step size when shifting the focal plane between the two devices. This resulted in distinct z-dimensions between the datasets obtained from the two microscopy techniques. The confocal stacks in raw data comprised 92 focal planes, whereas the widefield stacks consisted of only 40 slices. Each focal plane image had a shape [2048, 2048, 1]. Assuming the central slice of each stack to be the in-focus, we performed z-direction registration by downsampling the confocal stacks from the central slice (46th) to match the 40 slices of the widefield stacks. Due to the instrumental limitations, a slight drift was noticeable between images. To address this, we used the phase cross-correlation algorithm [2] to compensate for the offsets on the x-y plane for the z-dimension registered image stacks. Having completed the registration and alignment along three dimensions, we then partitioned the original images into non-overlapping patches with dimensions of [128, 128, 1] in the xy plane. This partitioned dataset serves as the test dataset for validating our blind-deconvolution model, conducted without the specific Point Spread Function (PSF) parameters [3].

Files description

The Widefield-confocal Microscopy Dataset is stored in the '*.npz' format, encompassing the variables 'c_img' and 'w_img.' These handles respectively denote the confocal images and their corresponding widefield microscopy images. Both types of data undergo registration, alignment, and normalization, with values scaled to range between [0.0, 1.0]. For each category, the data has a shape of [600, 128, 128, 40], where the first dimension denotes the individual field of view and the last dimension signifies the z-dimension representing changes in the focal plane for virtual sectioning. The first dimension corresponds to the patch number, each with a patch size of [128, 128].


Sample preparation and microscopy

A549 lung carcinoma cell line cells were seeded in 96-well imaging plates a night prior to imaging, then fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (Sigma) and stained for DNA with Hoechst 33342 fluorescent dye (Sigma). Cell culture was maintained similarly to the procedures described in [1]. Next, stained cell nuclei were imaged using ImageXpress Confocal system (Molecular Devices) in either confocal or widefield mode employing Nikon 20X Plan Apo Lambda objective. To obtain 3D information images in both modes were acquired as Z-stacks with 0.3 µm and 0.7 µm for confocal and widefield modes respectively. Confocal z-stack was Nyquist sampled. The excitation wavelength was 405 nm and the emission was 452 nm. Using these settings, we obtained individual stacks for both modalities, with each stack covering 2048 by 2048 pixels or 699 by 699 µm.


  1. Yakimovich, Artur, et al. "Plaque2. 0—a high-throughput analysis framework to score virus-cell transmission and clonal cell expansion." PloS one 10.9 (2015): e0138760.

  2. Alink, Mark S. Oude, et al. "Lowering the SNR wall for energy detection using cross-correlation." IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 60.8 (2011): 3748-3757.

  3. Li, Rui, et al. "Microscopy image reconstruction with physics-informed denoising diffusion probabilistic model." arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.02929 (2023).

Keywords: fluorescence microscopy; widefield; confocal; corelative microscopy

Related publications



Refinement of the uranium dispersion corrections from anomalous diffraction

Leinders, G.; Grendal, O. G.; Arts, I.; Bes, R.; Prozheev, I.; Orlat, S.; Fitch, A.; Kvashnina, K.; Verwerft, M.


The evolution of the uranium chemical state in uranium compounds, principally
in the oxides, is of concern in the context of nuclear fuel degradation under
storage and repository conditions, and in accident scenarios. The U–O system
shows complicated phase relations between single-valence uranium dioxide
(UO 2 ) and different mixed-valence compounds (e.g. U 4O 9 , U3 O 7 and U 3 O8 ). To
try resolving the electronic structure associated with unique atomic positions, a
combined application of diffraction and spectroscopic techniques, such as
diffraction anomalous fine structure (DAFS), can be considered. Reported here
is the application of two newly developed routines for assessing a DAFS data
set, with the aim of refining the uranium X-ray dispersion corrections. High-
resolution anomalous diffraction data were acquired from polycrystalline
powder samples of UO 2 (containing tetravalent uranium) and potassium
uranate (KUO 3 , containing pentavalent uranium) using synchrotron radiation in
the vicinity of the U L3 edge (17.17 keV). Both routines are based on an
iterative refinement of the dispersion corrections, but differ in either using the
intensity of a selection of reflections or doing a full-pattern (Rietveld method)
refinement. The uranium dispersion corrections obtained using either method
are in excellent agreement with each other, and they show in great detail the
chemical shifts and differences in fine structure expected for tetravalent and
pentavalent uranium. This approach may open new possibilities for the assess-
ment of other, more complicated, materials such as mixed-valence compounds.
Additionally, the DAFS methodology can offer a significant resource optimi-
zation because each data set contains both structural (diffraction) and chemical
(spectroscopy) information, which can avoid the requirement to use multiple
experimental stations at synchrotron sources

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Revealing the Incorporation of Cerium in Fluorapatite

Manceau, A.; Mathon, O.; Lomachenko, K. A.; Rovezzi, M.; Kvashnina, K.; Boiron, M.-C.; Brossier, R.; Steinmann, S. N.


Fluorapatite (FAp, nominally Ca5(PO4)3F) is the most common phosphate mineral at the Earth’s surface and a main host for rare-earth elements (REE) in magmatic and hydrothermal ore deposits and in marine sediments. Our understanding of the enrichment process of REE in FAp rests upon two foundations: (1) being able to elucidate the thermodynamic driving force for their partitioning between Ca1 and Ca2 structural sites and (2) being able to determine how the substitution of REE(III) for Ca(II) is charge-compensated. A main unsolved question is the marked preference of the larger light REE (lanthanum → samarium) for the smaller Ca2 site. We used density functional theory (DFT) and high-energy-resolution fluorescence-detected extended X-ray absorption fine structure (HERFD-EXAFS) spectroscopy to gain detailed insight into the bonding energy, electronic structure, and short-range order of cerium (Ce) in natural magmatic/hydrothermal FAp. Results show that Ce(III) has a marked preference for a Ca2 site where the nearest five-valent phosphorus cation is replaced with a tetravalent silicon cation, thus balancing the charge excess of the Ce impurity locally. Atomic charge calculations show that the Ca2 site is more ionic than the Ca1 site and that the energetics of the site preference are linearly correlated to the ionization energy of the substituent. Cations with a low energy of ionization, such as Ce, preferably occupy the Ca2 site. Novel combination of HERFD-EXAFS spectroscopy and DFT appears to be the most straightforward and reliable way to assess the crystal chemistry of trace elements in compositionally complex natural materials and opens a previously unavailable avenue for mechanistic investigation of metal enrichment in ore deposits.

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Data publication: In Situ Heating Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy Experiments on an Al–Mg Alloy

Banhart, J.; Yang, Z.; Guo, Q.; Liu, M.; Butterling, M.; Liedke, M. O.; Hirschmann, E.; Wagner, A.


Experimentdaten der Positronen-Annihilationsspektroskopie

Keywords: positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy; Al-Mg; alloy; ageing; vacancy

Involved research facilities

Related publications



In Situ Heating Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy Experiments on an Al–Mg Alloy

Banhart, J.; Yang, Z.; Guo, Q.; Liu, M.; Butterling, M.; Liedke, M. O.; Hirschmann, E.; Wagner, A.


