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42029 Publications

Accelerating Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory with Neural Networks

Cangi, A.


Artificial intelligence (AI) has great potential for accelerating electronic structure calculations to hitherto unattainable scales [1]. I will present our recent efforts on accomplishing speeding up Kohn-Sham density functional theory calculations at finite temperatures with deep neural networks in terms of our Materials Learning Algorithms framework [2,3] by illustrating results for metals across their melting point. Furthermore, our results towards automated machine learning save orders of magnitude in computational efforts for finding suitable neural networks and set the stage for large-scale AI-driven investigations [4]. Finally, I will conclude with a preview of our most recent result that enables neural-network-driven electronic structure calculations for systems containing more than 100,000 atoms.

[1] L. Fiedler, K. Shah, M. Bussmann, A. Cangi, Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 040301, (2022).
[2] A. Cangi, J. A. Ellis, L. Fiedler, D. Kotik, N. A. Modine, V. Oles, G. A. Popoola, S. Rajamanickam, S. Schmerler, J. A. Stephens, A. P. Thompson, MALA, (2021).
[3] J. A. Ellis, L. Fiedler, G. A. Popoola, N. A. Modine, J. A. Stephens, A. P. Thompson, A. Cangi, Phys. Rev. B 104, 035120 (2021).
[4] o L. Fiedler, N. Hoffmann, P. Mohammed, G. A. Popoola, T. Yovell, V. Oles, J. A. Ellis, S. Rajamanickam, A. Cangi, Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. 3 045008 (2022).

Keywords: Materials science; Electronic structure theory; Density functional theory; Machine learning; Neural networks

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Multiscale Modeling of Matter under Extreme Conditions, 11.-16.09.2022, Görlitz, Germany
  • Invited lecture (Conferences) (Online presentation)
    NHR-Atomistic Simulation Symposium 2022, 28.-29.11.2022, Online, Deutschland



Accelerating Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory at Finite Temperature with Deep Neural Networks

Cangi, A.


Artificial intelligence (AI) has great potential for accelerating electronic structure calculations to hitherto unattainable scales [1]. I will present our recent efforts on accomplishing speeding up Kohn-Sham density functional theory calculations at finite temperature with deep neural networks in terms of our Materials Learning Algorithms framework [2,3] by illustrating results for metals across their melting point. Furthermore, our results towards automated machine-learning save orders of magnitude in computational efforts for finding suitable neural networks and set the stage for large-scale AI-driven investigations [4]. Finally, I will conclude with a preview on our most recent result that enables neural-network-driven electronic structure calculations for systems containing more than 100,000 atoms.

[1] L. Fiedler, K. Shah, M. Bussmann, and A. Cangi, Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 040301, (2022).
[2] A. Cangi et al., MALA, (2021).
[3] J. A. Ellis, L. Fiedler, G. A. Popoola, N. A. Modine, J. A. Stephens, A. P. Thompson, A. Cangi, and S. Rajamanickam, Phys. Rev. B 104, 035120 (2021).
[4] o L. Fiedler, N. Hoffmann, P. Mohammed, G. A. Popoola, T. Yovell, V. Oles, J. A. Ellis, S. Rajamanickam, A. Cangi, Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. 3 045008 (2022). (2022).

Keywords: Electronic structure theory; Density functional theory; Machine learning; Neural networks; Hyperparameter optimization

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Psi-k Conference 2022, 22.-25.08.2022, Lausanne, Switzerland


Data-Driven and Physics-Informed Modeling of Matter under Extreme Conditions

Cangi, A.


The successful characterization of high energy density (HED) phenomena in laboratories using photon sources or pulsed power facilities is possible only with numerical modeling for design, diagnostic development, and data interpretation. The persistence of electron correlation is one of the greatest challenges for accurate numerical modeling and has hitherto impeded our ability to model HED phenomena across multiple length and time scales at sufficient accuracy. Standard methods from electronic structure theory capture electron correlation at high accuracy, but are limited to small scales due to their high computational cost.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for analyzing complex datasets. It has the potential to accelerate electronic structure calculations to hitherto unattainable scales [1].
In this talk, I will present our recent efforts on devising a data-driven and physics-informed machine-learning workflow to tackle this challenge. Based on first-principles data we generate machine-learning surrogate models that replace traditional density functional theory calculations. Our Materials Learning Algorithms framework [2] predicts the electronic structure and related properties of matter under extreme conditions highly efficiently while maintaining the accuracy of traditional methods [3]. Our most recent results towards automated machine-learning save orders of magnitude in computational efforts for finding suitable neural network models and set the stage for large-scale investigations based on AI-driven methods [4].


[1] L. Fiedler, K. Shah, M. Bussmann, A. Cangi, A Deep Dive into Machine Learning Density Functional Theory for Materials Science and Chemistry, Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 040301, (2022).
[2] A. Cangi, J. A. Ellis, L. Fiedler, D. Kotik, N. A. Modine, V. Oles, G. A. Popoola, S. Rajamanickam, S. Schmerler, J. A. Stephens, A. P. Thompson, MALA (Version 0.2.0), (2021).
[3] J. A. Ellis, L. Fiedler, G. A. Popoola, N. A. Modine, J. A. Stephens, A. P. Thompson, A. Cangi, S. Rajamanickam, Phys. Rev. B 104, 035120 (2021).
[4] L. Fiedler, N. Hoffmann, P. Mohammed, G. A. Popoola, T. Yovell, V. Oles, J. A. Ellis, S. Rajamanickam, A. Cangi, arXiv:2202.09186 (2022).

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Helmholtz AI Conference 2022, 02.-03.06.2022, Dresden, Germany
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    UWr – CASUS – HZDR International Conference on Advanced Systems Research, 11.-15.07.2022, Wroclaw, Poland
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems 2022, 24.-29.07.2022, Görlitz, Germany


Machine-Learning Surrogate Models for Predicting Electronic Structures

Cangi, A.


The successful characterization of high energy density (HED) phenomena in laboratories using photon sources or pulsed power facilities is possible only with numerical modeling for design, diagnostic development, and data interpretation. The persistence of electron correlation is one of the greatest challenges for accurate numerical modeling and has hitherto impeded our ability to model HED phenomena across multiple length and time scales at sufficient accuracy. Standard methods from electronic structure theory capture electron correlation at high accuracy, but are limited to small scales due to their high computational cost.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for analyzing complex datasets. It has the potential to accelerate electronic structure calculations to hitherto unattainable scales [1].
In this talk, I will present our recent efforts on devising a data-driven and physics-informed machine-learning workflow to tackle this challenge. Based on first-principles data we generate machine-learning surrogate models that replace traditional density functional theory calculations. Our Materials Learning Algorithms framework [2] predicts the electronic structure and related properties of matter under extreme conditions highly efficiently while maintaining the accuracy of traditional methods [3]. Our most recent results towards automated machine-learning save orders of magnitude in computational efforts for finding suitable neural network models and set the stage for large-scale investigations based on AI-driven methods [4].


[1] L. Fiedler, K. Shah, M. Bussmann, A. Cangi, A Deep Dive into Machine Learning Density Functional Theory for Materials Science and Chemistry, Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 040301, (2022).
[2] A. Cangi, J. A. Ellis, L. Fiedler, D. Kotik, N. A. Modine, V. Oles, G. A. Popoola, S. Rajamanickam, S. Schmerler, J. A. Stephens, A. P. Thompson, MALA (Version 0.2.0), (2021).
[3] J. A. Ellis, L. Fiedler, G. A. Popoola, N. A. Modine, J. A. Stephens, A. P. Thompson, A. Cangi, S. Rajamanickam, Phys. Rev. B 104, 035120 (2021).
[4] L. Fiedler, N. Hoffmann, P. Mohammed, G. A. Popoola, T. Yovell, V. Oles, J. A. Ellis, S. Rajamanickam, A. Cangi, arXiv:2202.09186 (2022).

Keywords: Quantum mechanics; Electronic structure theory; Density functional theory; Machine learning; Neural networks

  • Poster
    Advancing Quantum Mechanics with Mathematics and Statistics, Workshop IV: Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Approaches in Quantum Mechanics, 23.-27.05.2022, University of California, Los Angeles, United States
  • Lecture (others)
    Invitation to the Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, 19.05.2022, Irvine, CA, United States


KLOE data and prospects with 1.7 fb −1 for a_\mu^HLO

Müller, S.


Invited Presentation at "Workshop on Muon Precision Physics" in Liverpool

Keywords: a_mu; g-2; muon; KLOE

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Workshop on Muon Precision Physics, 07.-10.11.2022, Liverpool, Great Britain


Effect of medium on fundamental interaction

Zhuk, O.


We show that the gravitational field undergoes exponential cutoff at large cosmological scales due to the presence of background matter. This reflects the nonlinear nature of the gravitational interaction. This effect is illustrated by the example of different types of background matter, which confirms its universality. We also demonstrate that there is a close mathematical analogy between this effect and the behavior of the magnetic field induced by a solenoid placed in a superconductor.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences) (Online presentation)
    2022 International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application, 25.10.2022, Changchun City, China


A fascinating story of the discovery of a non-stationary Universe: from a great "blunder" to experimental confirmation

Zhuk, O.


Today it is well known that our universe is expanding. However, even 100 years ago, the notion of a static universe was considered correct. In my talk, I will tell a fascinating story about how a few great men have changed our mind.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences) (Online presentation)


Effect of peculiar velocities of inhomogeneities on the shape of gravitational potential in spatially curved universe

Canay, E.; Eingorn, M.; McLaughlin, I. A.; Arapoglu, A. S.; Zhuk, O.


We investigate the effect of peculiar velocities of inhomogeneities and the spatial curvature of the universe on the shape of the gravitating potential. To this end, we consider scalar perturbations of the FLRW metric. The gravitational potential satisfies a Helmholtz-type equation which follows from the system of linearized Einstein equations. We obtain analytical solutions of this equation in the cases of open and closed universes, filled with cold dark matter in presence of the cosmological constant. We demonstrate that, first, peculiar velocities significantly affect the screening length of the gravitational interaction and, second, the form of the gravitational potential depends on the sign of the spatial curvature.

Keywords: Scalar perturbations Peculiar velocities Gravitational potential


Relativistic approach to the large-scale structure formation: cosmic screening vs. gevolution

Zhuk, O.


Due to the modern telescopes, we found that the Universe is filled with a cosmic web which is composed of interconnected filaments of galaxies separated by giant voids. The emergence of this large-scale structure is one of the major challenges of modern cosmology. We study this phenomenon with the help of relativistic N-body cosmological simulation based on General Relativity. It is well known that gravity is the main force responsible for the structure formation in the Universe. In the first part of my talk, I demonstrate that in the cosmological setting gravitational interaction undergoes an exponential cutoff at large cosmological scales.
This effect is called cosmic screening. It arises due to the interaction of the gravitational field with the background matter. Then, I compare two competing relativistic approaches to the N-body simulation of the Universe large-scale structure: “gevolution” vs. “screening”.
To this end, employing the corresponding alternative computer codes, I demonstrate that
the corresponding power spectra are in very good agreement between the compared schemes.
However, since the perturbed Einstein equations have much simpler form in the “screening” approach, the simulation with this code consumes less computational time, saving almost 40% of CPU (central processing unit) hours.

  • Lecture (others)
    The Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics (CEICO), Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 16.06.2022, Prag, Czech Republic
  • Lecture (others)
    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 28.06.2022, München, Deutschland
  • Lecture (others)
    Universität Oldenburg, Fakultät V, Institut für Physik, 12.07.2022, Oldenburg, Germany
  • Lecture (others)
    CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, Department of Theoretical Physics, 21.09.2022, Geneva, Switzerland


In vitro assessment of [¹⁸F]JHU94620-d8 to determine the expression of cannabinoid receptor 2 – a prognostic biomarker in breast cancer

Heerklotz, A.; Moldovan, R.-P.; Bormans, G.; Pietzsch, J.; Belter, B.; Kopka, K.; Gündel, D.


The cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2R) is involved in inflammatory processes [1], whereby an increased expression correlates with malignancy in various cancer types like human epidermal growth receptor 2 positive (HER2+) or triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) [2]. Hence, the CB2R is suggested as a pharmacological target, as well as a prognostic biomarker for the stratification and staging of patients [3]. In this study, we evaluated the potential of our novel CB2R-specific radioligand [¹ ⁸F]JHU94620-d8 for the assessment of the CB2R expression in HER2+ breast cancer and TNBC models in vitro.
The KD value of [¹ ⁸F]JHU94620-d8 was determined by autoradiography on cryosections of rat and mouse spleen, as well as on rat brains harbouring a local overexpression of the hCB2R (AAV-hCB2R) [4]. The CB2R status was investigated by competitive radioligand binding assays (CRBA) in cell membranes of CHO cells overexpressing the human CB2R (CHOhCB2R), human breast cancer cell lines HCC1954 (HER2+) and MDA-MB-231 (TNBC) with 3.1±0.4 nM [³H]WIN55,212-2 using 10 µM of WIN55,212-2, GW405833 and JHU94620-d8 (each n=3) as agonistic competitors. CB2R expression was validated by immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM). On cryosections of 4T1 tumors the CB2R specific binding of [¹ ⁸F]JHU94620-d8 was investigated by CRBA and the colocalisation of CB2R with Iba1 (macrophages) and CD31 (blood vessels) by IFM.
We determined KD values for [¹ ⁸F]JHU94620-d8 of 30 nM in mouse spleen, of 1.0 nM in rat spleen, and of 42 nM in AAV-hCB2R. The cell membrane binding of [³H]WIN55,212-2 was comparable in all used cell lines between 20 ± 1 and 30 ± 11 fmol/106 cells. Competition by JHU94620-d8 decreased the total binding by 57 % (p<0.01) only in CHOhCB2R cells, WIN55,212-2 by 37 % (p=0.01) and 77 % (p<0.01) and GW405833 by 42 % (p<0.01) and 75 % (p<0.01) in HCC1954 and CHOhCB2R cells, respectively, however in MDA MB 231 cells binding was not affected by these compounds (Fig. 1A). The expression of CB2R was confirmed by IFM (Fig. 1B). IFM analysis of murine 4T1 tumours revealed a high correlation between the heterogeneously distributed CB2R and Iba1 (Pearson´s coefficient r=0.69±0.03), and a weak correlation between CB2R and CD31 (r=0.35±0.09), however autoradiography studies revealed a non-displaceable binding of [¹ ⁸F]JHU94620-d8 (Fig. 2).
The potential of [¹ ⁸F]JHU94620-d8 as radioindicator to assess the CB2R status of tumours as a prognostic imaging biomarker should be investigated in vivo in PET studies. As shown in this study, the apparently species depended CB2R binding affinity and cell type specific (tumour cells and tumour associated macrophages) CB2R expression should be considered.

1. Turcotte, C.; Blanchet, M.-R.; Laviolette, M.; Flamand, N. The CB2 Receptor and its Role as a Regulator of Inflammation. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 2016, 73, 4449–4470, doi:10.1007/s00018-016-2300-4.
2. Ladin, D.A.; Soliman, E.; Griffin, L.; van Dross, R. Preclinical and Clinical Assessment of Cannabinoids as Anti-Cancer Agents. Front. Pharmacol. 2016, 7, 361, doi:10.3389/fphar.2016.00361.
3. Pérez-Gómez, E.; Andradas, C.; Blasco-Benito, S.; Caffarel, M.M.; García-Taboada, E.; Villa-Morales, M.; Moreno, E.; Hamann, S.; Martín-Villar, E.; Flores, J.M.; et al. Role of Cannabinoid Receptor CB2 in HER2 Pro-Oncogenic Signaling in Breast Cancer. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 2015, 107, djv077, doi:10.1093/jnci/djv077.
4. Teodoro, R.; Gündel, D.; Deuther-Conrad, W.; Ueberham, L.; Toussaint, M.; Bormans, G.; Brust, P.; Moldovan, R.-P. Development of 18FLU14 for PET Imaging of Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2 in the Brain. IJMS 2021, 22, 8051, doi:10.3390/ijms22158051.

The human mammary cell lines were provided by Dr. Joan Massagué (MSKCC, NY, USA).
This research was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), grant number MO2677/4-1.