The binding between vacancies and Mg atoms in an aluminum solid solution is not fully understood but essential for understanding its role in age hardening of many Al alloys. After annealing and quenching, Mg prevents the loss of excess vacancies during natural ageing and forms complexes containing one, possibly two, vacancies, and various Mg atoms. By heating the alloy after natural ageing, these complexes are dissolved, i.e., natural ageing is reverted. This reversion process is studied by in situ positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy utilizing the very high count rate at the accelerator driven facility ELBE. Positron spectra are continuously acquired during heating at rates between 3 and 50 K/min. After correcting for the contributions of the oxidized surface and decomposing spectra into components, the process can be followed in detail and is found to take place in distinct stages: first, the number of vacancy–Mg complexes is reduced and then the liberated vacancies agglomerate into clusters that eventually dissolve at even higher temperatures.

Keywords: positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy; Al-Mg; alloy; ageing; vacancy

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Data publication: Metal Deportment in Complex Secondary Raw Materials: The Case of Vanadium in Basic Oxygen Furnace Slags

Renno, A.; Möckel, R.; Frenzel, M.; Ebert, D.; Bachmann, K.; Krause, J.; Gutzmer, J.


Compilation of all available raw data for the publication "Metal Deportment in Complex Secondary Raw Materials: The Case of Vanadium in Basic Oxygen Furnace Slags".
List of Supplementary Information

Table A 1: Compilation of elements analyzed by XRF including lower and upper limits of determination (LoD).
Table A 2: Compilation of the subsample designations of the three BOS samples analyzed for the XRF and XRD as well as the MLA and EPMA analyses. All subsamples correspond to representative subsets of the bulk sample.
Table A 3: Compilation of the EPMA measurement parameters with spectrometer position (Spec), lower background (LB), upper background (UB), dwelltime on peak (DTP) and background (DTB) and the complete list of reference materials.
Table App 4: Compilation of all major and minor element contents determined by XRF recalculated as “water-free” and normalized to 100 wt.-%.
Table A 5: Comparison of LOI values for one sample each of the delivered material "as delivered" and fully hydrated.
Table A 6: Compilation of significant differences between the samples with regard to the chemical composition.
Table A 7: Detailed compilation of the results of the MLA measurements of all investigated samples.
Table A 8: Compilation of the phases predefined for EPMA analyses and the number of measurements performed and usable for further MLA and deportation analyses.
Table A 9: Complete summary of all EPMA data used for the deportment analysis (xls File).

Keywords: Steel slag; Basic oxygen furnace slag; Vanadium-bearing slag; Vanadium; Vanadium deportment

Related publications



Optimizing synthesis strategies for the production of single-phase zirconates with Ce and Nd co-doping

Richter, S.; Gilson, S.; Braga Ferreira Dos Santos, L.; Huittinen, N. M.


Zirconia-based ceramics are promising host matrices for the immobilization of radionuclides in high-level waste streams due to their high radiation resistance and chemical stability. This study explores coprecipitation and different solid-state synthesis techniques to produce phase-pure zirconia-based ceramics with varying cerium and neodymium co-doping. Varying the dopant concentration enabled the synthesis of zirconates with monoclinic, cubic defect fluorite, and cubic pyrochlore structures. Powder X-ray diffraction was used for phase identification. In the case of coprecipitation, all synthesized compositions were predominantly phase-pure. Solid-state synthesis techniques included manual mixing of metal oxide powders with mortar and pestle, mechanical mixing in a ball mill, and magnetic mixing in a slurry. All solid-state mixing methods produced heterogeneous ceramics, featuring multiple phases, with manual mixing yielding the most phase-pure product. Extending the grinding time, re-sintering of the solid phases, and an increased Nd content were found to enhance the phase purity.

Keywords: Nuclear waste; Zirconate; Pyrochlore; XRD; Synthesis optimization


Was sind Quantentechnologien? Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik, Funktionsweise, Beispiele für die Anwendung

Astakhov, G.


Zunächst stelle ich die Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik vor. Dann beschreibe ich das Funktionsprinzip von Qubits. Danach stelle ich Beispiele für Quantenprogrammierung vor. Schließlich diskutiere ich mögliche Anwendungen für Quantentechnologien.

Keywords: Quantum Technologies; Quantum Computing

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Seniorenakademie, 11.01.2024, Dresden, Germany


Transport dank Wandmoden

Eckert, S.


Aktuelle Studien illustrieren die Entwicklung von Strömungsmustern der Magnetokonvektion bis hin zu chaotischen Strömungen.

Keywords: Rayleigh Benard Konvektion; Magnetfeld; Wandmoden; Wärmetransport

  • Physik Journal 23(2024)2, 22-23


Are applied radiopharmaceutical sciences able to consolidate NextGen radionuclide theranostics?

Kopka, K.


Plenary Lecture: Are applied radiopharmaceutical sciences able to consolidate NextGen radionuclide theranostics?

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    31st Dutch society of clinical radiochemistry biannual meeting, 20.01.2023, Amsterdam, Niederlande


The Future of Radionuclide Theranostics through Radiopharmaceutical Sciences

Kopka, K.


The Future of Radionuclide Theranostics through Radiopharmaceutical Sciences

  • Invited lecture (Conferences) (Online presentation)
    The 1st International Conference on Molecular Probes for Imaging Research Network on Development of Radiotracers for Medical Imaging and Preclinical Evaluations, 22.-23.02.2023, Bangkok, Thailand


Radionuclide Theranostics through Radiopharmaceutical Sciences / Radionuklid Theranostik durch Radiopharmazeutische Wissenschaften

Kopka, K.


Radionuclide Theranostics through Radiopharmaceutical Sciences / Radionuklid Theranostik durch Radiopharmazeutische Wissenschaften

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    9. VCI-Innovationskongress Chemie – Beiträge von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft zur Transformation, 31.05.2023, Dresden, Deutschland


Radionuclide Theranostics through Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (Part 2)

Kopka, K.


Radionuclide Theranostics through Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (Part 2)

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Monash-Helmholtz Laboratory for Radio-Immuno-Theranostics (MHELTHERA) School, 08.-10.11.2023, Dresden-Rossendorf, Deutschland


Recreating metabolic interactions of the tumour microenvironment

Curvello, R.; Berndt, N.; Hauser, S.; Loessner, D.


Tumours are heterogeneous tissues containing diverse populations of cells and an abundant extracellular matrix (ECM). This tumour microenvironment prompts cancer cells to adapt their metabolism to survive and grow. Besides epigenetic factors, the metabolism of cancer cells is shaped by crosstalk with stromal cells and extracellular components. To date, most experimental models neglect the complexity of the tumour microenvironment and its relevance in regulating the dynamics of the metabolism in cancer. We discuss emerging strategies to model cellular and extracellular aspects of cancer metabolism. We highlight cancer models based on bioengineering, animal, and mathematical approaches to recreate cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions and patient-specific metabolism. Combining these approaches will improve our understanding of cancer metabolism and support the development of metabolism-targeting therapies.


Towards a Quality Indicator for Research Data publications and Research Software publications –- A vision from the Helmholtz Association

Zu Castell, W.; Dransch, D.; Juckeland, G.; Meistring, M.; Fritzsch, B.; Gey, R.; Höpfner, B.; Köhler, M.; Meeßen, C.; Mehrtens, H.; Mühlbauer, F.; Schindler, S.; Schnicke, T.; Bertelmann, R.


Research data and software are widely accepted as an outcome of scientific work.
However, in comparison to text-based publications, there is not yet an established process to assess and evaluate quality of research data and research software publications.
This paper presents an attempt to fill this gap.
Initiated by the Working Group Open Science of the Helmholtz Association the Task Group Helmholtz Quality Indicators for Data and Software Publications currently develops a quality indicator for research data and research software publications to be used within the Association.
This report summarizes the vision of the group of what all contributes to such an indicator.
The proposed approach relies on generic well-established concepts for quality criteria, such as the FAIR Principles and the COBIT Maturity Model.
It does -- on purpose -- not limit itself to technical implementation possibilities to avoid using an existing metric for a new purpose.
The intention of this paper is to share the current state for further discussion with all stakeholders, particularly with other groups also working on similar metrics but also with entities that use the metrics.


Inclusive e+e− production in collisions of pions with protons and nuclei in the second resonance region of baryons

Abou Yassine, R.; Adamczewski-Musch, J.; Arnold, O.; Kämpfer, B.; HADES Collaboration


Inclusive e+e− production has been studied with HADES in π− + p, π− + C and π−+CH2 reactions, using the GSI pion beam at sπp−−−√ = 1.49 GeV. Invariant mass and transverse momentum distributions have been measured and reveal contributions from Dalitz decays of π0, η mesons and baryon resonances. The transverse momentum distributions are very sensitive to the underlying kinematics of the various processes. The baryon contribution exhibits a deviation up to a factor seven from the QED reference expected for the dielectron decay of a hypothetical point-like baryon with the production cross section constrained from the inverse γ n→π− p reaction. The enhancement is attributed to a strong four-momentum squared dependence of the time-like electromagnetic transition form factors as suggested by Vector Meson Dominance (VMD). Two versions of the VMD, that differ in the photon-baryon coupling, have been applied in simulations and compared to data. VMD1 (or two-component VMD) assumes a coupling via the ρ meson and a direct coupling of the photon, while in VMD2 (or strict VMD) the coupling is only mediated via the ρ meson. The VMD2 model, frequently used in transport calculations for dilepton decays, is found to overestimate the measured dielectron yields, while a good description of the data can be obtained with the VMD1 model assuming no phase difference between the two amplitudes. Similar descriptions have also been obtained using a time-like baryon transition form factor model where the pion cloud plays the major role.


Dynamical interplay between superconductivity and charge density waves: A nonlinear terahertz study of coherently driven 2H−NbSe2

Feng, L.; Cao, J.; Priessnitz, T.; Dai, Y.; de Oliveira, T.; Yuan, J.; Oka, R.; Kim, M.-J.; Chen, M.; Ponomaryov, O.; Ilyakov, I.; Zhang, H.; Lv, Y.; Mazzotti, V.; Kim, G.; Christiani, G.; Logvenov, G.; Wu, D.; Huang, Y.; Deinert, J.-C.; Kovalev, S.; Kaiser, S.; Dong, T.; Wang, N.; Chu, H.


2H-NbSe2 is an archetypal system in which superconductivity and charge density wave (CDW) coexist and compete macroscopically with each other. In particular, this interplay also manifests in their dynamical fluctuations. As a result, the superconducting amplitude fluctuation (i.e., Higgs mode) is pushed below the quasiparticle continuum, allowing it to become a coherent excitation observable by Raman scattering. In the present study, we coherently drive the collective oscillations of the two orders and visualize their interplay in the time domain. We find that both collective modes contribute to terahertz third-harmonic generation (THG) and their THG signals interfere below Tc, leading to an antiresonance of the integrated THG signal. The dynamical Ginzburg-Landau model suggests that around the antiresonance a periodic energy transfer between the driven Higgs oscillations and the driven CDW oscillations is possible. Our results illustrate the roles of collective modes in the terahertz THG process, revealing a close connection of this technique to Raman scattering. In systems where the different collective modes are coupled, our experimental scheme also illustrates a paradigm for realizing coherent control via such couplings.

Keywords: Terahertz; Ultrafast; Harmonics; Third Harmonic Generation; Superconductors; Higgs spectroscopy; NbSe2

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Higher-harmonic generation in boron-doped silicon from band carriers and bound-dopant photoionization

Meng, F.; Walla, F.; Kovalev, S.; Deinert, J.-C.; Ilyakov, I.; Chen, M.; Ponomaryov, O.; Pavlov, S. G.; Hübers, H.-W.; Abrosimov, N. V.; Jungemann, C.; Roskos, H. G.; Thomson, M. D.


We investigate ultrafast harmonic generation (HG) in Si: B, driven by intense pump pulses with fields reaching∼ 100 kV cm− 1 and a carrier frequency of 300 GHz, at 4 K and 300 K, both experimentally and theoretically. We report several findings concerning the nonlinear charge carrier dynamics in intense sub-THz fields:(i) Harmonics of order up to n= 9 are observed at room temperature, while at low temperature we can resolve harmonics reaching at least n= 11. The susceptibility per charge carrier at moderate field strength is as high as for charge carriers in graphene, considered to be one of the materials with the strongest sub-THz nonlinear response.(ii) For T= 300 K, where the charge carriers bound to acceptors are fully thermally ionized into the valence subbands, the susceptibility values decrease with increasing field strength. Simulations incorporating multi-valence-band Monte Carlo and finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) propagation show that here, the HG process becomes increasingly dominated by energy-dependent scattering rates over the contribution from band nonparabolicity, due to the onset of optical-phonon emission, which ultimately leads to the saturation at high fields. (iii) At T=4K, where the majority of charges are bound to acceptors, we observe a drastic rise of the HG yields for internal pump fields of ∼30kVcm−1, as one reaches the threshold for tunnel ionization. We disentangle the HG nonlinear response into contributions associated with the initial photoionization and subsequent motion in the bands, and show that intracycle scattering seriously degrades any contribution to HG emission from coherent recollision of the holes with their parent ions.

Keywords: Terahertz; Harmonic generation; Ultrafast; Silicon

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Transition from fractal-dendritic to compact islands for the 2D-ferroelectric SnSe on graphene/Ir(111)

Aleksa, P.; Ghorbani Asl, M.; Iqbal, S.; Martuza, M. A.; Bremerich, A.; Wilks, D.; Cai, J.; Chagas, T.; Ohmann, R.; Krasheninnikov, A.; Busse, C.


Epitaxial growth is a versatile method to prepare two-dimensional van der Waals ferroelectrics like group IV monochalcogenides which have potential for novel electronic devices and sensors. We systematically study SnSe monolayer islands grown by molecular beam epitaxy, especially the effect of annealing temperature on shape and morphology of the edges. Characterization of the samples by scanning tunneling microscopy reveals that the shape of the islands changes from fractal-dendritic after deposition at room temperature to a compact rhombic shape through annealing, but ripening processes are absent up to the desorption temperature. A two-step growth process leads to large, epitaxially aligned rhombic islands bounded by well-defined ⟨110⟩-edges (armchair-like), which we claim to be the equilibrium shape of the stoichiometric SnSe monolayer islands. The relaxation of the energetically favorable edges is detected in atomically resolved STM images. The experimental findings are supported by the results of our first-principles calculations, which provide insights into the energetics of the edges, their reconstructions, and yields the equilibrium shapes of the islands which are in good agreement with the experiment.