Keywords: Imaging biomarker; Cannabinoid receptor 2; CB2 tracer/radioindicator; Breast cancer

  • Poster
    EMIM 2023 - European Molecular Imaging Meeting, 14.-17.03.2023, Salzburg, Österreich


An experimental study of boiling two-phase flow in a vertical rod bundle with a spacer grid. Part 1: Effects of mass flux and heat flux

Tas-Köhler, S.; Boden, S.; Franz, R.; Liao, Y.; Hampel, U.


We conducted boiling flow experiments and measured the void fraction in a 3 x 3 rod bundle with a spacer grid using high resolution X-ray computed tomography. We focused on the effects of mass and heat flux on the void fraction downstream of the spacer. We found that the void fraction increases as the
flow passes through the vanes and then decreases downstream until 𝑍 ≈ 4𝐷ℎ , and then increases again. In addition, we found that the mixing vanes cause a local increase in void fraction even at low heat flux or high mass flux, and that the arrangement of the vanes influences the size and location of the high and low void content regions. We also found that the effect of heat flux on the relative void fraction is more noticeable at high mass flux than at low mass flux. Furthermore, the experimental database obtained in this study can be used to validate CFD simulations.

Keywords: X-ray computed tomography; experimental database; boiling flow; rod bundle; void fraction

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility

Related publications


  • Secondary publication expected


c2st: Classifier Two-Sample Testing for comparing high-dimensional point sets

Schmerler, S.; Steinbach, P.


Test whether two sets of points are samples from the same D-dimensional probability distribution without
having access to the PDF.

Keywords: c2st; two-sample testing

  • Open Access Logo Poster
    Helmholtz AI conference, 02.-03.06.2022, Dresden, Germany



Long term operation of Cs2Te in SRF-gun for TELBE user facility

Xiang, R.


We share the status of long term operation of Cs2Te in SRF-gun for CW mode facility, which is intested for the ERL society.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    66th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL 2022), 03.-06.10.2022, Ithaca, USA


Operation of Cs2Te in SRF gun for ELBE

Xiang, R.


we share the experience of Cs2Te operation in SRF gun for ELBE user facility.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Open Access Logo Invited lecture (Conferences)
    European Workshop on Photocathodes for Particle Accelerator Applications (EWPAA 2022), 20.-22.09.2022, Milano, Italy



Study on Cs2Te photocathode degradation in SRF gun-II during user operation

Xiang, R.; Schaber, J.; Arnold, A.; Gatzmaga, S.; Hallilingaiah, G.; Ma, S.; Michel, P.; Murcek, P.; Ryzhov, A.; Teichert, J.; Zwartek, P.


The quality of the photocathodes is critical for the stable operation of the photoinjector. Thanks to the robust Cs2Te photocathodes, SRF gun at HZDR has been proven to be a type of successful CW e- source. In this contribution, we will present the operation experience of Cs2Te photocathodes in SRF gun, especially the QE evolution of Cs2Te photocathode during user operation. The possible reason for QE degradation will be discussed.

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Poster
    The 31st Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC2022), 28.08.-02.09.2022, Liverpool, UK


A Quarter Wave Resonator based SRF Gun for the LCLS II High Energy project

Xiang, R.


A Quarter Wave Resonator based SRF Gun for the LCLS II High Energy project

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Open Access Logo Invited lecture (Conferences)
    The 8th annual meeting of the programme "Matter and Technologies", 26.-27.09.2022, Hamburg, Germany



Cs2Te photocathodes for SRF gun-II at ELBE

Xiang, R.


Status report of Cs2Te photocathodes for SRF gun-II at ELBE

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Open Access Logo Invited lecture (Conferences)
    PITZ collaboration meeting (DESY), 06.-07.06.2022, Zeuthen, Germany


Wash water addition on protein foam for removal of soluble impurities in foam fractionation process

Keshavarzi, B.; Krause, T.; Schwarzenberger, K.; Eckert, K.; Ansorge-Schumacher, M. B.; Heitkam, S.


This work evaluates the addition of wash water to a foam fractionation cell in order to remove the soluble impurities from a protein foam. Due to the irreversible adsorption of the proteins at the air interface, the addition of wash water to the foam can displace the entrained substances downward together with the liquid, while the adsorbed proteins are not desorbed from the foam surface. Here, we performed experiments on bovine serum albumin (BSA), as a model protein and NaCl salt, as a model of soluble impurities. The experiments were conducted in a glass foam fractionation cell, where the liquid level was kept constant. The wash water was added on the foam top with different flow rates and BSA and NaCl concentrations were measured at the outlets for further analysis. The influence of initial bubble size and the wash water rate on purification efficiency were investigated. The results show that wash water displaces the entrained liquid in foam and reduces the salt content of the foam. The process shows higher salt removal for higher wash water rates as well as for foams with larger bubble sizes, where up to 93 % of the salt was removed from the main solution. A lower air flow rate can further enhance the washing efficiency. However, it intensifies the foam collapse and hence diminishes the foam outflow.

Keywords: Protein purification; Foam fractionation; Flotation; Wash water; Separation; BSA

Related publications


  • Secondary publication expected


Thermal-hydraulic and particle deposition analysis of supercritical CO2 in different tubes

Mao, S.; Zhou, T.; Liao, Y.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.


To compare the thermo-hydraulic and particle deposition characteristics of supercritical CO2 (SCO2) in different tubes, the SCO2 thermal-hydraulic performance and particle deposition characteristics were numerically investigated. Three different tube types, including circular tubes, semi-circular tubes and square tubes, were created. The effects of cross sections on heat transfer and particle type, mass flux and heat flux on particle deposition were investigated and discussed. The results indicated that the heat transfer coefficients (h) reach the peaks when the bulk temperature (Tb) is just below pseudo-critical temperature (Tpc) among three tubes. The h peaks are 4.8 kW/(m2·K), 8.4 kW/(m2·K) and 7.9 kW/(m2·K) for circular, semi-circular and square tubes, respectively. The semi-circular tube has the best heat transfer performance and it could alleviate the buoyancy effect efficiently. Moreover, the corners of the semicircular and square tubes should be further optimized to avoid excessive temperatures. The particle deposition efficiency (η) is 79.6%, 76.1% and 84.4% for circular, semicircular and square tubes, respectively, at dp=1 μm. Therefore, the semi-circular tube has a certain anti-deposition. The η for steel and graphite overlaps at dp<1 μm and steel is obvious higher than graphite at dp≥1 μm. Furthermore, small particles are impacted by mass and heat fluxes, whereas large particles are hardly affected. The η of small particles (dp<10 μm) increase with increasing mass flux. However, the η of small particles (dp<1 μm) decrease with increasing heat flux. It would be desirable that the flow channels can be further optimized to obtain the high thermal performance and anti-deposition for heat exchangers using SCO2 as working fluid.

Keywords: Supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2); Thermal-hydraulic performance; Particle deposition; Different channels


Software publication: Estimating cross-border mobility from the difference in peak-timing: A case study in Poland-Germany border regions

Senapati, A.; Mertel, A.; Schlechte-Welnicz, W.; Calabrese, J.


Codes for reproducing the results in the research article "Estimating cross-border mobility from the difference in peak-timing: A case study in Poland-Germany border regions"

Keywords: Coupling strength; Disease outbreak; Spatio-temporal model; Stochastic simulation; Maximum likelihood estimation

Related publications



Estimating cross-border mobility from the difference in peak-timing: A case study in Poland-Germany border regions

Senapati, A.; Mertel, A.; Schlechte-Welnicz, W.; Calabrese, J.


Human mobility contributes to the fast spatio-temporal propagation of infectious diseases. During an outbreak, monitoring the infection situation on either side of an international border is very crucial as there is always a higher risk of disease importation associated with cross-border migration. Mechanistic models are effective tools to investigate the consequences of cross-border mobility on disease dynamics and help in designing effective control strategies. However, in practice, due to the unavailability of cross-border mobility data, it becomes difficult to propose reliable, model-based strategies. In this study, we propose a method for estimating cross-border mobility flux between any pair of regions that share an international border from the observed difference in the timing of the infection peak in each region. Assuming the underlying disease dynamics is governed by a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model, we employ stochastic simulations to obtain the maximum likelihood cross-border mobility estimate for any pair of regions where the difference in peak time can be measured. We then investigate how the estimate of cross-border mobility flux varies depending on the disease transmission rate, which is a key epidemiological parameter. We further show that the uncertainty in mobility flux estimates decreases for higher disease transmission rates and larger observed differences in peak timing. Finally, as a case study, we apply the method to some selected regions along the Poland-Germany border which are directly connected through multiple modes of transportation and quantify the cross-border fluxes from the COVID-19 cases data during the period $20^{\rm th}$ February $2021$ to $20^{\rm th}$ June $2021$.

Keywords: Coupling strength; Disease outbreak; Spatio-temporal model; Stochastic simulation; Maximum likelihood estimation

Related publications



Progress in the Evaluation and Validation of n+56,57Fe Cross Sections

Trkov, A.; Capote, R.; Bernard, D.; Beyer, R.; Danon, Y.; Daskalakis, A.; Junghans, A.; Kostal, M.; Leconte, P.; Schulc, M.; Simakov, S.


There has been a continued effort since 2019 within the IAEA INDEN collaboration to improve the evaluation of neutron induced reactions on iron isotopes. The reason for the 30% underestimation of the neutron leakage spectrum from a thick iron sphere was found primarily to be due to the overestimation of the inelastic cross sections in the 56Fe evaluated data file produced within the CIELO project of the OECD/NEA Data Bank. The over-estimation of the neutron flux between the resonances near 300 keV was traced to neglecting the fluctuating nature of the total cross section of 57Fe in the fast neutron energy range, since the evaluated resolved resonance range of 57Fe extended only up to 190 keV. The added 1=v background in the "iron window" below 28 keV is in excellent agreement with the independently evaluated one in the JENDL-5.0 library that included the direct capture component in the evaluation. Performance of the updated 56;57Fe evaluations was tested on a set of criticality benchmarks from the ICSBEP Handbook, including the dependence on reflector thickness and on new deep penetration shielding benchmark using a 252Cf(sf) neutron source undertaken at Rez, Czech
Republic. Neutron leakage for 43 MeV incident neutrons was also validated.

Keywords: nuclear data evaluation; iron-56; INDEN; nELBE

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Challenges and opportunities integrating LLAMA into AdePT

Gruber, B. M.; Amadio, G.; Hageböck, S.


Particle transport simulations are a cornerstone of high-energy physics (HEP), constituting almost half of the entire computing workload performed in HEP. To boost the simulation throughput and energy efficiency, GPUs as accelerators have been explored in recent years, further driven by the increasing use of GPUs on HPCs. The Accelerated demonstrator of electromagnetic Particle Transport (AdePT) is an advanced prototype for offloading the simulation of electromagnetic showers in Geant4 to GPUs, and still undergoes continuous development and optimization. Improving memory layout and data access is vital to use modern, massively parallel GPU hardware efficiently, contributing to the challenge of migrating traditional CPU based data structures to GPUs in AdePT. The low-level abstraction of memory access (LLAMA) is a C++ library that provides a zero-runtime-overhead data structure abstraction layer, focusing on multidimensional arrays of nested, structured data. It provides a framework for defining and switching custom memory mappings at compile time to define data layouts and instrument data access, making LLAMA an ideal tool to tackle the memory-related optimization challenges in AdePT. Our contribution shares insights gained with LLAMA when instrumenting data access inside AdePT, complementing traditional GPU profiler outputs. We demonstrate traces of read/write counts to data structure elements as well as memory heatmaps. The acquired knowledge allowed for subsequent data layout optimizations.

Keywords: AdePT; LLAMA; particle transport simulation; GPU



Updates on the Low-Level Abstraction of Memory Access

Gruber, B. M.


Choosing the best memory layout for each hardware architecture is increasingly important as more and more programs become memory bound. For portable codes that run across heterogeneous hardware architectures, the choice of the memory layout for data structures is ideally decoupled from the rest of a program.
The low-level abstraction of memory access (LLAMA) is a C++ library that provides a zero-runtime-overhead abstraction layer, underneath which memory layouts can be freely exchanged, focusing on multidimensional arrays of nested, structured data.
It provides a framework for defining and switching custom memory mappings at compile time to define data layouts, data access and access instrumentation, making LLAMA an ideal tool to tackle memory-related optimization challenges in heterogeneous computing.
After its scientific debut, several improvements and extensions have been added to LLAMA. This includes compile-time array extents for zero memory overhead, support for computations during memory access, new mappings (e.g. int/float bit-packing or byte-swapping) and more. This contribution provides an overview of the LLAMA library, its recent development and an outlook of future activities.

Keywords: memory layout; struct of arrays; performance portability



A novel, scenario-based approach to comparing non-pharmaceutical intervention strategies across nations

Fu, X.; Calabrese, J.; Schüler, L.; Attinger, S.


Comparing the non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI) strategies different nations employed to combat COVID-19 is a key step in preparing for future pandemics. Conventional approaches to this problem focus on identifying and ranking individual NPI effects. These efforts are complicated by vastly different political, economic, and social conditions among nations, which we refer to collectively as national framework conditions (NFCs). Furthermore, NPIs are typically applied as packages of interventions, which makes identifying their independent effects challenging. In addition, conventional approaches to studying NPI effects frequently neglect the economic and social consequences of these measures. Here, we introduce a novel, scenario-based approach to understanding NPI effects across nations. Our method couples simple epidemiological, behavioral, and economic models, and allows us to transfer NPI strategies from a reference nation to a focal nation while preserving the packaged nature of NPIs and controlling for NFCs. We conclude by considering future extensions to our framework and discussing its potential to facilitate NPI inter-comparisons worldwide.

  • Open Access Logo Poster
    Big data analytical methods for complex systems, 06.-07.10.2022, Wroclaw, Poland



Software publication: Optimal workplace occupancy strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic

Davoodi Monfared, M.; Senapati, A.; Mertel, A.; Schlechte-Welnicz, W.; Calabrese, J.


Codes for "Optimal workplace occupancy strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic"

Keywords: COVID-19; Pandemic; Optimal Presence Strategy; Productivity\sep Infection

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Data publication: Learning-based systems for assessing hazard places of contagious diseases and diagnosing patient possibility

Davoodi Monfared, M.; Ghaffari, M.


The codes and data for the paper "Learning-based systems for assessing hazard places of contagious diseases and diagnosing patient possibility"

Keywords: Machine learning; Trajectory tracking; Patient prediction; Hidden Markov model; Covid-19; Trajectory clustering

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Predicting electronic structures at any length scale with machine learning

Fiedler, L.; Modine, N.; Schmerler, S.; Vogel, D. J.; Popoola, G. A.; Thompson, A.; Rajamanickam, S.; Cangi, A.


The properties of electrons in matter are of fundamental importance. They give rise to virtually all molecular and material properties and determine the physics at play in objects ranging from semiconductor devices to the interior of giant gas planets. Modeling and simulation of such diverse applications rely primarily on density functional theory (DFT), which has become the principal method for predicting the electronic structure of matter. While DFT calculations have proven to be very useful to the point of being recognized with a Nobel prize in 1998, their computational scaling limits them to small systems. We have developed a machine learning framework for predicting the electronic structure on any length scale. It shows up to three orders of magnitude speedup on systems where DFT is tractable and, more importantly, enables predictions on scales where DFT calculations are infeasible. Our work demonstrates how machine learning circumvents a long-standing computational bottleneck and advances science to frontiers intractable with any current solutions. This unprecedented modeling capability opens up an inexhaustible range of applications in astrophysics, novel materials discovery, and energy solutions for a sustainable future.

Keywords: Machine learning; density functional theory; Surrogate Model

Related publications


Study on QE Evolution of Cs2Te photocathodes in ELBE SRF GUN-II

Xiang, R.; Arnold, A.; Ma, S.; Michel, P.; Murcek, P.; Schaber, J.; Teichert, J.; Ryzhov, A.; Zwartek, P.


The quality of the photocathodes is critical for the stability and reliability of the photoinjector’s operation. Thanks
to the robust magnesium and Cs2Te photocathodes, SRFgun-II at HZDR has been proven to be a successful example
in CW mode for high current user operation.
In this contribution, we will present our observation of the QE evolution of Cs2Te photocathodes during SRF gun
operation. The variables including substrate surface, film thickness, Cs/Te stoichiometric, multipacting, RF loading
and charge extract are considered in the analysis.