Keywords: two-dimensional materials; ferroelectric; group IV monochalcogenides; SnSe; scanning tunneling spectroscopy; DFT


Shot-to-Shot Detection of the Carrier Envelope Phase Evolution in a THz FEL

Klopf, J. M.; Ilyakov, I.; Ponomaryov, O.; Pashkin, O.; Deinert, J.-C.; de Oliveira, T.; Evtushenko, P.; Helm, M.; Winnerl, S.; Kovalev, S.


The free-electron laser (FEL) is an ideal source of high-power coherent THz radiation for many applications. The FEL provides continuously tunable THz radiation, typically in ultrashort transform limited pulses with very high peak power. One limitation though is that the carrier envelope phase (CEP) of the FEL pulses is not fixed, making measurements of coherent THz-driven processes extremely difficult, if not impossible. We present here, a novel technique that enables shot-to-shot measurement of the CEP of every FEL pulse up to very high repetition rates. This powerful technique enables phase-resolved measurements of the FEL pulses, which opens the door for the study of coherent THz-driven phenomena as well as the advanced FEL diagnostics needed in the pursuit of CEP stable operation of an FEL.

Keywords: THz; FEL; CEP; EOS; phase-resolved; coherent; single-shot

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Contribution to proceedings
    2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 17.-22.09.2023, Montreal, Canada: IEEE
    DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10298908


movedesign: Study design of movement ecology studies

Simoes Silva, I. M.; Fleming, C. H.; Noonan, M. J.; Fagan, W. F.; Calabrese, J.


A Shiny R application that aims to assist researchers in designing animal tracking projects related to two main research questions: the estimation of home range and of speed and distance traveled. The application makes use of simulations to assess the degree of estimate precision that may be achieved with a given sampling design; that is, the choices regarding data resolution (sampling interval) and battery life (sampling duration).

Keywords: ecology; conservation; software development; experimental design; biologgers; GPS sampling; GPS tracking; simulations; home range; space use

Related publications



EMFL user operation

Scurschii, I.


es hat kein aussagefähiges Abstract vorgelegen

Involved research facilities

  • High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    ISABEL Regional Workshop, 06.-08.09.2023, Prag, Tschechische Republik


The n_TOF NEAR Station Commissioning and first physics case

Stamati, M. E.; Torres-Sanchez, P.; Perez-Maroto, P.; Junghans, A.; Wallner, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


The NEAR Station is a new experimental area developed at the n_TOF Facility at CERN. The activation station of NEAR underwent a characterization of the beam following the installation of the new n_TOF Spallation Target. The commissioning of the neutron beam comprises a set of simulations made with the FLUKA code and experimental verification. The experimental determination of the neutron spectrum was made using activation techniques with three separate set-ups. Two set-ups were based on the Multi-foil Activation technique (MAM-1 and MAM-2), and the third set-up relied on the process of neutron moderation and activation of a single material (ANTILoPE). The three set-ups are presented. Also the present plans and future perspectives of the activation station of NEAR are discussed.



Detector set up for the measurements of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 235U relative to n-p scattering up to 150 MeV at CERN-n_TOF

Pirovano, E.; Manna, A.; Colonna, N.; Junghans, A.; Wallner, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


A new measurement of the 235U(n,f) fission cross section was carried out at n_TOF. The experiment covered the neutron energy range from 10 MeV up to 500 MeV, and it used the 1H(n,n) cross section as normalization for the neutron fluence measurement. In this contribution, the measurements and the characterization of the detectors covering the incident energy range up to 150 MeV are discussed.



Characterisation of the n_TOF 20 m beam line at CERN with the new spallation target

Pavon-Rodriguez, J. A.; Alcayne, V.; Amaducci, S.; Junghans, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


The n_TOF facility hosts CERN’s pulsed neutron source, comprising two beam lines of different flight paths and one activation station. It is based on a proton beam delivered by the PS accelerator impinging on a lead spallation target. During Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) at CERN (2019-2021), a major upgrade of the spallation target was carried out in order to optimize the performances of the neutron beam. Therefore, the characteristics of n_TOF two experimental areas were investigated in detail. In this work, the focus is on the second experimental area (EAR2), located 20 m above the spallation target. Preliminary results of the neutron energy distribution and beam line energy resolution are presented, compared to previous experimental campaigns and Monte Carlo simulations with the FLUKA code. Moreover, preliminary results of the spatial beam profile measurements are shown.



Neutron capture and total cross-section measurements on 94,95,96Mo at n_TOF and GELINA

Mucciola, R.; Paradela, C.; Manna, A.; Junghans, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


Capture and total cross section measurements for 94,95,96Mo have been performed at the neutron time-of-flight facilities, n_TOF at CERN and GELINA at JRC-Geel. The measurements were performed using isotopically enriched samples with an enrichment above 95% for each of the 94,95,96Mo isotopes. The capture measurements were performed at n_TOF using C6D6 detectors and a new sTED detector. The transmission measurements were performed at a 10 m station of GELINA using a 6Li glass neutron detector. Preliminary results of these measurements are presented.



Measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section relative to the 10B(n,α) reaction with Micromegas detectors at the CERN n_TOF facility: First results

Michalopoulou, V.; Diakaki, M.; Vlastou, R.; Junghans, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


Neutron cross section measurements are often made relative to a neutron cross section standard. Thus, the accuracy of the neutron standards determines the best possible accuracy of the neutron measurements. The 235U(n,f) cross section is widely used as reference, while it is considered a standard at thermal point and between 0.15 to 200 MeV. For this reason, additional cross section data for the 235U(n,f) reaction are useful in order to improve the accuracy and to extend the energy range of the standard. In this work, preliminary results of the measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross-section relative to the standard 10B(n,a) reaction are presented. The high accuracy measurement was performed at the experimental area EAR-1 of the n_TOF facility at CERN, aiming at covering the energy range from the thermal region up to approximately 100 keV. The samples were produced at JRC-Geel in Belgium, while the experimental setup was based on Micromegas detectors.



Carbon and water footprints of Battery-grade Lithium carbonate produced from brine and spodumene: A Study Focused on process simulation-based life cycle inventories

Mas-Fons, A.; Horta Arduin, R.; Loubet, P.; Pereira, T.; Parvez, A. M.; Sonnemann, G.


The increasing lithium demand driven by e-mobility transforms lower-grade deposits into economically viable reserves. This article combines process simulation (HSC Sim) and life cycle assessment (LCA) tools to develop parametric life cycle inventories (LCIs), taking into account variations in the ore grade of lithium deposits. Brine and hard rock deposits were examined considering three ore grades for each type. The environmental impacts related to global warming (GW), water consumption, and water scarcity footprint (WSF), were assessed. Depending on the ore grades, GW results ranges from 4,96 to 25,04 for brine and from 17,11 to 22,33 kgCO2eq/kgLi2CO3 for spodumene. Two ways to assess water impacts within brines were presented, with high-grade deposits accounting for 0,17 or 0,32 m3/kgLi2CO3 depending on the approach. This work offers insights of process simulation to enhance existing LCA studies in the raw materials industry and further develop LCI datasets considering variations on deposit’s ore grades.

Keywords: Lithium-ion Batteries; Brine; Hard rocks; Life Cycle Inventory


  • Secondary publication expected from 13.04.2025


An LSC approach for tritium determination in gaseous mixtures optimized with respect to handling, reaction parameters and miniaturization towards microfluidic analysis

Becker, A.; Lippold, H.; Bäcker, J. P.; Belder, D.; Fischer, C.


The handling and analysis of gaseous tritium is of interest for hydrogen isotope separation experiments. In this work, we present an easy-to-handle setup for catalytic oxidation to HTO, recovering all of the initially dosed gaseous tritium as determined by LSC, using CuO as a catalyst at a reaction temperature of 900°C. Aiming to reduce cocktail waste, the LSC determination was downscaled to a microfluidic setup. The performance was evaluated based on the counting efficiency, which was shown to decrease significantly, as the sample volume was reduced to μl amounts, while no changes were observed over a wide range of sample-to-cocktail ratios.

Keywords: tritium; hydrogen isotopes; microfluidics; gas analysis; liquid scintillation counting

Related publications


  • Secondary publication expected from 13.02.2025


Measurement of the 160Gd(n, γ) cross section at n_TOF and its medical implications

Mastromarco, M.; Manna, A.; Garcia-Infantes, F.; Junghans, A.; Wallner, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


Neutron-capture reactions on gadolinium isotopes play an important role in several fields of physics,in particular in nuclear Astrophysics for the understanding of the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements (beyond iron) in stars via the s- and r-processes [1] and in nuclear technology. Another important application of gadolinium is linked to the production of terbium, that offers a set of clinically interesting isotopes for theranostics, characterized by complementary physical decay characteristics. In particular, the low-energy β −emitter terbium-161 is very similar to lutetium-177 in terms of half-life (6.89 d), β − energy and chemical properties. Being a significant emitter of conversion/Auger electrons, greater therapeutic effect can therefore be expected in comparison to Lu-177 [2, 3]. For this reason, in the last decade, the study of the neutron capture reaction 160Gd(n,γ)161 Gd and the subsequent β − decay in terbium-161 is getting particular attention. As the nuclear data on the Gd-160 neutron capture reaction are quite scarce and inconsistent, a new measurement of the capture cross section of Gd-160 at the CERN neutron Time-Of-Flight facilty was performed in order to provide high resolution, high-accuracy data on this important reaction, in the energy range from thermal to hundreds of keV. In this contribution, the preliminary results of the n_TOF measurement are presented.



Neutron-induced cross section measurements

Massimi, C.; Aberle, O.; Alcayne, V.; Junghans, A.; Urlaß, S.; Wallner, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


Neutron-induced cross sections represent the main nuclear input to models of stellar and Big-Bang nucleosynthesis. While (n,γ) reactions are relevant for the formation of elements heavier than iron, (n,p) and (n,α) reactions can play an important role in specific cases. The time-of-flight method is routinely used at n_TOF to experimentally determine the cross section data. In addition, recent upgrades of the facility will allow the use of activation techniques as well, possibly opening the way to a systematic study of neutron interaction with radioactive isotopes. In the last 20 years n_TOF has provided a large amount of experimental data for Nuclear Astrophysics. Our plan is to carry on challenging measurements and produce nuclear data in the next decades as well.



Characterization of a detector setup for the measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section relative to n-p scattering up to 500 MeV at the n_TOF facility at CERN

Manna, A.; Pirovano, E.; Colonna, N.; Junghans, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


The measurement of the 235U(n,f) reaction cross section in the neutron energy region 10 MeV to 500 MeV was carried out at the CERN n_TOF facility. The experimental campaign, completed in 2018, provided precise and accurate data on the fission reaction relative to neutron-proton elastic scattering. A description and characterization of the used setup for the simultaneous measurement of fission fragments and neutron flux is reported here.



New detection systems for an enhanced sensitivity in key stellar (n,γ) measurements

Lerendegui-Marco, J.; Babiano-Suarez, V.; Balibrea-Correa, J.; Junghans, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


Neutron capture cross-section measurements are fundamental in the study of astrophysical phenomena, such as the slow neutron capture (s-) process of nucleosynthesis operating in red-giant and massive stars. However, neutron capture measurements via the time-of-flight (TOF) technique on key s-process nuclei are often challenging. Difficulties arise from the limited mass (∼mg) available and the high sample-related background in the case of the unstable s-process branching points. Measurements on neutron magic nuclei, that act as s-process bottlenecks, are affected by low (n,γ) cross sections and a dominant neutron scattering background. Overcoming these experimental challenges requires the combination of facilities with high instantaneous flux, such as n_TOFEAR2, with detection systems with an enhanced detection sensitivity and high counting rate capabilities. This contribution reviews some of the latest detector developments in detection systems for (n,γ) measurements at n_TOF, such as i-TED, an innovative detection system which exploits the Compton imaging technique to reduce the dominant neutron scattering background and s-TED, a highly segmented total energy detector intended for high flux facilities. The discussion will be illustrated with results of the first measurement of key the s-process branching-point reaction 79Se(n,γ).



New perspectives for neutron capture measurements in the upgraded CERN-n_TOF Facility

Lerendegui-Marco, J.; Casanovas, A.; Alcayne, V.; Junghans, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


The n_TOF facility has just undergone in 2021 a major upgrade with the installation of its third generation spallation target that has been designed to optimize the performance of the two n_TOF time-of-flight lines. This contribution describes the key features and limitations for capture measurements in the two beam lines prior to the target upgrade and presents first results of (n,γ) measurements carried out as part of the commissioning of the upgraded facility. In particular, the energy resolution, a key factor for both increasing the signal-to-background ratio and obtaining accurate resonance parameters, has been clearly improved for the 20 m long vertical beam-line with the new target design while keeping the remarkably high resolution of the long beamline n_TOF-EAR1. The improvements in the n_TOF neutron beam-lines need to be accompanied by improvements in the instrumentation. A review is given on recent detector R&D projects aimed at tackling the existing challenges and further improving the capabilities of this facility.



Resonance region evaluation of 16O for criticality safety and reactor applications

Leal, L.; Leclaire, N.; Plompen, A.; Urlass, S.; Junghans, A.


The intent of this paper is to present the resolved resonance evaluation of 16O in the energy range from thermal to 6 MeV. The newness of the present work is that recent cross-section data for the 16O(n,α) 13C reaction taken at the GELINA time-of-flight facility and transmission data obtained at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR ) were included in the evaluation. The evaluation was carried out with the SAMMY code. The evaluation was used to calculate critical benchmark experiment sensitive to the 16O cross sections.