Keywords: SRF gun; photocathode; QE Evolution

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Joint recovery of graphite and lithium metal oxides from spent lithium-ion batteries using froth flotation and investigation on process water re-use

Salces, A. M.; Bremerstein, I.; Rudolph, M.; Vanderbruggen, A.


Spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) contain critical raw materials that need to be recovered and recirculated into the battery
supply chain. This work proposes the joint recovery of graphite and lithium metal oxides (LMOs) from pyrolyzed black mass
of spent LIBs using froth flotation. Since flotation is a water-intensive process, the quality of the aqueous phase directly
impacts its performance. In pursuit of an improved water-management strategy, the effect of process water recirculation on
black mass flotation is also investigated. The fine fraction (<90 μm) of the black mass from pyrolyzed and crushed spent
LIBs was used. After flotation, 85% of the graphite in the overflow product and 80% of the LMOs in the underflow product
were recovered. After flotation with 8 wt% solids, the process water contained about 1,000 mg/L Li and accumulated up to
2,600 mg/L Li after three cycles. The flotation with process water showed no significant impact on the recovery and grade of
flotation products, suggesting the feasibility of water recirculation in black mass flotation.

Keywords: Black mass; Froth flotation; Lithium metal oxide; Lithium-ion batteries; Recycling; Spheroidized graphite; Water recirculation



Head-to-Head Comparison of PET and ASL-MRI BBB Permeability measurements for Dementia Imaging: Study Protocol

Moyaert, P.; Oyeniran, O.; Dassanayake, P.; Liu, L.; Petr, J.; Achten, E.; Mutsaerts, H.; Hicks, J.; Guenther, M.; Anazodo, U.


Aim/Introduction: Blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown has been suggested to be an early biomarker of cognitive dysfunction. Currently, PET using [15O]-water and [11C]-Butanol is the standard for measuring BBB permeability. Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) MRI is a promising alternative as no exogenous contrast is used. This study will validate BBB-ASL MRI by comparing it with PET and assess if BBB-ASL indeed robustly quantifes BBB permeability. Here we present our protocol and preliminary results using image-derived input function (IDIF) to quantify BBB-PET, noninvasively. Materials and Methods: Integrated PET/MR imaging provides a unique opportunity to assess - for the frst time - the ability of ASL to noninvasively image BBB permeability by comparing it to PET in the same subjects and under the same conditions. First, the BBBASL (1) sensitivity in pigs will be investigated by mimicking BBB dysfunction using an Aquaporin-4 inhibitor that will block the fow of water (2). Absolute BBB measurements (as obtained by arterial sampling) will be compared to BBB-ASL measurements. Second, to determine whether any changes in BBB permeability measured by MRI translate to humans, permeability measured by PET and MRI in 10 ischemic stroke patients will be compared. Third, the accuracy of BBB-ASL will be assessed in humans with subtle BBB dysfunction in 12 patients with Alzheimer’s disease, 12 with mild cognitive impairment and 12 age-matched controls. Results: While the preclinical validation studies are underway, we evaluated our PET/MRI IDIF approach (3) for absolute PET quantifcation to eliminate the need for arterial sampling in the two clinical studies. In three pigs, the [15O]-water PET/MR IDIFs were similar to arterial-sampled input functions with area-under-the-curve ratio (IDIF/AIF) of 1.03 - 1.1, demonstrating the potential of IDIF for BBB permeability estimates. Conclusion: The goal of this work is twofold. On one hand, it will demonstrate the potential of ASL measurements as a reliable imaging approach for assessing BBB permeability changes, particularly for early dysfunction detection in otherwise healthy individuals. On the other hand, it will optimize PET for clinical use by integrating IDIF for quantifcation, thereby representing a clinically viable alternative to arterial blood sampling.

Involved research facilities

  • PET-Center
  • Contribution to proceedings
    Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 15.09.2022, Barcelona, Spain, 550-550
    DOI: 10.1007/s00259-022-05924-4
  • Poster
    Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 15.09.2022, Barcelona, Spain


Synthese neuer Chelatliganden für Radium-223/-224 und Barium-131

Höffmann, L.


Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist es, neue Chelatliganden für die Alphastrahler Radium-223/-224 als zweiwertige Kationen und deren diagnostischem Pendant Barium-131 zu synthetisieren. Als Ausgangsverbindung für weitere Funktionalisierungen soll ein durch Lehn beschriebener Kryptand dienen.
Dieser wird über sechs Syntheseschritte hergestellt und besitzt neun Koordinationsstellen, welche durch die Funktionalisierung der sekundären Aminofunktionen mit Seitenketten modifiziert werden sollen. Durch die Verwendung von Carbonsäurederivaten können auf diesem Weg auch Bindungsstellen für ein späteres Trägermolekül eingeführt werden. Während dieser Arbeit sollen vier verschiedene Funktionalisierungen auf Basis von armoatischen Carbonsäurefunktionen (Picolinsäure, Pyrimidincarbonsäure und Bipyridylcarbonsäure) untersucht werden.
Die entstandenen Verbindungen sollen charakterisiert und mittels NMR-Spektroskopie auf ihr Komplexbildungsverhalten mit unterschiedlichen in der Radiopharmazie verwendeten Metallionen wie Barium, Scandium, Blei, Lanthan, Lutetium und Indium untersucht werden. Dazu sollen NMR-Titrationen mit den oben genannten Metallen durchgeführt werden, auf deren Grundlage es möglich ist, die Komplexbildungskonstanten zu berechnen. Zusätzlich sollen die finalen Verbindungen mit Barium-131 und Actinium-225 radiomarkiert und mit dem Bindungsverhalten von macropa verglichen werden.

Keywords: Theranostics; Barium-131; Kryptand; Radium-123

  • Master thesis
    TU Dresden, 2022
    Mentor: PD Dr. habil. Constantin Mamat
    98 Seiten


Temporal and spatial evolution of enzymatic degradation of amorphous PET plastics

Lippold, H.; Kahle, L.; Sonnendecker, C.; Matysik, J.; Fischer, C.


Biocatalytic degradation is an emerging strategy aiming for an energy-efficient recycling of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), the most commonly used thermoplastic polyester. Besides material composition and physico-chemical parameters, the degradation kinetics is co-determined by the evolving nanotopography. In this study, the 3-dimensional development of the surface characteristics of an amorphous PET film, reacted with a highly effective hydrolase enzyme for up to 24 hours, was explored by vertical scanning interferometry and confocal microscopy. The spatio-temporal analysis unveiled that the degradation process is not uniform with respect to reaction time and spatial reactivity distribution. An early phase of an unspecific roughness evolution is followed by an advanced phase characterized by a circular degradation pattern, consisting of shallow pits that are steadily renewed over time. The data suggest a hindrance of degradation during the initial roughening process, demonstrating the potential role of targeted surface modification in the large-scale treatment of plastic waste.


Momentum exchange modelling for coarsely resolved interfaces in a multifield two-fluid model

Meller, R.; Tekavcic, M.; Krull, B.; Schlegel, F.


Morphology-adaptive multiphase models are becoming more established for the numerical description of complex gas-liquid flows adapting dynamically to the local flow morphology. In the present study two different numerical methods originally designed for distinct flow morphologies are combined, namely the Volume-Of-Fluid and the Euler-Euler method. Both edge cases have been proven to be capable of delivering reliable predictions in the respective use cases. The long-term goal is to improve the prediction of gas-liquid flows, regardless of the flow regime in a specific application. To capture the system dynamics with a given grid resolution, the flow fields need to be predicted as precise as possible, while the shape of structures such as gas bubbles need to be recovered adequately in topology and shape. The goal is to obtain reliable predictions on intermediate mesh resolutions rather than relying on fine meshes requiring more computational resources. Therefore, a procedure is proposed to locally measure the degree of resolution. With this information, the hydrodynamics in the interface region can be controlled by means of a dedicated interfacial drag formulation in order to improve simulation results across several levels of spatial resolution. A modified formulation of buoyancy is proposed to prevent unphysical oscillations of vertical velocity near a horizontal interface. The functionality is demonstrated in a three-dimensional case of a gas bubble rising in stagnant liquid and in a co-current stratified air-water channel flow in two-dimensional space. The choice of these different applications demonstrates the general applicability of the proposed model framework.

Keywords: Finite volume; Multi-phase flows; Validation; Euler; Adaptivity; Bubbles; Eulerian; Free surface; Hydrodynamics; Two-phase flow

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Reactivity Map Code

Winardhi, C. W.; Da Assuncao Godinho, J. R.; Gutzmer, J.


Matlab code to generate reactivity map of the galena particle



Segmented Galena Dissolution Data

Winardhi, C. W.; Da Assuncao Godinho, J. R.; Gutzmer, J.


Raw CT data which are used to calculate the dissolution rates spectra and to generate reactivity map.

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Understanding of the evolution of mechanical properties of steels under irradiation: micromechanics and microstructure

Pareige, C.; Gupta, J.; Vrellou, M.; Kaden, C.; Moldovan, S.; Nomoto, A.; Pareige, P.; Radiguet, B.


Steels are the main structural materials in current and future nuclear power plants. Radiation induced segregation/precipitation and radiation enhanced precipitation at the nanoscale impact significantly their mechanical properties. Under ion irradiation, the small thickness of the irradiated layer imposes micro-mechanical testing methods to be used such as nanoindentation and micropillar compression. The objective is to make the link between microstructural evolution and hardening owing to the combination of: atom probe tomography, transmission electron microscopy,
SEM/FIB/EBSD on one hand and nanoindentation and micropillar compression on the other hand. This correlative approach can also be used on the same materials irradiated with neutrons allowing the comparison between ion and neutron irradiation.

Involved research facilities

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  • Lecture (Conference)
    26th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research & Industry (CAARI-SNEAP 2022), 30.10.-03.11.2022, Denton, Texas, USA


Comparing Wire-Mesh sensor with neutron radiography for measurement of liquid fraction in foam

Ziauddin, M.; Schleicher, E.; Trtik, P.; Knüpfer, L.; Skrypnik, A.; Lappan, T.; Eckert, K.; Heitkam, S.


The liquid fraction of foam is an important quantity in engineering process control and essential to interpret foam rheology.
Established measurement tools for the liquid fraction of foam, such as optical measurement or radiography techniques
as well as weighing the foam, are mostly laboratory-based, whereas conductivity-based measurements are limited to the
global measurement without detailed spatial information of liquid fraction. In this work, which combines both types of
measurement techniques, the conductivity-based wire-mesh sensor is compared with neutron radiography. We found a
linear dependency between the liquid fraction of the foam and the wire-mesh readings with a statistical deviation less than
15%. However, the wire-mesh sensor systematically overestimates the liquid fraction which we attribute to liquid bridge
formation between the wires.

Keywords: foam; Wire-mesh-sensor; Neutron radiography


Data publication: Discovery, nuclear properties, synthesis and applications of technetium-101

Johnstone, E. V.; Mayordomo, N.; Mausolf, E. J.
ContactPerson: Johnstone, Erik V.; ContactPerson: Mausolf, Edward J.; ContactPerson: Mayordomo, Natalia


This article is a review paper, it is not based in experimental data

Keywords: Tc-101; Synthesis; Discovery; Properties; Applications

Related publications



Discovery, nuclear properties, synthesis and applications of technetium-101

Johnstone, E. V.; Mayordomo, N.; Mausolf, E. J.


Technetium-101 ( 101 Tc) has been poorly studied in comparison with other Tc isotopes, although it was first identified over ~80 years ago shortly after the discovery of the element Tc itself. Its workable half-life and array of production modes, i.e., light/heavy particle reactions, fission, fusion-evaporation, etc., allow it to be produced and isolated using an equally diverse selection of chemical separation pathways. The inherent nuclear properties of 101 Tc make it important for research and applications related to radioanalytical tracer studies, as a fission signature, fusion materials, fission reactor fuels, and potentially as a radioisotope for nuclear medicine. In this review, an aggregation of the known literature concerning the chemical, nuclear, and physical properties of 101 Tc and some its applications are presented. This work aims at providing an up-to-date and first-of-its-kind overview of 101 Tc that could be of importance for further development of the fundamental and applied nuclear and radiochemistry of 101 Tc.

Keywords: Tc-101; Synthesis; Discovery; Properties; Applications

Related publications


Tc(VII) reductive immobilization by Sn(II) pre-sorbed on alumina nanoparticles

Mayordomo, N.; Roßberg, A.; Prieur, D.; Scheinost, A.; Kvashnina, K.; Müller, K.


The interaction of highly mobile radioactive elements in the spent fuel with the different technical and geological barriers of a nuclear waste repository needs quantification and mechanistic understanding to allow a reliable safety assessment.
One of the most concerning mobile fission products is Tc-99. It is a long-lived radionuclide (half-life of 0.213 million years) that is expected to occur as Tc(VII) under oxidizing conditions and as Tc(IV) under reducing conditions. The anion pertechnetate (TcO4) is the main species of Tc(VII) and it is known to be a highly mobile species since it barely interacts with mineral surfaces. On the contrary, TcO2 is the main species of Tc(IV) and it is a hardly soluble solid. Therefore, the reduction of Tc(VII) to Tc(IV) limits the mobility of Tc in water and is triggered by reducing agents such as Fe(II) or Sn(II). [1] In a previous work, we have observed that pre-sorption of Fe(II) on alumina enabled the Tc(VII) reduction at the interface, even at low pH values when Tc(VII) reduction by Fe(II) was expected to be limited due to the low sorption of Fe(II) on alumina. [2] In this study we focus on the impact of Sn(II).
We have performed sorption experiments following a stepwise strategy to ensure that Tc(VII) reduction by Sn(II) occurred at the interface (heteroreduction). i) Sn(II) was sorbed on alumina, ii) the Sn(II) pre-sorbed on alumina solid was isolated and dried, iii) a solution of Tc(VII) was added to this modified alumina, and iv) the yield of Tc removal by Sn(II) pre-sorbed on alumina was analyzed. The resulting Tc-containing solid was analyzed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the Rossendorf Beamline (ROBL) at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble (France). Bothe Tc K-Edge and Sn K-Edge were recorded at 15 K.
Re-oxidation experiments were performed in samples where Tc(VII) reduction by Sn(II) was obtained by different pathways: i) Tc(VII) direct reduction by dissolved Sn(II) (homoreduction) and ii) Tc(VII) reduction by Sn(II) pre-sorbed on alumina (heteroreduction).
The results show that Tc is removed from solution with a high yield (85-100% removal from solution), being maximum at pH values between 3.5 and 9.5, and minimum at pH 10. Re-oxidation studies show that Tc(IV) obtained by heteroreduction presents lower oxidation kinetics than Tc(IV) obtained by homoreduction. These results support that the presence of alumina plays an important role by preventing Tc(IV) re-oxidation.
Figure 1 shows that the spectrum of TcO2 differs from those preliminar X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) fits for the Tc-loaded samples. This indicates that Al or Sn might also interact with the resulting Tc(IV) species. Further analysis are needed to determine the exact molecular structure of Tc(IV) in the interaction.

Keywords: Technetium; Heteroreduction; Oxidation; EXAFS; Tin

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ATAS-AnXAS 2022 - Joint Workshop, 17.-21.10.2022, Grenoble, France


Selective a3b4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ligand as a potential tracer for drug addiction

Kanasuwan, A.; Deuther-Conrad, W.; Sarasamkan, J.; Chotipanich, C.; Vajragupta, O.; Arunrungvichian, K.


34 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), a receptor involved in drug-seeking behavior, has been recognized as the emerging biomarker for early detection of the drug addiction. Herein, 34 nAChR ligands were designed and synthesized to improve binding affinity and selectivity of two lead compounds, (S)-QND8 and (S)-T2 for the development of an 34 nAChR tracer. Structural modification was achieved by retaining the key features and expanding the molecular structure with a benzyloxy group to increase the lipophilicity for blood brain barrier penetration and to extend the ligand-receptor interaction. The preserved key features are a fluorine atom for a radiotracer development and a p-hydroxyl motif for ligand-receptor binding affinity. Four (R)- and (S)-quinuclidine-triazole (AK1-AK4) were synthesized and the binding affinity together with selectivity to 34 nAChR subtype were determined by competitive radioligand binding assay using [3H]epibatidine as a radioligand. Among all modified compounds, AK3 showed highest binding affinity and selectivity to 34 nAChR with a Ki value of 3.17 nM, comparable to (S)-QND8 and (S)-T2 and 3109-fold higher affinity to 34 nAChR in comparison to 7 nAChR. The 34 nAChR selectivity of AK3 was tremendously higher than those of (S)-QND8 (11.8-fold) and (S)-T2 (294-fold). AK3 is the promising 34 nAChR tracer for further development as a radiotracer for drug addiction.