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First high resolution measurement of neutron capture resonances in 176Yb at the n_TOF CERN facility

Garcia-Infantes, F.; Praena, J.; Casanovas, A.; Junghans, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


Several international agencies recommend the study of new routes and new facilities for producing radioisotopes with application to nuclear medicine. 177Lu is a versatile radioisotope used for therapy and diagnosis (theranostics) of cancer with good success in neuroendocrine tumours that is being studied to be applied to a wider range of tumours. 177Lu is produced in few nuclear reactors mainly by the neutron capture on 176Lu. However, it could be produced at high-intensity celeratorbased neutron facilities. The energy of the neutrons in accelerator-based neutron facilities is higher than in thermal reactors.Thus, experimental data on the 176Yb(n,γ) cross-section in the eV and keV region are mandatory to calculate accurately the production of 177Yb, which beta decays to 177Lu. At present, there are not experimental data available from thermal to 3 keV of the 176Yb(n,γ) cross-section. In addition, there is no data in the resolved resonance region (RRR). This contribution shows the first results of the 176Yb capture measurement performed at the n_TOF facility at CERN.



Backreaction in cosmic screening approach’

Eingorn, M.; O’Briant, B.; Diouf, A.; Zhuk, O.


We investigate the backreaction of nonlinear perturbations on the global evolution of the Universe within the cosmic screening approach. To this end, we have considered the second-order scalar perturbations. An analytical study of these perturbations followed by a numerical evaluation shows that, first, the corresponding average values have a negligible backreaction effect on the Friedmann equations and, second, the second-order correction to the gravitational potential is much less than the first-order quantity. Consequently, the expansion of perturbations into orders of smallness in the cosmic screening approach is correct.

Keywords: Inhomogeneous UniverseCosmological perturbationsBackreactionCosmic screening


Clinical translation of Prompt-Gamma-Imaging for treatment verification in online-adaptive proton therapy: Overview of achievements and outlook

Berthold, J.; Bertschi, S.; Pietsch, J.; Hölscher, T.; Stützer, K.; Janssens, G.; Smeets, J.; Richter, C.


Background and aims
Daily Prompt-Gamma-Imaging (PGI) provides benefits for treatment verification (TV) in proton therapy by enabling the detection of anatomical changes during treatment and allowing a potential margin reduction. An additional benefit of PGI-TV emerges in the context of online-adaptive proton therapy (OAPT). There, PGI-TV could not only detect intra-fractional anatomical changes, but also act as a safety net for the adapted treatment within the OAPT feedback loop. Subsequently, we outline translational achievements and next steps towards PGI-TV in OAPT.

As depicted in Figure 1, (I) we acquired clinical data with a PGI-slit-camera prototype for different tumor locations. For every PGI-monitored fraction, in-room control CT (cCT) with dual-energy scans in treatment position were available. Subsets of these data have already been used to retrospectively evaluate (II-A) the capability of PGI to detect anatomical changes and (II-B) the potential of PGI TV to reduce range uncertainty margins. (III) Furthermore, we are developing a fully automated online PGI evaluation. For OAPT, this requires processing cone-beam CT (CBCT) scans as input for calculating the PGI reference, which is tested in a first simulation study using different phantom and patient datasets. (IV) Finally, we are preparing an interventional PGI trial for prostate-cancer proton therapy.

According to Figure 2, (II-A) PGI classification models for detecting anatomical changes showed an accuracy of 77% for measured PGI data (prostate) and 93% for realistic PGI simulations (H&N). (II-B) With PGI-TV, combined with DirectSPR-based range prediction, the range uncertainty margin can be reduced from 7mm to 3mm in prostate-cancer treatments. (III) We have reduced the PGI processing time by ~64% and demonstrated in phantoms that the PGI reference simulation can be calculated from CBCTs without relevant limitations. (IV) In our funding-approved interventional trial with daily PGI monitoring and reduced range uncertainty (cf. III), PGI will trigger cCT (with an intended false-positive trigger rate <20%) directly after treatment with adaptions applied on the next treatment day
Clear progress towards an interventional application of PGI-TV has been made. Its application in OAPT workflows seems particularly beneficial and promising. The first prospective application within an interventional trial is in preparation.

Involved research facilities

  • OncoRay
  • Open Access Logo Poster
    PTCOG 62, 10.-15.06.2024, Singapur, Singapur



Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Photocatalytic H2 activity of 0D, 1D, and 2D CdS Nanostructures

Varma, P.; Sudheer, A. E.; Devaraj, M.; Posselt, M.; Reddy, D. A.


In recent years, we have witnessed a great deal of interest in semiconductor-based photocatalysts due to their potential to address major energy-related problems. Among these, Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) has turned into a well-known choice because of its exceptional photocatalytic properties and cost effectiveness. This work provides a comparison of the photocatalytic activity of CdS in 0D (microspheres), 1D (nanorods), and 2D (nanosheets) structure. Among the three, CdS nanorods exhibited high photocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance of about 2.5 mmol. g-1.h-1. which is nearly 2 and 1.3 times higher compared to 0D and 2D structure respectively. Also, the obtained band edge of each nanostructures lies around 520 to 550 nm emphasize their broad visible light absorption. Furthermore, the electronic structure and band alignment studies using density functional theory (DFT) found to be well in accordance with the experimental outcomes via proving 1D CdS hexagonal is more favourable for water redox reactions compared to cubic (0D) CdS nanostructures.

Keywords: low-dimensional nanostructures; CdS; photocatalysis

  • Poster
    DAE Solid State Physics Symposium (DAE-SSPS 2023), 20.-24.12.2023, Visakhapatnam, India


A First Principles Study of 2D-2D CdS/MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructure

Tejaswini, G.; Sudheer, A. E.; Maniprakash, S.; Devaraj, M.; Posselt, M.


Recently 2D heterostructures have attracted much attention in the field of photocatalytic water splitting. Here, we demonstrate 2D-2D van der Waals heterostructure CdS/MoS2 with improved efficiency for the water splitting hydrogen production. We designed and explored the structural properties of CdS and MoS2 monolayers and observed similar hexagonal atomic arrangement for both monolayers. By constructing the heterostructure, we aim to introduce interfacial dipoles inside the material, which will separate the charge carriers efficiently. For the analysis of electronic properties, band structure and density of states calculations were performed for the CdS/MoS2 heterostructure and compared with those of isolated CdS and MoS2 monolayers. The band gap of the heterostructure is indirect and obtained to be 1.19 eV. This Reduced band gap of the heterostructure indicates good visible light absorption, which is favorable for photocatalysis.

Keywords: 2D materials; CdS/MoS2 heterostructure; First-principles study

  • Poster
    DAE Solid State Physics Symposium (DAE-SSPS 2023), 20.-24.12.2023, Visakhapatnam, India


DFT Investigation on the Water Reduction Capacity of 001 Slab model of CdX (X= S, Se, Te) Structures

Sudheer, A. E.; Tejaswini, G.; Reddy, D. A.; Devaraj, M.; Posselt, M.