Keywords: α3β4 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; quinuclidine; triazole; drug-seeking behavior monitoring; drug addition


Data publication: Path integral Monte Carlo results for electrons in 2D and 3D quantum dots

Dornheim, T.


This repository contains a collection of raw path integral Monte Carlo simulation results for various properties of electrons in 2D and 3D quantum dots published in Ref. [1].


Related publications



Tutorial: Thermal processes in short time annealing: application examples and current trends

Rebohle, L.


The tutorial gives an introduction to the technology of flash lamp annealing, discusses process-relevant issues like temperature profile, homogeneity and stress distribution, and presents a couple of examples in which thermal treatments of materials on short time scale is beneficial.

Keywords: flash lamp annealing; crystallization

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, 12.-15.09.2022, Erfurt, Deutschland


177Lu(III) - and 225Ac(III) -labelled bispidine conjugates targeting neuroendocrine tumours

Kopp, I.; Kubeil, M.; Cieslik, P.; Brandt, F.; Zarschler, K.; Ullrich, M.; Pietzsch, J.; Bachmann, M.; Kopka, K.; Stephan, H.; Comba, P.


Bispidines (3,7-diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane) and their derivatives act as bifunctional
chelators (BFC), combining the advantages of multidentate macrocyclic and acyclic
ligands (e.g., high kinetic inertness, rapid radiolabelling under mild conditions) [1]. This
bicyclic chelator system shows a great diversity in terms of its denticity and type of
functional groups, yielding a wide range of multidentate ligands that can bind a variety of
different metal ions [1-3]. In addition, they allow a facile functionalisation of targeting
molecules such as peptides, peptidomimetics, and bispecific antibodies which can also
be used as target modules for adapter CAR T-cell cross-linkage [1, 4]. Herein, we present
a nonadentate bispidine ligand labelled with [177Lu]Lu3+ and [225Ac]Ac3+ at mild
conditions. The radiometal complexes have been obtained with high radiochemical yields
(99%) and are stable in human serum [3]. This is unique so far, as many chelators are
not able to bind both LuIII and AcIII under mild conditions (physiological pH, T<40°C) with
fast complexation kinetics and high molar activities (>100 MBq/nmol for [177Lu]Lu3+ and
~0.2 MBq/nmol for [225Ac]Ac3+). For targeting, the chelator was functionalised with a
peptidic somatostatin analogue (Tyr3
-octreotate), which addresses the somatostatin
subtype receptor 2 in neuroendocrine tumours. Both 177Lu(III)- and 225Ac(III)-labelled
conjugates were investigated towards their binding affinity and internalization in a murine
pheochromocytoma (MPC) and human pancreatic carcinoid (BON1) tumour cell line and
were compared with [177Lu]Lu(III)- and [
225Ac]Ac(III)-DOTA-TATE. The presented
177Lu(III)- and 225Ac(III)-labelled bispidine-conjugates show favourable labelling kinetics
and high radiostabilities in human serum. The radioconjugates exhibited dissociation
constants in the lower nanomolar range (<10 nM) and high internalisation rates (>95 %)
in both cell lines. In comparison to the corresponding DOTA-radioconjugates, milder
radiolabelling conditions might facilitate the labelling of heat-sensitive biomolecules.
Thus, this bispidine chelator shows promising characteristics for future nuclear medicine


[1] P. Comba et al., Dalton Trans. 2018, 47, 9202. [2] L. Abad‐Galán et al., Chem. Eur.
J. 2021, 27, 10303. [3] P. Cieslik et al., Bispidine derivatives and the use thereof.
EP20216739, 2020. [4] G. Singh et al., Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 1989.

Keywords: bispidine; neuroendocrine tumors; lutetium; actinium; CAR-T; bifunctional chelators; endoradiotherapy; chelator development; somatostatin

Involved research facilities

  • ZRT
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Jahrestagung FG Nuklearchemie, 04.-06.10.2022, Bergisch Gladbach, Deutschland


Reduction of intrafraction pancreas motion using an abdominal corset compatible with proton therapy and MRI

Schneider, S.; Stefanowicz, S.; Jentsch, C.; Lohaus, F.; Thiele, J.; Haak, D.; Valentini, C.; Platzek, I.; Troost, E. G. C.; Hoffmann, A. L.


Background and Purpose:

Motion mitigation is of crucial importance in particle therapy (PT) of patients with abdominal tumors to ensure high-precision irradiation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an excellent modality for target volume delineation and motion estimation of mobile soft-tissue tumors. Thus, the aims of this study were to develop an MRI- and PT-compatible abdominal compression device, to investigate its effect on pancreas motion reduction, and to evaluate patient tolerability and acceptance.
Materials and Methods:
In a prospective clinical study, 16 patients with abdominal tumors received an individualized polyethylene-based abdominal corset. Pancreas motion was analyzed using time- and phase resolved MRI scans (orthogonal 2D-cine and 4D MRI) with and without compression by the corset. The pancreas was manually segmented in each MRI data set and the population-averaged center-of-mass motion in inferior-superior (IS), anterior-posterior (AP) and left-right (LR) directions was determined. A questionnaire was developed to investigate the level of patient acceptance of the corset, which the patients completed after acquisition of the planning computed tomography (CT) and MRI scans.
The corset was found to reduce pancreas motion predominantly in IS direction by on average 47 % - 51 % as found in the 2D-cine and 4D MRI data, respectively, while motion in the AP and LR direction was not significantly reduced. Most patients reported no discomfort when wearing the corset.
An MRI- and PT-compatible individualized abdominal corset was presented, which substantially reduced breathing-induced pancreas motion and can be safely applied with no additional discomfort for the patients. The corset has been successfully integrated into our in-house clinical workflow for PT of tumors of the upper abdomen.

Keywords: MR guided proton therapy; image guidance; tumor motion; abdominal compression

Involved research facilities

  • OncoRay


Hybridised production of technetium-99m and technetium-101 with fluorine-18 on a low-energy biomedical cyclotron

Johnstone, E. V.; Mayordomo, N.; Mausolf, E. J.


New modes of production and supply of short-lived radioisotopes using accelerators
are becoming attractive alternatives to the use of nuclear reactors. In this study, the
use of a compact accelerator neutron source (CANS) was implemented to explore the
production of 99mTc and 101Tc. Irradiations were performed with neutrons generated
from a 16.5 MeV cyclotron utilising the 18O(p, n)18F reaction during routine 18F[FDG]
production in a commercial radiopharmacy. Natural molybdenum targets in metal form
were employed for the production of Tc isotopes of interest via (n, ) reactions on 98Mo
and 100Mo. The production of 99mTc and 101Tc under these conditions is considered
and discussed.

Keywords: Tc-99m; Tc-101; F-18; CANS; Compact accelerator neutron source


A brief summary about technetium: Origin, medical applications, and environmental immobilization strategies

Mayordomo, N.


This lecture will be given in the frame of the "Week science" at Universidad de Alcalá (Spain). I will give an overview about technetium origins, applications, and environmental remediation.

Keywords: Techenetium; Lecture; Environment; Applications

  • Invited lecture (Conferences) (Online presentation)
    Week of science at Universidad de Alcalá, 23.11.2022, Alcalá de Henares, Spain


177Lu-, 225Ac- and 111In-labelled nonadentate bispidine ligands synthesis, radiolabelling experiments and stability assays

Kopp, I.; Cieslik, P.; Kopka, K.; Bachmann, M.; Stephan, H.; Comba, P.; Kubeil, M.


Bispidines (3,7-diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonanes) are of great interest for the use in radiopharmaceutical applications. Combining the advantages of highly preorganised rigid macrocyclic ligands and the flexibility of open-chain ligands, they are able to form highly stable complexes at mild reaction conditions with a broad range of di- and trivalent metal ions.1,2 Here, we present a nonadentate bispidine ligand (Fig. 1) labelled with [177Lu]LuCl3, [225Ac]AcCl3 and [111In]InCl3 at mild conditions and report their stability and inertness in aqueous solution and human serum.3 The results in terms of radiolabelling conditions and serum stabilities are compared with the “gold standard” DOTA, which requires harsh radiolabelling conditions, and the octadentate bispidine ligand H2bispa.2,4

The bispidine ligand was synthesised according to literature on a multigram scale, with an overall yield of 5% over 9 steps.2

Radiolabelling experiments of the nonadentate bispidine ligand with [177Lu]Lu3+ and [225Ac]Ac3+ were carried out at 40 °C using 150 mM NH4OAc buffer (pH 6). Radiolabelling with [111In]In3+ was performed in the same buffer at room temperature. For comparison, the DOTA and the octadentate bispidine ligand H2bispa2 were labelled with the trivalent radiometals as well. The radiochemical yields and purities were monitored via radio-TLC and radio-HPLC for different ligand concentrations after 5 min, 30 min and 60 min. Radiostabilities in human serum were studied by radio-TLC and radio-SEC after 1 h, 1 d, 3 d and 7 d.

Radiolabelling experiments gave quantitative yields for the formation of both 177Lu- and 225Ac‑complexes at 40 °C after 5 minutes for ligand concentrations of 10-6 mol/L. With [111In]In3+ a quantitative conversion was obtained even at room temperature after 60 minutes with a ligand concentration of 5·10-6 mol/L. For [177Lu]Lu3+, a molar activity of >100 MBq/nmol, for [225Ac]Ac3+ 0.2 MBq/nmol and for [111In]In3+ >20 MBq/nmol was found at the end of synthesis. Furthermore, the radiolabelled bispidine complexes showed high stability in human serum after 7 d ([225Ac]Ac‑bispidine: 80±2%; n=3, [177Lu]Lu-bispidine: 94%; n=2,), whereas only moderate stability was achieved for [111In]In-bispidine (74%; n=2 ) after 3 d.

The presented 177Lu- and 225Ac-labelled bispidine complexes showed favourable labelling kinetics and radiostabilities in human serum. The 111In-labelled bispidine gave moderate molar activities and stabilities in human serum. In comparison to DOTA, milder conditions for bispidine ligands allow the radiolabelling of heat-sensitive biomolecules.


[1] Comba, P.; Kerscher, M.; Rück, K.; Starke, M. Bispidines for Radiopharmaceuticals. Dalton Trans. 2018, 47, 9202–9220.

[2] Abad‐Galán, L.; Cieslik, P.; Comba, P.; Gast, M.; Maury, O.; Neupert, L.; Roux, A.; Wadepohl, H. Excited State Properties of Lanthanide(III) Complexes with a Nonadentate Bispidine Ligand. Chem. – Eur. J. 2021, 27, 10303–10312.

[3] Cieslik, P.; Kubeil, M.; Stephan, H.; Comba, P. Bispidine derivatives and the use thereof. EP20216739, 2020.

[4] Comba, P; Jermilova, U.; Orvig, C.; Patrick, B. O.; Ramogida, C.; Rueck, K.; Schneider, C.; Starke, M. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 23, 15945 – 15956.

Keywords: radiopharmacy; theranostics; bispidines; trivalent metals; actinium; lutetium; indium; ligand development

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Terachem, 14.-17.09.2022, Brixen, Italien


A novel bispidine-based chelator for radiopharmaceutical applications

Kubeil, M.; Ullrich, M.; Zarschler, K.; Pietzsch, J.; Kopka, K.; Bachmann, M.; Stephan, H.


Bispidines (3,7-diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane) and their derivatives act as bifunctional chelating agents (BFCAs). Combining the advantages of highly preorganised rigid macrocyclic ligands and the flexibility of open-chain ligands, bispidines are able to form highly stable complexes at mild reaction conditions with a broad range of di- and trivalent metal ions. Of particular interest, they allow the coupling to biological targeting vectors such as peptides, peptidomimetics, T cell receptor derivatives as well as any kind of natural and recombinant antibody derivatives to construct effective radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Here, we present a nonadentate bispidine ligand (Figure 1), which forms stable and inert complexes with [177Lu]LuCl3, [225Ac]AcCl3 and [111In]InCl3 at mild conditions. This is unique so far, as few chelators are able to tightly bind both Lu(III) and Ac(III) under mild conditions
(physiological pH, T<40°C) with fast complexation kinetics. We investigated the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the radio-complexes. For targeting, the chelator was functionalised with a peptidic somatostatin analogue (Tyr3-octreotate, TATE), which addresses the somatostatin subtype receptor 2 in neuroendocrine tumors. The bispidine-TATE conjugate was labelled with 177Lu(III) and 225Ac(III) and investigated in SSTR2-positive mouse pheochromocytoma (MPC) and human pancreatic carcinoid tumour (BON-SSTR2) cell lines. Moreover, quantitative small animal SPECT imaging showed specific uptake of the [177Lu]Lu-conjugate in vivo in naturally SSTR2-positve MPC tumour allografts. Some structural optimisation will be required to further reduce off-target accumulation. However, the bispidine chelator shows a promising potential for a broad application in nuclear medicine, both in imaging and radionuclide therapy.

Involved research facilities

  • ZRT
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Australian Society of Molecular Imaging (ASMI) 2022, 06.-07.10.2022, Melbourne, Australia


Towards personalized medicine: one chelator for imaging and therapy with lutetium-177 and actinium-225

Cieslik, P.; Kubeil, M.; Zarschler, K.; Ullrich, M.; Brandt, F.; Anger, K.; Wadepohl, H.; Kopka, K.; Bachmann, M.; Pietzsch, J.; Stephan, H.; Comba, P.


We report a nonadentate bispidine (3,7-diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane) that unveils the potential to bind theranostically relevant radionuclides, including indium-111, lutetium-177 and actinium-225 at mild labeling conditions. This radiopharmaceutical candidate allows the simultaneous application of imaging and treatment (radionuclide theranostics) without changing the type of bioconjugate, i.e. it allows the strong binding to an imaging and a therapeutic radionuclide by the same chelator. Since sophisticated coordination chemistry is required to achieve high thermodynamic and kinetic stability, it is not surprising that only a few chelators have been reported that are able to strongly bind several radionuclides to a satisfactory extent. Bispidine-derived ligands have proven to be ideal for di- and trivalent metal ions with generally fast complexation kinetics and high in vitro and in vivo stabilities. The presented (radio)complexes are formed under mild conditions (pH 6, <40°C) and exhibit thermodynamic stability and inertness in human serum comparable to the corresponding DOTA complexes. The bispidine-based complexing agent was conjugated to a peptide, targeting somatostatin type 2 receptors (SSTR2), overexpressed on neuroendocrine tumors. The 177Lu- and 225Ac-labeled conjugates were investigated, considering their binding to two different SSTR2 positive cell lines, including the human pancreatic carcinoid tumor (BON-SSTR2+) and the murine pheochromocytoma cell line (MPC). The biodistribution and accumulation pattern in MPC tumor-bearing mice was also evaluated. The LuIII and AcIII complexes studied show how ligand structures can be optimized in general by extending the denticity and varying the donor set in order to allow for fast complex formation and medically relevant inertness.

Keywords: bispidine; trivalent metal ions; radionuclide theranostics; somatostatin analogue; actinium; lutetium

Involved research facilities

  • ZRT

Related publications


Rare radioisotopes at the ready

Kvashnina, K.


The study of rare isotopes, including many in the f-block, is a key step to advancing our fundamental understanding of these elements but their scarcity poses challenges. Now, minute amounts of such materials have been isolated and characterized through complexation with polyoxometalate clusters.


Radiolabelling of nanoparticles for colloid tracing A versatile tool in nanosafety research

Schymura, S.; Mansel, A.; Kulenkampff, J.; Franke, K.


Many studies in the field of nanosafety research „do not offer any kind of clear statement on the safety of nanomaterials“, as methodological problems considerably hinder the reliable detection of nanoparticles (NPs) at the predicted low environmentally relevant concentrations.
The radiolabeling of nanoparticles has the potential for detecting nanoparticles at minimal concentrations in complex matrices, even against a same-element background, with unprecedented experimental ease, making it a versatile tool for NP release, transport, and uptake studies.

Keywords: Radiolabelling; Nanoparticles

  • Poster
    Week of Microbial Technologies, 07.-11.11.2022, Ljubljana, Slowenien


Ca-Caseinat-unterstützte Remineralisierung von Zähnen

Schymura, S.; Schneider, E.; Messerschmidt, J.; Lechner, B.-D.


Menschliche Zähne sind täglich chemischen Erosionsprozessen ausgesetzt, die zu einer Verschlechterung der Zahnsubstanz führen können. Verantwortlich hierfür sind in erster Line das Konsumieren von Säurehaltigen Getränken und Speisen. Niedriger pH, sowie Komplexierende Stoffe führen zu einer Demineralisierung des Zahn Hydroxylapatits {Ca5(PO4)3OH}2) (HAP). Es wird geschätzt dass weltweit 30-50% der Milchzähne und 20-45% der permanenten Zähne von Zahnerosion betroffen sind. Folgen von Zahnerosion können ein erhöhtes Kariesrisiko, Zahnsensibilität, Zahnverfärbung und im schlimmsten Fall Zahnverlust sein.
Eine potentielle Maßnahme um Zahnerosion entgegenzuwirken stellt die Förderung der Remineralisierung dar, indem die Calcium und Phosphat-Konzentration im Speichel erhöht wird, z. B. durch die Gabe von Casein, einem Milchprotein. Die im Casein enthaltenen Ca9(PO4)6 Nanocluster können in die erodierte Zahnsubstanz eingebaut werden und die Schäden rückgängig machen. Unter Verwendung der Weißlichtinterferometrie zur Rauheitsanalyse zeigen wir die Dynamik der DEM/REM Prozesse in-Vitro und zeigen in Fallstudien die Anwendung von Ca Kaseinat als wenig intrusive Behandlungsmethode mit REM Potential in-Vivo.

Keywords: Zahnremineralisation; Apatit; Ca-Caseinat

  • Poster
    15. Thüringer Zahnärztetag, 25.-26.11.2022, Erfurt, Deutschland


Ca-Caseinate-enhanced remineralisation of dental apatite

Schymura, S.; Schneider, E.; Messerschmidt, J.; Lechner, B.-D.


Human teeth are subject to chemical erosion processes that can lead to a loss of tooth hard substance. Low pH and complexing agents in food and drink can demineralize the dental hydroxyapatite. It is estimated that 20-45 % of permant teeth worldwide are affected by tooth errosion. This can lead to increased caries risk, tooth sensitivity, tooth colouration and in the worst case tooth loss. One potential treatment of tooth errosion is the promotion of naturally ocurring remineralisation processes, e.g. by application of caseine milk protein. The Ca9(PO4)6 nanoclusters have the potential to cure damaged tooth material. Using vertical scanning interferometry we show the dynamics of de- and remineralisation tooth samples by analysis of the surface roughness development.

Keywords: Remineralisation; apatite; dental material; Ca-Caseinate

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Week of Microbial Technologies, 07.-11.11.2022, Ljubljana, Slowenien


Wastewater-based epidemiology dashboard for research of COVID-19 in Saxony

Mertel, A.; Schüler, L.; Abdussalam, W.; Schlechte-Welnicz, W.; Calabrese, J.


The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented health and economic impacts worldwide. Various fields of science
approached this topic to better understand the pandemic’s spread characteristics and provide a factual base for nonpharmaceutical interventions. One of the interesting non-invasive methodologies, wastewater epidemiology, looks for
the correlation between the outcomes of the wastewater-based PCR analysis and the epidemiological situation in their
catchment (e.g., Bogler et al., 2020; Farkas et al., 2020). This approach may efficiently predict the outbreak in the
endemic phase when the conventional testing is usually underrated. Therefore a visual analytical tool may be beneficial
for observing the spatiotemporal correlations of the wastewater indicators and the focal incidence levels. However,
based on the analysis of existing tools (Naughton et al., 2021), most dashboards integrating wastewater indicators do
not use information about geographical space at all, or the functionality of the map component is limited to the
identification of the particular wastewater plant.
In the where2test project (, we established a scalable operational data store (ODS) to automatically
collect, store and integrate heterogeneous epidemiology-related data for various administrative levels of several
European countries, focusing primarily on the region of Saxony. The project includes various activities, including
spatiotemporal analyses (Mertel et al., 2022), epidemiological models and applications (Davoodi et al., 2022), and
forecasts. In this paper, we present a prototype of an interactive dashboard to explore the correlation between the local
incidence as estimated by conventional testing and the wastewater-based PCR indicators (cT values) in Saxony.
Another goal of this application is to focus on the geospatial aspect of these data.
The top part of the dashboard features an interactive timeline linked to a multidimensional heatmap. Here, the user can
navigate in time and explore the correlation between the epidemiological situation of the neighborhood of the
wastewater plants (defined by the temporal distance) and the cT indicators in time. For the week selected in the
timeline, the user can observe the spatial context within the Saxonian municipalities on the map below. The map allows
interaction with the single municipalities and all the wastewater plants integrated with our ODS to access detailed
information and additional charts. In the future, we plan to integrate more metrics and parameters that may be beneficial
for exploring spatiotemporal inference. Our scalable infrastructure also easily allows the integration of more wastewater
plants. The application is available on from August 2022.

Keywords: Waste water; Covid-19; Epidemiology

  • Open Access Logo Contribution to proceedings
    European Cartographic Conference – EuroCarto 2022, 19.-21.09.2022, Vienna, Austria
    Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association 5, 131
    DOI: 10.5194/ica-abs-5-131-2022


A scalable pipeline for COVID-19

Abdussalam, W.


Throughout the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, decision makers have relied on forecasting models to determine and implement non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI). In building the forecasting models, continuously updated datasets from various stakeholders including developers, analysts, and testers are required to provide precise predictions. Here we report the design of a scalable pipeline which serves as a data synchronization to support inter-country top-down spatiotemporal observations and forecasting models of COVID-19, named the where2test, for Germany, Czechia and Poland. We have built an operational data store (ODS) using PostgreSQL to continuously consolidate datasets from multiple data sources, perform collaborative work, facilitate high performance data analysis, and trace changes. The ODS has been built not only to store the COVID-19 data from Germany, Czechia, and Poland but also other areas. Employing the dimensional fact model, a schema of metadata is capable of synchronizing the various structures of data from those regions, and is scalable to the entire world. Next, the ODS is populated using batch Extract, Transfer, and Load (ETL) jobs. The SQL queries are subsequently created to reduce the need for pre-processing data for users. The data can then support not only forecasting using a version-controlled Arima-Holt model and other analyses to support decision making, but also risk calculator and optimisation apps. The data synchronization runs at a daily interval, which is displayed at this https URL.

  • Open Access Logo Lecture (Conference)
    Data Ecosystems in conjunction with very large databases 2022, 05.-09.09.2022, Sydney, Australia



Molecular Structures of the Silicon Pyridine-2-(thi)olates Me3Si(pyX), Me2Si(pyX)2 and Ph2Si(pyX)2 (py = 2-Pyridyl, X = O, S), and Their Intra- and Intermolecular Ligand Exchange in Solution

Seidel, A.; Weigel, M.; Ehrlich, L.; Gericke, R.; Brendler, E.; Wagler, J.


A series of pyridine-2-olates (pyO) and pyridine-2-thiolates (pyS) of silicon was studied in solid state and in solution. The crystal structures of Me3Si(pyO) (1a), Me3Si(pyS) (1b), Me2Si(pyO)2 (2a), Me2Si(pyS)2 (2b), Ph2Si(pyO)2 (3a) and Ph2Si(pyS)2 (3b) were determined by X-ray diffraction. For that purpose, crystals of the (at room temperature) liquid compounds 1a and 1b were grown in a capillary on the diffractometer. Compounds 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b and 3a feature tetracoordinate silicon atoms in the solid state, whereas 3b gave rise to a series of four crystal structures in which the Si atoms of this compound are hexacoordinate. Two isomers (3b1 with all-cis arrangement of the C2N2S2 donor atoms in P-1, and 3b2 with trans S-Si-S axis in P21/n) formed individual crystal batches, which allowed for their individual 29Si NMR spectroscopic study in the solid state (the determination of their chemical shift anisotropy tensors). Furthermore, the structures of a less stable modification of 3b2 (in C2/c) as well as a toluene solvate 3b2 (toluene) (in P-1) were determined. In CDCl3, the equimolar solutions of the corresponding pairs of pyO and pyS compounds (2a/2b and 3a/3b) showed substituent scrambling with the formation of the products Me2Si(pyO)(pyS) (2c) and Ph2Si(pyO)(pyS) (3c), respectively, as minor components in the respective substituent exchange equilibrium.

Keywords: chemical shift anisotropy; 2-hydroxypyridine; hypercoordination; 2-mercaptopyridine; organosilanes; quantum chemical calculation


Bonding Trends in Tetravalent Actinide (Th - Pu) Complex Series

Gericke, R.; März, J.; Kaden, P.; Patzschke, M.; Radoske, T.; Fichter, S.; Blei, M. K.; Schmidt, M.; Stumpf, T.


Actinides play an important role in chemical engineering and environmental science related to the nuclear industry or nuclear waste repositories.1 One of the major tools to obtain a profound knowledge about actinide (An) binding is their coordination chemistry. However, the understanding of complexation properties of the actinides is lacking behind those of the d- or 4f-elements. Characteristic of the actinides is their huge variety of possible oxidation states, typically ranging from +II to +VII for early An. A suitable approach to explore fundamental physico-chemical properties of the actinides is to study series of isostructural An compounds in which the An is in the same oxidation state.2 Therefore our investigations are directed towards the synthesis of actinide complexes with the f-element in the oxidation state IV, the dominant oxidation state particularly under anoxic environmental conditions. Observed changes in e.g., the binding situation or magnetic effects along such a series may deliver insight into the elements’ unique electronic properties mainly originating from the f-electrons. One important question in the field of An chemistry is the degree of “covalency” in compounds across the An series,3 which may be addressed by systematic studies on series of An compounds, including transuranium (TRU) elements.
In these studies, we investigate the coordination chemistry of tetravalent actinides (An(IV)), using organic mono- or dianionic ligands with O- and mixed O/N-donor atoms of the acetylacetonate and salen-type.4 The An complexes are typically synthesized via salt metathesis reactions under strict exclusion of moisture and air. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis provides insight into isostructural complex series, which were achieved in each case. The resulting compounds were further analysed by NMR, IR, UV-vis-NIR, and EPR spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. These results are used as a basis to further analyse bonding trends along the actinide series by means of quantum chemical calculations.
From the results, trendlines along the actinides An = Th, U, Np and Pu in various complex series were obtained, which shed some light in the ongoing debate of covalency in actinide bonding.

[1] L. S. Natrajan, A. N. Swineburn, M. B. Andrews, S. Randall, S. L. Heath, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2014, 266-267, 171-193.
[2] M. B. Jones, A. J. Gaunt, J. C. Gordon, N. Kaltsoyannis, Chem. Sci. 2013, 4, 1189-1203.
[3] M. P. Kelley, J. Su, M. Urban, M. Luckey, E. R. Batista, P. Yang, J. C. Shafer, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 9901-9908.
[4] T. Radoske, J. März, M. Patzschke, P. Kaden, O. Walter, M. Schmidt, T. Stumpf, Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 16853-16859.

This study was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding under the project No. 02NUK046B (FENABIUM).

Keywords: actinides; NMR; EPR; single crystal X-ray diffaction; quantum chemical calculations

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Terrae Rarae - Tage der Seltenen Erden, 27.-29.09.2022, Leipzig, Germany


[An(acac)4] - complexes revisited

Gericke, R.; Kaden, P.


Actinides (An) play an important role in chemical research and environmental science related to the nuclear industry or nuclear waste repositories.1 Investigating their coordination chemistry can function as a tool to obtain fundamental understanding of actinide binding. Due to the radiotoxicity of actinide complexes, special care in handling those material need to be employed in form of working in a controlled area lab. Therefore, the understanding of complexation properties of the actinides, in particular the transuranium (TRU) elements, is lacking behind those of the d- or 4f-elements, which can be handeled in ordinary laboratories.
For the early actinides possible oxidation states are typically ranging from +II to +VII. A suitable approach to explore fundamental physico-chemical properties of the actinides is to study series of isostructural An compounds in which the An is in the same oxidation state.2 Therefore our investigations are directed towards the synthesis of actinide complexes (An = Th, U, Np and Pu) with the f-element in the oxidation state IV, the dominant oxidation state particularly under anoxic environmental conditions. Observed changes in e.g., the binding situation or magnetic effects along such a series deliver insight into the elements’ unique electronic properties mainly originating from the f-electrons. One important question in the field of An chemistry is the degree of “covalency” in compounds across the An series,3 which may be addressed by systematic studies on series of An compounds, including transuranium (TRU) elements.
An-complexes using pure O-donor ligand systems can act as molecular mimic for related An-O-systems, e.g. UO2 used as fuel in nuclear reactors. In these studies, we investigate the coordination chemistry of tetravalent actinides (An(IV)), using an organic monoanionic ligand with O-donor atoms of the acetylacetonate (acac) type. Since 1958, actinide complexes of the type [An(acac)4] have structurally been caracterized at ambient temperature.4-8 However, spectroscopic data is limited to vibrational spectroscopy especially for the transuranium complexes, leaving open questions of the actinide bonding. The [An(acac)4] complexes are typically synthesized via salt metathesis reactions under strict exclusion of moisture and air. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis at 100 K provides insight into isostructural complex series, which were achieved in each case. In order to obtain further insight into the electronic structure of these complexes, the compounds were further analysed by NMR, IR, UV-vis-NIR, and EPR spectroscopy. The redox chemistry of the series of [An(acac)4] complexes in NCMe was further investigated with cyclic voltammetry. These results are used as a basis to further analyse bonding trends along the actinide series by means of quantum chemical calculations.
From the results, trendlines along the actinides An = Th, U, Np and Pu in this complex series were obtained, which shed some light in the ongoing debate of covalency in actinide bonding.

1. L. S. Natrajan, A. N. Swineburn, M. B. Andrews, S. Randall, S. L. Heath, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2014, 266-267, 171-193.
2. M. B. Jones, A. J. Gaunt, J. C. Gordon, N. Kaltsoyannis, Chem. Sci. 2013, 4, 1189-1203.
3. M. P. Kelley, J. Su, M. Urban, M. Luckey, E. R. Batista, P. Yang, J. C. Shafer, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 9901-9908.
4. D. Grdenić, B. Matković, Nature 1958, 182, 465-466.
5. D. Grdenić, B. Matković, Acta Cryst. 1959, 12, 817-817.
6. B. Allard, Acta Chem. Scand. 1972, 26, 3492-3504.
7. D. Brown, B. Whittaker, J. Tacon, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1975, 1, 34-39.
8. B. Allard, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 1976, 38, 2109-2115.

Keywords: actinides; NMR; EPR; single crystal X-ray diffraction; quantum chemical calculations

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Actinides revisited 2022, 21.-23.09.2022, Dresden, Germany


Intelligent Materials and Systems

Makarov, D.


In this presentation, we review current research activities at the FWID.

Keywords: curvature effects in magnetism; antiferromagnetic spintronics; magnetic soft robots

Involved research facilities

Related publications

  • Lecture (others)
    seminar at the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), 03.11.2022, Brno, Czech Republic


Feasibility of MR phase-contrast imaging for proton beam visualisation in liquid water phantoms

Peter, J.; Gantz, S.; Hoffmann, A. L.; Pawelke, J.


Proton beam-induced convection in water triggered local MRI magnitude signal loss in combined
imaging and irradiation experiments performed on a new research prototype in-beam low-field MRI
proton radiotherapy device. In this study, the influence of convection on the MRI phase signal was
tested. Both mechanical and thermal inhibition of convection in dedicated water phantoms resulted in
the absence of MRI phase signatures, which were clearly visible under conditions were convection
could develop. Moreover, a change in either convection velocity or Venc sequence motion sensitivity
changed the observed phase contrast, confirming the convection-driven phase contrast mechanism.

Involved research facilities

  • OncoRay
  • Contribution to proceedings
    2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 03.-08.06.2023, Toronto, Canada


Coupling of terahertz light with nanometre-wavelength magnon modes via spin–orbit torque

Salikhov, R.; Ilyakov, I.; Körber, L.; Kakay, A.; Gallardo, R. A.; Ponomaryov, O.; Deinert, J.-C.; de Oliveira, T.; Lenz, K.; Faßbender, J.; Bonetti, S.; Hellwig, O.; Lindner, J.; Kovalev, S.