Theoretical investigation were carried out on the water reduction capacity of slab models of Wurtzite CdS, CdSe and CdTe compounds, which is constructed in the 001 direction. For the systematic study, we are intertwining the relation between energetics of redox reactions and water reduction capacity of materials with the help of Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. We found polarization along the c axis of every CdX (X= S, Se, Te) unitcell structures due to the unsymmetrical tetrahedral structure, which leads to charge separation and better photocatalytic activity. Understanding this unique property of this wurtzite CdX structures, we constructed slab models along 001 direction and performed free energy analysis. Our findings reveal the inhibition of Cd-terminated surface for the water reduction reaction whereas all the chalcogenide surfaces provide highly favorable water reduction environment. Further, we also noticed the exciting water reduction capacity of S- terminated surface of CdS structures with a negative energy barrier of -1.28 eV, which is very less compared to all other chalcogenide surfaces

Keywords: slab structure; CdX; DFT calculations

  • Poster
    DAE Solid State Physics Symposium (DAE-SSPS 2023), 20.-24.12.2023, Visakhapatnam, India


Overview of the dissemination of n_TOF experimental data and resonance parameters

Dupont, E.; Otuka, N.; Rochman, D.; Beyer, R.; The n_TOF collaboration


The n_TOF neutron time-of-flight facility at CERN is used for nuclear data measurements. The n_TOF Collaboration works closely with the Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC) network to disseminate the experimental data through the international EXFOR library. In addition, the Collaboration helps integrate the results in the evaluated library projects. The present contribution describes the dissemination status of n_TOF results, their impact on evaluated libraries and ongoing efforts to provide n_TOF resonance parameters in ENDF-6 format for further use by evaluation projects.



The neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN Recent facility upgrades and detector developments

Domingo-Pardo, C.; Aberle, O.; Alcayne, V.; Junghans, A.; The n_TOF Collaboration


Based on an idea by Carlo Rubbia, the n_TOF facility at CERN has been operating for over 20 years. It is a neutron spallation source, driven by the 20 GeV/c proton beam from the CERN PS accelerator. Neutrons in a very wide energy range (from GeV, down to sub-eV kinetic energy) are generated by a massive Lead spallation target feeding two experimental areas. EAR1, horizonal with respect to the proton beam direction is set at 185 meters from the spallation target. EAR2, on the vertical line from the spallation source, is placed at 20 m. Neutron energies for experiments are selected by the time-of-flight technique (hence the name n_TOF), while the long flight paths ensure a very good energy resolution. Over one hundred experiments have been performed by the n_TOF Collaboration at CERN, with applications ranging from nuclear astrophysics (synthesis of the heavy elements in stars, big bang nucleosynthesis, nuclear cosmo-chronology), to advanced nuclear technologies (nuclear data for applications, nuclear safety), as well as for basic nuclear science (reaction mechanisms, structure and decay of highly excited compound states). During the planned shutdown of the CERN accelerator complex between 2019 and 2021, the facility went through a substantial upgrade with a new target-moderator assembly, refurbishing of the neutron beam lines and experimental areas. An additional measuring and irradiation station (the NEAR Station) has been envisaged and its capabilities for performing material test studies and new physics opportunities are presently explored. An overview of the facility and of the activities performed at CERN is presented in this contribution, with a particular emphasis on the most relevant experiments for nuclear astrophysics.



Compton imaging for enhanced sensitivity (n,γ) cross section TOF experiments: Status and prospects

Domingo-Pardo, C.; Babiano-Suarez, V.; Balibrea-Correa, J.; Junghans, A.; The n_TOF collaboration


Radiative neutron-capture cross sections are of pivotal importance in many fields such as nucle-osynthesis studies or innovative reactor technologies. A large number of isotopes have been measured with high accuracy, but there are still a large number of relevant isotopes whose cross sections could not be experimentally determined yet, at least with sufficient accuracy and completeness, owing to limitations in detection techniques, sample production methods or in the facilities themselves.

In the context of the HYMNS (High-sensitivitY Measurements of key stellar Nucleo-Synthesis reactions) project over the last six years we have developed a novel detection technique aimed at background suppression in radiative neutron-capture time-of-flight measurements. This new technique utilizes a complex detection set-up based on position-sensitive radiation-detectors deployed in a Compton-camera array configuration. The latter enables to implement gamma-ray imaging techniques, which help to disentangle true capture events arising from the sample under study and contaminant background events from the surroundings. A summary on the main developments is given in this contribution together with an update on recent experiments at CERN n_TOF and an outlook on future steps.



Bell test of quantum entanglement in attosecond photoionization

Ruberti, M.; Averbukh, V.; Mintert, F.


Attosecond physics enables the study of ultrafast coherent electron dynamics in matter upon photoexcitation and photoionization, revealing spectacular effects such as hole migration and coherent Auger dynamics in molecules. In the photoionization scenario, there has been a strong focus on probing the physical manifestations of the internal quantum coherence within the individual parent ion and photoelectron systems. However, quantum correlations between these two subsystems emerging from the attosecond photoionization event have thus far remained much more elusive. In this work, we design theoretically and model numerically a direct probe of quantum entanglement in attosecond photoionization in the form of a Bell test. We simulate from first principles a Bell test protocol for the case of noble gas atoms photoionized by ultrashort, circularly polarized infrared laser pulses in the strong-field regime predicting robust violation of the Bell inequality. This theoretical result paves the way to the direct observation of entanglement in the context of ultrafast photoionization of many-electron systems. Our work provides a different perspective on attosecond physics directed towards the detection of quantum correlations between systems born during attosecond photoionization and unravelling the signatures of entanglement in the ultrafast coherent molecular dynamics, including in the chemical decomposition pathways of molecular ions.



Momentum spectrum of nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production in space-time fields

Degli Esposti, G.; Torgrimsson, G.


We show how to use a worldline-instanton formalism to calculate, to leading order in the weak-field expansion, the momentum spectrum of nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production in fields that depend on time and one spatial coordinate. We find a nontrivial dependence on the width, $\lambda$, of the photon wave packet, and the existence of a critical point $\lambda_c$. For $\lambda<\lambda_c$ and a field with one peak, the spectrum has one peak where the electron and positron have the same energy. For $\lambda>\lambda_c$ this splits into two peaks. We calculate a high-energy ($\Omega\gg1$) expansion, which to leading order agrees with the results obtained by replacing the space-time field with a plane wave and using the well-known Volkov solutions. We also calculate an expansion for $\Omega\sim a_0\gg1$, where the field is strong enough to significantly bend the trajectories of the fermions despite $\Omega\gg1$.


Efficient prediction of attosecond two-colour pulses from an X-ray free-electron laser with machine learning

Alaa El-Din, K. K.; Alexander, O. G.; Frasinski, L. J.; Mintert, F.; Guo, Z.; Duris, J.; Zhang, Z.; Cesar, D. B.; Franz, P.; Driver, T.; Walter, P.; Cryan, J. P.; Marinelli, A.; Marangos, J. P.; Mukherjee, R.


X-ray free-electron lasers are sources of coherent, high-intensity X-rays with numerous applications in ultra-fast measurements and dynamic structural imaging. Due to the stochastic nature of the self-amplified spontaneous emission process and the difficulty in controlling injection of electrons, output pulses exhibit significant noise and limited temporal coherence. Standard measurement techniques used for characterizing two-coloured X-ray pulses are challenging, as they are either invasive or diagnostically expensive. In this work, we employ machine learning methods such as neural networks and decision trees to predict the central photon energies of pairs of attosecond fundamental and second harmonic pulses using parameters that are easily recorded at the high-repetition rate of a single shot. Using real experimental data, we apply a detailed feature analysis on the input parameters while optimizing the training time of the machine learning methods. Our predictive models are able to make predictions of central photon energy for one of the pulses without measuring the other pulse, thereby leveraging the use of the spectrometer without having to extend its detection window. We anticipate applications in X-ray spectroscopy using XFELs, such as in time-resolved X-ray absorption and photoemission spectroscopy, where improved measurement of input spectra will lead to better experimental outcomes.