Spin-based technologies can operate at terahertz frequencies but require manipulation techniques that work at ultrafast timescales to become practical. For instance, devices based on spin waves, also known as magnons, require efficient generation of high-energy exchange spin waves at nanometre wavelengths. To achieve this, a substantial coupling is needed between the magnon modes and an electro-magnetic stimulus such as a coherent terahertz field pulse. However, it has been difficult to excite non-uniform spin waves efficiently using terahertz light because of the large momentum mismatch between the submillimetre-wave radiation and the nanometre-sized spin waves. Here we improve the light–matter interaction by engineering thin films to exploit relativistic spin–orbit torques that are confined to the interfaces of heavy metal/ferromagnet heterostructures. We are able to excite spin-wave modes with frequencies of up to 0.6 THz and wavelengths as short as 6 nm using broadband terahertz radiation. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the coupling of terahertz light to exchange-dominated magnons originates solely from interfacial spin–orbit torques. Our results are of general applicability to other magnetic multilayered structures, and offer the prospect of nanoscale control of high-frequency signals.

Keywords: Magnonics; Spintronics; Terahertz; Magnetism

Involved research facilities

Related publications


Learning-based systems for assessing hazard places of contagious diseases and diagnosing patient possibility

Davoodi Monfared, M.; Ghaffari, M.


To manage the propagation of infectious diseases, particularly fast-spreading pandemics, it is necessary to provide information about possible infected places and individuals, however, it needs diagnostic tests and is time-consuming and expensive. To smooth these issues, and motivated by the current Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in this paper, we propose a learning-based system and a hidden Markov model (i) to assess hazardous places of a contagious disease, and (ii) to predict the probability of individuals’ infection. To this end, we track the trajectories of individuals in an environment. For evaluating the models and the approaches, we use the Covid-19 outbreak in an urban environment as a case study. Individuals in a closed population are explicitly represented by their movement trajectories over a period of time. The simulation results demonstrate that by adjusting the communicable disease parameters, the detector system and the predictor system are able to correctly assess the hazardous places and determine the infection possibility of individuals and cluster them accurately with high probability, i.e., on average more than 96%. In general, the proposed approaches to assessing hazardous places and predicting the infection possibility of individuals can be applied to contagious diseases by tailoring them to the influential features of the disease.

Keywords: Machine learning; Trajectory tracking; Patient prediction; Hidden Markov model; Covid-19; Trajectory clustering

Related publications



Microstructural characterisation of brittle fracture initiation sites in reactor pressure vessel steels

Chekhonin, P.; Das, A.; Bergner, F.; Altstadt, E.


Neutron embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels limits the safe operational time of nuclear reactors. Microcracks in RPV steels are known to originate from cleaved precipitates, inclusions or grain boundaries, which eventually lead to brittle fracture. In most cases, these precipitates are reported as carbides. Latest research indicates the critical fracture event to be the crossing of grain boundary instead of the particle-matrix interface by the microcrack. Very few works have performed detailed fractography, which revealed the size and type of the feature found in the crack nucleation centre, together with metallographic bulk investigations. Additionally, the effect of neutron irradiation on microcrack nucleation is unknown. In the present work, detailed fractography and metallography is performed on a RPV steel in both its unirradiated as well as neutron irradiated state. While no particles were involved in more than 1/3 of all samples, a particle in the centre of the initiation site has been identified in a majority of the cases. Those particles are either Mo-rich carbides or Al-rich inclusions. In comparison, the metallographic analysis of the bulk steel reveals Mo-rich and Mn-rich carbides. Mn-rich carbides constitute the majority of all carbides in the steel but are never found to be responsible for brittle fracture initiation. Only a small fraction of observable carbides is Mo-rich which are responsible for fracture. Thus, the present work demonstrates a discrepancy between particles found in brittle fracture initiation sites and particles that are directly observable in bulk steel. Some of the initiating particles are extremely rare in the bulk. Furthermore, it is revealed that the local fracture stress does not depend on the type or size of particle or grain involved at the initiation site. In conclusion, the fracture stress strongly depends on the type of the grain boundary, rather than on a stress based upon a Griffith criterion, which considers particle or grain size alone. The brittle fracture mechanism was found to be unaffected by neutron irradiation. These findings could help refine modelling of the critical brittle fracture stress and fracture toughness using microstructural parameters as input.

Keywords: reactor pressure vessel steel; brittle fracture; brittle fracture initiation; initiation particles

Involved research facilities

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Superconductivity in the amorphous phase of the half-Heusler TiNiSn alloy

Barzola-Quiquia, J.; Osmic, E.; Bercoff, P. G.; Venosta, L.; Häussler, P.


Amorphous TiNiSn films were prepared at 𝑇 ≈ 4.2 K and resistance 𝑅(𝑇 ) and thermopower 𝑆(𝑇 ) have been investigated. 𝑅(𝑇 ) shows that the sample is superconducting and the transition temperature 𝑇𝑐 increases with increasing annealing temperature, being the maximum 𝑇𝑐3 = 4.19 K. The electron–phonon coupling estimated from 𝑆(𝑇 ) results is very close to the value calculated using McMillan equation for the superconducting transition 𝑇𝑐 , indicating that amorphous TiNiSn is an intermediate electron–phonon coupled superconductor. After annealing up to 𝑇 = 850 K, the amorphous sample crystallizes at 𝑇𝐾 ≈ 785 K. The atomic structure and high stability of the amorphous phase can be explained in the framework of electronically stabilized Hume–Rothery phases, where hybridization from Ti-𝑑 and Ni-𝑑 electrons plays an important role. The crystallized sample shows a well-ordered half-Heusler crystalline phase, space group 𝐹43𝑚, with a TiNiSn atomic order in the unit cell instead of the common NiTiSn type.

Involved research facilities

  • High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)


Dimensional reduction and incommensurate dynamic correlations in the S = 1/2 triangularlattice antiferromagnet Ca3ReO5Cl2

Zvyagin, S. A.; Ponomaryov, A. N.; Wosnitza, J.; Hirai, D.; Hiroi, Z.; Gen, M.; Kohama, Y.; Matsuo, A.; Matsuda, Y. H.; Kindo, K.


The observation of spinon excitations in the S = 1/2 triangular antiferromagnet Ca3ReO5Cl2 reveals a quasi-one-dimensional (1D) nature of magnetic correlations, in spite of the nominally 2D magnetic structure. This phenomenon is known as frustration-induced dimensional reduction. Here, we present high-field electron spin resonance spectroscopy and magnetization studies of Ca3ReO5Cl2, allowing us not only to refine spin-Hamiltonian parameters, but also to investigate peculiarities of its low-energy spin dynamics. We argue that the presence of the uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) shifts the spinon continuum in momentum space and, as a result, opens a zero-field gap at the Γ point.We observed this gap directly. The shift is found to be consistent with the structural modulation in the ordered state, suggesting this material as a perfectmodel triangular-lattice ystem,where a pure DMI-spiral ground state can be realized.

Involved research facilities

  • High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)


Molecular engineering of naphthalene spacers in low-dimensional perovskites

Mitrofanov, A.; Berencén, Y.; Sadrollahi, E.; Boldt, R.; Bodesheim, D.; Weiske, H.; Paulus, F.; Geck, J.; Cuniberti, G.; Kuc, A. B.; Voit, B.


Hybrid organic-inorganic lead halide perovskites have drawn much interest due to their optical and electronic properties. The ability to fine-tune the structure by the organic component allows for obtaining a wide range of materials with various dimensionalities. Here, we combine experimental and theoretical work to investigate the structures and properties of a series of low- dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites, based on naphthalene ammonium cations (2,6-diaminonaphthalene (2,6-DAN), 1-aminonaphthalene (1-AN) and 2-aminonaphthalene (2-AN)). All materials exhibit edge- or face-sharing 1D chain structures. Compared to the 2D counterpart containing isomeric 1,5-diaminonaphthalene (1,5-DAN), 1D hybrid materials exhibit broadband light emission arising from the self-trapped excitons (STEs) owing to their highly distorted structure. This work expands the library of low-dimensional hybrid perovskites and opens new possibilities for obtaining broadband-light-emitting materials.


Direct numerical simulation of particles, rigid and flexible fibers interacting with a drop

Lecrivain, G.; Hampel, U.; Yamamoto, R.; Taniguchi, T.


The present work results from a three-year collaboration between the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Germany) and the University of Kyoto (Japan), which took place within the frame of International Marie Curie Fellowship. The dynamics of colloidal particles and fibers at a fluidic interface is of significant importance in various processes, one of which is the flotation process. It is widely used in the mineral industry for the selective separation of particles based on their affinity to rising gas bubbles. It is also one of the most common de-inking processes used to recover the paper fibers. In an attempt to develop numerical tools, which will find future applications in the flotation process, direct numerical simulations of particles, rigid and flexible fibers interacting with a drop were performed.

Keywords: Flotation; Fibers; Three phase flow

  • Lecture (Conference)
    4th International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE), 25.-28.09.2022, Berlin, Germany


A phase-field model to simulate foams flowing in an obstructed channel

Lecrivain, G.; Heitkam, S.; Hampel, U.


Numerical simulations are a valid alternative for the investigation of flowing foams in two- and three-dimensional domains. Large advances in this field have for instance been achieved with the Surface Evolver [Brakke, 1992; Cox, 2006], which discretizes the air-liquid interfaces of the foam with a triangle mesh. A numerical model derived from the phase field theory is here suggested to simulate flowing foams with gas concentration (ε) ranging from 40 to 99%.

Keywords: Foam; Phase field model

  • Poster
    EUFOAM 2022, 03.-06.07.2022, Kraków, Poland


Covalent Organic Framework Thin-film Photodetectors from Solution Processable Porous Nanospheres

Bag, S.; Sekhar Sasmal, H.; Pratap Chaudhary, S.; Dey, K.; Blätte, D.; Guntermann, R.; Zhang, Y.; Položij, M.; Kuc, A. B.; Shelke, A.; Vijayaraghavan, R. K.; Ajithkumar, T. G.; Bhattacharyya, S.; Heine, T.; Bein, T.; Banerjee, R.


The synthesis of homogeneous covalent organic framework (COF) thin films on the desired substrate with decent crystallinity, porosity, and uniform thickness has great potential for optoelectronic applications. We have used a solution- processable sphere transmutation process to synthesize 300±20 nm uniform COF thin films on a 2×2 cm2 TiO2-coated FTO surface. This process controls the nucleation of COF crystallites and molecular morphology that helps the nanospheres to arrange periodically to form homogeneous COF thin films. We have synthesized four COF thin films (TpDPP, TpEtBt, TpTab, and TpTta) with different functional backbones. In a close agreement between the experiment and density functional theory, the TpEtBr COF film showed the lowest optical bandgap (2.26 eV) and highest excited-state lifetime (8.52 ns) among all four COF films. Hence, the TpEtBr COF film can participate in efficient charge generation and separation. We constructed optoelectronic devices having a glass/FTO/TiO2/COF-film/Au architecture, which serves as a model system to study the optoelectronic charge transport properties of COF thin films under dark and illuminated conditions. The visible light with a calibrated intensity of 100 mW cm-2 was used for the excitation of COF thin films. All the COF thin films exhibit significant photocurrent after illumination with visible light in comparison to the dark. Hence, all the COF films behave as good photoactive substrates with minimal pin hole defects. The fabricated out-of-plane photodetector device based on the TpEtBr COF thin film exhibits high photocurrent density (2.65 ± 0.24 mA cm-2 at 0.5 V) and hole mobility (8.15±0.64 ×10-3 cm2 V-1 S- 1) compared to other as-synthesized films, indicating the best photoactive characteristics.



Software publication: Structure-imposed electronic topology in cove-edged graphene nanoribbons

Arnold, F. M.; Liu, T.-J.; Kuc, A. B.; Heine, T.


The repository contains the inputs and outputs of tight-binding (TB) calculations of ZGNR-C based on PythTB. For each analysed structure one subdirectory is created, labelled as "N-ZGNR-C_a_b_inv_cellα_termination". This corresponds to a N-ZGNR-C(a,b) with inversion center at the unit cell boundary S or L ("inv"), unit cell angle α
("cellα": 60°, 90°, or 120°) and a given unit cell termination (armchair, zigzag or bearded). Each directory contains the atomic structure in xsf and cif format, the PythTB input file, the output as a json file, and the calculated band structure as image file. The json file contains the band structure information (path and eigenvalues), the raw Zak phase in units of π without modulo 2, and the final ℤ2 invariant.

Related publications

  • Software in external data repository
    Publication year 2022
    Programming language: python
    System requirements: linux
    License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
    Hosted on ZENODO: Link to location
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7254202


Sustainable development of simulation setups and addons for OpenFOAM for nuclear reactor safety research

Lehnigk, R.; Bruschewski, M.; Huste, T.; Lucas, D.; Rehm, M.; Schlegel, F.


Open-source environments such as the Computational Fluid Dynamics software OpenFOAM are very appealing for research groups since they allow for an efficient prototyping of new models or concepts. However, for downstream developments to be sustainable, i.e. reproduci-ble and reusable in the long term, a significant amount of maintenance work must be account-ed for. To allow for growth and extensibility, the maintenance work should be underpinned by a high degree of automation for repetitive tasks such as build tests, code deployment and validation runs, in order to keep the focus on scientific work. Here, an information technology environment referred to as OpenFOAM_RCS is presented that aids the centralized mainte-nance of simulation code and setup files for OpenFOAM developments concerned with reac-tor coolant system safety research. It fosters collaborative developments and review processes. State-of-the-art tools for managing software developments are adapted to meet the require-ments of OpenFOAM. A flexible approach for upgrading the underlying installation is pro-posed, based on snapshots of the OpenFOAM development line rather than yearly version releases, to make new functionality available when needed by associated research projects. The process of upgrading within so-called sprint cycles is accompanied by several checks to ensure compatibility of downstream code and simulation setups. Furthermore, the foundation for building a validation data base from contributed simulation setups is laid, creating a basis for continuous quality assurance.

The content of this article was initially presented at the 33rd German CFD Network of Com-petence Meeting, held on March 22-23 2022 at GRS in Garching, Germany.


Effect of Coulomb impurities on the electronic structure of magic angle twisted bilayer graphene

Ramzan, M. S.; Goodwin, Z. A. H.; Mostofi, A. A.; Kuc, A. B.; Lischner, J.


In graphene, charged defects break the electron-hole symmetry and can even give rise to exotic collapse states when the defect charge exceeds a critical value which is proportional to the Fermi velocity. In this work, we investigate the electronic properties of twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) with charged defects using tight-binding calculations. Like monolayer graphene, tBLG exhibits linear bands near the Fermi level but with a dramatically reduced Fermi velocity near the magic angle (approximately 1.1°). This suggests that the critical value of the defect charge in magic-angle tBLG should also be very small. We find that charged defects give rise to significant changes in the low-energy electronic structure of tBLG. Depending on the defect position in the moiré unit cell, it is possible to open a band gap or to induce an additional flattening of the low-energy valence and conduction bands. Our calculations suggest that the collapse states of the two monolayers hybridize in the twisted bilayer. However, their in-plane localization remains largely unaffected by the presence of the additional twisted layer because of the different length scales of the moiré lattice and the monolayer collapse state wavefunctions. These predictions can be tested in scanning tunnelling spectroscopy experiments.


Analysing the dynamic structure of warm dense matter in the imaginary-time domain: theoretical models and simulations

Dornheim, T.; Vorberger, J.; Moldabekov, Z.; Böhme, M.


The rigorous diagnostics of experiments with warm dense matter (WDM) is notoriously difficult. A key method is given by X-ray Thomson scattering (XRTS), but the interpretation of XRTS measurements is usually based on theoretical models that entail various approximations. Recently, Dornheim et al. [arXiv:2206.12805] have introduced a new framework for temperature diagnostics of XRTS experiments that is based on imaginary-time correlation functions (ITCF). On the one hand, switching from the frequency- to the imaginary-time domain gives one direct access to a number of physical properties, which facilitates the extraction of the temperature of arbitrarily complex materials without any models or approximations. On the other hand, the bulk of theoretical works in dynamic quantum many-body theory is devoted to the frequency-domain, and, to our knowledge, the manifestation of physics properties within the ITCF remains poorly understood. In the present work, we aim to change this unsatisfactory situation by introducing a simple, semi-analytical model for the imaginary-time dependence of two-body correlations within the framework of imaginary-time path integrals. As a practical example, we compare our new model to extensive ab initio path integral Monte Carlo results for the ITCF of a uniform electron gas, and find excellent agreement over a broad range of wave numbers, densities, and temperatures.



New Perspectives for Warm Dense Matter Theory: from Quantum Monte Carlo to Temperature Diagnostics

Dornheim, T.


Warm dense matter (WDM)---an extreme state that is characterized by extreme densities and temperatures---has emerged as one of the most active frontiers in plasma physics and material science. In nature, WDM occurs in astrophysical objects such as giant planet interiors and brown dwarfs. In addition, WDM is highly important for cutting-edge technological applications such as inertial confinement fusion and the discovery of novel materials.
In the laboratory, WDM is studied experimentally in large facilities around the globe, and new techniques have facilitated unprecedented insights into exciting phenomena like the formation of nanodiamonds at planetary interior conditions [1]. Yet, the interpretation of these experiments requires a reliable diagnostics based on accurate theoretical modeling, which is a notoriously difficult task [2].
In this talk, I give an overview of recent developments in this field [3,4], which will allow for the first time to rigorously treat the intricate interplay of Coulomb coupling with thermal excitations and quantum degeneracy effects. Moreover, I show how quantum Monte Carlo simulation techniques will help to decisively improve density functional theory (DFT) simulations of WDM, thereby opening up new perspectives, such as the experimental and theoretical study of nonlinear effects [5,6]. Finally, I will present a new idea to extract the exact temperature from an X-ray Thomson scattering experiment without any models or simulations [7].

[1] D. Kraus et al., Nature Astronomy 1, 606-611 (2017)
[2] M. Bonitz et al., Physics of Plasmas 27, 042710 (2020)
[3] T. Dornheim et al., Physics Reports 744, 1-86 (2018)
[4] T. Dornheim et al., Physical Review Letters 121, 255001 (2018)
[5] T. Dornheim et al., Physical Review Letters 125, 085001 (2020)
[6] Zh. Moldabekov et al., Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18, 2900-2912 (2022)
[7] T. Dornheim et al., arXiv:2206.12805

  • Lecture (others)
    HEDS Seminar Series, 27.10.2022, Livermore, California, USA


New Perspectives for the ab-initio Simulation and Diagnostics of Warm-dense Matter

Dornheim, T.


Warm dense matter (WDM)---an extreme state that is characterized by extreme densities and temperatures---has emerged as one of the most active frontiers in plasma physics and material science. In nature, WDM occurs in astrophysical objects such as giant planet interiors and brown dwarfs. In addition, WDM is highly important for cutting-edge technological applications such as inertial confinement fusion and the discovery of novel materials.
In the laboratory, WDM is studied experimentally in large facilities around the globe, and new techniques have facilitated unprecedented insights into exciting phenomena like the formation of nanodiamonds at planetary interior conditions [1]. Yet, the interpretation of these experiments requires a reliable diagnostics based on accurate theoretical modeling, which is a notoriously difficult task [2].
In this talk, I give an overview of recent developments in this field [3,4], which will allow for the first time to rigorously treat the intricate interplay of Coulomb coupling with thermal excitations and quantum degeneracy effects. Moreover, I show how quantum Monte Carlo simulation techniques will help to decisively improve density functional theory (DFT) simulations of WDM, thereby opening up new perspectives, such as the experimental and theoretical study of nonlinear effects [5,6]. Finally, I will present a new idea to extract the exact temperature from an X-ray Thomson scattering experiment without any models or simulations [7].

[1] D. Kraus et al., Nature Astronomy 1, 606-611 (2017)
[2] M. Bonitz et al., Physics of Plasmas 27, 042710 (2020)
[3] T. Dornheim et al., Physics Reports 744, 1-86 (2018)
[4] T. Dornheim et al., Physical Review Letters 121, 255001 (2018)
[5] T. Dornheim et al., Physical Review Letters 125, 085001 (2020)
[6] Zh. Moldabekov et al., Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18, 2900-2912 (2022)
[7] T. Dornheim et al., arXiv:2206.12805

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    APS DPP Meeting, 17.10.2022, Spokane, Washington, USA


Our Competences to support Design for Sustainability

van den Boogaart, K. G.; Parvez, A. M.


The presentation provides a detailed information on our competences and approaches for design for sustainability and design for recycling for cooperation with the industry for that topic: Quantification of impacts along the whole product cycle, the 9R principle, qualitative and quantitative information, the design support cycle, the product cycle and key properties of properly designed products including material decomposability, behaviour in destructuring, chemical properties, and route choices.

Keywords: Design for Recyclability; Design for Sustainability; LCA; Process Modelling

  • Lecture (others) (Online presentation)
    Kooperationstreffen mit Continental, 02.11.2022, Freiberg, Deutschland
  • Lecture (others) (Online presentation)
    Kooperationstreffen mit Draeger, 22.11.2022, Freiberg, Deutschland


Data publication: Coherent coupling of metamaterial resonators with dipole transitions of boron acceptors in Si

Meng, F.; Han, F.; Kentsch, U.; Pashkin, O.; Fowley, C.; Rebohle, L.; Thomson, M. D.; Suzuki, S.; Asada, M.; Roskos, H. G.


FTIR transmission spectra of the samples at various temperatures

Related publications



Kontaktlose induktive Strömungstomografie in grundlegender und angewandter Fluiddynamik

Sieger, M.; Mitra, R.; Glavinic, I.; Ratajczak, M.; Sonntag, S.; Gundrum, T.; Stefani, F.; Wondrak, T.; Eckert, S.


Mit der kontaktlosen induktiven Strömungstomografie (CIFT) lassen sich Geschwindigkeitsfelder in elektrisch leitfähigen Flüssigkeiten global bestimmen. Kenntnisse über den Strömungszustand in Metallschmelzen sind für industrielle Prozesse, wie das Stranggießen von Stahl, von immenser Bedeutung und können auch in der Grundlagenforschung nutzbringend angewendet werden, z. B. zur Analyse von konvektiven Flüssigmetallströmungen als Modellsysteme des Wärmetransportes. Das Verfahren beruht auf der präzisen Messung kleinster Magnetfeldänderungen durch geeignete Sonden und der nachfolgenden Rekonstruktion der Strömungsstruktur durch die Lösung eines linearen inversen Problems. In dieser Veröffentlichung geben wir einen Überblick über die Entwicklungen der letzten Dekade und diskutierten je einen Anwendungsfall für CIFT aus der grundlegenden und der angewandten Fluiddynamik.
>>Contactless Inductive Flow Tomography (CIFT) is a flow measurement technique that can reconstruct the global 3D flow in electrically conducting fluids. Knowledge of the flow conditions in liquid metals is of outmost importance for industrial processes as continuous casting of steel. CIFT can also be applied to fundamental research, e.g. to measure convective liquid metal flows. The technique is based on the precise measurement of very small magnetic field changes and the subsequent reconstruction of the flow field by solving the linear inverse problem. This publication illustrates one use-case from fundamental and applied fluid mechanics each.

Keywords: Strömungsmessung; Flüssigmetall; Tomografie; Magnetohydrodynamik; Rayleigh-Bénard Konvektion; Strangguß; Inverses Problem


  • Secondary publication expected


Current state and Guidance on Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI in Clinical Neuroimaging

Lindner, T.; Bolar, D. S.; Achten, E.; Barkhof, F.; Bastos-Leite, A. J.; Detre, J. A.; Golay, X.; Günther, M.; Wang, D. J.; Haller, S.; Ingala, S.; Jäger, H. R.; Jahng, G.-H.; Juttukonda, M. R.; Keil, V. C.; Kimura, H.; Ho, M.-L.; Lequin, M.; Lou, X.; Petr, J.; Pinter, N.; Pizzini, F. B.; Smits, M.; Sokolska, M.; Zaharchuk, G.; Mutsaerts, H. J.


This review article focuses on clinical applications of arterial spin labeling (ASL) and is part of a wider effort from the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Perfusion Study Group to update and expand on the recommendations provided in the 2015 the consensus paper on ASL. While the 2015 consensus paper provided general guidelines for clinical applications of ASL MRI, there was a lack of guidance on disease-specific parameters. Since that time, the clinical availability and o clinical demand for ASL MRI has increased. This position paper provides guidance on using ASL in specific clinical scenarios, including acute ischemic stroke and steno-occlusive disease, arteriovenous malformations and fistulas, tumors, neurodegenerative disease, pediatric applications, and seizures/epilepsy, focusing on disease-specific considerations for sequence optimization and interpretation. We present several neuroradiological applications where ASL can provide unique diagnostic information. This guidance is intended for anyone interested in using ASL in a routine clinical setting — i.e., on a single-subject basis rather than in cohort studies — building on the previous ASL consensus review.

Involved research facilities

  • PET-Center


Data publication: Magnetic induction processes in hot Jupiters, application to KELT-9b

Dietrich, W.; Kumar, S.; Poser, A. J.; French, M.; Nettelmann, N.; Redmer, R.; Wicht, J.


This dataset contains ionization and transport values for ultra-hot Jupiter KELT-9b. The transport coefficients are used in the calculation of the atmospheric magnetic field of the planet.

Keywords: magnetic fields; plasmas; exoplanet; atmospheres – planets and satellites

Related publications



Coherent coupling of metamaterial resonators with dipole transitions of boron acceptors in Si

Meng, F.; Han, F.; Kentsch, U.; Pashkin, O.; Fowley, C.; Rebohle, L.; Thomson, M. D.; Suzuki, S.; Asada, M.; Roskos, H. G.


We investigate the coherent coupling of metamaterial resonators with hydrogen-like boron acceptors in Si at cryogenic temperatures. When the resonance frequency of the metamaterial, chosen to be in the range 7–9 THz, superimposes the transition frequency from the ground state of the acceptor to an excited state, Rabi splitting as large as 0.4 THz is observed. The coherent coupling shows a feature of cooperative interaction, where the Rabi splitting is proportional to the square root of the density of the acceptors. Our experiments may help to open a possible route for the investigation of quantum information processes employing strong coupling of dopants in cavities.

Related publications



Physics-Informed Neural Networks as Solvers for the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation

Shah, K.; Stiller, P.; Hoffmann, N.; Cangi, A.


We demonstrate the utility of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) as solvers for the non-relativistic, time-dependent Schrödinger equation. We study the performance and generalisability of PINN solvers on the time evolution of a quantum harmonic oscillator across varying system parameters, domains, and energy states.

Keywords: physics-informed neural networks; machine learning; Schrödinger equation


Learning the Schrödinger Equation

Shah, K.


We present an educational module incorporating machine learning into physics curriculum, which can be used can be used for a Quantum Mechanics course. The module will begin with introduction to the time dependent Schrödinger Equation including a tutorial on analytical solutions for the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator. The second portion of this module will consist of a solution of this system using neural networks. Students are encouraged to try different parameters and modify the code to fit other systems.

Keywords: data science; machine learning; physics education

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    DSECOP 2022 Data Science in Physics Workshop, 22.06.2022, College Park, Maryland, USA
  • Software in external data repository
    Publication year 2022
    Programming language: Python
    System requirements: Python
    License: MIT License
    Hosted on GitHub: Link to location


Flotation separation of galena from sphalerite using hyaluronic acid (HA) as an environmental-friendly sphalerite depressant

Zhu, H.; Yang, B.; Rudolph, M.; Zhang, H.; He, D.; Luo, H.


A disaccharide unit glycosaminoglycan named hyaluronic acid (HA) was exploited as a novel sphalerite depressant in the flotation separation of Pb-Zn sulfides in this study. The effect of HA on the flotation of galena and sphalerite were evaluated by micro-flotation tests. The depression mechanisms were investigated by adsorption capacity, Zeta potential and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The results of microflotation tests proved that HA was an efficient and selective sphalerite depressant, which could depress sphalerite but hardly influence the flotation of galena to achieve desirable separation results using sodium isobutyl xanthate as collector. The results of adsorption capacity and Zeta potential tests suggested that HA was more inclined to adsorb on sphalerite surface than that of galena, which hindered the adsorption of SIBX on sphalerite surface but insignificantly affected the interaction of SIBX with galena surface. XPS results indicated that HA chemisorbed on sphalerite through the coordination of carboxyl and N-acetyl groups with Zn sites, whereas it physically adsorbed on galena surface by means of hydrophobic interaction.

Keywords: Sphalerite; Galena; Hyaluronic acid; Depressant; Flotation separation



Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Quantum Dynamics of Electrons

Shah, K.; Cangi, A.


We demonstrate the utility of Physics Informed Neural Network based solvers for the solution of Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation. We study the performance and generalisability of PINN solvers on a simple quantum system. The method developed here can be potentially extended as a surrogate model for the Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory workflow, enabling the simulation of large-scale calculations of electron dynamics in matter exposed to strong electromagnetic fields, high temperatures and pressures.

  • Poster
    Helmholtz AI Conference, 02.06.2022, Dresden, Germany
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Multiscale Modeling of Matter under Extreme Conditions, 15.09.2022, Görlitz, Germany


Physics Informed Neural Networks based Solvers for the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation

Shah, K.; Cangi, A.


We demonstrate the utility of Physics Informed Neural Network based solvers for the solution of the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation. We study the performance and generalisability of PINN solvers on a simple quantum system. The method developed here can be potentially extended as a surrogate model for Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory, enabling the simulation of large-scale calculations of electron dynamics in matter exposed to strong electromagnetic fields, high temperatures, and pressures.

Keywords: time-dependent density functional theory; physics informed neural networks

  • Poster
    DFT Methods for Matter under Extreme Conditions, 21.02.2022, Görlitz, Germany
  • Poster
    Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems, 25.07.2022, Görlitz, Germany
  • Poster
    Big data analytical methods for complex systems, 06.10.2022, Wrocław, Poland
  • Poster
    HZDR DocSeminar, 20.10.2022, Wrocław, Poland
  • Poster
    DPG-Frühjahrstagung Sektion Kondensierte Materie, 27.03.2023, Dresden, Germany
  • Poster
    2023 Time Dependent Density Functional Theory School & Workshop: Excited states and dynamics, 29.06.-08.07.2023, Newark, United States of America


Ultrasound imaging of liquid fraction in foam

Emmerich, H.; Knüpfer, L.; Heitkam, S.; Starke, E.; Trtik, P.; Schaller, L.; Weik, D.; Czarske, J.


Flotation is an important process in liquid-solid and solid-solid separation, whereby desired solids in suspensions are recovered by their attachment to gas bubbles. Monitoring the process is essential for increased grade of quality and reduced water consumption. However, in situ measurements of the froth’s phases (liquid, air, particles) or volume flow, which is easily integrable in industrial process are not available. In this paper, we propose an instrumentation with ultrasound transducers of center frequency of 135 kHz and electrodes to measure the liquid fraction distribution in foam and froth with high spatio-temporal resolution of 6.65 mm (axial), 13 mm (lateral) and 1 Hz. The measurement system was calibrated in homogeneous, steady foam by an integral conductivity measurement. A backscatter model was applied to reduce the effect of ultrasound shadowing and enhance quantitative liquid fraction estimates. The measurement was validated by neutron radiography. An averaged absolute and relative measurement uncertainty of 0.17 ·10 −2 and 35.1 % for 1 s and 0.08 ·10 −2 and 17.2 % for 100 s measurement was achieved respectively. As an additional validation six cases of inhomogeneous and dynamic liquid fraction distributions were investigated qualitatively. We were able to determine the liquid fraction in froth in a spatially and temporally resolved manner with a penetration depth of 9.2 cm. This investigation distinguished between two of the three froth phases within the analyzed range. However, only processes with low liquid fraction (≤ 0.83 ·10 −2 ) can be monitored. This work be considered a a first step towards in situ monitoring of froth flotation processes.

Keywords: foam; ultrasound


Accelerating Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory with Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Shah, K.; Cangi, A.


Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) is an important method for simulating dynamical processes in quantum many-body systems. We explore the feasibility of physics-informed neural networks as a surrogate for TDDFT. We examine the computational efficiency and convergence behaviour of these solvers to state-of-the-art numerical techniques on models and small molecular systems. The method developed here has the potential to accelerate the TDDFT workflow, enabling the simulation of large-scale calculations of electron dynamics in matter exposed to strong electromagnetic fields, high temperatures, and pressures.