Photon-photon correlation of condensed light in a microcavity

Tang, Y.; Shekhar Dhar, H.; Oulton, R. F.; Nyman, R. A.; Mintert, F.


The study of temporal coherence in a Bose-Einstein condensate of photons can be challenging, especially in the presence of correlations between the photonic modes. In this work, we use a microscopic, multimode model of photonic condensation inside a dye-filled microcavity and the quantum regression theorem, to derive an analytical expression for the equation of motion of the photon-photon correlation function. This allows us to derive the coherence time of the photonic modes and identify a nonmonotonic dependence of the temporal coherence of the condensed light with the cutoff frequency of the microcavity.



First measurement of the 94Nb(n,γ) cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility

Balibrea-Correa, J.; Babiano-Suarez, V.; Lerendegui-Marco, J.; Junghans, A.; the n_TOF Collaboration


One of the crucial ingredients for the improvement of stellar models is the accurate knowledge of neutron capture cross-sections for the different isotopes involved in the s-,r- and i- processes. These measurements can shed light on existing discrepancies between observed and predicted isotopic abundances and help to constrain the physical conditions where these reactions take place along different stages of stellar evolution.

In the particular case of the radioactive 94Nb, the 94Nb(n,γ) cross-section could play a role in the determination of the s-process production of 94Mo in AGB stars, which presently cannot be reproduced by state-of-the-art stellar models. There are no previous 94Nb(n,γ) experimental data for the resolved and unresolved resonance regions mainly due to the difficulties in producing highquality samples and also due to limitations in conventional detection systems commonly used in time-of-flight experiments.

Motivated by this situation, a first measurement of the 94Nb(n,γ) reaction was carried out at CERN n_TOF, thereby exploiting the high luminosity of the EAR2 area in combination with a new detection system of small-volume C6D6-detectors and a high quality 94Nb-sample. The latter was based on hyper-pure 93Nb material activated at the high-flux reactor of ILL-Grenoble. An innovative ring-configuration detection system in close geometry around the capture sample allowed us to significantly enhance the signal-to-background ratio. This set-up was supplemented with two conventional C6D6-detectors and a highresolution LaCl3(Ce)-detector, which will be employed for addressing reliably systematic effects and uncertainties.

At the current status of the data analysis, 18 resonance in 94Nb+n have been observed for the first time in the neutron energy range from thermal up to 10 keV.



The Training Catalogue for Photon and Neutron Data Services in DAPHNE

Knodel, O.; Pape, D.


Education is becoming an increasingly important topic to help scientists work on photon and neutron sources. Other relevant areas such as advanced quantum technologies will also play a key role in the future.

One of the goals of ExPaNDS (European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Photon and Neutron Data Service) is to train research scientists in order to better understand the issues, methods and available computational RI infrastructures to address critical research questions.

Our training catalogue, provids a one-stop shop for trainers and trainees to discover online information and content, including training materials, events and interactive tutorials. The catalogue provides opportunities to promote training events and news, and to contribute to a growing catalogue of materials; for trainers, the portal offers an environment for sharing materials and event information; for trainees, it offers a convenient gateway via which to identify relevant training events and resources, and to perform specific, guided analysis tasks via customised training workflows to provide FAIR research.

Keywords: Training catalogue; PaN Training; ExPaNDS; DAPHNE4NFDI


Years: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Pages: [1.] [2.] [3.] [4.] [5.] [6.] [7.] [8.] [9.] [10.] [11.] [12.] [13.] [14.] [15.] [16.] [17.] [18.] [19.] [20.] [21.] [22.] [23.] [24.] [25.] [26.] [27.] [28.] [29.] [30.] [31.] [32.] [33.] [34.] [35.] [36.] [37.] [38.] [39.] [40.] [41.] [42.] [43.] [44.] [45.] [46.] [47.] [48.] [49.] [50.] [51.] [52.] [53.] [54.] [55.] [56.] [57.] [58.] [59.] [60.] [61.] [62.] [63.] [64.] [65.] [66.] [67.] [68.] [69.] [70.] [71.] [72.] [73.] [74.] [75.] [76.] [77.] [78.] [79.] [80.] [81.] [82.] [83.] [84.] [85.] [86.] [87.] [88.] [89.] [90.] [91.] [92.] [93.] [94.] [95.] [96.] [97.] [98.] [99.] [100.] [101.] [102.] [103.] [104.] [105.] [106.] [107.] [108.] [109.] [110.] [111.] [112.] [113.] [114.] [115.] [116.] [117.] [118.] [119.] [120.] [121.] [122.] [123.] [124.] [125.] [126.] [127.] [128.] [129.] [130.] [131.] [132.] [133.] [134.] [135.] [136.] [137.] [138.] [139.] [140.] [141.] [142.] [143.] [144.] [145.] [146.] [147.] [148.] [149.] [150.] [151.] [152.] [153.] [154.] [155.] [156.] [157.] [158.] [159.] [160.] [161.] [162.] [163.] [164.] [165.] [166.] [167.] [168.] [169.] [170.] [171.] [172.] [173.] [174.] [175.] [176.] [177.] [178.] [179.] [180.] [181.] [182.] [183.] [184.] [185.] [186.] [187.] [188.] [189.] [190.] [191.] [192.] [193.] [194.] [195.] [196.] [197.] [198.] [199.] [200.] [201.] [202.] [203.] [204.] [205.] [206.] [207.] [208.] [209.] [210.] [211.] [212.] [213.] [214.] [215.] [216.] [217.] [218.] [219.] [220.] [221.] [222.] [223.] [224.] [225.] [226.] [227.] [228.] [229.] [230.] [231.] [232.] [233.] [234.] [235.] [236.] [237.] [238.] [239.] [240.] [241.] [242.] [243.] [244.] [245.] [246.] [247.] [248.] [249.] [250.] [251.] [252.] [253.] [254.] [255.] [256.] [257.] [258.] [259.] [260.] [261.] [262.] [263.] [264.] [265.] [266.] [267.] [268.] [269.] [270.] [271.] [272.] [273.] [274.] [275.] [276.] [277.] [278.] [279.] [280.] [281.] [282.] [283.] [284.] [285.] [286.] [287.] [288.] [289.] [290.] [291.] [292.] [293.] [294.] [295.] [296.] [297.] [298.] [299.] [300.] [301.] [302.] [303.] [304.] [305.] [306.] [307.] [308.] [309.] [310.] [311.] [312.] [313.] [314.] [315.] [316.] [317.] [318.] [319.] [320.] [321.] [322.] [323.] [324.] [325.] [326.] [327.] [328.] [329.] [330.] [331.] [332.] [333.] [334.] [335.] [336.] [337.] [338.] [339.] [340.] [341.] [342.] [343.] [344.] [345.] [346.] [347.] [348.] [349.] [350.] [351.] [352.] [353.] [354.] [355.]