Keywords: physics-informed machine learning; time-dependent density functional theory

  • Lecture (Conference)
    APS March Meeting, 16.03.2022, Chicago, USA


RSECon22: Collaborating on the automation of research software publication with rich metadata

Bertuch, O.; Druskat, S.; Meinel, M.; Knodel, O.


Publishing your research software in a publication repository is the first step on the path to making your (research) software FAIR! But the publication of the software itself is not quite enough: To truly enable findability, accessibility and reproducibility, as well as making your software correctly citable and unlock credit for your work, your software publication must come with rich metadata to support these goals.

Keywords: HERMES; Workshop report; Research Software; Metadata


Bubble size distribution and electrode coverage at porous nickel electrodes in a novel 3-electrode flow-through cell

Rox, H.; Bashkatov, A.; Yang, X.; Loos, S.; Mutschke, G.; Gerbeth, G.; Eckert, K.


A novel 3-electrode cell type is introduced to run parametrical studies of H₂ evolution in an alkaline electrolyte on porous electrodes. Electrochemical methods combined with a high-speed optical measurement system are applied simultaneously to characterize the electrodes and the bubble dynamics in terms of bubble size distribution and coverage of the working electrode. Three different cathodes made of expanded nickel are investigated at applied current densities of |j| = 10 to 200 mA/cm² without forced flow and at a flow rate of 5 ml/min. The applied current density is found to significantly influence both the size of detached bubbles and the surface coverage of the working electrode. The forced flow through the cathodes is found to strongly reduce the bubble size up to current densities of about 100 mA/cm², whereas the initial transient until the cathode surface is completely covered by bubbles is only marginally affected by the flow-through.

Keywords: bubble dynamics; alkaline electrolysis; porous electrodes; machine learning; additive manufacturing; membraneless electrolyzer

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Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling─Influence of Recycling Processes on Component Liberation and Flotation Separation Efficiency

Vanderbruggen, A.; Hayagan, N.; Bachmann, K.; Ferreira, A.; Werner, D.; Horn, D.; Peuker, U.; Serna-Guerrero, R.; Rudolph, M.


Recycling is a potential solution to narrow the gap between the supply and demand of raw materials for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). However, the efficient separation of the active components and their recovery from battery waste remains a challenge. This paper evaluates the influence of three potential routes for the liberation of LIB components (namely mechanical, thermomechanical, and electrohydraulic fragmentation) on the recovery of lithium metal oxides (LMOs) and spheroidized graphite particles using froth flotation. The products of the three liberation routes were characterized using SEM-based automated image analysis. It was found that the mechanical process enabled the delamination of active materials from the foils, which remained intact at coarser sizes along with the casing and separator. However, binder preservation hinders active material liberation, as indicated by their aggregation. The electrohydraulic fragmentation route resulted in liberated active materials with a minor impact on morphology. The coarse fractions thus produced consist of the electrode foils, casing, and separator. Notwithstanding, it has the disadvantage of forming heterogeneous agglomerates containing liberated active particles. This was attributed to the dissolution of the anode binder and its rehardening after drying, capturing previously liberated particles. Finally, the thermomechanical process showed a preferential liberation of individual anode active particles and thus was considered the preferred upstream route for flotation. However, the thermal treatment oxidized Al foils, rendering them brittle and resulting in their distribution in all size fractions. Among the three, the thermomechanical black mass showed the highest flotation selectivity due to the removal of the binder, resulting in a product recovery of 94.4% graphite in the overflow and 89.4% LMOs in the underflow product.

Keywords: lithium-ion battery; automated mineralogy; liberation; froth flotation; recycling


Simulations of Transport Phenomena in Liquid Metal Batteries

Personnettaz, P.


Liquid metal electrodes are an essential component of liquid metal batteries. The use of a liquid phase is critical for scalability, long lifetime, and high cyclability. These electrodes have a simple geometry: a liquid metal alloy is confined by an electrochemically active interface and inert walls. A mass flux is enforced at the active interface during cell operation. The liquid metal alloy experiences a local enrichment or depletion of the electroactive species. This alters the buoyancy distribution and either induces or suppresses convective flows. The quantitative analysis of an amperostatic experiment allows us to highlight the influence of this phenomenon on the cell voltage during charge and discharge. The charging step of a liquid metal battery's positive electrode is then discussed. The electroactive species (e.g., Li) is electro-refined from the alloy (e.g., Li(in Pb)), and the heavy alloy obtained at the top interface sinks down, resulting in a powerful solutal flow. The evolution of the concentration and velocity fields in 2D-axisymmetric
and 3D-cylindrical electrodes is investigated using numerical methods. Two regimes of solutal convection are recognized as a function of the Rayleigh number. We establish robust scalings for velocity and concentration differences as a function of the current density and the electrode properties. Finally, the effects of solutal convection on heat transport and mechanical coupling with the molten salt layer are highlighted.

Keywords: liquid metal battery; solutal convection; liquid metal electrode; mass transport

  • Open Access Logo Lecture (others) (Online presentation)
    International LMB Seminar, 07.10.2022, Morelia, Mexico



Data Publication: Wash water addition on protein foam for removal of soluble impurities in foam fractionation process

Keshavarzi, B.; Krause, T.; Schwarzenberger, K.; Eckert, K.; B. Ansorge-Schumacher, M.; Heitkam, S.


the word file, the supporting information, and the excel file containing the data are attached. 

Keywords: Protein purification; foam fractionation; flotation; wash water; separation; BSA.

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Simulations of mass transport in liquid metal electrodes

Personnettaz, P.


Liquid metal electrochemical cells are electrochemical device with at least one liquid metal electrode. They were adopted in electro-metallurgical processing, heat-to-power conversion, and energy storage applications. The electrode's liquid state ensures high current density, resulting in batteries with high power densities and electro-metallurgical reactors with high conversion yields. Mass transport is critical in all liquid metal electrochemical cells, but especially in concentration cells like liquid metal batteries. These are fully liquid three-layer cells where the two electrodes are separated by a thin molten salt electrolyte. There, the positive electrode alloying and de-alloying processes store energy in the cell. Inhomogeneities in the liquid metal electrode reduce cell efficiency and material use. In this work, we are interested in understanding mass transport within this electrode. From a first study of diffusive heat and mass transport, we established that solutal effects are predominant in liquid metal electrodes. Any thermally driven convection can not significantly affect a compositionally stable stratification. A solutal flow will efficiently mix the electrode regardless of the temperature distribution. Following that, we developed a consistent explanation for the differences in the cell resistance between charge and discharge, as observed multiple times in the literature. The latter was based on quantitative analysis of a new experimental result. The voltage evolution was measured during the cycling of a liquid metal battery. During discharge, light elements are electro-deposited at the positive electrode's top interface, forming a gravitationally stable stratification. As only diffusion transports the light element away from the interface, the concentration difference and the mass transport overvoltage increase with time. During charging, the opposite phenomenon (electro-refining) takes place. The flux at the active interface builds up an unstable, asymmetric, and time-dependent buoyancy distribution in the layer. That leads first to a diffusive transient and then to a convective flow in the layer. This solutal convection was studied numerically with finite-volume and spectral-element-method solvers. The two-dimensional axisymmetric simulations performed covered Schmidt numbers from 1.125 to 288 and five orders of magnitude of flux Rayleigh numbers, starting from 10000. Two regimes were identified as a function of the flux Rayleigh number. At low Rayleigh numbers, diffusion affects the full layer height before the onset of convection. This results in a global flow. Instead, convection originates in the thin concentration boundary layer with characteristic plume structures in the high Rayleigh number regime. In this regime, onset time and concentration difference are independent with respect to the layer height. Thanks to the extensive parametric study, we retrieved robust scaling for velocity and concentration differences as a function of the current density and material properties of the layer. These results can be used in the design and operation of liquid metal electrodes. For example, they allow estimating the mass transport overvoltage during charge. Furthermore, we studied numerically solutal convection in three-dimensional cylindrical electrodes. We showed that the two-dimensional approximation captures quite remarkably the evolution of integral quantities observed in fully three-dimensional simulations. This is not due to the axisymmetric nature of the flow. On the contrary, we observed a rich dynamic, with polygonal-shaped cells forming and evolving in the active interface concentration distribution. Finally, the influence of non-uniform current distribution on mass transport in a liquid metal electrode was investigated. Differences with respect to the homogenous configuration are present in pure diffusion and at the onset of convection. The solutal flow is able to reduce the inhomogeneities in the electrode.

Keywords: liquid metal battery; mass transport; solutal convection; liquid metal electrode


Weight values for MCNP calculations based on Recursive Monte-Carlo method

Yadav, P.; Rachamin, R.; Konheiser, J.


Radiation shielding calculations are widely performed using the Monte-Carlo N-Particle Transport (MCNP) code. Such calculations are typically associated with deep penetration problems, which involve the transportation of particles through thick geometric systems. In such systems, particles barely reach the focus zone, also known as the tally region, resulting in few events and increased uncertainty in the calculation outputs. Increasing the number of source particles can enhance the calculation precision, but this limits the computational efficiency, as it is difficult to simulate too many particles at a reasonable computing time. For complex geometries, an analog Monte-Carlo calculation takes many days or weeks to obtain a statistically reliable result. Hence, there are other methods besides increasing computational time to improve the calculation efficiency. These methods are called variance reduction techniques. The basic idea behind such techniques is to produce statistically precise results with minimal computational effort by increasing sampling in areas of interest and decreasing sampling in areas that contribute less to tallies. There are various variance reduction techniques available in the MCNP code. However, these techniques must be used judiciously, and their effects must be monitored using the summary information provided by a Monte Carlo run. The weight-window (WW) is one of the effective variance reduction techniques. The goal of this method is to use particle weights to increase the number of countable events in the focus tally with the same number of sources. The particle weights are controlled by either splitting or Russian roulette, depending on the local cell weights. Each of the cells has a weight-window that is defined by lower and upper weight bounds. Particles crossing the upper weight bound are split, and particles falling below the lower bound are rouletted such that all the particles lie within the window bounds. These weight window parameters can be inserted manually or calculated by MCNP’s built-in weight-window generator (WWG). With complex geometries, manual input is very difficult and reaches statistical limits. As a rule, the generator must be used iteratively to generate desirable weights in the cells according to the task. To speed up this process, we focus on the development of optimal weight parameters based on the Recursive Monte Carlo (RMC) method. This method is used in the TRAWEI code to generate weights for the Monte-Carlo code TRAMO. Both codes were developed at HZDR. With TRAWEI, a set of optimal weights can be generated in a single computational step with a relatively short time and minimum effort. In this study, we compared and analyzed the results of a single material problem using weights generated by MCNP’s standard weight window generator (WWG) and weights generated by TRAWEI.

Keywords: Deep penetration problems; Weight-window; Recursive Monte Carlo; MCNP; TRAWEI

  • Contribution to proceedings
    14th International Conference on Radiation Shielding and 21st Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, 11.06.2022, Seattle, WA, United States
    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Radiation Shielding and 21st Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection



Investigation of uranium(VI) reduction by the repository-relevant bacterium Desulfosporosinus hippei DSM 8344T

Hilpmann, S.; Steudtner, R.; Drobot, B.; Hübner, R.; Cherkouk, A.


For a comprehensive safety assessment regarding the deep geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste, various aspects have to be taken into account. Besides geological, geochemical, and geophysical properties, the influence of naturally occurring microorganisms in the surrounding host rock and backfill material play a crucial role in the environment of such a repository. Clay formations are potential host rocks for the long-term storage of this waste, whereas bentonites are supposed to serve as backfill material, not only for a final disposal site in clay formations but also in crystalline rock. In the event of a worst-case scenario, if water enters the disposal site, radionuclides can escape from the waste canisters and thus interact with the microorganisms. This can, for example, lead to changes in the chemical speciation or the oxidation state of the metal ions.
Under repository-relevant conditions, Desulfosporosinus spp. are important representatives of anaerobic, sulfate-reducing bacteria being present in clay formations as well as in bentonites. Various studies show that they are playing a major role in the microbial communities of these surroundings. A closely related microorganism to the isolated species is Desulfosporosinus hippei DSM 8344T. Therefore, this bacterium was used to investigate its interactions with uranium(VI) especially regarding the reduction to the less-mobile uranium(IV) having favorable properties like a reduced mobility.
Time-dependent reduction experiments showed the removal of about 80% of the uranium(VI) from the supernatants in artificial Opalinus Clay pore water (100 µM uranium(VI), pH 5.5) within 48 h. Corresponding UV/Vis measurements of the dissolved cell pellets provide clear proof of the formed uranium(IV). The proportion of this oxidation state in the cell-bound uranium increases up to 40% after one week. Therefore, a combined sorption-reduction process is a possible interaction mechanism.
Time-resolved laser-induced luminescence spectroscopy reveals the presence of two uranium(VI) species in the supernatant. A comparison with reference spectra leads to an assignment to a uranyl(VI) lactate and a uranyl(VI) carbonate complex. The species distribution shows a decrease of the proportion of the lactate species with time, whereas the proportion of the carbonate species remains almost constant.
Uranium aggregates are formed on the cell surface during the process, as determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Furthermore, cells release uranium-containing vesicles as a possible defense mechanism against cell encrustation.
The findings of this study help to close existing gaps in a comprehensive safeguards concept for a repository for high-level radioactive waste in clay rock. Moreover, this study provides new insights into the interactions of sulfate-reducing microorganisms with uranium(VI) and thus, contributes to new bioremediation approaches of radionuclide-contaminated environments, as well.

Keywords: Uranium(VI) reduction; Sulfate-reducing bacteria; Opalinus Clay pore water

  • Poster
    Microbial Technology Week, 07.-11.11.2022, Ljubljana, Slowenien


Electronic and Excitonic Properties of MSi2Z4 Monolayers

Wozniak, T.; Asghar, U.-E.-H.; Paulo, E. F. J.; Ramzan, M. S.; Kuc, A. B.


MA2Z4 monolayers form a new class of hexagonal non-centrosymmetric materials hosting extraordinary spin-valley physics. While only two compounds (MoSi2N4 and WSi2N4) were recently synthesized, theory predicts interesting (opto)electronic properties of a whole new family of such two-dimensional materials. Here, the chemical trends of band gaps and spin-orbit splittings of bands in selected MSi2Z4 (M = Mo, W; Z = N, P, As, Sb) compounds are studied from first-principles. Effective Bethe-Salpeter-equation-based calculations reveal high exciton binding energies. Evolution of excitonic energies under external magnetic field is predicted by providing their effective g-factors and diamagnetic coefficients, which can be directly compared to experimental values. In particular, large positive g-factors are predicted for excitons involving higher conduction bands. In view of these predictions, MSi2Z4 monolayers yield a new platform to study excitons and are attractive for optoelectronic devices, also in the forms of heterostructures. In addition, a spin-orbit induced bands inversion is observed in the heaviest studied compound, WSi2Sb4, a hallmark of its topological nature.


Self-healable printed magnetic field sensors using alternating magnetic fields

Xu, R.; Canon Bermudez, G. S.; Pylypovskyi, O.; Volkov, O.; Oliveros Mata, E. S.; Zabila, Y.; Illing, R.; Makushko, P.; Milkin, P.; Ionov, L.; Faßbender, J.; Makarov, D.


We employ alternating magnetic fields (AMF) to drive magnetic fillers actively and guide the formation and self-healing of percolation networks. Relying on AMF, we fabricate printable magnetoresistive sensors revealing an enhancement in sensitivity and figure of merit of more than one and two orders of magnitude relative to previous reports. These sensors display low noise, high resolution, and are readily processable using various printing techniques that can be applied to different substrates. The AMF-mediated self-healing has six characteristics: 100% performance recovery; repeatable healing over multiple cycles; room-temperature operation; healing in seconds; no need for manual reassembly; humidity insensitivity. It is found that the above advantages arise from the AMF-induced attraction of magnetic microparticles and the determinative oscillation that work synergistically to improve the quantity and quality of filler contacts. By virtue of these advantages, the AMF-mediated sensors are used in safety application, medical therapy, and human-machine interfaces for augmented reality.

Keywords: printed electronics; healable magnetic field sensors; magnetic composites

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